What you see on your screen while playing SexCraft is a lot like what players of World of Warcraft see; there is a narrow horizontal bar with icons, numbers, and other information at the top and bottom of the screen, with collapsible pop-up boxes along the left and right sides, and a slightly thicker horizontal bar with normal-sized icons just above the bottom.  Your character is usually centered, depending on which vantage you choose or toggle to.  The chatroom-like area stays to the bottom left, the mini-map to the upper right.  Your character’s status bars are attached to his/her avatar (face mini-pic) near the upper left, and, if you have a pet or mount, its avatar and status bars will be right below that.

Fixed/Stationary Bars & Icons:

  • top bar
  • avatar with status bars
  • pet/mount with status bars
  • quick-access & quick-trigger (single-key) spells/techniques/items bar
  • bottom bar

Movable Pop-ups:

  • achievements
  • armor & gear
  • journal / quest-helper (including backstories / lore)
  • map; full/larger
  • storage, such as bags

Information On-screen that Follows Other Characters:

  • status bars of bosses, NPCs, and other players will stay under where their feet appear to be
  • active spells/techniques/items’ icons will appear, often with time-remaining numbers at their corners, below the character (players and NPCs alike) who cast/used/selected them
  • buffs/curses/handicaps/etc. (such as spells cast to slow someone down, and recent/lingering damage/poison from weapon strikes like enchanted arrows) will also appear as icons below the affect character/s

Examples of Well-organized Screen Layouts:

SexCraft’s Fine-tuning of Those Layouts:

