This is the biggest land vehicle the Inisfreeans use; it is their military version of the Work-horse (WH).


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Note:  Size and Room
  3. Dimensions, Layout, and Weight
  4. Special Features
  5. Appearance Modes
  6. Time to Construct
  7. Concepts (Images Begin)
  8. Laser-truck Basis
  9. External Color and General Appearance
  10. Internal Colors and General Appearance
  11. Details
  12. 2022 Update:  1:1 Build in Minecraft
  13. 1:1 Build in Creativerse
  14. 2024 October/+



The terrestrial equivalent of the aerospace-borne MPHAs, ‘White Rhinos’ (WRs) are Inisfree’s eclectic Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs); a fusion of the Main Battle Tank (MBT), artillery, mortars, Surface-to-Air Missile(s) (SAM) site, helicopter rocket pods, Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAAV), the Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) variants, a crime laboratory, breaching (battering ram) vehicle, and a Human Exploitation Team (HET) interrogation facility. Each WR is resilient and versatile enough to be considered a mobile Forward Operating Base (FOB) on-par with the like-named entrenchment camps of the Outlander Marine Corps. Originally called the “Earthquake”, this vehicle now gets its name from the legendary race of Rhinoceros infamous for being the largest, most numerous, and most aggressive of its species.


Note:  Size and Room

Overall, the form of this vehicle is that of a rectangular prism with eight large off-roading wheels, and its undercarriage rests three feet above the ground. The measurements of each WR are L/D50′ x W15′ x H16′.  Below, for comparison, are the dimensions of some of the tanks used to make this design:

  • LAV-25A2, LAV-AD, LAV-AT, LAV-C2, LAV-EFSS, LAV-L, LAV-M, & LAV-MEWSS: L/D21′ x W8′ x H9′
  • M1A4 “Abrams” MBT: L/D32′ x W12′ x H8′
  • M577 APC: L/D30′ x W13′ x H9′
  • Marine Personnel Carrier (MPC): L/D?’ x W?’ x H?’
  • “Merkava” V MBT: L/D30′ x W12′ x H9′
  • ZSU-23-4 “Shilka”: L/D22′ x W10′ x H12′

Four spherical pod-gun (Rainbow Cannon) turrets are just inside the top corners, with the remainder of the top deck divided into two sections; the first three fifths of this area, from the vehicle’s front, have driver and artillery gunner spherical pods, with the back two fifths of this area reserved for the silenced artillery and mortar turret. The bottom deck is divided into five sections; the front one for Gatling guns to assist in breaching, the second from the front for housing Prisoners-Of-War (POWs), the third as an airlock connecting the side hatches with both POW compartments, the fourth as the second POW housing, and the fifth being the second airlock connecting the back of the second POW compartment to the rear ramp hatch.

Each WR has room for 18 Inisfreean Storm Troopers in their suits, as well as up to a few dozen human-sized POWs, depending on how they are stowed in the stasis tubes, on interrogation tables, and throughout the remaining walking space. When cramming Outlanders (of human size) into this vehicle, there is room for about 80 fit females (in addition to the crew of 18); the same capacity as a double-decker bus from London.


Dimensions, Layout, and Weight:

Picture an armored motor-coach/home with bigger wheels and tires.

  • 50′ “long” (deep)
  • 15′ wide
  • 16′ tall
  • tires: ~8′ diameter (and drivers/operators can adjust their air-pressure from within the cab/cockpit, just as can be done with some Outlands vehicles such as the Sherp ATV)
  • wheels: ~2′ diameter
  • axels: ~1′ diameter
  • structure/armor thickness: ~1′ (of a material ~250x stronger than steel, and further protected by repulsine-based energy-shielding)
  • floors (headspace): 2, ~6′ from floor to ceiling
  • 20 stasis tubes
  • both tables are flush w/ floor until needed; they raise and lower on (ICV or Auz) thought-command
  • weight: ~22.4 tons (if its repulsines weren’t cancelling out that weight)
    (The weight of the ~half-as-long, ~half-as-tall M88 Recovery Vehicle is 112,000 lbs. (56 tons), so a WR is ~4x as voluminous; it would weigh 224 tons if made of ‘normal’/common materials.)
    (would be ~100,000 lbs. (50 tons) if it was made of luxury motor-coach materials)
  • repulsines:  8 (in the vertices)


Special Features:

WH and WR wheels do not turn like a normal car; they are individually rotated at different speeds to turn the vehicle that other way.

All hatches, even when open, double as semi-permeable ‘smart’-membranes allowing only Inisfreean crew-members and their intended cargo to pass through, preventing any POWs from fleeing; POWs are only able to disembark when escorted by an Inisfreean crew-member.

As WRs, like all ICs, are built with the secret Inisfree-created new god-particle, they and their energy-shields are invincible –even against what humans call “magic” and gods.  No matter how many tanks or aircraft might fire on a WR, all their projectiles and beams will do nothing other than provide free extra shielding boosts and backup power for it and all the other ICs it is linked to.  Even a vast field of landmines would only, via their detonations upon its also-shielded tires, produce pleasant and convenient surges of energy it will automatically disperse for the benefit of all nearby ICs (i.e. clandestinely portal out to/for each of them; a portals-based power-grid that uses and stores absolutely anything that comes into contact with it).  The WR will also be able to easily see (and use all its senses/detectors/scanners) through any amount of incoming fire –even a sandstorm or tidal wave, even if a “god” is using illusion-spells in an attempt to misdirect/confuse the WR or its ICVs.  Not even a nuclear blast will harm it –if it can even make the sturdy thing wobble (and everywhere a WR drives, even radioactive fallout gets automatically cleaned up, instantly converted to whatever will safely heal and re-green the area/land that WR is driving upon).  This is its natural state, and takes no effort on its part to maintain.


Appearance Modes:

Like all ST and AP suits, Inisfreean WRs have the following appearance and cloaking options:

  • Basic / Nude (matte white)
  • Cloaked (transparent, showing Outer Space straight through it)
  • Masked (disguised as a boulder or debris)
  • Nova (flashing with the brightness of a star in order to surprise, disorient, or even blind nearby enemies, or remaining as bright as a normal star)​​​


Time to Construct:

It takes ~1.5 days to 3D-print one of these vehicles.  That means that every hour… another ~2.7% of a WR gets completed.

  1. ~6 hours; hours 1 through 6:  “bones”; frame/skeleton
  2. ~6 hours; hours 7 through 12:  “tendons”; secondary conduits/pipes, etc. (as the frame/skeleton is based on the Grid Mind mesh/tentacles; the frame of every Inisfreean vessel/construct doubles as its plumbing and electrical wiring)
  3. ~6 hours; hours 13 through 18:  “muscles”; hatches, VTOL shafts, etc.
  4. ~6 hours; hours 19 through 24:  “organs”; repulsines, Vril reactor/batteries, etc.
  5. ~6 hours; hours 25 through 30:  vehicles/craft; its Owls, etc.
  6. ~6 hours; hours 31 through 36:  personnel; Inisfreeans (ICVs) stationed in its stasis tubes


Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs):

This is the vehicle the Inisfreeans send when one of their tanks doesn’t have enough presence, and/or when they intend to scout for and/or pick up some fresh girls (kajirae candidates).

  • deployed either from a DS (if assigned to a DS; if 3D-printed in one) or through/via the Highway Pyramid‘s commercial/trucks portal (if one of the original WRs 3D-printed by that pyramid’s CSBS military-vehicles factory and staged at that CSBS’s WRs motor-pool)
  • travels at normal driving speeds on paved surfaces or off-road –on stable terrain; not over marsh/swampland or quicksand
  • travels by land/driving even though it can repulsine-portal
  • keeps its hatches closed unless actively in use (such as when loading kajirae-candidates from the Outlands, or when unloading them in/to another IC, such as once back within a DS or CSBS, or when parked alongside a rendezvousing MPHA)
  • stays cloaked (invisible) unless Auz or the Grid Mind decides its presence should be detected/seen
  • stays decloaked as long as Auz or the Grid Mind decides its presence should be detected/seen
  • stays in masked-mode (not cloaked; just disguised as local boulders/terrain) when cloaking might be detectable to Outlanders in its mission/tasking area
  • flashes (activating its nova-mode) anytime Outlanders within visual range of it should be distracted and/or disoriented by such a bright light
  • can drive through human Outlander cities and their buildings, even houses and apartment buildings, no matter how much property damage is caused, so long as it only drives through the structures of incompatible Outlanders, doing its best not to damage anything that belongs to anyone who is compatible with Auz/Inisfree
  • deploys 1 of its ICVs for every ~660′-diameter area or volume (form; sphere) anytime the presence or tech’ of an ICV will help its situation/mission/tasking (such as when a human-looking girl will likely result in locals/targets noticing or interacting with her the way her team/vehicle wants/needs for its current task or mission)
  • can deploy up to all of its ICVs (since all of its gun-pods can A.I. self-aim/fire)
  • Main-gun can engage targets up to ~140 miles away (over the horizon), and is now typically used to neutralize/align/enlighten targets in sizable groups of individuals or vehicles, or just to long-distance re-green (plant trees via launched seed-pods/shells).
  • fires its main gun when it is chosen as the vehicle to engage a target the size/mass of an MBT or an entire floor/level of a house-sized building (i.e. a target bigger than a non-tank armored-vehicle, but smaller than a full house or commercial aircraft)
  • Non-main guns can engage targets up to ~5 miles away (on/to the horizon).
  • fires one of its non-main guns when it is chosen as the vehicle to engage a ~4.3-ton target/mass; ~56 average-sized human/oid Outlanders or ~2 of their pickup trucks (and, being an Inisfreean vehicle; having/using Rainbow Cannons, a single shot from its main gun can be set to instantly convert the mindsets of everyone it hits to become passive/submissive/obedient to the Inisfreeans, so, for example, a crowd of people would all stop what they are doing and do whatever the Inisfreeans told them to –even without an omni-interface / by-mind override of any of them, so imagine 56 people on the street stopping everything they were doing, all the incompatible ones offing themselves, and all the compatible ones lining up to be walked into the WR for intake processing / pre-screening)
  • always neutralizes/ends incompatible/hostile targets/communities/colonies/corruptions within its range
  • always acquires all potentially-compatible females; kajirae-candidates
  • Anytime it is fired upon, or otherwise reacted to negatively, it can and should wipe out all the teammates, friends, family, and fellow countrymen of whomever fired upon it, so long as doing so does not conflict with its mission –or with the mission of its parent-vessel (DS), if it was operating with/from a parent-vessel.  This means if any Outlander shoots at a WR, or otherwise attacks or tries to interfere with it, everyone that Outlander was working with, plus all of the people he/she likes and lives/lived with, and all of their towns and cities, and even the rest of the people who think of themselves as members of the same nation or organization, will become classified as hostiles and targets to be neutralized/ended ASAP, which may result in calling for the deployment of additional Inisfreean forces (to get the job done within days –even if an entire nation is approved for destruction/punishment).  The only exceptions are when some of the hostile individual’s teammates, friends, family, or countrymen are attractive females who may be compatible with Auz; they will not be neutralized/ended; they will be acquired and sent to either
    1) kajirae training (if they prove to be compatible enough with Auz to start such outstanding re-education),
    2) or the gladiator tournaments beneath Inisfree (if they are only outwardly attractive/compatible with Auz, their personalities not being attractive to him),
    3) or the gladiator tournaments outside Inisfree (if they are not quite attractive/compatible enough inside (personality-wise) or outside (physique and face-wise) with Auz, and if they are/were religious),
    4) or the gladiator tournaments of New/Rebuilt Texas (if they are not quite attractive/compatible enough inside (personality-wise) or outside (physique and face-wise) with Auz, and are from Texas or one of its adjacent fallen/former states, and/or are non-religious).
  • Only during The Rapture campaign were acquired girls ever released back into “the wild”; to walk back to their communities.  Ever since The Rapture, any/every girl acquired/captured by/into a WR must be sent to one of those four places… or recycled (de-atomized for ‘fuel’; 3D-printer printing-materials/elements).  The only ones who get recycled are those who are so incompatible/revolting and weak that they would not even be useful/entertaining as forced gladiators.
  • only opens a repulsine-portal for itself to ‘jump’ up to ~5 miles away when it has scanned its surroundings and detected no one monitoring it or its vicinity for such an energy-signature (unless such a ‘jump’/portal is approved by its chain-of-command, such as in situations where speed/urgency is the priority)
  • drives out of sight/range so it can portal back (either when within 5 miles of a DS, or when a CSBS is opening a Highway Pyramid portal for it) every time it fills up (i.e. acquires up to 80 kajirae-candidates, or as many decent-looking girls as there are within its sensors-range –or within the collective sensors-range/s of the ICVs/ICs it is working with)
  • Any non-ICV brought near or in the WR shall be fully scanned, and shall have any detected tracking devices removed (via the painless god-level portal-tech’ of the ICVs/ICs; Inisfreeans can open microscopic selective portals that only ‘suck out’ unwanted specific targeted particles/devices).
  • No Outlander contraband is allowed inside any WR; attractive females are not even permitted their clothes or makeup (all of which get automatically removed/disintegrated prior to them walking onboard).
  • Every acquired girl must be immediately fully inspected (to the same degree/level Gorean men inspect newly-met/acquired attractive females), including sexually; her willingness to be used fully, without forewarning or explanation, shall be thoroughly tested and documented (recorded by the ICVs doing the inspecting).  The only exception is if combat/defense is taking priority during their arrival at/in the WR; their full inspection/testing will be conducted/completed the moment that combat/defense is taken care of.
  • Acquired girls are allowed to “go to the bathroom” (relieve themselves) either in the stasis tubes (which self-purge/clean) or (if there are not enough stasis tubes) right outside the WR (if there are no hostiles within visual/sensor/weapons range of the WR).
  • Acquired girls shall be kept in tech’-induced rest/sleep anytime they have become unruly/upset, at least until the WR has returned to its parent-vessel (whether that IC is a DS or CSBS); where those girls can be awoken, unloaded, and further processed into kajirae training.
  • This is not a passenger vehicle; only assigned ICVs (personnel on duty) and acquired girls (POWs who are kajirae-candidates) can be transported by a WR.  The only exceptions are High King Auz and anyone he has invited aboard with him –or those he has approved to be safely moved via one of these vehicles (if he is not present himself).

Because of its dimensions and capabilities, this is one of the two most-common Inisfreean vehicles/craft (ICs) used for The Hunt; it is the perfect platform from which to comfortably scout, park, wait, regroup, and inspect acquisitions.



Laser-truck Basis:

External Color and General Appearance:

Internal Colors and General Appearance:


2022 Update:  1:1 Build in Minecraft

1:1 Build in Creativerse:

2024 October/+:

2 new landmines carried/laid by our tanks and White Rhinos:

  1. a landmine able to un-burrow itself to engage aircraft
  2. a landmine able to blackhole/portal people and big chunks of vehicles away


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Also see:

The Cyborg Slayers
Audio Player