Every residence in our realm has one of these personal fitness rooms, standard.


Table of Contents:

  1. Note
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features



Every home gym in Inisfree comes with climbing ropes, free weights, and high-end exercise machines.  Most people who are approved for learning of and visiting Inisfree, and especially those who earn the right to have a permanent or vacation home there, prefer to exercise in Inisfree’s great outdoors, but it’s always nice to know that they have the convenient option to get a complete workout in the privacy of their own homes, and that the Inisfreeans care enough about their personal space to ensure this in their standard world-class way.


Dimensions & Layout:

Apartments have a workout room big enough to be a walk-in closet or slightly bigger.  Larger homes across our city have gyms comparable to the paid fitness clubs of the Outlands.


Special Features:

Inisfreean girls are always available as spotters, and are very happy to straddle your lap while you use the bench press or other fitness equipment.  They also enjoy being raised up in place of the barbells; you can have any Inisfreean girl balance as you push her up.  Want to do the sexual version of sit-ups, pushups, or pullups?  These girls will lovingly immediately join you for those, too, pulling themselves up over the pullup/chin-up bar to kiss or French kiss you at the top.  The sexy options are limitless.

