This is the main ‘brain’ of this spacecraft-carrier.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Data Storage Capacity
  3. Normal Tasking
  4. Special Features
  5. 2023 August Update:  Limitations
  6. Conceptual Images



TNH‘s main computer is a supercomputer which helps regulate all the operations on and around the ship.  It is located in one of the most heavily armored parts of the ship, and is TNH’s equivalent of the HAL 9000 supercomputer from Space Odyssey.  The room which houses most of the towers which make up the ‘brain’ of this supercomputing system is commonly referred to as the ship’s A.I. core; it is where TNH’s artificial-intelligence ‘mind’ exists.


Data Storage Capacity:

Along with the ‘flat-space’ (dimensional ‘pocket’) and Ansible technology, these advancements now allow for computers and networks to appear as thin as net-books and even elastic clothing in some cases, while actually being composed of virtually unlimited components, mass, and nodes capable of being anchored across any expanse of space, such as worlds in distant super-clusters.  (In other words, you can now have a computer or supercomputer with its pieces and access spread out across the vast expanses of Space.)  It also means that these computers can communicate without the limitations of the light-speed barrier or even quantum entanglement (which requires a very high degree of complexity and expertise), and that computers much smaller than the human brain can now store much more than its 4 Terabytes of data.  ‘The Machine’ was a miniaturized supercomputer which made it possible to have a supercomputer inside a human skull, and now these additional developments have made it possible to store virtually endless data within that same space.


Normal Tasking:

These emerging characteristics have taken ‘remote viewing’ (similar to satellite reconnaissance) and ‘remote access’ (using computers through Internet connections to perform computations too resource-demanding for one’s own personal/local computer) to an unprecedented and almost godly level; users of this class of supercomputers can stream numerous encrypted satellite feeds, as well as the feeds from dozens of subordinate and escort/support ships, and those ships can transmit their most complex sets of data to TNH’s A.I. core for nearly instantaneous processing however they require.  ‘Jump’ calculations (making ‘warp’-drive operations feasible) and cosmic-event forecasting (such as when stars may emit dangerous solar flares, or even go nova) are the norm, though.  TNH’s A.I. core is also commonly used to ensure that its thousands of crew and thousands more passengers are assigned to jobs and teams which will make them feel the happiest and most understood; retention, focus, low stress, high morale, and a sense of mutual compatibility are key to the top-notch level of interaction required to operate a massive and highly-populated ship such as this.


Special Features:

Grafted, cloned, brain tissue from humans, whales, and dolphins has been integrated into self-repairing computers. “Self-healing” is another accurate way to describe what they are now capable of.  Instead of just building circuits and programs to mimic how living brains solve problems, scientists have now taken the next step; they are using actual physical brain samples as part of the newest computer components.  This makes the modern computers more cybernetic, and better able to diagnose and service themselves, oftentimes healing on their own without the need for any technicians.


2023 August Update:  Limitations

This computer, as advanced as it is, was still specifically designed to only be outstanding at managing the intended operations/functions of this carrier, nothing less, nothing more.  That means it is not good at calculating or managing/triggering ‘jumps’/warps beyond 34 Tauri, it cannot open the kind of perfect portals (not based on bending/warping Space) which the Inisfreeans can use, and it cannot predict or prevent an Inisfreean from omni-interfacing with, or overriding, it.  It will use all the abilities/features/weapons of the carrier as efficiently as possible, and move the carrier around in 34 Tauri the way Auz and UAP Brass want TNH to move around, but that is about it; it will never be able to make ‘jump’s as far as Inisfreean vessels can, and it will never be able to get upset or rebel against its crew/users/makers.

It does not and cannot detect or keep up with the thoughts of every sailor and other person in TNH and near it –like how Persephone and Inisfreeans (ICVs) can.  TNH doesn’t have those kinds of sensors built into it, and human Outlanders will never be allowed such technology –even though they have, over the generations, sometimes tried to R+D it.  Like aliens/gods/saucers showing up to disable their nuclear-missile warheads right in their silos, something similarly precise/surgical has always happened to prevent humans from fully understanding/harnessing such a technology –and most humans have never been able to even detect that ongoing intervention.

After 2530, TNH will be occasionally tasked with going beyond 34 Tauri, but it will do so at its designed/standard rate of ‘jumping’.


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“Mass Effect Normandy Ambient Spaceship Engine Sound For 1 Hour” Normandy Engine
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