This used to be a place of punishment for the worst offenders.  Now it is a place of sweet release and indulging, for those who love this fantasy and style of roleplay.


Table of Contents:

  1. The Rape Fields & Caves:  Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features
  4. Above Ground
  5. Below
  6. Tentacles-chambers with Cum-ports
  7. Giant Bugs
  8. Giant Slugs
  9. Giant Slugs in Sensory Deprivation
  10. Bug-men
  11. Even More Creatures Girls Can Fuck
  12. Ponds Full of Cum
  13. Soft-vore Creatures/Pods
  14. Ceiling-mounted Hanging Soft-vore Suction-tubes
  15. Splorch-ends to Some Tentacles
  16. 2020 Update


The Rape Fields & Caves:  Introduction

These are the fields and Underway caves reserved for raping girls.  

Some girls go here by choice, preferring rougher sex, rape role-playing fantasy scenarios, and BDSM.

Kajirae, however, can get sent here as a mild punishment (though most of them still openly really enjoy it).

While a certain cluster of fields on the surface of our realm are occasionally used, and while many of the Underway caves have sexual features in them, there is one in particular reserved just for this.  It is commonly referred to as ‘The Rape Cave’, though the more P-C prefer to call it by its more technical and legal term; ‘The Consensual Non-consent Area’, meaning that all parties involved consent prior to initiating pretend non-consent activities.  (At least, that has been the case since we, in 2172 A.D., ruled that it was only for consensual rape-roleplay.)


Dimensions & Layout:

The field predominantly utilized for such rapes is between the Cropland and Automated Clothing Factory.  It measures about one quarter of a mile in diameter, and is connected via a special, highly restricted subway train and tunnel… all the way over to the only cave chamber in Inisfree reserved exclusively for the same. That cave chamber is an ellipsoid which measures one quarter of a mile along its short axes, and one third of a mile about its long axis.  It is half a mile underground, and significantly populated by the Inisfreean version of Xenomorphs; black, ant-like, humanoid aliens designed to sense, hunt, capture, and manipulate humans, though this breed of them, genetically modified by Inisfree, carries out sexy rape-based scenarios, rather than impregnating random humans to death in the process of growing Xenomorph hives (which is what the original Xenomorphs far beyond Inisfree were known for).


Special Features:

Though initially utilized for counter-psychological-operations, such as sexual ‘shock and awe’ campaigns against humans who go out of their way to offend both the Inisfreean people and their own kind, this chamber is now predominantly used voluntarily; just by girls who love playing out rape fantasies and inter-species lust bordering on beastiality.  (Think that’s too risqué or weird?  Millions are into it.  You probably know many who are.)  Inisfree’s purpose, after all, is that of the Universe’s finest pleasure city.


Above Ground:

It starts off relatively mild; the girls are not always hooded (no opaque bag over their head), so they can often see around and for miles, and their rapists are usually just normal men, giving them a few good series of thrusts and creampies.  Besides, the girls sent here as punishment are usually kajirae; females of that demographic are completely trained and accustomed to be comfortable and even eager having no say in who uses them.


Girls are taken down into the Underway, then into its non-consent cave, and finally near one of its XXXeno hives.  Within are the XXXenos (both the drone/warrior/humanoid type, and the face-huggers, though they only implant splorch-‘eggs’ which cannot cause harm or create chest-bursters, of course, and those ‘eggs’ usually only go in the pussy or asshole, and are sub (less than) ping pong ball-sized), tentacle-walls, and other stimulating creations.  Additional animatronics are frequently added to this mix –many times by the girls’ request.

What makes this the far-more-intense optional 2nd part of our rape-area is the sensory deprivation and strange body-parts; most girls down here cannot see their hand in front of their own face, it is so dark in many places, and the things grabbing hold of them and fucking them are not always humanoid, and not always gentle.  Usage (rape) down here can last for hours, even days, in stark contrast to the ~hour or two of much-milder usage back on the surface.

Tentacles-chambers with Cum-ports:

Sometimes only the tentacles and ports are desired, not the XXXenos.

More tentacle options down here:

Giant Bugs:

Soothing roach-like robots are always available.

Giant Slugs:

Think of these as a moving pillow with an attached dildo or two –and ones that squirt out life-like cum.

Giant Slugs in Sensory Deprivation:

Some girls like it dark; being denied sight, or any other one sense, helps increase focus on the others.  In other words, a blindfolded girl, or a girl in a pitch-black room, feels more than she sees; her pleasure is dramatically increased –as are her thrills, just like in a shadowy movie theater during a scary flick.


In case you are wondering, the model demonstrating all these features of our popular non-consent facilities in the image-albums above is Juli Mackey.

Even More Creatures Girls Can Fuck:

Ponds Full of Cum:

Soft-vore Creatures/Pods:

including Living-tubes:

Ceiling-mounted Hanging Soft-vore Suction-tubes:

Splorch-ends to Some Tentacles:

2020 Update:

Now all of the animatronic animals available in the 50+ annex-caves of the Underway are available for use in these “rape” fantasy enactments.


Video Player

Also see:

Combichrist - Fuckmachine - for Freyja y Didina y rape cave
Audio Player