The Centuries of Earth’s Latest Invasion


  • TYA:  Trillion Years Ago
  • BYA:  Billion Years Ago
  • MYA:  Million Years Ago
  • AF:  Aeon Flux (cartoon and movie)
  • AL:  Alien (movie series, including Aliens, Alien 3, and Alien VS Predator)
  • AN:  Alien Nation (TV show)
  • AW: Airwolf (TV show)
  • BG:  The Books of Gor (the Gorean novel saga)
  • BL:  Blade (movie series)
  • BM:  BattleMech, BattleSpace, BattleTech, and MechWarrior (books and games)
  • BR:  Blade Runner (movie)
  • BS:  Battlestar Galactica
  • BT:  Batman (comics and movies)
  • CB:  Conan the Barbarian (movie series)
  • DA:  Dark Angel (TV show)
  • DE:  Descent (movie series)
  • DI:   Diablo (game series)
  • DU:  Dune (movie series)
  • E2:  Earth 2 (TV show)
  • ED:  Expedition to Darwin IV (book)
  • EG:  Ender’s Game (book series)
  • EO:  EVE Online (MMORPG)
  • FA:  Fast and the Furious (movie series, including Tokyo Drift)
  • FF:  Firefly (TV show and movie, including Serenity)
  • FS:  Farscape (TV show)
  • FN:  Fringe (TV show)
  • HA:  Halo (game series and books)
  • HP:  Harry Potter (books and movie series)
  • IJ:    Indiana Jones
  • JB:  James Bond (movie series)
  • JD:  Judge Dredd (movie and comics)
  • JP:  Jurassic Park (movie series)
  • LC:  H.P. Lovecraft (books)
  • LR:  Lord of the Rings (book and movie series)
  • LX:  Lexx (TV show)
  • MA: M.A.N.T.I.S. (TV show)
  • ME:  Mass Effect (game series, including Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3)
  • MI:   Mission Impossible (movie series)
  • MK:  Mortal Kombat (movies and comics)
  • MM:  Mad Max (movie series)
  • MW: Morrowind (game series)
  • OL:  The Outer Limits (TV show)
  • PB:  Pitch Black (movie series, including The Chronicles of Riddick)
  • PC:  Pirates of the Caribbean (movie series)
  • PD:  Predator (movie series and comics)
  • R6:  Rainbow 6 (game series)
  • RE:  Resident Evil (game and movie series)
  • RC:  RoboCop (movie series)
  • RF:  Rifts (game and book series)
  • RW: Road Warrior (movie series)
  • S7:  The Saga of Seven Suns (book series)
  • SB:  Space: Above and Beyond (TV show)
  • SC:  StarCraft (game series, including StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty)
  • SG:  Star Gate (TV show and movies, including Atlantis and Universe)
  • SP:  Splinter Cell (game series)
  • ST:  Star Trek (TV shows and movies, including Voyager and Deep Space Nine)
  • SQ:  SeaQuest (TV show)
  • SW: Star Wars (movie series and books)
  • TF:   Transformers (movie series)
  • TL:   Twilight (TV show and book series)
  • TR:   Tomb Raider (game and movie series)
  • TM:   Terminator (movie series)
  • UW:  Underworld (movie series)
  • VD:   The Vampire Diaries (TV show)
  • VP:   Viper (TV show)
  • WA:  Waterworld (movie)
  • WH:   Warhammer (game series, including Warhammer 40K)
  • WW:  World of Warcraft (MMORPG)
  • XF:    X-Files (TV show and movie)
  • XM:   X-Men (comics and movies)
  • XW:  Xena: Warrior Princess

It was said this was the time of the European explorers finding and colonizing North and South America, among other places.  In reality, it was a terrestrial expansion of the settled-in extra-terrestrial invasion-force.  Their castles having been built atop all the disabled or destroyed ancient devices and structures/complexes, they now made a daring effort to find and erase all the other sites and traces around the world, rewriting history and enslaving everyone else as they did.

Most Natives fled underground, where the Ant People and Snake People helped them, and they had before (in Ages past).  Many millions are still down there to this day, just like the Vril-ya.  Only far underground were they shielded from the harmful energies being spread on and above the surface, and were the reptilians and reptoids able to shelter and defend them –all their own ancient devices and structures still intact.

Holocene Epoch:

c.1500: LC: According to the 1484 source, a German-language edition of De Vermis Mysteriis is printed in Mannheim.

    – A German edition of the Necronomicon is published in Wurttemburg.
