The Armstrong Nebula is located in the Skyllian Verge. Most of its worlds are unexplored, primitive, or notable only for a few geological features. Denizens from the Terminus Systems frequently pick places in the nebula to serve as anchorages, drive discharge sites, or some other out-of-the-way operation. Pirates abound in the nebula, though Alliance patrols do have some presence here as a counter.


Solar Systems Directory:

  1. Gagarin:  Junthor• Pressha• Rayingri• Sogelrus• Antirumgon
  2. Grissom:  Benda• Zaherux• Asteroid belt• Notanban (Solcrum)• Asteroid belt
  3. Hong:  Pomal• Casbin• Matar• Theshaca• Treagir
  4. Tereshkova:  Asteroid belt• Antibaar• Patamalrus• Hunsalra• Thegeuse• Solmarlon• Mawinor
  5. Vamshi:  Maji• Pregel• Almos


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