System Specs:
- Stellar Mass: 1.00 Sol Masses
- Stellar Class: G
- Luminosity: N/A Sol
- Planets: 4
- Moons: 25
- Asteroid Belts: 0
- Asteroids: 0
- Objects: 1
Because of Horizon, the system is a popular destination for people stifled by Citadel restrictions. Its worlds have uneven resource distribution: Venture is harsh, but cost-effective to mine, Prospect had a resource rush on its moons but the galactic supply and demand drove much of its operations to economic ruin, and Watchman has barely anything of note.
Planets Directory:
- Venture
- Prospect
- Horizon
- Watchman
- Mass Relay
- Orbital Distance: 0.7 AU
- Orbital Period: 0.6 Earth-years
- Keplerian Ratio: 0.953
- Radius: 10,659 km
- Day Length: 26.1 Earth-hours
- Atmospheric Pressure: N/A atm
- Surface Temp: N/A °C
- Surface Gravity: N/A g
- Mass: N/A Earth-masses
A pressure-cooker of a planet, Venture has a thick nitrogen-based atmosphere that is also the source of wealth for a small colonist industry. While Venture’s high temperatures are brutal, the primordial soup is not as acidic as on other hothouse planets, and xenon can be readily collected and isolated from the lower troposphere by recovery bots. This xenon is then sold for use in ion drives and electric lights. Venture’s gravity is relatively low for a planet of its size, making the recovery more economical than would otherwise be expected.
- Orbital Distance: 1.2 AU
- Orbital Period: 1.3 Earth-years
- Keplerian Ratio: 1.022
- Radius: 45,277 km
- Day Length: 18.1 Earth-hours
- Atmospheric Pressure: N/A atm
- Surface Temp: N/A °C
- Surface Gravity: N/A g
- Mass: N/A Earth-masses
- Satellites: 13
Prospect is a hydrogen-nitrogen gas giant with 13 known moons, most of which seemed to have dense heavy metal deposits on first scan, starting a resource rush by the colonists from nearby Horizon. In a tragic turn of events, a galactic uranium surplus drove half the mining firms out of business, and the surfaces of some moons are littered with the bodies of executives who committed suicide by airlock. Today’s mining corporations have reached a much more palatable equilibrium, and hold more diversified and sustainable portfolios.
Prospect is within the “frost line” of its solar system, where ice giants do not normally form. For this reason, it is believed to have been an extrasolar capture.
- Orbital Distance: 2.1 AU
- Orbital Period: 3.0 Earth-years
- Keplerian Ratio: 1.029
- Radius: 5,402 km
- Day Length: 37.8 Earth-hours
- Atmospheric Pressure: 1.68 atm
- Surface Temp: 13 °C
- Surface Gravity: 0.7 g
- Mass: 0.498 Earth-masses
- Colony: human
Capital: Discovery, founded 2168 CE, population 654,390 (2185), 800,000 to 1,500,000 (2186)
Mass Effect 2
A temperate world that has hit the “sweet spot” for carbon-based life, Horizon has a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere maintained by abundant indigenous photosynthetic plants and bacteria. While the native plants are not very palatable to humans, the soil conditions are such that a handful of introduced Earth species have flourished, and the colonists must take strict care to prevent ecological disasters. Genetically-engineered “terminator seeds” that grow nutritious but sterile crops to minimize outbreaks are the rule rather than the exception.
Animals on Horizon appear to be exploding in diversity, similar to Earth’s Cambrian period. Large flying insect analogs take advantage of the thicker-than-Earth atmosphere and low gravity to grow enormous. Microbial life has proven relatively benign; a series of vaccinations for the most virulent strains of soil-borne diseases is all that is required for a visit.
Mass Effect 3
A temperate world that has hit the “sweet spot” for carbon-based life, Horizon has a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere maintained by abundant plants and bacteria. Its soil is particularly compatible with Earth vegetation, and so a thriving human community has sprung up.
Horizon’s population is in flux. A Collector attack in 2185 inflicted significant casualties, but refugees have been streaming to the planet since the Reaper invasion began. Since many land illegally, there is no way to accurately track population. Although many colonists resent the newcomers, others have embraced Horizon’s new role. Advertisements for “Sanctuary,” its main refugee center, can be seen galaxy-wide.
Codex Entry
A typical Terminus colony possessing minimal tourist value, Horizon promises substantial economic opportunity, especially in providing new products for humans and supplying the Turian Hierarchy. Surveyed 18 years ago, Horizon received pilot habitation four years later; the colony proper is now eight years old.
Blessed with verdant forests and abundant fresh water, Horizon maintains a colonial culture that thrives as a refuge from the increasing restrictions of Citadel-governed society. Horizon has attracted numerous dissidents, marginal people, and fringe-dwellers from across Alliance space.
Additional Information
A variety of Horizonian insects taste similar to Earth shrimp and can be used in dishes involving the latter. However, eating them apparently induces a mild laxative effect.
According to information gathered by the Collectors in 2183, the human population of Horizon is 643,315. Despite an Alliance defense outreach fronted by the efforts of either Ashley Williams or Kaidan Alenko, the Collectors make off with approximately a third of Horizon’s colonists in 2185.
In 2186, a facility on Horizon called Sanctuary lures people in with the promise of shelter from the Reaper war. With all signal activity in the surrounding region of space being actively interfered with, the real reason Sanctuary has stayed off the Reapers’ radar until late in the war is because it is actually a Cerberus operation experimenting in converting refugees into husks for their studies in indoctrination.
The Reapers invade only when Cerberus has made headway into co-opting the Reapers’ control over their creatures, although by then the Sanctuary sham has been exposed to the galaxy at large due to Commander Shepard’s interference. Most of Horizon’s population that remained after the Collector attack went to their fates at Sanctuary.
- Orbital Distance: 4.1 AU
- Orbital Period: 8.3 Earth-years
- Keplerian Ratio: 1
- Radius: 5,728 km
- Day Length: 28.6 Earth-hours
- Atmospheric Pressure: _ 0.44 atm
- Surface Temp: −116 °C
- Surface Gravity: 0.8 g
- Mass: 0.64 Earth-masses
- Satellites: 12
Perched on the outer edge of Iera’s small solar system, Watchman is a mid-sized rock and ice planet that has picked up a dozen moon-sized objects. Its nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere is too thin to support life, with solid ice covering its calcium-heavy rocky core. Footprints of the first surveying teams to come to the planet can still be seen on its practically airless surface. The planet, devoid of valuable resources, has seen few visitors since.