16th Century: LC: Monstres and Their Kynde is compiled by an unknown author, probably using several other Mythos texts as sources. Only one copy is known to exist.
    – A partial English manuscript of the Book of Dzyan begins circulating in this century.
1501: LC: A folio edition of the Greek Necronomicon is made on printing presses in Italy, leading to its suppression by religious authorities.
c.1512: LC: Future conquistador Pánfilio de Zamacona y Nuñez is born.
1515: LC: François I captures a copy of the Latin Necronomicon when he conquers Milan. He gives it to Leonardo da Vinci.
1519: LC: Leonardo da Vinci dies, and his library is scattered. Among the lost books is his copy of the Latin Necronomicon.
1526: LC: A Muslim army marches into the area of modern-day Stregoicavar, Hungary. Disgusted by the abhorrent cult they find there, they wipe it and the locals out.
c.1530: LC: The Chinese Imperial Library’s original duplicate of the Book of Dzyan is stolen.
1532: LC: Pánfilio de Zamacona y Nuñez leaves his native port of Luarca for the New World at age 20. He later accompanies Coronado in his expedition across the modern western United States.
c.1540: LC: Europeans chase rumors of El Dorado (“Cibola”), 1 of 7 flying Cities of Gold, later thought to be large spaceships poorly described by local tribes with limited vocabularies.
1540: LC: Ludwig Prinn is imprisoned by the Roman Inquisition.
Between 1540 and 1808: LC: Due to the Inquisition, the allegedly sorcerous ancestors of Simon Maglore leave Italy and travel to the new world.
1541: LC: Coronado turns back from his explorations. However, on October 7, Pánfilio de Zamacona y Nuñez continues on, eventually finding the underground civilization of K’n-yan. He is forbidden to leave, and is eventually killed in an attempt to escape.
1542: LC: Ludwig Prinn writes De Vermis Mysteriis in his cell. Just before his death at the hands of the Inquisition, the book is somehow smuggled out.
    – John Dee enters Cambridge at age 15.
1543: LC: A Latin edition of De Vermis Mysteriis is published in Cologne.
1547: TR: The Croft family is granted the title and rights to Abbingdon, Surrey by King Edward VI.
c.1550: LC: The Portuguese first “glimpse” the city of the “Fishers from Outside” in Zimbabwe.
    – The Necronomicon is translated into Russian.
Between 1558 and 1610: LC: A Sir Randolph Carter, ancestor of the man who will have the same name, studies magic during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
1558: LC: Queen Elizabeth I ascends to the British throne. John Dee is high in her favor.
1563: TR: The head of the O’Connor family, who lived at Lotte Castle, Mulroony O’Connor died and the rest of his family turned against each other.
1567: LC: An Italian edition of the Greek Necronomicon is published.
1569: LC: Pope Pius V bans De Vermis Mysteriis.
1573: LC: Noted magician (and fraud) Edward Kelley’s English translation of De Vermis Mysteriis is published in London.
Late 16th Century: LC: A sect of Yog-Sothoth worshippers is founded in the mountains of Romania. Their leader is a man named Chorazos, and they are thus called the Chorazos Cult.
1576: LC: Miguel Cervantes is held as a favored slave and prisoner in Algiers. While there, he writes Don Quixote. According to some, he also makes a (heavily expurgated) Spanish translation of the Necronomicon, which he titles El Libro de los Normos de los Perdidos.
1579: LC: Miguel Cervantes completes El Libro de los Normos de los Perdidos; later that year, his captivity ends.
1581: LC: John Dee begins his experiments into crystal-gazing, which eventually leads to his first contact with “angels” through the medium of Edward Kelley. The “angels” dictate their language of Enochian to Dee.
1583: LC: John Dee and Edward Kelley begin their journeys across Europe.
1584: LC: The Enochian Keys (Claves Angelicae) are beamed into a human, and said to be the words used by God to create the world.
1586: LC: John Dee and Edward Kelley arrive in Prague. While there, Dee finds a copy of the Latin Necronomicon, which he translates into English. He also adds material from a Greek manuscript in the possession of a Transylvanian noble, and his own commentary on certain subjects.
1587: LC: John Dee’s arrangement with Edward Kelley sours when a summoned “angel” commands them to share their wives in common.
1589: LC: John Dee returns to England to find his home and library has been ransacked by a mob. He is appointed to be the Warden of Christ’s College in Manchester, but is unhappy and eventually returns home to Mortlake.
1591: LC: A man named Claes van der Heyl does something horribly spectacular later noted by occultist Alonzo Typer.
1593: LC: Famous English playwright Christopher Marlowe dies in a tavern brawl. One of his works, The King in Yellow, is incomplete, with only the first two scenes written. William Shakespeare and John Croft attempt to complete it, but Shakespeare’s scruples make the attempt fruitless.
1594: LC: The Chorazos Cult is exiled from Romania and moves to England, building a temple in Finchley. Unusually, the Cult is popular with Queen Elizabeth.
1595: LC: Late in this year, the Chorazos Cult’s former patron forces them out of London. They move to a house known as the Oaks.
    – Remigius’ Daemonolatreia is published in Lyons.
1596: LC: The Oaks is burned down by angry villagers, and the few survivors of the Chorazos Cult (including their founder) retreat to Scotland. Soon after this, however, the locals in their new area destroy the sect once and for all following a number of disappearances.
1598: LC: Baron Frederic of Sussex’s partial (and confused) translation of the Latin edition of the Necronomicon is published, in an octavo edition, under the titleCultus Maleficarum. It later comes to be known as the Sussex Manuscript.
    – Konrad von Gerner’s Fischbuch is published.
c.1600: LC: A meteor containing an alien city crashes into the Severn Valley. The being known as Glaaki lives within. The meteor crater slowly fills with water, eventually becoming a lake.
According to rumors that Morgan Smith had lived over 300 years in exchange for eventually serving as a vessel for Nyarlathotep, Smith would have been born around this year.
17th Century: LC: The small German town of Freihausgarten begins to worship the Great Old One Cyaegha.
According to some, it is in this century that Eberhard Ketzer, a member of the court of the King of Prussia who hailed from Schleswig-Holstein, writes Die Geschichte den Planeten. If this is true, then L’Histoire des Planetes is likely a French translation of this work.
    – An isle in the Severn River near the town of Severnford is the site of witches’ sabbats during this century.
    – The book True Magik, by “Theophilus Wenn,” is usually dated back to this time, though some say it comes from medieval times.
Early 17th Century: LC: According to rumor, at least two Tibetan copies of the Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan are smuggled out of Tibet by Dominican priests, who give them to the Papal Library.
1600: LC: Graf Gauberg’s Unter Zee Kulten is written. According to more traditional accounts, most copies are destroyed by the end of this century.
1600s:  Germans in the Secret Space Program are extremely proud of this century, during which they say they repelled the first known invasion of the Earth in modern times by hostile technologically-sophisticated alien forces.
1608: LC: John Dee dies in Mortlake.
Between 1610 and 1625: LC: During the reign of King James I and after 1610, Walter de la Poer slays his decadent relatives and leaves his home of Exham Priory.
Between 1610 and 1643: LC: Pierre-Louis Montagny, an aged Frenchman living during the reign of Louis XIII, is among those that exchange minds with a Yithian.
c.1611: LC: During the reign of King James I, a scholar involved in the translation of the King James Bible translates the Book of Eibon into English.
1612: LC: A Lancashire witch named Liz Southern is executed.
1616: LC: Captain John Smith, while exploring the New England coast, discovers Devil’s Reef off the coast of modern Innsmouth and gives it its name.
1618: LC: Most of the home of a family that dealt with the de la Poers of Exham Priory and the monks of Falstone Castle is destroyed in a fire. The property later comes into the possession of the Marriot family.
1623: LC: A version of the Wormius Necronomicon is printed in Spain.
1627: LC: A priest steals a copy of the Greek Necronomicon from Baron Hauptmann of Romania.
1630: March 10: LC: Possible date of John Grimlan’s birth, if one believes he was 300 years old when he died.
Between 1632 and 1680: LC: Portions of the Necronomicon are circulated widely in France, and are used as ritual material for many black masses of the period.
1635: LC: Antoine-Marie Augustin de Montmorency-les-Roches is born. According to some, he is later known as the Comte d’Erlette, author of Cultes des Goules.
1636: LC: Jean-Francois Charriere is born in Bayonne, France.
1638: LC: Hendrik van der Heyl emigrates to New-Netherland (later New York).
1639: LC: Settlers from southern England and the Channel Islands found Kingsport on the coast of Massachusetts, south of modern-day Arkham. Kingsport quickly becomes a major shipbuilding and overseas trade center.
Between 1639 and 1692: LC: A cult arises in Kingsport, with meetings held in the town’s Congregational Church.
1641: LC: Joachim Kindler’s My Understanding of the Great Booke is printed in the city of Buda. The book speaks of a version of the Necronomicon in Gothic, a language of an ancient Germanic tribe. This Necronomicon is reputedly missing all the allegory and obscurity of other versions, and is thus far more dangerous than any other.
1643: LC: The town of Innsmouth is founded in Massachusetts.
    – The Shan leave L’gy’hx and travel to Earth, landing near Goatswood; however, they find that they cannot leave. They and their Xiclotl servants begin to prey on nearby villagers.
    – A mysterious coven begins congregating in worship in the woods outside Goatswood.
1644: Autumn: LC: Witch-finder Matthew Hopkins destroys a cult in Brichester and imprisons a “Hobgoblin Monstre” with the Elder Sign.
1647: LC: Liber Damnatus Damnationum, by Janus Aquaticus, is published in London.
c.1650: LC: A Chinese copy of the Dhol Chants is found in an Asian monastery.
Between 1651 and 1658: LC: During Oliver Cromwell’s time as Lord Protector of England, James Woodville of Suffolk exchanges minds with a Yithian. After he is restored to his rightful body, Woodville writes a book called Wondrous Intelligences, which details his unusual sex life and the Great Race of Yith.
1652: LC: Witch-hunter Matthew Hopkins comes to the Severn Valley. Among the victims of his inquisition are the entire membership of the Goatswood coven.
1651: TR: A young girl vanishes less than one mile from a cemetery in New York, where Sara Pezzini and Lara Croft research the disappearance of an elderly couple in November 2002.
1653: LC: Chronike von Nath is written by Rudolf Yergler, a German mystic. Soon after he completes it, he goes blind. German authorities put Yergler in a Berlin madhouse after the work is published, and attempt to suppress the book. Soon afterwards, Yergler dies.
    – Jean-Francois Charriere begins his studies in Paris, under the tutelage of Royalist exile Richard Wiseman.
1656: LC: Jean-Francois Charriere ends his education under Richard Wiseman and sets out on his own.
1657: LC: The Masters of the Silver Twilight are founded.
1659: TR: The Copps Hill Cemetery in Boston, where (over 300 years later) Lara will witness the discovery of the Lucifer Text, is opened.
1662: LC: A Latin text of the Book of Eibon is printed in Rome. It is probably based of Faber’s 9th-century translation.
1663: LC: The wizard Nicholas Zegrembi transcribes the book thereafter known as the Zegrembi Manuscript from the original, which was located in an alternate universe. He copies it in three languages- alien hieroglyphs, a rune-like script, and Latin.
    – February 18: Joseph Curwen is born in modern-day Danvers, Massachusetts.
c.1664: LC: The Kaballist Nathan of Gaza circulates the Sepher ha-Sha’are ha-Daath among his brethren, which is a commentary on a work he calls the “Book of the Alhazred.” (This is said by some to be a Hebrew translation of the Necronomicon.)
c.1665: LC: If Antoine-Marie Augustin de Montmorency-les-Roches is indeed the Comte d’Erlette, then Cultes des Goules is probably completed around this time.
1666: LC: Nathan of Gaza is discredited when the would-be Messiah Shabbetai Tzevi, whom he supported, converts to Islam.
    – The Shakespeare/Croft sections of The King in Yellow are destroyed in a house fire, but the Marlowe sections are accidentally bound into a book of the house owner’s wife’s poetry and thus saved.
    – September 2: The Great Fire of London occurs. Some suggest that a summoning of one of Cthugha’s servitors is what started the blaze.
    – During the Great Fire of London, Nicholas Zegrembi flees with the Zegrembi Manuscript and his other papers, settling in the village of Torpoint. Several years later, he disappears, and his library is burned by the local clergy. Allegedly, however, a secretive cult saves the Zegrembi Manuscript for themselves.
1670: LC: Ward Phillips’s lineage can be traced by genealogists to as far back as this date.
1674: LC: Dr. Jean-Francois Charriere, a surgeon in the French army, goes on duty in Pondicherry, and later, the Caronmandall Coast of India.
Late 17th Century: LC: The town of Arkham is founded in Massachusetts by free-thinkers.
    – The version of the Necronomicon that will become part of the University of Buenos Aires’ collections is said to arrive in South America.
1675: LC: A Latin edition of Confessions of the Mad Monk Clithanus is published.
1678: LC: Martin’s shipyard begins building ships for Innsmouth’s growing fishing and trade industry.
1680: LC: The town of Agua Blanca is founded.
1681: LC: Antoine-Marie Augustin de Montmorency-les-Roches vanishes. It is probable that he was taken to prison, as he was unpopular with the French nobility.
    – Joseph Glanvil’s Saducismus Triumphatus is published.
1685: LC: William Bain builds the Strange High House in the Mist on the highest mountain of Kingsport Head. He eventually shuns the town and comes to be known only as “the One.”
c.1686: LC: A Greek translation of the Cabala of Sabaoth is made.
1690: LC: The Geoffrey family of merchants moves to New York. They are ancestors of Justin Geoffrey.
    – According to some, the Salem Academy, which later becomes Miskatonic Liberal Seminary, is founded.
    – According to others, Arkham College is founded in this year instead.
   – December 14: Reputed witch Abigail Prinn, a descendant of Ludwig Prinn, dies. She allegedly lays a curse on Salem before she expires. This prompts the people of Salem, in an attempt to avoid her wrath, to bury her with a stake through her heart.
1691: LC: Dr. Jean-Francois Charriere moves to Quebec.
    – December: Believers living around Salem receive premonitions of danger and a need to move to a location northwest from the city.
1692: LC: March A witch hysteria engulfs Salem, Massachusetts. Many innocent citizens are accused of witchcraft and executed. An ancestor of Richard Upton Pickman is among those that are hung.
  – The danger drives Joseph Curwen to move to Providence, Rhode Island. Others, a group of Believers (including the Whateley and Bishop families), move to north-central Massachusetts. There, they found the town of New Dunnich.
    – Edmund Carter, ancestor of Randolph Carter, is nearly hung in Salem and flees to the hills behind Arkham.
    – The last known copy of the Greek Necronomicon is burned during the witch-hunt.
    – Soon after the witch panic begins in Salem, it spreads to Arkham. As a result, they send one witch, Keziah Mason, to Salem for trial. However, Mason disappears from her cell before she can be executed.
    – The witch panic also spreads to Kingsport, which results in the hanging of thirteen reputed witches.
c.1693: LC: Antoine-Marie Augustin de Montmorency-les-Roches dies, presumably in prison.
1693: LC: Isaiah Hoag, ancestor of Abner Exekiel Hoag and Wilbur Nathaniel Hoag, and his family move to Arkham from Plymouth, England.
    – Ward Phillips, first president of the future Miskatonic University, donates what becomes the nucleus of the Miskatonic University Library.
1696: LC: Jeremiah Whateley, eldest son of Whateley patriarch Absalom, builds the first of several mills in New Dunnich. Dunwich (as the town is later known) prospers.
1697: LC: Abner Exekiel Hoag is born in Arkham.
    – Dr. Jean-Francois Charriere leaves Quebec. He moves to Providence and builds a home (later known simply as the Charriere house) on Benefit Street.
1699: LC: The branch of the Whateley family from which Cyrus and Aberath Whateley descend comes to Dunwich from England.
c.1700: LC: An English translation of Præsidia Finium is published in London under the title Frontier Garrison.
18th Century: LC: Liyuhh, a German translation/analysis (with commentary) of the R’lyeh Text, is published in a limited 400-copy run.
Early 18th Century: LC: The town of Agua Blanca changes its name to Castronegro.
    – Rumors that the slain witches of Kingsport have returned from the dead circulate.
1700: LC: Kazaj Heinz Vogel immigrates to America from Germany. He later returns and completes an untitled book (later known as Von denen Vertdammen). After it is published, the German authorities seize and destroy all but two copies, which are held in the restricted collections of German libraries.
1702: LC: Necrolatry, by Ivor Gorstadt, is published in Leipzig.
1703: LC: François-Honoré Balfour, if he is the Comte d’Erlette as some believe, probably publishes Cultes des Goules in this year, before shutting himself out from the world.
   – Absalom Whateley, his assistant John Bishop, and his two sons Jeremiah and Jacob perfect an alchemical process that converts baser materials to gold. However, the process is prohibitively costly and difficult.
    – Sir Edward Orme builds a home in Dunwich that eventually comes into the possession of Cyrus Whateley and his descendants.
1704: LC: Goody Fowler is hung by an angry mob when she returns to Arkham.
    – Jacob Whateley has his first magical success when he summons a byakhee atop Wizard’s Hill.
1705: LC: The first sawmill in Dunwich is built by Jeremiah Whateley.
1706: LC: John Bishop builds the old Bishop house.
1709: LC: The first fulling mill in Dunwich is opened by the Whateley family, with the assistance of Lucas Frye.
    – May 1: Jacob Whateley experiences a sudden change, and breaks with both his family and the Believers. A few Believers leave with Jacob and begin studies with him.
1710: LC: Jerusalem’s Lot, a religious community, is founded on the coast of Massachusetts. The people are members of a splinter Puritan group led by the charismatic James Boon. They follow Boon’s unorthodox doctrines, and the town’s inhabitants are soon quite decadent and deranged.
1712: LC: Abner Exekiel Hoag begins his life as a sailor.
   – A glasshouse is constructed in Dunwich under the direction of Absalom Whateley. The influx of settlers who have come to work at Dunwich’s mills drives Jacob Whateley to live outside the village.
1713: LC: Abner Exekiel Hoag marries Bathsheba Randall Marsh of the Innsmouth Marshes.
    – Joseph Curwen donates funds to help rebuild the Great Bridge in Providence.
1716: LC: The wizard Sir Gilbert Morley purchases the Norman castle where Byatis had been chained, and begins giving sacrifices to the creature in exchange for communicating with the other Great Old Ones.
1717: The Masonic Order becomes an established organization in London.
1719: LC: By this time, Abner Exekiel Hoag has become a ship captain.
1720: LC: Simon Orne’s ageless appearance attracts notice in Salem, prompting him to donate his books to the future Miskatonic University Library and move to Europe.
c.1721: LC: The Akeley family comes to America.
1722: LC: A raid is made on Kingsport’s Congregational Church, to disperse a pagan cult holding ceremonies beneath it. Thirty of the pagans are captured. The raid is led by Mayor Eben Hall.
    – John Bishop builds a house that later becomes the Dunwich meeting-house.
   – Absalom Whateley dies. He leaves his works and library to Jeremiah. Jacob demands to know the secret of the gold-making process, but following his father’s warning, Jeremiah refuses. He instead gives his brother a share of the mill profits and limited access to Absalom’s library.
1723: LC: Sir Edward Orme disappears in Europe.
1724: LC: François-Honoré Balfour dies in Ardennes.
Mid-18th Century: LC: Arkham becomes a thriving seaport. One of the more influential sea captains, Jeremiah Orne, donates the books and funds that lead to the foundation of Miskatonic Liberal College.
   – Richard Billington constructs a stone circle in the woods near Dunwich and engages in apparently dark rites there. After a year or so, Billington disappears, said by a local American Indian tribe to have fallen prey to an entity he had summoned.
Between 1726 and 1760: LC: During the reign of King George II of England, Sebastian Arkham is granted (by royal decree) the parcel of formerly Native American land upon which he plans to build his home. However, he encounters resistance from the natives, who consider the mountain centerpiece of his land sacred and refuse to leave.
1728: LC: Many flee to Castronegro from the persecution of the Masons in Madrid.
1729: LC: An extremely poor English translation of the Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan appears. This version is disregarded by many scholars.
1731: LC: Eben Hall, now Customs Inspector of Kingsport, attempts to board the Hellene, ship of suspected Kingsport cultist Douglas Corben. Corben resists, and after a brief battle, the Hellene is sunk with all hands aboard.
c.1732: LC: A giant stone cross is erected in the campus of the future Miskatonic University.
1732: LC: Captain Abner Exekiel Hoag becomes one of the first New England traders to trade rum and copra among the Pacific islands, coming into contact with the people of Ponape.
1734: LC: Captain Abner Exekiel Hoag discovers the work known as the Ponape Scripture on the isle of Ponape. He spends years thereafter attempting to translate it with the help of his half-Polynesian servant. Hoag succeeds, but an ecclesiastical outcry prevents his work from being published until after his death. Despite this, it is secretly circulated in occult circles for many years afterward.
1737: LC: According to some, Cultes des Goules by the Comte d’Erlette is published in Rouen, France.
1738: LC: The “famous wit” Dr. Checkley calls on Joseph Curwen at his home, and leaves in a very disturbed state.
1743: LC: Dunwich’s first Congregation is formed by the mill worker families.
    – Elder Marsh of Innsmouth funds the construction of a building to store Arkham College’s library.
1745: LC: The Prescott and Dunlock families settle west of Dunwich. They only mix with the secretive townsfolk rarely.
1746: LC: Benvento Chieti Bordighera, later to be a gifted young composer, is born in Rome.
