Your character has a range of speeds, each of which is increased by ~50% by using a mount, and aircraft-mounts (such as helicopters and Wyverns, have one of the highest travel speeds; +75%).

Entering into fear/wonder areas will reduce your speed by ~50%, and fatigue/tiredness will reduce it by ~75%.

For simplicity’s sake, the general speed milestones are in single digits here:

  1. levels 0-9: speed 1 (~2.5mph; normal human strolling speed; not quite a full-gait walk stride yet)
  2. levels 10s: speed 2 (~5mph; normal jogging speed –which drops to speed 1 when tired or scared/in-awe)
  3. levels 20s: speed 3 (~7.6mph; just barely running)
  4. levels 30s: speed 4 (~9.5mph; casual running)
  5. levels 40s: speed 5 (~12.7mph; healthy running)
  6. levels 50s: speed 6 (which drops to speed 3 when tired/scared/in-awe, and increases to speed 9 on a normal mount)
  7. levels 60s: speed 7 (~17.8mph; fast running)
  8. levels 70s: speed 8 (~20.4mph; competitive running/racing)
  9. levels 80s: speed 9 (~22.9mph; professional running/racing)
  10. levels 90s: speed 10 (~25.5mph; Olympic-level running/racing/sustained-sprinting)
  11. levels 100-110: speed 11 (which, for example, changes to:  speed 5.5 if sleepy (but at this level there are no more fear/wonder areas), speed 16.5 on a horse (28mph for an athlete on foot -VS- 42 mph on a racehorse; realistic differences) or in a normal/small personal aircraft such as a flying carpet (because you are able to pilot/operate it better than a newer player who would naturally still be a little awkward and nervous with the controls and the aircraft’s maximum performance abilities), or speed 19.25 in a personal helicopter (from 28mph to ~50mph; realistic since sightseeing helicopters IRL fly at a cruising speed of ~100mph)

Your character always starts at speed 1 (except if you are carrying over a leveled-up character into the expansions of this game).

  1. You walk around until you level-up enough to jog.
  2. Then you level-up more to start running at the lowest running speeds.
  3. Eventually, you find where the GAH is, and can take mass-transit.
  4. Then you learn how to access and use the GAH subway.
  5. Then you get access to hover-shuttles, etc.
  6. Then you can get a POV and drive it around.

And you might discover that some houses can be driven from their lots to the GAH‘s widest lanes.  * They cannot crash into or run over things, though; their standard built-in A.I.s, hidden Repulsines, and E.M. bumpers safely slow and steer away anything that might collide with them.

If you get a motorcycle, you have one of the fastest vehicles on the GAH.  You cannot crash motorcycles in Inisfree; their standard built-in A.I.s, hidden Repulsines, and E.M. bumpers keep them upright, balanced, and moving cleverly out of the way of anything that might have collided with them.

But you always end up going back on foot in areas without the GAH streets, until you master the ability of levitation, flight by wings, or flight by mounts/aircraft, and then you can hover and drop down onto pinpoints.  * Aircraft and Spacecraft in Inisfree cannot crash into or run over things, though; their standard built-in A.I.s, hidden Repulsines, and E.M. bumpers safely slow and steer away anything that might collide with them.

Teleportation doesn’t happen in this game exCEPT from the CIV Aero out to other realms, but those might all have to be expansions…

OR… you CAN go to those connected humanoid realms via the Aerospaceport portals… but in the EXPANSIONS, it is millennia in the FUTURE for them, so THAT is what changes and expands their dimensions!