This is Inisfree’s night-club designed to look like a little sexy piece of Heaven itself.


Table of Contents:

  1. Theme
  2. Music Genre
  3. Dance Genre
  4. Dimensions
  5. Layout
  6. Gogos
  7. Special Features
  8. Menu
  9. Location & Overall (Images Begin)
  10. Furnishings
  11. Art
  12. Dancers & Guests
  13. Rooms Above the Dance Floor
  14. Other Concepts
  15. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft
  16. 2023 Update:  Full-size Model in Creativerse


Theme:  Clouds / Heaven

Music Genre:  arousing ethereal epic female upscale-stripper vocals, and ambient, etc.

Dance Genre:  Aerial Silk

Dimensions:  An entire mid-level spire-skyscraper of Cloud City II is devoted to this club.

Layout:  Located deep within Cloud City II, this club is designed to look like a heavenly cloud-borne scene, complete with billowing mist, floating beds fashioned after fluffy clouds, and winged dancers and waitresses, some of which have natural wings (actual angels who are guests of Inisfree).  This club is also furnished with floating (magnetic-based hover) cloud love-seats, floating cloud canopy-beds, and an overall layout representing the 9 sephoras.

Dante’s Divine Comedy (including Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso) was a laughable juvenile propaganda attempt at frightening the superstitious peasants of his time by plagiarizing other belief systems in an overly complex way, attempting to persuade the people back then that good things were bad, bad were good, an imaginary friend was in control of everything, and no one had any say in the matter, nor should anyone ever try to.  That being said, all things can be fixed, turned around for good, and made useful.  The following quotes from the passages of Divine Comedy show which elements we extracted and refined in order to make them pleasing features of our own facility here.

  1. First Sphere (The Moon): “When entering the “Realm of Heaven”, Dante and Beatrice enter the First Sphere of Heaven or the Moon. Here, they see the souls of those who failed to keep their vows including the sister of Dante’s friend Forese Donati, Piccarda Donati and Queen Constance of Sicily, both of whom were forced from their convents. Beatrice explains to Dante why their souls were “punished” by being allocated to the lowest Heaven for something that wasn’t their fault, adding that all souls actually live in the Empyrean. She also explains to him the reasons for the dark marks on the Moon.”
    Beyond the stately foyer, in the airlock-like room between sets of double-doors, is a color scheme like that of the actual Lunar surface, with no mega-holograms concealing its atmospheric haze, clouds, or small vegetation (as was the case in some lunar-surface photos, although some were also photoshopped before declassification), and there are high-resolution depictions of some of the grandest Lunar bases and ships spread across both entire walls.
  2. Second Sphere (Mercury): “In the Second Sphere of Heaven or Mercury, Dante and his guide Beatrice meet the souls of those who were just and righteous during their earthly lives but were primarily driven by ambition. The poet speaks to the Byzantine Emperor Justinian who tells him the history of the Roman Empire, speaking, among other things, about Julius Caesar, Augustus, Jesus’ crucifixion and the destruction of Jerusalem. Before moving forward, Dante and Beatrice discuss the original sin and redemption as well as the controversial idea of the responsibility of the Jews for Jesus’ death.”
    Through the third set of double-doors (the 1st being the entrance from the outside where the rest of the Cloud City II spires are, the 2nd being the start of that inner foyer, and the 3rd being the opening to the club-proper), the color scheme shifts to that of the dark purple-browns of Mercury’s iron and night side.  Waist-tall obelisks of the same likeness line the walkway toward the inner ring walkway of the club.
  3. Third Sphere (Venus): “The Third Sphere of Heaven or Venus is home to the souls of lovers who “earned” their place in heaven with their love for God and humanity. Here, Dante meets the young prince Charles Martel of Anjou who speaks about the influence of factors other than heredity on an individual’s character and qualities. The Italian poet also meets the soul of Cunizza da Romano whose brother he encountered in the Seventh Circle of Hell, and troubadour Folquet de Marselha who later became the Bishop of Toulouse.”
    The circular walkway between this club’s inner walls and dance floor area is of the smooth, cloudy, pale tan-and-light-brown color scheme of Venus.  Throne-like chairs and love-seats of the same colors (as well as matching benches, booths, and beds), and of an exceptional smoothness, line this walkway at even intervals with plenty of space to walk between.
  4. Fourth Sphere (The Sun): “When reaching the Fourth Sphere of Heaven or the Sun, Dante and Beatrice are surrounded by a crown consisting of St. Thomas Aquinas and eleven other souls of wise men who also include Boethius, King Solomon, Peter Lombard and the Venerable Bede, to mention some of the most famous ones. Then a second crown of twelve wise men appears with St. Bonaventure as their main spokesman. Similarly as St. Thomas who tells Dante the story of life and work of St. Francis, St. Bonaventure presents the story of St. Dominic.”
    Twelve gogo pedestals are spread out in a big circular formation along the perimeter of the dance floor.  Above them are twelve transparent gogo discs suspended from the high ceiling of this club; these are the two 12-point ‘crowns’ of Angels Allure.
  5. Fifth Sphere (Mars): “The Fifth Sphere of Heaven or Mars is home to holy warriors, whose souls are forming the shape of a cross. Here, Dante is approached by the soul of his great-great-grandfather Cacciaguida who was killed during the Second Crusade. He speaks about Florence’s glorious (and very idealized) past and criticizes its later decline. Also, he (correctly) predicts Dante’s exile from the city-state. Holy warriors who appear in this sphere of Dante’s Paradiso also include Joshua, Roland, Charlemagne, Judas Maccabeus, Robert Guiscard and others.”
    The outer ring of the dance floor is of the ruddy colors of Mars, lit from down within, similarly to how our city’s Glowing Art Highway surface is; when dancers walk across this part of the dance floor, it becomes noticeably more luminous, their footsteps resulting in a radial deep-red glow.
  6. Sixth Sphere (Jupiter): “The Sixth Sphere of Heaven or Jupiter is “inhabited” by the souls of just rulers. They spell out the Latin phrase “diligite iustitiam qui iudicatis terram” (English: “cherish justice, you who judge the earth”) and then form a giant eagle that speaks to Dante about divine justice and inscrutability. Rulers who are identified to form the eagle include the Biblical kings David and Hezekiah, Constantine, Trajan, William II of Sicily and Ripheus, a Trojan hero and pagan who was saved by God for his righteousness.”
    The middle ring of the dance floor looks like the clouds and Great Eye of Jupiter, and that legendary storm maintains a slow and subtle ‘orbit’ along this circular middle area, half hypnotizing the onlookers and dancers, helping to keep them chill and with the flows of the music and other motions.  This can be thought of as our walk-across lava-lamp.
  7. Seventh Sphere (Saturn): “In the Seventh Sphere of Heaven or Saturn, Dante encounters the spirits of people who dedicated their lives to prayer, climbing up and down a golden ladder. In this sphere, the poet speaks to St. Peter Damian who points out to the corruption of the Church but he also meets St. Benedict who is infuriated with the Church’s moral decline as well. St. Benedictine also tells Dante that the golden ladder is reaching up to the very Empyrean and explains the latter’s nature.”
    The innermost area of the dance floor has a color scheme like Saturn’s, with a central ring of purple colors just like the hexagonal polar auroras of that world.  They, like the ‘eye’ of Jupiter floor art, slowly, subtly move, having the same lava-lamp effect.  The rings of Saturn are represented by holograms halfway up between this floor and the club’s ceiling, also slowly moving, and separating the two ‘crowns’ (upper and lower platform levels) of gogo dancers.  If you look closely at this holographic miniature copy of Saturn’s rings, you will be able to make out all of the ‘man-made’ (Angel-made, actually) structures in them; this hologram accurately depicts all the actual buildings that are what humans were told are just the rocky rings of this world; they are, in reality, elven-quality super-skyscrapers, all arranged perfectly in orbit.
  8. Eighth Sphere (Fixed Stars): “Dante and Beatrice enter the Eighth Sphere of Heaven or Fixed Stars in the constellation of Gemini. Here, the poet and his guide see the Virgin Mary and other Biblical saints including the apostles of Peter, John and James who test Dante on faith, love and hope. Then Dante sees Adam who tells him how old he is, how long he lived in Eden, why God got angry at him and what was his original language. Before moving forward, Dante and Beatrice also witness Peter’s anger with the papacy and in particular, Pope Boniface VIII.”
    The walls of this club of ours have built-in LEDs which faintly flicker just like the semi-colorful starlight you are probably used to seeing when stargazing on camping trips or elsewhere.  These LEDs are actually in the exact positions of the constellations and other stars you would see if the walls of this club weren’t there.
  9. Ninth Sphere (Primum Mobile):  “The last of the 9 Spheres of Heaven or the Primum Mobile is also the last stop before the Empyrean and the last of the physical Heavens as the Empyrean is beyond space and time. After a brief discussion with Beatrice on the place they’ve come to, Dante sees an intensely bright light surrounded by nine circles which, as he soon learns, are the nine orders of angels surrounding God in the center. As they are slowly ascending to the Empyrean, Beatrice tells Dante the story of creation and history of the angels.”
    The hidden alcoves of this club are located high up along the ceiling’s perimeter, accessible only with one of the Angels or ICV staff members (such as the gogos) as your guide.  In them, you can by-mind control how muffled the sounds from the rest of the club are, and how slowly you want time to pass; you can enjoy gogos in there for hours without more than a minute or two passing by.  Inisfreeans are masters of time and Space, after all, and cater to their worthy guests in so many wondrous ways.

Gogos:  The professional dancers in this club wear costumes which make them resemble angels; winged models in couture, silky, skimpy dresses.  They start many of their dances resting on their shins upon the floating cloud-beds, then arousingly stand up by raising their ass up first, then easing up into a proud, feminine posture.  Those with real wings often fly up to the balconies and back instead of taking the AIOWs.

Special Features:  You can have sex with actual female Angels here at any time, day or night, 365 days a year, right up on their floating-cloud hover-beds and dance-platforms; there are always hot slutty eager Angel gogos and kajirae strutting and romping around in this club, ready for any and all usage.  And, yes, you can caress their wings, and hold onto their haloes the same way humans grip ponytails for leverage during rough sex.

Menu:  Vegan & light  *All 51 clubs in Inisfree serve the same drinks; water, smart-water, flavored water, fruit juices, and teas.


Location & Overall:



Dancers & Guests:

Rooms Above the Dance Floor:

Other Concepts:

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

2023 Update:  Full-size Model in Creativerse