    – John Merritt, an elderly and learned Englishman, visits Joseph Curwen. After seeing Curwen’s farmhouse library, Merritt wants no more to do with him.
    – John Bishop dies. He gives his property to his son Isaiah, and the secret of making gold to his other son Gabriel. Gabriel, a follower of Jacob Whateley, moves out of town to settle near Jacob’s farm.
    – Construction begins on the Congregational Church in Dunwich.
    – The van der Heyl family leaves Albany, New York after being suspected of witchcraft.
1747: LC: The Congregational Church is completed. Reverend Abijah Hoadley preaches against the rumblings in the hills around Dunwich, decrying them as the work of the Devil. Soon after, Hoadley disappears, and the Congregation drifts apart.
1748: LC: A larger grist mill is built by the Whateleys in Dunwich.
    – Sir Gilbert Morley seals Byatis’ prison one final time and soon disappears. He leaves his diary behind, but his castle home is torn down.
c.1750: LC: A cult devoted to Tulzscha, based in Kingsport, Massachusetts, is disbanded.
1750: LC: Jedediah Orne, a son of Simon Orne who looks exactly like his father, returns to Salem and claims his father’s estate.
1752: LC: Peter Osborn borrows money from Jeremiah Whateley and founds a general store in the abandoned Congregational Church.
   – Jacob Whateley’s eldest granddaughter disappears. Following that, Jacob and Jeremiah meet by chance and have a rather nasty argument in front of the general store. Jeremiah accuses Jacob of having a part in his granddaughter’s vanishing and forbids him further access to Absalom’s library. Three weeks later, Jeremiah dies in an apparent accident while retrieving books borrowed by Jacob. The surviving brother purchases Absalom’s library some weeks later from Jeremiah’s widow. The Widow Whateley is ruled unfit to manage her husband’s properties, which are inherited by her sons.
   – Rumors of unnatural activities at the Whateley farm, and the participation of Gabriel Bishop’s family, leads to the Believers’ ceasing all contact with them. Several visitors come to Jacob’s farm, including one Sermon Bishop. Bishop disappears en route to home.
1753: LC: Jacob Whateley dies. Whether it is really of natural causes as claimed by his family is uncertain.
   – The British Museum is founded, thanks in part to three libraries donated for the use of the English people. Among the books is one of the 15th-century German-printed Latin Necronomicons.
1758: LC: March and April Two regiments of Royal soldiers pass through Providence. While they are stopped there, a few of their troops disappear without a trace. Joseph Curwen is suspected to be involved.
c.1760: LC: The van der Heyls build a family home near Attica, New York, around which the village of Chorazin grows.
1761: LC: Joseph Curwen has a new home built. He also donates funds
1762: LC: Sebastian Arkham hires mercenaries that, six years later, finally clear his chosen lands and allow him to begin building Arkham House.
1763: March 7: LC: Joseph Curwen marries Eliza Tillinghast.
Between 1765 and 1821: LC: The Dena family builds a house in San Pedro during the Spanish era of California. The building is later home to the infamous Morella Godolfo, and eventually, to the artist Graham Dean.
1765: LC: According to some, Arkham College is reinvigorated thanks to a bequest from Jedediah Orne. After this it is renamed to Miskatonic College.
   – Sir Wade Jermyn, an early explorer of the Congo, is committed to a madhouse in Huntingdon. Before this time or by the end of the year, his work Observations on Several Parts of Africa is published.
    – May 7: Joseph and Eliza Curwen’s daughter, Ann, is born.
1768: LC: Benvento Chieti Bordighera writes the opera Massa di Requiem per Shuggay.
    – Sir Wade Jermyn dies in the Huntingdon asylum.
1769: LC: Pope Clement XIII bans Massa di Requiem per Shuggay after its first incomplete performance.
    – According to some, Joseph Curwen donates funds to support Arkham College’s library.
1770: LC: Benvento Bordighera is imprisoned for heresy.
    – It becomes obvious to many important figures in Providence that Joseph Curwen is involved in some kind of illegal acts.
1771: LC: Benvento Bordighera is executed.
    – Jedediah Orne vanishes following an action undertaken by some prominent people of Massachusetts.
    – April 12: A raid is initiated on Joseph Curwen’s Pawtuxet farm. In the aftermath, Curwen is never seen again. Curwen’s copy of the Necronomicon- unique in having the title “Qanoon-é-Islam” on its cover- is spirited away.
1772: LC: A now widowed Eliza Curwen changes her last name, and that of her daughter, back to Tillinghast. She donates what remains of Joseph Curwen’s books to the future Miskatonic University.
Between 1775 and 1778: LC: During the American Revolution, many of Kingsport’s merchants act as privateers for the Colonies. These activities lead to a short-term British blockade of the town. Citizens of Innsmouth also aid the Revolution, either by joining the military or providing ships.
Late 18th Century: LC: Abner Exekiel Hoag’s translation of the Ponape Scripture is published.
1775: June 21: LC: Junípero Serra of the Mission San Xavier buries a trio of bells, given to the Mission by the Mutsune tribe in an attempt to destroy the colonists.
1776: LC: According to some, the Salem Academy moves to Arkham and is renamed to the Miskatonic Liberal Seminary.
    – The Bavarian Illuminati is founded.
1778: LC: The British blockade of Kingsport’s harbor is broken by the townspeople, inspired by a man named Argus Blaine.
c.1780: LC: The Oklahoman American Indian Grey Eagle is born; he will live for around 150 years or more.
1780: LC: Philip Jermyn, son of Sir Wade Jermyn, marries the daughter of his gamekeeper. He becomes a sailor and leaves his home, just before the birth of his son Robert. Philip later disappears off the Congo Coast.
1781: LC: James Sheffield translates Chronike von Nath into English, retitling it The Chronicles of Nath.
    – An ancestor of Randolph Carter disappears mysteriously from a grove of trees near the Carter property near Arkham.
c.1783: Soon after the end of the Revolutionary War, Miskatonic is presented the former Arkham town common in recognition of its achievements.
1783: LC: The pamphlet On the Sending Out of the Soul circulates through the Salem occult community.
1785: LC: Welcome Potter, great-great-grandfather of Charles Dexter Ward, marries Ann Tillinghast, daughter of Joseph Curwen.
1787: LC: Reverend Jeptha Hoag holds a fiery sermon preaching against evil forces in Dunwich. Like Abijah Hoadley before him, Hoag disappears, within a month of the sermon.
    – Around Candlemas, a Goodwife Doten of Duxbury encounters a horrible creature with the face of Robert Billington. The creature is captured by locals.
c.1788: LC: Over twenty years after its construction began, Arkham House is completed.
1788: June 5: LC: The beast with Robert Billington’s face is burned by order of Duxbury’s local High-Sheriff.
1789: LC: September 16 James Boon acquires a (probably) unique version of De Vermis Mysteriis, and incorporates it into his services.
    – October 31: After attempting a ceremony described within De Vermis Mysteriis, the inhabitants of Jerusalem’s Lot disappear without a trace.
c.1790: LC: The Severnford island witch cult is disbanded. Individuals continue to visit the island through the next two centuries, some of which are prey to bizarre attacks; the island becomes a center of strange events.
    – A group of people come to the lake containing Glaaki’s meteor from nearby Goatswood. Led by Thomas Lee, the cult builds houses there so they can be near their god.
1791: LC: George Whateley constructs a new sawmill on the North Fork Miskatonic.
1791-1988: The events of Interview with a Vampire (movie).
1792: LC: L’Histoire des Planetes, by Laurent de Longnez, is written. (It may be a French translation of Ketzer’s Die Geschichte den Planeten.)
c.1793: LC: The d’Erlettes flee France and settle in Bavaria at the time of the French Revolution. They change the family name to Derleth.
1793: LC: Juan Gonzalles, a Spanish explorer, visits the Temple of the Toad in the jungles of Honduras.
    – A boy enters an abandoned house near an Arkham burying-ground, and sees something there so terrifying that it drives him mad.
1794: LC: Alexis Ladeau’s father is killed during the Reign of Terror. Alexis’ pregnant mother flees to Vienna.
    – Reverend Ward Phillips, great-grandson of the original Ward Phillips, writes Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New-English Canaan. The complete first edition is published in this year.
c.1795: LC: Gottfried Mülder is born.
    – Around this time, legends circulate about strange sounds emanating from the van der Heyl home.
1795: LC: Friedrich von Junzt is born in Cologne, Germany.
1797: LC: Obadiah Marsh, ancestor of Obed Marsh, is found in a rowboat in Innsmouth harbor with his first mate Cyrus Phillips. He claims that his ship and the rest of his crew were lost in the South Pacific.

* From these centuries on, many of The Vampire Diaries’ main events unfold.  The Colonial and Plantation Eras were where things started getting complicated.  The complete timeline is here.

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