These are the cozy little hull-edge hangouts where just about anyone (other than detainees/prisoners and the injured/ill) can come to relax while marveling at the views only Outer Space can provide.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Safety
  3. Conceptual Images



Observatories are located all across TNH​​, with the vast majority being ‘public’ access; free for any crew member or approved guest to enjoy. They range in size from that of a hotel bedroom to lobbies and lounges as large as some of the ship’s small hangars.  For those who are less comfortable with, if not afraid of, heights, we recommend rooms closer to the core of the ship.



Shoulder ever there be an issue with one of these rooms, or the ship’s main shield, and whenever the ship is engaged in battle/warfare, the window-walls get closed via external and internal blast-doors.  Those blast-doors slide and seal shut, and are rated to prevent nuclear impacts within a mile or so outside the ship, its shield handling most of their force.  The slightest change/issue in/with the gravity or atmosphere in these rooms, such as if there was a crack/leak, can also trigger the immediate closing of those extra layers; the blast-doors.

It is recommended that everyone enjoying TNH observatories do so buckled into one of their seats, all those seats being secured/bolted to the floors.

No one will give you a hard time, though, if you decide to bang someone up against the ‘glass’ (transparent metal).