Hell is one of the names for a vast and dynamic region created after / outside of the one called Heaven.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. History
  3. Sections
  4. Notes/Thoughts
  5. High King Auzdein von Himmler’s Wives Who Have Access to This Realm
  6. Others Auz Knows Who Have (or, at least, Had) Access to Hell
  7. People Auz Knows Who Were Sent to Hell for a Time
  8. Conceptual Images
  9. 2023 Update:  The Darkness Dimension



To be clear, Hell is not underground; it is not in the crust of the Earth where magma pockets exist.  (Normal caves and the cave-Elves; Drow, are down there –among other things and people.)  It is also not a bad place; it is simply the opposite of the bright/light/overlapping/source place/realm.  In other words, it is where few, no, or only one of the ideas/essences remains/exists.

*While Inisfreeans sometimes refer to Outer Space as Hell, they more accurately call it “down” or “The Abyss”, because some parts/volumes of it are not hellish/lonely at all.

Like all lands and entire realms/dimensions, it can shapeshift or bi-locate, appearing to some in a human/oid form.  Hell’s form is the goddess Hel, and she is extremely and flawlessly beautiful, often described much like how both Morrigan and High Queen Ambrosia appear –and that is no coincidence.  So think of Hell just like it actually is; it is both a place and a living being, an ancient and timeless deity, and a lovely and sexy woman worth getting to know –as a lover and a friend.  (This is the secret to passing/going through Hell without feeling tortured; what you vibe / send out… will be echoed back to you –and for you –and amplified.)

This soft-disclosure series and this one touch upon some of the aspects of one part of Hell.



Hell was one of the first dimensions/realms formed.  Back then, it was just another place to go, and didn’t even have a name.  It had terrain still being formed/chosen/imagined by the deities/Valar.

Much later, this realm became more distinct, shaped, finalized, and isolated.  Most beings lost touch with it, some –especially the newer ones; their descendants– no longer connected with it, or even knowledge of it, enough to really understand or remember what it is/was or is/was for.  That is when the rumors and “Telephone Game” effect began, regarding it; story by story, misinterpretation by misinterpretation, and spell by spell, it became confused with a place where Angels are ‘fallen’, and where those ‘fallen’ beings must act as wardens of humans who stray from the death-cult brainwashing; gibberish propaganda of the humanimals trying to terrorize/bully/intimidate everyone into following their self-destructive nonsense.

Like many realms, the more beings who went there, and the longer it existed, the more complex it became.  Today, Hell has many subsets, some ablaze, some completely frozen, others quite normal compared to biomes of the Earth.  It has magical boundaries and barriers, a great variety of Demons and demonic powers, cities, governments, trade, politics, and more.

Like Border Patrol checkpoints on Earth, there are many guarded and secret portals to and/or from this realm.  Different portals have different Angels who require different things in order to allow safe passage.  Some people are powerful and educated enough to talk or battle their way through, but this is very uncommon –and most prefer to remain on good terms with the extremely-capable super-beings in/of Hell, as that obviously tends to produce better results/interactions/passages.



These are places/regions within this dimension.

  1. Outer Space
  2. The Darkness Dimension (where not even the light of stars makes it in, unless allowed/summoned)
  3. (more TBA)



Heaven is the Source, thus the place of stability, unity, etc., while Hell is the new place, thus bound to keep isolating, sub-dividing, etc., though the original portion/part/region/volume of Hell was, much like its immediate-ancestor (Heaven; think of Heaven and Hell, and of all the other dimensions of reality, as a being/person, not just an empty space), quite planned and fixed; permanent, stable in its own way.

There aren’t really any true Demons (at least in the sense that some Angels might have become incompatible with some of their own kind); all Demons are Angels who simply exist/pioneer/work outside of Heaven.  While some demons “fuck with” some humans, many humans clearly deserve it, and these “games” are the clever/wise/effective way of getting stubborn humans (i.e. very-distant descendants / “leaves” of “the tree of life”) to “move in the breeze” (meaning:  to go where leaves would otherwise not go, as it is a leaf’s nature to simply stay put, then fall).

