From the bottom-left corner of your computer screen, you can send and receive messages the same way you would in a chat-room.  Use your keyboard to type in messages to other players, seeing them appear here.  Everything is kept uniform and color-coded for your speed-reading convenience.

Newcomers to Inisfree usually only speak the native language of their realm/race, such as Elven for the Elves, a forgotten Human language for the Vampires, whatever the Mermaids speak, whatever the Naga speak, etc.  So if you try to talk to anyone but an ICV at a low-level, the game-logic will turn it into gibberish, randomizing not just the characters, but the spacing and number of letter per word, plus the punctuation, sometimes making letters into punctuation marks, and vice versa (so don’t think you can sneak messages through via Leet-speake.)

The only players who are NOT limited by this are those with ICV characters; ICVs are born as natural omniglots, linked to the Grid Mind and all other ICVs from birth, and able to interpret any language and code within milliseconds, provided they hear enough of its words, see it spoken during actions of others, or can read a book or two written in it.  That means that they are called upon to be translators and interpreters (translating it provides the word-for-word equivalents, while interpreting those translations provide the intended meaning, helping to get past the confusing aspect of idioms and slang/colloquialisms, etc.) for ALL OTHER PLAYERS; this is ANOTHER way to check/balance this god-level (hero-class equivalent) class/type of character in this game; they are kept BUSY.


Here is the color-coding of the chat-box:

  1. red: badbuys/hostiles (and potential hostiles), and warning messages (incoming attacks/mobs, etc.)
  2. orange: automated; chat-channel info, chat-box status, server-wide announcements
  3. golden: group messages; things only your group can hear (raid party, dungeon party, instant party, quest party, etc.), and raid-teammate death announcements by the game itself (ex.:  Player [Screenname Here] has died.)
  4. yellow: time-played messages, messages about time/timed events; feeding time, time until frenzy, etc.
  5. green: welcome messages; which zone you just entered, which instance, etc., and ‘ENABLED’ when something is toggled on
  6. (light) blue: _rare-drop items (ex.:  [Mjolnir]  )
  7. purple: status (aka reputation) messages
  8. lavender: you, & whispers only you can hear
  9. pink: kajirae candidates (all of which are NPCs)
  10. grey: drop items (ex.:  [Book of Spells]  )
  11. white: things anyone can hear (such as shouts, such as for ‘crying one’s wares’ in the market of Kathedrom during a Renfest, etc.)

