The online game called Second Life was where a bare-bones introductory version of the Inisfree MMORPG was built.  It included scaled-down low-detail key areas across Inisfree which would be life-size and fully-detailed in the beta and final versions of the actual MMORPG.  Here you can see some of the designs that went into that Second Life creation, called a ‘sim’.

Overall Design:

In this album you can see, from the top row down, maps of how the sim would be laid out to include 8 divisions, each one focusing on showing players some of the most important structures and processes of Inisfree.  Then there is a top-down map of Inisfree with marks indicating how it will be scaled down to fit in a sim.  There are also different screenshots of how one of the scaled-down city versions looked at different times of the day-night cycle (and this scaled-down version of Inisfree is being considered as a scale-model for actual placement in Inisfree’s civilian aerospaceport).

The Spire Temple:

This album shows the Spire Temple atop Inisfree’s central (and largest) mountain coming to life; the exterior conical form was created, then hollowed out, and inside, centered, a platform with concentric steps is added, followed by the bathtub-like submersion area for the Inisfreean equivalent of baptisms.  Next, horizontally-curved pews and aisles will be added.  Outside, there will be a set of white double-doors with inlaid golden swirls, a thin membrane-like waterfall for guests to walk through on their way in and out of the temple, and a luxuriously-landscaped parking area.  Finally, the bedroom at the temple’s internal pinnacle will complete the interior, while a larger-than-life nude Inisfreean trumpeter statue of gold will crown the design.

The Spire Temple is where Inisfreeans publicly declare and officiate their embracing the Inisfreean Way.  This is akin to getting baptized to announce one’s subscription to the modern combination of religions called Christianity.  In Inisfree, it is important to understand the Inisfreean version of that process and demonstration; why it is done, why it is voluntary, what it symbolizes, and what it actually physically helps with.

The Governor’s Mansion:

Here you can see a scaled-down version of the private home of the creator and leader of Inisfree; the real-life version is 10 stories per floor, while this one is more like 1.5 to 2 stories per floor.  Hallways and other internal divisions will be added, along with wall art and furniture, as well as a working piano, hibachi grill, and other interactive features.  Outside will be a wrap-around porch on multiple levels, water-slides, terraced pools, and aqueduct, a castle-like perimeter wall with guard turrets at certain points, two helipads (one in the front yard, and the other on the roof), vehicle display platforms, the hill masking the roof of the underground cylinder garage, and more.

NPCs in this building will include the Governor, his top wife, the all-female Inisfreean Secret Service members spread evenly throughout the mansion’s rooms and exterior, a few distinguished guests, and the top-performing kajirae in Inisfree, such as First Girl Sarah.  Players will be able to have simple conversations with each, selecting from a drop-down menu of questions the NPCs can answer.  In this way, they will begin to understand what life is like here in this most special of all Inisfreean homes.

Creating this building in one of the eight divisions of this Second Life sim was important because it gives players a chance to experience the interactions expected of them when visiting this main character’s residence for galas or other exclusive events.  Some of the greatest and most compatible minds in the Universe meet, dine, socialize, relax, and rest here.  A spiral staircase in each of this home’s four corner turrets gives players access from the ground floor up to the rooftop.

The Council of Elders’ Boardroom atop WGI HQ Skyscraper:

WGI HQ stands for War God Industries headquarters; it is the tallest skyscraper in downtown Inisfree.  At its uppermost floors are a lobby with a secretary desk, followed by the boardroom just above.  Both the secretary’s level and the level where the council meets have a fully-transparent wrap-around window-wall; a perfect view of the rest of Inisfree in all directions.  In the upper room, the table is a centered giant diamond, and each of the chairs is made out of a single gemstone, those stones being the ones most-associated (such as birth stones) with the council member that sits there.

It was important to make this one of the eight areas in the Inisfree sim because this will show how the top representatives of the humanoid species welcome in Inisfree meet to discuss how their peoples, worlds, and businesses are doing.  This is like an annual private gathering of the world’s most successful CEOs, but on an even higher level.  All the biggest business, trade, and general relations decisions for trillions of people living across the Universe are ultimately discussed and finalized here.

Ceiling Mansions:

Inside the mountainous Temple of Auz, which spans nearly two miles across its base diameter, arranged at even intervals along a spiral formation dotting that structure’s mile-high ceiling dome, are what the Inisfreeans call ‘Ceiling Mansions’.  One is represented very scaled-down in this sim.  You can see how its opaque half faces up into the thick dome covering the Temple of Auz, from where there is access to the gold-&-white highway within, and its transparent half faces down into the wide-open gathering place of the temple’s stadium-like ‘sanctuary’ below.  Each Ceiling Mansion is a sphere fused into the surrounding material of the temple’s dome.

If this was a life-size model, each floor would be six stories tall, and three-story mobile houses would occasionally drive in form the highway to parking spaces on the middle floor.  There would be room for many hundreds of dignitaries and guests.  In this sim, however, you’ll find an NPC representing one of the Congresswomen coming to Inisfree to volunteer her resources to others like her during the sessions of Congress hosted in this city.  There will also be some of the Secret Service of her own kind; other NPCs who look and dress like her.

It’s important for players to experience this type of building and person of Inisfree because it can teach them what is so different about Congresses in Inisfree.  It will also give them an impressive view of the Temple of Auz, which is also sometimes used for popular concerts which would otherwise too-quickly sell-out if held at smaller venues.  Ceiling Mansions are arguably the most prestigious of residences in the whole Inisfreean realm.

Not Yet Pictured:

From the first image on this webpage, you can see that the following areas have not yet had albums created here to show them off:

  1. a terminal-gate of the city’s civilian aerospaceport
  2. one of the groups of underground shipping-container living-quarters and adjacent silo levels used for the housing, training, and correcting of the finest kajirae in Creation
  3. an airlock one will find when moving from inside an Inisfreean WarShip (two-mile-long Spaceship) out to the even larger hangars those ships hover into to dock beneath the surface of the secretly-spherical city
  4. the biggest bed on Earth; the wedding-cake-inspired classroom-bed for the largest gatherings of students in Inisfree’s tantric-sex university
  5. a typical classroom inside the city’s high school (which is a much larger version of the Statue of Liberty)

There may be additional structures and features of Inisfree added to this sim, space provided.  One which is at the front of the proverbial line would be an area to show players what the area below downtown Inisfree looks like; skyscrapers hanging from the cave/dome-like ceiling, like giant stalactites full of aircraft and luxuries.  As more designers and other artists begin to bring the rest of this sim to life, you’ll see.