While all the dark spots/spheres in Heaven are the doors/exits/gates (i.e. Pearly Gates; the stars) to areas Heaven/Iluvatar/Elohim created as spaces where only one type of race/thinking/development/system would/could occur, Hell does not have either; there are no stars, nor any of their opposite-side dark-spot equivalents.  Only souls can get here, not their entire beings/bodies.  There are also only ~2 ways in and/or out, one being said, in a legend, to be down in the mouth of a massive cave, and the other being on the opposite side of the known world/Earth.

The angels here are in their humanoid form by default, and the hot areas humans on Earth perceive as stars in Space are actually the imagination exit-holes of the minds of those angels in Hell.

The Darkness Dimension is where darkness, not light, fuels growth; plants there grow by intaking darkness, and animals see and work better in lower and lowest light.

Everyone has natural night vision. Many have echo location, too.

‘Dark souls’ naturally end up there, as being in brighter dimensions burns and repels them.

Angels and other bioluminescent beings can cause weakness, blindness, burns, and even disintegration just by being present. They are like little living nuclear blasts there. This is why they often must either wear suits or spells that dim their radiance, or stay far out in orbit. It is also why some say Angels are mortal enemies of Darkness and Vampires; even when they get along, they can cause mortal wounds just by being too close.

Many plants and animals have bio-umbrance, the opposite of bioluminescence; they generate/emit darkness. That can help them see better in lit places.

Leaving that dimension takes focus, guts, and the esoteric awareness that other dimensions even exist, plus of course the faith that reaching them is possible. This is typically knowledge reserved for the gods/deities, such as Ambi.

Like any nation on Earth which trains and stations spies in other nations, agencies based in the Darkness Dimension train and station spies here and in other dimensions. Ambi’s typist/relayer was likely one of them.

People and other lifeforms of the Darkness Dimension are no more monstrous than those of this one; some of them consume others just as nonvegans here do, some kill in wars, some by accident, etc.

There are vampires in power and public there not because it is a realm of evil, but because it is easier for them to maneuver and do most other things there.

Souls/beings go to connected/unified realms, such as Heaven, when they want to be together / in pre-established systems, and many, if not all, of them also go to realms such as Hell/Darkness when they want me-time, rest, and monk-like isolation which always leads to the greatest of individual ideas/systems; both ‘sides’/realms are good and have their place/time.  Both also respect and support each other.  This is symbolized in the Yin-Yang.


High King Auzdein von Himmler’s Wives Who Have Access to This Realm:

  1. Ambrosia Shadowheart LeMorte Himmler:  my (Auz’s) top-wife, wielder and ruler of the Shadow Elementals, and Shadow-realm/Hell Incarnate –and she used this dimension to trap her “dark side/half” after it had threatened/scared her, that side of her finally conditionally released in ~2021 by her husband (me), and successfully reintegrated/merged with herself, making her whole again in/by 2023 July
  2. Catalypse Veau: became a semi-public demon during the Shift of 2012
  3. Lamia: semi-ancient (& demonized) north-African woman
  4. (and any Angel, of course –at least those not assigned to work/stay in other realms for a while)

* Illyana Rasputina has access to Purgatory, not Hell.

* Santanico Pandemonium has Hell’s capital city/fortress as her post-Turning surname, but she has not gone to Hell.


Others Auz Knows Who Have (or, at least, Had) Access to Hell:

  1. Allison Liddle:  Austrian demon, night-clubs singer-dancer
  2. Artemis Crock: one of the best archers and gymnasts in the world
  3. Diana Prince: “Wonder Woman”, daughter of Zeus, now a goddess warrior


People Auz Knows Who Were Sent to Hell for a Time:

  1. Trish Walker: talk-show hostess with a sizable network (sent to Hell for 6 years after committing suicide)


Conceptual Images:

2023 Update:  The Darkness Dimension

This is a subset of the shadowy/dark realm/s beyond the light/lit ones.  The darkness here is sentient, sapient, and so permeating that it can even darken/affect memories.

2024 June 20 Thursday idea:  It shouldn’t be called The Darkness Dimension if it has any light.
If it has light, and that light just doesn’t cause warmth, it should be called the Temperatureless Dimension.
The Darkness Dimension would be enTirely dark; VOID of light.  You’d have to feel or smell your way around.


Also see: