
  • ~5’3″ (slightly shorter than almost-perfect original)
  • ~120 lbs.
  • perfect perky C-cup tits just the way I (Auz) instinctively know they should be on females
  • perfect slender-fit elven figure; long legs, etc.
  • perfect girly walk
  • perfect elven facial structure; of a supermodel-female
  • replace the hideous soulless black eyes with ones showing goodness and intelligence

This is the retarded bitch who actually thought it would be seductive if she kept walking in front of my vehicle and clearing her throat at me, as if better than.
She was also with a big group of others, they kept blocking the campground street by sitting in the middle of it, and they were almost certainly eating bodyparts; murder victims; nonvegan shit.  Probably sent by the retarded church/es in the area, they always pretending to be good while their actions were nothing but idiotic attempts to seduce me with ugly/incompatible cunts.
What a completely disgraceful and failed community, disrespectful to the innocent (and to saintly heroes, no less) to the bitter end.

The look in their eyes when I politely waited for them to clear out from the street so I could drive by… was pure fear/dread, even when i waved thanks; I could tell they had been sent as a distraction, and were worried I had not taken the bait.
If they were good, they would have done Everything differently;

  • they would not have blocked the street,
  • not have played oblivious,
  • not have tried to seduce me,
  • not have made multiple identical passes instead of learning,
  • not have cleared her throat at me,
  • not have had soulless black shallow eyes,
  • not have had any negative reaction to me at all,
  • not have been not what I asked for,
  • not have waited that long to arrive,
  • not have not contacted me to discuss where and how to meet,

I am not seeing all they do in a negative way.
I am stating facts objectively.
There was nothing they did or vibed well.
They fucked up their whole approach the whole time in multiple ways, just like their lowly/evil kind always has.  What complete fools.  What complete punks.

When I for years -DECADES- say what I like and don’t like, send what I like.
When I do not take bait “offered” rudely, the correct response is to repent, apologize, and ask me how you can right yourself, not neglect and then drive me out of town, dumbshits.
Fucking ameri-peasants are always the same.  Absolutely pathetic retards, self-cockblocking to no end.


the almost-kajira way she held her fists up at her sides while strutting away:

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“10 Minutes (Play&Win Radio Edit)” Hot Inna
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