This is all “the good stuff” the humans/Outlanders never taught –or even realized, in many cases.

*Note that the cover image (of a mask-wearing scientist) depicts the only logical reason to wear such a thing; to prevent hair/spit from falling into a sample/substance or surgical ‘field’.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Exceptions
  4. Science Branches/Fields
  5. Progression
  6. The 10 Dogmas
  7. Example Lesson Formats
  8. Additional Notes
  9. Further Reading
  10. 2023 Update:  Astrology
  11. 2024 May:  Terrence Howard
  12. Images



At LHS, the finest science classes and teachers in the Universe are ready to teach you all they know.  If it leads to work in any of the “ologies”, we can get you to the point of total understanding and mastery right here, years before you start your job “out there”.  It is entirely possible, even probable, that you will already begin making PhD-level contributions to any scientific field/program/study by the time you leave our school.



noun: science
  1. the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
    “the world of science and technology”
    • a particular area of science.
      plural noun: sciences
      “veterinary science”
    • a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.
      “the science of criminology”
      knowledge of any kind.
      “his rare science and his practical skill”



  1. the branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organismssystematics.
    • the classification of something, especially organisms.
      “the taxonomy of these fossils”
    • a system of classification.
      plural nountaxonomies
      “a taxonomy of smells”
early 19th century: coined in French from Greek taxis ‘arrangement’ + -nomia ‘distribution’.

Due to retarded spineless Outlander humans “catering to the masses” in their modern era (near Shift; 20th and 21st centuries), some of them tried to pretend there was no classification more specific than species, but it is obvious there are many different members/types of each species, and we need a name for those differences.  The name is race.

A species is a distinct body form (e.g. horse vs. snake; those are different species, very different).
A race is a less distinct form; not different numbers or types of appendages, but maybe just different facial structure/features, etc.; distinct body parts, not distinct entire bodies (e.g. taller vs. shorter horses).
Even lesser variations, such as a fur pattern or hair color, and eye colors, and skin color, are the range of variations of a given race (e.g. the same size of horse, and the same facial/head structure, just with different mane colors, etc.).
Species examples:

  • bird, cat, cow, dog/wolf, fish, frog, horse, human, primate, snake

Race examples:
(in alphabetical order of species listed above)

  • bird races:  Blackbird, Blue Jay, Cardinal, Chicken, Crow, Dove, Eagle, Falcon, Flamingo, Hawk, Mockingbird, Osprey, Owl, Parrot, Peacock, Pigeon, Quail, Raven, Roadrunner, Sparrow, Stork, Swan, Turkey, Vulture, Woodpecker, Wren, etc.
  • cat races:  black, Bobcat, calico, mountain lion, Lion, Lynx, Siamese, Tiger, wildcat, etc.
  • cow races:  black and white cow, brown cow, etc.
  • dog races:  Chow, Doberman, Siberian Husky, etc.
  • fish races:  lion fish, tuna, swordfish, etc.
  • frog races:  bullfrog, rain frog, toad, etc.
  • horse races:  Mustang, Stallion, etc.
  • human races:  African/Negroid, Aryan/Caucasian, Asian/Mongoloid, etc.
  • primate races:  ape, baboon, chimpanzee, gorilla, monkey
  • snake races:  Cobra, Coral, Rattlesnake, Sea-snake, Viper, etc.

Call things what they are.
There is nothing wrong with the term “race”.

Regarding why groups of animals have names (instead of just being called “group of _”):  A group of owls is called a “parliament”.
A lot of the group names come from either the sound the species makes (gaggle of geese, scold of jays) or how they look (“stand” of flamingos). For instance, a “parliament” of owls refers to their perceived knowledge and wisdom.

There is no such word “subspecies”; species are divided into races. There are subsets of species; races. When there is a word for something, you don’t make up a pointless alternative word to avoid offending losers.



We do not include social sciences (a.k.a. social studies) in this class; it has its own class/category in our educational system.

Philosophy is technically a science, but it is more of a Social Studies sub-topic/-field, in our opinion.


Science Branches/Fields:

  • Biology (including Astrobiology, Microbiology, Xenobiology, etc.)
  • Chemistry (including Biochemistry, and the Periodic Table of the Elements beyond the 118 elements humans teach)
  • Computer(s); engineering, programming, repairing, technical support, etc. (including thoughts about my idea for making a version of acupuncture for computer hardware; keeping it running well –even Outlander products which have planned obsolescence)
  • Cymatics
  • Earth Science
  • Electro-gravitics
  • Geology
  • Life Science (including Botany, Ecology, Zoology, etc.)
  • Meteorology
  • Oceanography
  • Physics (including Astrophysics, Particle Physics, Thermodynamics, etc.)
  • Sigils Science
  • Space Science (including Astronomy

Further information about the sub-disciplines can be found here.


Progression by Year (School-grade):

  1. Phones (in tele-comm)
  2. PDAs (in comp-sci)
  3. Computers (in comp-sci)
  4. Radios (in tele-comm)
  5. Satellites (in tele-comm)
  6. Ansible (tele-comm)
  7. Chemistry (including subatomic particles)
  8. Biology
  9. Pharmacology
  10. Genetic Engineering (in engin-eering
  11. Programming (in comp-sci)
  12. Thermodynamics
  13. Exodus
  14. Alchemy (in chemistry), Metallurgy (in chem.)
  15. Repulsines (in engin-eering)
  16. Astrophysics (in physics)


The 10 Dogmas:

noundogmaplural noundogmas
  1. a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
    “the rejection of political dogma”

These are assumptions humans/Outlanders came up with very foolishly, sloppily, and lazily, and which their mainstream then forced the teaching of (lying about) for generations.

  1. Nature is mechanical.  (It is, in a way, but not how they think/teach.)
  2. Matter is unconscious.  (Many things have consciousness, some to more degrees than other, and the cosmic bodies are no exception –nor is Space/void itself, nor is Time itself, etc.)
  3. Laws of nature are fixed.  (The laws of nature/physics can change and have changed –and their latest/upcoming change is that they won’t be changeable like this anymore; Auz’s will is stabilizing them.)
  4. The amount of matter and energy is always the same.  (This is one of the wildest assumptions and sweeping generalizations ever; no one has any way of proving this, as no one has been everywhere (or every-when) in Creation.)
  5. Nature is purposeless.  (It has many purposes, and that should be obvious/evident.)
  6. Biological heredity is material.  (People are formed/gestated and born, and to some extent even fine-tuned as they age, by mindset; visions being held.  It is the holding of a vision/idea/want… that causes the body, starting at the DNA level, if not even more microscopic, to do what it does.)
  7. Memory is stored in the brain.  (Then why do SSP recruits with memory-wipes start remembering things?  Brains are how the out-of-body consciousness/control sends signals to the nervous system.  Brains are proportional to the body, i.e. to how many nervous system fibers/nodes there are, not to intelligence or memory capacity, and brain damage only leads to difficulty in operating the body, not true memory loss.)
  8. Your mind is inside your head.  (That may be for some, but not all people.  For example, primitive robotic/computer creations do have software magnetically encoded into the hardware that is typically in their head-like or central/tower body-part, but a lot of other types of beings are not like that.)
  9. Psychic phenomena is impossible.  (Telepathy and many other forms of this ability/power have been proven many times, by many different people, in multiple ways.)
  10. Only mechanistic medicine works.  (It actually is what causes most harm/death –other than a nonvegan diet; consuming/assimilating death from the start.  Thinking that certain products/consumables correspond to certain effects… does not factor in how certain mindsets/visions/assumptions affect a patient’s system.  It is fine to have a mechanistic approach to medicine, so long as it is not limited to thinking that only pharmaceutical products are effective mechanisms for causing desired patient outcomes.)

11th dogma noticed, thanks to the movie Star Trek:  Into Darkness (2013):

  • moons orbit planets, planets orbit stars, stars orbit galactic centers, etc. — August 2023:  Humans assumed that gravity is what holds stars and planets in orbits, but what if it was Space that is orbiting them, and all of them are fixed, and that is just how the ideas of Sphere Beings work and appear to us?

12th dogma noticed:

  • Humans assuming, claiming, and teaching that the elements and laws of physics are a pre-existing system they cannot change… stems from the identical template used by religion to brainwash the lazy and gullible into excessive default submission, dependency, and addiction.
    It isn’t wrong in general to accept a preexisting system (as some systems are good and work well); we’re just addressing the obvious reality/link regarding modern humans’ pseudo-science nonsense.

13th dogma:

  • Atoms are made of electrons, neutrons, and protons.  — January 2024:  The reason it SEEMS that protons, neutrons, and electrons exist…
    is bc ppl are manifesting that when they look at that scale;
    current humans are largely bipolar/conflicted,
    thus the tiniest particles around them… which are susceptible to their mind-energy-fields…
    end up being/becoming/behaving like what they are expected to.
    In other words, subatomic particles are different based on who is looking at them and expecting different things.
    Before humans looked at them, they did NOT have subatomic parts; they didn’t need that much detail/complexity.
    Particles behave differently around different types of beings/essences.
    While it worked for us to develop subatomic transmutation based on figuring out how to isolate and rearrange (change the ratios of) those subatomic particles, that is because we had caused those particles to exist, and even to behave how they behaved, in the matter/items that we were working with; this was just one way of transmuting/converting things.

14th dogma:

  • More structure requires more energy.  –That is false; that is a “principle” ASSUMED by chaos-based/essence beings such as current humans.
    They THINK more structure requires more energy… because their nature is to unDO structure/order/uniformity,
    evident in their self-altering madness, their infighting/wars, their lawsuits, their relationship discord/strain, etc..
    Structure (i.e. particles arranging themselves into repeating patterns / uniformity) happens naturally around those whose mindset or essence is to visualize, or hold the vision of, such structure/uniformity.
    Extrapolating from this, we can use it to detect who has inner conflict vs. inner stability/peace.  This is not to say that individuals with inner conflict are bad, only that they are going through some kind of debate or struggle.
    Also, focusing on love does not cause snowflake-like radial/bilateral formations of particles; being steady/unchanging in focus on anything does.  You, for example, can, at a time, love seeing, or want to see, a non-snowflake-like formation of particles, that desire and focus or mental vision then causing what looks like anger-based “disorder” of the observed particles.
    Also stemming from this, we see the real reason why humans think it takes incredible amounts of energy to move faraway cosmic locations/bodies (worlds, or areas of Space) closer (via warp-drives); it is their nature to seek and consume/drain lots of energy, because they are not creators/generators, but destroyers, and because they cause overcomplexity, and because they were brainwashed to assume they are dependent on esoterics and high-technology.  In other words, restructuring their “reality” (moving worlds closer via the warp workaround) requires more energy not in general, but due to their mindset/thinking/nature/focus.


Example Lesson Formats:

We don’t just teach things in a “dry” (boring/textbook) way; we make them interesting, hands-on, exciting, and fun.  We also add in humor to keep them “spiced up”, truer to life; relatable.  Take this way of explaining why Carbon is so interesting, from the atomic perspective:

“Carbon is like the slut of the Periodic Table –because it combines with all the other elements.
It is how things are built, how great lifeforms are made; by ‘orgies’ of elements which stick together and swap partners in a consistent way, always attracted to each other, stable in their polyamory.”
Imagine not only a science class lesson being put that way, but said by one of the sexiest and teen-looking teachers you’ve ever seen; an ICV.  You’d probably pay attention in class, wouldn’t you?

THAT is how winning is done.
THAT is how Inisfree got great.
THAT is what makes relationships last and coursework get memorized/retained –for years –for a lifetime.

In Inisfree, we don’t teach things “dry”.  (We make them “wet”.)  The results speak for themselves.

Welcome to science class in the New World Order.


Additional Notes:

  • Be wary of Outlander “scientists”; they often pretend they cannot reproduce results when free-energy / sustainability-tech’ is invented… only because they are paid to slander/attack it, and/or because they are so brainwashed that they can only manifest what they were brainwashed to assume/believe in.
    Everything Outlander-human mainstream-science claims is real science… is corporate propaganda; pseudo-science –especially when they claim legitimate/freelance science is pseudo-science.  You can almost always tell who is brainwashed or a religion-‘tard scammer by who condescendingly uses the term “pseudo-science”.
  • Gravity is not a constant –and is based more on habit and desire, not merely mass.  It is more accurate to say that attraction is due to electrostatics, which are the energy resulting from habit/want, not merely because of how much mass is in/under the area/object.
  • how gene-theory was upgraded to thought-theory; genes only work when thoughts command/want/will them to
  • Space is only vast and expanding when you focus on it, just like anything can become.
  • The Periodic Table of the Elements is still just a theory listing manifested assumptions, not all the elements in the Universe.
  • The speed of light is not a constant; light can be bent, so light moving through Space (i.e. many different gravity-fields, changes speed many times along its very-long journey/ies)
  • Warping Space is not necessary to reach cosmic destinations / cross those distances –and even when you want Space to get bent like that, you can literally just ask it to; you don’t need a complex or dangerous/radioactive machine/engine to force it.
  • How amusing that humans went to so much trouble in their laboratories to prevent their chemicals and whiskers and skin cells from getting into their samples, but never thought to develop helmets or other devices which would also prevent their thought-energies / assumption-fields and auras, etc., from affecting the objects/samples they were working on/with.
  • Just like you can hide things via camouflage/illusion, you can wield and hide things from gravity. All it takes is imagination and time/focus; for the means to become known/manifested.
  • The force of atoms or subatomic particles does not hold us together;
    humans’ brainwashing/assumptions that it does… is what holds atoms together which/when they observe those atoms.
    What holds Us together is our own thoughts/urges.
    What holds pre-humans together is their Own urges.
    What holds the giants together is those giants’ will/urges.
    It takes a larger/greater ancestor/focus/will to make lesser beings, and then those beings hold themSelves tgthr… bc/if it was the will of their maker/s that they Be stable like that.
    Atoms and gravity etc. have no effect on the ancients/gods/stars… bc those beings never assumed those tiny things / forces existed in the first place.
    Extrapolating back in time from that concept, we might have an explanation for why there was once an era before gravity, dispersion, etc. existed.
    But what humans don’t yet understand is that there is still no gravity or dispersion in a Lot of Creation/All; gravity is local, existing only where it is assumed/expected to.
    The gods were not limited to walking on worlds designed to hold them there; they moved about, never thinking of a force such as gravity, thus never having or being controlled by one.
    Humans are controlled by nearly everything, unable to manifest/change Anything, except for things smaller/weaker than them, thus their invented/alleged molecules, atoms, forces, etc.,
    and thus their inability to ever control/wield Me; I was not one of them, I instead made by them as a mixture of things they Found, or I at least adopted by them somehow.

2024 January revelation/discovery/manifestation:  anti-photons, which we call/named “umbrons” (from root “umbra”); particles which actually cause/increase darkness/shadow

2024 March:  (regarding geology) We make sure students understand that it is a lie to claim that any landform or rock formed more years ago than the student was alive or present to observe. It is only correct to say that the student is using one method or another to estimate the age of any given thing. It is never okay to state that something formed thousands or millions of years ago unless someone was around to observe that formation that entire time.

2024 June:  Claiming that a particle needs infinite energy to reach light speed…

  1. assumes that all particles are not at that speed naturally,
  2. assumes that is the case everywhere; uniform/universal ‘laws’,
  3. assumes it has always been that way,
  4. doesn’t even think of the possibility that it is the opposite; particles already at that speed might need infinite energy to slow them down so we can better detect them,
  5. is the standard exaggeration, default negativity, and sweeping generalization most humans have been guilty of all my 41 years

It may be that they just want ppl manifesting their own stationary-ness…bc they never think it is possible to move at higher speeds.
It may be as easy as asking the universe/route to make such possible/happen.
Bad humans probably Would need infinite energy to move at high speeds; since they are consumers/parasitic/draining.

Do waves of energy only exist in this Age of Pisces?; bc of the duality/bipolar focus? (somehow causing things to undulate; ups and downs)

2024 June 16 & 17:

  • Note that Starfleet travel is based on extracting fuel (stealing), then burning it (destroying), orchestrated by computer systems connected to other complex machines (overcomplexity / “technology as a crutch”); the humans using this means of transportation are negativity-nodes; they are parasites incapable of figuring out that you can just ask Space to do your will, and you don’t even need to learn its language; just hold a vision until it manifests, but the only vision they are holding is the one they were brainwashed/programmed to in Starfleet Academy, the one which keeps them dependent and nearly vestigial in some ways.
  • Assuming expansion/entropy is just projecting the desire to dim/end light and cause ultimate separation/fragmentation/death/darkness.
    Assuming particles or energy causes radioactive decay is not based on observing natural particles or effects, but manifesting the “universal” death assumption; it is the essence of the “scientists” idiotically/evilly manifesting tiny bits of matter that do their harm-based bidding, then blame-shifting to anything they can dream up / fabricate, which stems from their religious brainwashing to invent and then blame everything on demons or the devil; invisible/unseen forces.
  • Their alleged desire to find explanations for natural forces, such as why gravity and electricity exist/work, stems from their religions’ brainwashing to blame-shift to imaginary/unseen forces; they are not actually trying to find answers; they are trying to keep blame-shifting / overcomplicating things. The answers are simple and obvious; they are causing the forces they observe. Nothing else is responsible for the things they observe and study. They are determined to keep pretending they are powerless and not affecting the world around them. They are scum and liars like that.
  • The experiment where “water in one test tube somehow held information when transferred to another test tube”? Wrong; the water doesn’t hold information.
    DNA doesn’t, either.
    The wrong conclusion that they Do store/hold information is based on blame-shifting; imagining extra/additional intelligences or forces/abilities.
    The water in that experiment just received the same energy from the same scientists’ minds/thoughts, thus it behaved the same surprising way after being moved to the other test tube, or when different water in a different test tube did the same “surprising” thing.
    Information was not held in the water or transferred to the other bit of water; it was held in the mind of the experimenter, and transferred to both bits of water.
    It was based on expectation or held thought/idea/vision stimulating a manifestation.
  • E=MC^2? Idiotic;
    energy is not limited to a function of objects and room, or mass in 2D, or how things behave on their own in 3D void.
    Energy can be manifested; positive nodes (individuals able to have their own ideas, and hold those ideas such that they remain focused long enough to stimulate matter around them to manifest/form) can add energy or other components/changes to any volume/system.
    They can influence/change things across cosmic distance.
    Energy can skip distance.
    Quantum entanglement also hints at that in a way; things separated very far can still affect one another when not connected linearly or at all.
    Quantum entanglement, and all quantum physics, on that note, is still, however, just one of many ‘faces’/subsets/subfields stemming from the same essence/programming to endlessly add further complexity/wonder, as opposed to stabilizing reality / the system by deciding what shall manifest –and limiting what shall manifest.
  • Claiming there are universal forces/constant, such as that gravity is the same everywhere (generated to the same degree, proportional only to mass, not charge or focus), stems from the religions’ sweeping generalizations.
    It is why there are age-based laws, not maturity-based ones.
    It is why there are stereotypes.
    People who haven’t met everyone… still make claims about entire demographics or races.
    People who weren’t around in previous eras or wars… parrot propaganda about those times/people.
    People who haven’t been to the whole Universe… make “scientific” claims about all of it.
  • Claiming that matter cannot be created or destroyed… is another baseless sweeping generalization, the hallmark hyper-exaggeration and attempted total-submission-based brainwashing/propaganda of the morons/negative-ones.
    It is a claim basically the same as its religious version predominantly parroted by muslims; “There won’t be any more prophets.”
    But the reality is that matter can be created and destroyed, not just converted from one element to another.
    The reality is that the claim it canNot be created or destroyed was made by fake scientists whose agenda was to keep the masses manifesting their own powerlessness.
    It stems from brainwashing people to maintain an established system, making their manifesting parts/organs vestigial.
    And if matter cannot be created, the Big Bang theory, made by the same fools, contradicts that.
  • Atoms maybe look mostly empty to humans… bc humans are mostly empty/’dark’,
    and/or bc humans didnt envision/picture anything, thus very little manifested,
    and/or bc they assumed it might be like the current form of the solar system.
    Maybe atoms manifest/look complete/full, not mostly empty, to good/whole beings.


Further Reading:

See our webpage listing all the “ologies” we do work in here at Inisfree.



2023 Update:  Astrology

In our science courses, we teach the methods through which astrology information was discovered, checked, verified, etc., plus how we can use the sciences to discover even more about the influence the planets and stars (Sphere Beings / Arch Angels / Valar) may still choose to have on us, including how or if that influence may have changed over the eras.


2024 May:  Terrence Howard

He is one of the many mainstream-unsung heroes of the sciences; the mainstream, in keeping with its campaign to keep everyone just smart/educated enough to maintain machines without actually figuring anything new/timeless out, has chosen not to support/publicize his breakthroughs/contributions.

  • Terrence DaShon Howard, formerly an actor (Iron Man movies, etc.), now back to his engineer/genius roots/nature
  • talk with Joe Rogan, YouTube date claims made/posted days ago, yet I watched the first third of this several years ago; more possible evidence of my effortless time-travel/s
  • book/website; “One Times One Equals Two”
  • Walter Russel’s v of the Periodic Table is not boxy, but unwinding, thereby showing the relationship of certain elements/atoms to one another in terms of their frequency/tone
  • one ex. application:  using the frequency of beryllium to separate water into its 2 molecules; without using electrolysis or heat; cold fusion/fission
  • centripetal (forcing to follow a curved path) vs. centrifugal force (the force of an object wanting to exit a spinning system in a straight path)
  • Einstein didn’t realize electricity is the equal opposite of magnetism,
    elec’ being the contractive field;
    it is misleading to clump them (electricity and magnetism) together by the term electromagnetism (because one is contractive, wanting to connect/compress things, while the other is expansive).
  • Each element can unwind to become a smaller one;
    they are not limited to bonding to form molecules,
    and not limited to radioactive decay.
  • Hydrogen is the smallest/simplest element we can perceive,
    but it seems our senses are able to perceive only a tiny fraction of all that is,
    thus there may be things smaller than hydrogen.
  • Even if some patent applications of Terrence Howard got denied, that doesn’t mean he had a bad idea;
    it may just be that secret/classified patents for those ideas were already submitted by someone else.
  • No dej at 3D model movement portion of YouTube; I shut it down before that, last time.
    This is really cool.
    It also reminds me of how I envisioned the triquetra going 4D via an added curve.
  • YouTube mark 1:14:40 is when they start discussing making planets without gravity, thus (I extrapolating from their talk)
    how to terraform beyond atmospheric mixture;
    how to make and adjust vortices that together can change mass, density, etc., without destabilizing the orbit.
  • 1:25:20:  how to predict where solar systems are, conditions on their worlds based on the vortices those systems form, etc.;
    the next level of my idea for how to predict where civilizations were, based on oil and coal deposits
    applicable on these webpages:  MWG, Universe Map, The Mapping Campaign, and the Bat-cave II‘s Map-room.
  • “wave conjugations”; the ways in which an element/atom or anything has naturally stable states at octaves/intervals, not at all frequencies
  • He also patented guns that do not need projectiles, probably based on them emitting sounds tuned to destabilize/unwrap what they are aimed at.
    –and my Life Star (healing) beams do the opposite, but using same principle; sensors determine what a helpful frequency/energy would be, then emit that until re/stabilization is achieved
  • The fact Terrence assumes his kind (humans) are just little parts of a bigger organism… is wrong for me, but correct for him, as it shows his essence is submissive, receptive/learning, etc., not dominant, not knowing/choosing.
  • 2:14:00:  shows his invention of a rotating-lights column similar to a hologram
  • 3, 6, and 9
    3 makes a triangle
    2 triangles is a 6; star of david
    3 triangles is a 9; simplest pyramid
    1 triangle is 2d,
    2 triangles maybe represents 3d then?
    3 triangles represents 4d?
    “3, 6, 9, damn girl fine” may have been a catchy way of encapsulating that, thereby helping others hear and remember it, over and over, until something “clicked”.
  • More chromosomes/parts does not = more evolved; it = extra layers/complexity; newer, thus overly complicated,
    perhaps intentionally mutated to make it overly-complex, thus weaker in a way
  • Do Greys naturally develop on Asteron, try to save it, lose it anyway, move to Mars,
    or Mars was a moon of Asteron they moved to a safe distance, like Gor was moved,
    and that is why Mars seems out of place (a mostly solid… between a mostly liquid (Earth)… and a mostly vapor (Jupiter))?
    Do they then try to visit Earth to see if there is a way to make versions/hybrids of humans such that we become able to prevent our Own destruction…once Earth inevitably moves to the zone that shattered Asteron?
    Are earthquakes increasing bc Earth is changing states of matter, becoming less liquid and more vapor?
    Is pollution and 5G an attempt at getting humans Used to more energy/vapor Early, so more surVive the coming transition?
    Is it all masterminded by Greys?
