These are the best places in Inisfree to observe the entire city from miles above the central mountain.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layouts
  3. Assistants
  4. Locations (Images Begin)
  5. Appearance Concepts
  6. Skydiving from Them
  7. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft



Thousands of these are open to the public, and include cafes, lounges, and even skydiving step-offs nearby.  This floating mini-city has balconies around its beaches, edges, suites, & spires.  As of 2022, there are also outdoor wash-off stations (outside showerheads) at each of these sandy hangouts.


Dimensions & Layouts:

  • big enough for a few human-sized people to stand on at the same time; ~6′ “long” (wide; along Cloud City II‘s edge)
  • ~4′ deep (front to back)
  • a few feet above the local/adjacent ground-level
  • 1 staircase up to each
  • a few steps per staircase
  • safety-railing all the way around, excepting 2 openings; to stop up on the balcony, and to skydive off the other side
  • ~2,000 all the way around Cloud City II’s edge (~16,587.61′) = 1 balcony every 8.293805′



    Inisfreean girls (ICVs) are ever on patrol to politely ensure no one falls off the nearby Cloud City II edge/sides unprepared.



    Appearance Concepts:

    Skydiving from Them:

    2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

    Also see: