Previously added just because the landform looked impressive, having a copy of it in Inisfree is now to honor the fallen World Trees; the living connectors that were once where the Worlds Tree once provided endless connectivity and sustenance to all the original realms.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features
  4. Overall (Images Begin)
  5. Overhead
  6. Prominence
  7. Climbing the Exterior
  8. Camping on the Interior
  9. Surrounding Terrain
  10. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



Modeled after its namesake land-form from Wyoming, this Inisfreean construct is more than twice as high, and much wider about its base.  Designed and built to look like a volcanic core exposed over millions of years of erosion (which was the cause of its namesake’s formation), it is scaled up to allow for much more outdoor rock-climbing, summit camping, and B.A.S.E.-jumping.


Dimensions & Layout:

This construct stands half a mile tall (2,640′) and has a base with a diameter of nearly 1.25 miles (6,600′).  Its center, unlike its namesake’s, is a hollow core measuring all the way from its summit to base, with an even diameter of 1,386′ all the way down.


Special Features:

Some rock climbers enjoy setting up hanging tents anchored and bolted into the sheer walls of the hollow core of this artificial land-form, camping and sleeping as high up as half a mile above the ground; just below the inside lip of its summit.





Climbing the Exterior:

Camping on the Interior:

Surrounding Terrain:

2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft

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mus_special_cartintro_01 - Devils Tower 2
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