  • Does Mars have its roots not as a war-god (a later interpretation by the default-negative humans, who probably interpreted its planetary motion/effects as causing harm to them way back when), but as a sea-related word?; mar, marine, mer-maid, …and mar-ital (implying that marriage is either based on water/flow… or conflict/war, at least when idiotic Outlander-humanimals do/misuse it)
  • Did Anunnaki foresee/predict Earth moving too far from the Sun, thus they made their own mini solar system such that it would sustain a rogue world just for them, that world never drifting away, and the whole system returning here for nostalgia and/or resources/resupplies?
    Did they make humans to stay behind and keep mining for them until Earth drifted on?
    Why not modify Earth to Not drift away from Sun, if they can make their own world?
    Maybe they only knew how to migrate to a pre-existing more-stable world/system, but not how to sustain its atmosphere.
    Who knows.
    Fun to speculate along dif’ development-paths/routes.
    Maybe they made the Greys to restrict/limit Space travel, keeping the humans they made… mining on the surface,
    ensuring they had plenty of gold for each resupply return.
  • Why call the easiest Age “the golden age” …when gold seems useless beyond tech?
    Gold is not edible.
    Maybe it was necessary to the Titans.
    Maybe it behaved more usefully when it was abundant, not as petrified, and in a more-energetic ancient-sky atmosphere.
    Maybe it was the most abundant element back then, until it was mined to near extinction by the Anunnaki and the humans/primates they made.
    Should we change the sequence of Ages from:
    1:  Gold
    2:  Silver
    3:  Bronze
    4:  Iron
    1:  Perfect-from-the-start
    2:  Self-perfecting
    3:  Dependent on heroes to stay stable
    4:  Unstable / self-destabilizing even with heroes
    The Age of Hydrogen (in place of calling it The Golden Age)
    then successively larger/over-complicated elements for the other 3 Ages
  • Gold isn’t useful in tools or weapons, but tools and weapons weren’t necessary back when everything was still telepathic, unified, pure, kindred.
  • Were gold-carrying ships Lost… or inTentionally sunk, so as to make extracted gold Difficult for Humans to get to, but still easy-enough for returning anunNaki to pick up?
  • Instead of force-warping ether/Space with radiation/magnetism,
    decouple from your planet or solar system or galaxy, allowing it to move away from your ship, and then couple to your destination so that it pulls you to it.
    Sounds clever and next-level, but portals/godhood/focus are still faster, simpler, safer, etc..
  • the key of A; 432 hertz; the Schuman resonance; Earth’s tone
    So to decouple, just play the opposite key/frequency/tone/note.
  • Not just decoupling from 3Dcoordinates, but decoupling from 6D; from a point in time.
  • Humans trying to figure out how the universe works… is part of what is causing it to change;
    only when they decide how it works, and believe it, and have minds powerful/trained enough to manifest it, and have the teamwork of the conscious cosmic bodies (stars, planets, and Space itself), will they Know how it works,
    but they remain focused on the string of assumptions based on the theory that it is unconscious/inanimate, thus they never even Think to ask it, let alone dominate it enough to tell/command it…
    My approach is the opposite, and not only do I sense and decide/spell-craft how it works, I know a lot more than just terraforming can be done with this awareness/wisdom; reforming Yggdrasil and more can be done.
    This doesn’t work with those who HEAR/READ my approach/theory, for it was an idea from me, thus it has by far the most power in/from me (so they can Help me manifest it, but I will remain in power/charge).
  • Terrence parroted some whorish hippie nonsense, and made some illogical sweeping generalizations, in that talk with Joe, but the main topic of their discussion is sound, and Terrence explained it well.  Hopefully he figures out the rest (about the other topics he spoke unintelligently on), or at least finishes transitioning to only presenting what he is “on a roll with” (wave-conjugations / tones of elements/atoms).  For a Phase 2 event/idea, he did well, and it was certainly interesting to re-happen upon it, and at the same rest-area in Oregon, realizing it may be yet another proof of the reality of time-travel, or at least of crystal-clear portal-like future-seeing; clairvoyance / foresight / precognition / prescience.  It seems I was shown the first bits of things years before they even existed, so I’d be better-able to handle/understand/accept/align them once they existed.


Also see:

  • “The Structured Atom” model; the new Periodic Table of the Elements, showing a modern theory about how atoms might only be composed of protons and electrons, bound together not be neutrons, but by the electrostatic force

Also see: