The Horse Head Nebula has a motley of uninhabited and barely-surveyed planets with some prospect for resourcing. Despite its inclusion in Earth Systems Alliance Space and proximity to Citadel Space, it is situated in a legal grey area for Citadel races: Noveria, at least, is not part of Citadel Space.

Cerberus is known to have major operations in the cluster. In 2185, the Minuteman Station is known to be located somewhere in the nebula. In 2186, the organization’s headquarters and at least one outpost are in relatively out-of-the-way positions within the nebula.


Solar Systems Directory:

  1. Anadius:  Cronos Station• Asteroid belt
  2. Fortuna:  Maganlis• Therumlon• Amaranthine• Wentania
  3. Pax:  Svarog• Noveria• Morana• Fuel depot‡• Veles• Mass relay‡
  4. Strenuus:  Yunthorl• Antitarra• Trelyn• MSV Majesty• Xawin• Thesalgon