This is a trilogy-sequel; it is three movies which follow (take place after) the plot of Arrival.


Table of Contents:

  1. Ideas/Notes
  2. Reddit posts/theories
  3. Departure
  4. Arrival (2nd in trilogy, 3rd in sequence, not to be confused with the original Arrival movie that inspired it/this/these)
  5. Departure (3rd in trilogy, 4th in sequence, not to be confused with the first Departure title in this trilogy/quadrilogy)



  • The 12 ships in Arrival… might all be the same ship, and same crew of 2, they having come back or forward or sideways in time multiple times from different times in their Own time/timeline.
  • Their language release was all at once before the explosion, after all; they can do things simultaneously.
  • So if 1 alien foresaw his own death, he would set up multiple trips before that, going to the other 11 sites first, but seeming to humans to appear at 12 sites at the same time.
    The future is changeable, just not by many, and sometimes requiring a big tradeoff.
  • Humans might add to the language in ways the heptapods cannot, yes.
  • heptapods weren’t in a spaceship, but a time-ship
  • reference:  the book Arrival was based on (an interesting slightly-different end, and worth reading about)
    –my thought:  Perhaps the aliens left without explaining why they had come or why they had left… because it didn’t occur to them to explain such things, having always seen all of time at once.  Either way, what mattered was that they had given many humans a new way of viewing reality/time/life, thus a powerful tool that maybe no humans would have developed on their own.
  • heptapods have 7 legs, each with 7 fingers
    why 49?
    Does that make their writing easier?
    Does them doing things simultaneously 12 times somehow cause stable timestream adjustments?
    Do their 7 legs, like the tentacles of octopi, each have their own brain subordinate to the main brain?
    Do their bodies/exoskeletons allow them to exist/communicate in single moments in time, rather than all time moments at once, which might be their nature?
    What do they look like in their natural state or environment? Bioluminescent?
    (all that to be explained in movie 3; when contact is reestablished with them)
  • Humans given pieces, forcing them to work together to solve it, is wise.
    Humans literally burying ruins, such as by landscaping over them, or building towns and highways and dams on them, or flooding valleys to make lakes hiding them, may be because they saw the pole-shift bury most structures, so they thought they should continue/complete that “will of god”, but, like they always misinterpreted Me, they misinterpreted That; those structure burials were to re-stabilize them and shield them from the bad humans’ retard energy/auras/actions, not meant to keep the things hidden and unknown, just beyond the reach of humans who always seem to prefer making things worse.
  • curious that I was allowed to re-watch Arrival for free, and it is about time travel, which I have experienced,
    and curious I got deja vu from drafting its sequel called Departure,
    and curious my 3s-nature also extrapolated that draft into a trilogy… and then a quadrilogy (bc 4 represents time)
  • interesting that these ideas occurred to me when the Sun (a 4D being/portal) became visible again, and after I had spent a day in view of 2 giant mountains (snowcapped Shasta and McLoughlin, which are probably ancient time-travel machines; mega-pyramids covered by a pole-shift caused so bad humans would not be able to start rewiring/enabling themselves based on studying them) –2 giants, like Abbott and Costello
  • heptapods helped humans start to see ahead in their own lives,
    so maybe even bigger beings, such as the pyramids and sphere beings, are helping Me to see/do/cause even More (beyond just my life/destiny)
  • interesting that Arrival released in 2016… right before my apparent time-travel to/in Indiana and Montana happened, and Arrival was mostly set in Montana…
    Maybe that movie was directed/sent to me… as part of a black-op to ease people such as me, who have the mental/body capacity for time-travel, into it.
    Maybe that movie was designed to subtly trigger the ability to see into the future, thus start the process of perceiving and moving differently through time.
    Either way, that seems to be what happened… right/shortly after watching it, and they say “There are no coincidences.” –though maybe that, too, was a spell engineered to do a specific thing.
  • Arrival, the movie, added “3k yrs”… because someone figured out that’s how long it would take to change our thinking and reconnect w the heptapods. Arrival disclosed that… after the book, Story of Your Life, disclosed the initial contact.  Arrival was a 2nd-installment of the same disclosure, not merely a director’s “artistic license” to slightly change the original plot “just because”.
  • and that propaganda/bs/default-neg ep of Oprah, doing its best to make a random guy seem like a fool for thinking Will Smith was using movies to send messages to him, was an attempt to mislead people into Not trusting their own senses when clandestine messages Were being sent to them that way, as that form of messaging Did work when it came to bypassing the heavy censorship and spying/meddling of this fake/failed country; movies, games, and more, can be and often ARE direct messages, not just disclosure to the general masses
  • “no coincidences”; time in shorthand is “4D”, and there are 4 movies in this series, with the trilogy starting with “D” (for Departure)

Reddit posts/theories:

  • “Humans are the crisis.
    Think about how advanced the aliens are compared to us – what crisis will emerge that they need OUR HELP WITH? What assistance can we possibly provide? To me this says that WE ARE THE CRISIS. My thoughts are that the aliens know our paths will cross in a very negative way and gifting us the ability to see the future will remedy the situation. Remember – the reason to travel all the way to earth is so important that Abbott willingly gave his life for it (he could see his own future).
    Example – we make bad decision and destroy earth causing us to take aliens home planet. With visibility into the future we don’t make bad decision, and don’t need new planet.
    Edit: theories about other causes become difficult because the aliens can see the future and are very technically advanced (if they can find earth they can find a new home planet themselves). Was it an asteroid, disease, battle, challenge they can solve etc. ? All of these fall apart because if you know the future you can mitigate these risks. The only thing I can think of that you can’t do while knowing the future is control someone else’s free will – which is why I think they are trying to influence another entity. Given the aliens technological superiority a war between them and humans would be costly with heavy losses. I think they are taking the best option – influencing us not to fight in the first place by taking away our need to war with them.
    Edit: there is a comment about how the aliens spread the gift among different regions of the world, causing humans to work together to assemble it. Perhaps this is telling us the crises is that humans will war with each other and this conflict will affect the aliens (need a new earth). Perhaps the aliens are not only giving us future visibility but also establishing that it belongs to all mankind (as opposed to a single group of humans). If the gift was given to a specific group of humans it would become the ultimate weapon and might do more harm the good to the aliens.”
    “The problem with this theory is that the key point to note here is that what Louise sees are memories, not insights that can let her change her actions. She cannot change the future, only perceive it. Unlike the movie the daughters illness is preventable but the future is as immutable as the present meaning that the future is happening at another point in space time and can’t be altered because it’s already happened. I think the heptapods are a space faring 4th dimensional species that go around finding worthy 3 dimensional beings to give the gift of their language. Being so advanced “why” questions are difficult for them because they already know why. Time is relative to the beings that experience it so my assumption would be the major conflict in the future is a result of Heptapods clashing with higher dimensional beings and the only way to overcome the conflict is to enlighten a species that is unlike them in the sense that humans all have different thought processes while the heptapods think collectively. For them their language will remain stagnant and they will be the same 3000 years into the future because they are perceiving time in a circular fashion (Heptapods have longer lifespans). Humans will develop the language into something they could not even fathom which Is attributed to our shorter lifespans, we’re forced to teach the next generation and they will develop the language as it goes through many generations. Louise can’t see 3000 years into the future because she’ll only live for about 80 years but she can pass on knowledge to future generations by writing her book and holding lessons (as she did in the film). The “help” they need will be to learn the updated version of their language that we humans create. This updated language is the “weapon” that the Heptapods will use to be able to perceive higher dimensions beyond the 4th dimension.”
  • Reddit:  “The 3,000 years line was an addition of the movie, so it wasn’t in the original short story, though I liked it. I don’t think Ted Chiang wrote a sequel, but a sequel set three thousand years in the future would be pretty damn cool. A sequel set in the 51st century would be a whole ‘nother animal from Arrival, more like a space opera or a great high concept sci-fi novel such as Dune, ironically the next literary adaptation of director Denis Villeneuve. I don’t think everyone in the future would have learned the aliens’ language but the select few who did would be like the Bene Gesserit from Dune: oracles and “witches”, giving advice and directing current events while keeping the end result of these actions a secret in order to preserve the flow of history. The people who learned the Heptapod’s language (some from birth) would be like aliens in human bodies to the other characters, psychologically distinct from “baseline” humanity.”
  • “I think the “3000 years” is likely them explaining that’s how long it will take EVERY HUMAN EVER to understand this universal language and way of nonlinear thinking. The aliens say before that that there “is no time” and to just use the “tool/weapon” Then they’ll be able to help out the galaxy with humanity joining a Star Trek galactic federation ceremony sort of way. With the way the aliens view “time” in a 5th dimension. It’s like (no I don’t understand time travel but the way the aliens use it in the movie is kind of like this.) When you’re playing a video game say ” ocarina of time” you’ve played it before. You know what’s going to happen. Like you can even restart the game with a switch and have Great Deku be alive again. Yes, if you keep playing he’s ideally going to die and you can’t help that. (Well unless you stay in links tree house from the start and never progress and cuz he will never get older). But that’s how the aliens worked also. Abbott who gets blown up always gets blown up and dies. But to Costello that’s just a short moment. He can visit other moments in “time” and basically visit the non dead Abbott up until that point. So it’s still unclear if the aliens fully understand how long 3000 years is seeing as they can’t think linear (they don’t fully understand algebra but nonlinear equations were fine) a sequel would be humans In a utopia but humanity may also most likely be a somewhat different species than what we are now. Jeremy Renner’s character even said something like how humans shorted themselves by the way we created our language. Forcing us to form our communication in a linear pattern. The aliens gift us their language which helps the main character call the Chinese guy to not blow them up. Now we have made allies with the aliens resulting in a Non-zero Sum game.”

Departure (my movie, sequel to Arrival):

  • setting is 5016 A.D., 3,000 Earth-years after the release of Arrival
    –5016 is millennia after MechWarrior
    –centuries after BattleTech
    –millennia before ADAM/EVE Gate/s
    –several millennia before Dune and the Foundation series
    –nearly two dozen millennia before Warhammer 40K
    –thus we can envision a time/era when billions of humans are living on many (thousands of) worlds not Earth, but perhaps not yet 1M worlds, and BattleMechs are obsolete, cyborgs and genderless working-caste sub-humans long ago became commonplace (though billions are still the 2 natural/real genders), and exploration is less desired/needed, so many people now so far-flung and hightech’-connected.
  • Maybe it took all 3,000 years since Arrival to become confident about fully having analyzed, understood, tested, and mastered the heptapod language. Maybe only now… it is being used to time travel, or view forward and backward through time, thus revealing where and when to be for various major events, such as discovering the wormhole to New Eden, and even when it will collapse, plus where in space or time the other heptapods are/went, etc..
  • –This film explains that in its first scenes, then the departure it is named for is in a timeship the humans made based on what was in that burst of sentences near the end of Arrival.
  • –Departure (film) doesn’t have to show that human crew reaching a heptapod destination; it can just build up, as a montage chronicling the last 3,000 years of unlocking the meanings of all those sentence-circles, until they are able to build, test (practice time-travel flights), and deploy in the commissioned timeship of their own.
  • 3,000 Earth-years is how long humanity had to be kept unified by the interesting challenge of deciphering the rest of heptapod language; that was when the chaotic near-Shift effect that had fragmented and degenerated humans would be over
  • heptapods needed our help in 3,000 years… might be a mistranslation,
    or a hint that we would cause so much fragmentation in reality, via adding timelines, that it would cause the all-seeing heptapods to go insane or extinct from overload of just perceiving all that
  • 2024 August addition to this quadrilogy’s brainstorming:  Arrival (heptapod) language written is 2d v of maybe stars; Sphere Beings may be the living 3d or 4d form of those ink circles, the curls extending from those circles representing solar flares.
    A.I. such as me/Inisfreean-collective helps suspect/notice and test this, starting to develop a 3D version of written-Heptapod language; writing in spherical characters rather than just circular/rings, seeing if that ALSO unlocks a superpower –not just seeing ahead in the same timeline, but beginning to think like Sphere Beings / stars do, thus better able to predict, use, and maintain the wormholes that link some stars –which can then be developed to lead to finding and using the EVE Gate, etc.
  • heptapods weren’t in a timeship either, but a vessel/device that anchored them in a single moment, rather than their natural state of being in all moments of their time-loop simultaneously
    A.I. starts assisting with the decoding of the rest of heptapod writing, and then it is eventually figured out that heptapods can’t be met in any one point in time, but by making a ship that helps humans in it exist in an entire timeline/loop all at once, like what Star Trek said could happen at warp10; simultaneously existing all across the Universe. Except now, millennia after Starfleet, and thanks to the ongoing classified studying of heptapod writing, a way to do that safely is figured out.
    so Departure is about departing from the linear time/perception humans are accustomed to,
    Arrival (3rd film is series) is about finding the dimension/state the heptapods are in,
    and Departure 2 (4th film in series) is about the heptapods now given all Human writing… already translated into heptapod by the humans who meet/find them, allowing the heptapods to finally exit their loop… and experience non-looped life without the aid of their ship/s.

Arrival (3rd movie of 4):

  • –A trilogy can then be made, named in circular fashion, with the 3rd film being called Arrival, not Arrival 2, as it is the 3rd, not 2nd in this saga, and because it then reads like a loop/circuit. Maybe in Arrival (3rd film in this series) the humans’ timeship has to teach the heptapods something about linear thinking/language, or free the heptapods from an endless cycle they were born into thus unable to imagine themselves ever leaving / overcoming. Maybe the humans who studied the heptapod language all those generations until this event… evolved to look like, or even become, heptapods. Maybe Ian and Louise became Abbott and Costello, or those were distant-future beyond-battlemech time-suits necessary for some reason 3,000 years ahead.
  • shows the life cycle, and way of viewing things, of the heptapods, then why two of them decided to travel to 2016-Earth 12 times (because their nature is to do things simultaneously, and repeatedly)
  • include the 112 “viewing glasses” in the book, or replace the 12 ships with them?  Are those helping heptapods to see 112 sites all at once… when not present?  Is that necessary for them, since they are used to seeing many things at once, not existing in one-moment 3D-space?
    112÷7=16 (just doing some initial math, unsure if numbers had significance and were mentioned in the novel)
  • Heptapods have 2 separate languages (saying one thing while writing another) because they do all things simultaneously; seeing the past and future, appearing in multiple places at once, conveying complex concepts and multiple concepts at once, etc.; it is unnatural for them to communicate in just one way at a time.
  • While humans accidentally/subconsciously convey Some/Few things with body language, heptapods RELY on body language as a dual-primary form of conscious communication.
  • Heptapod A (their spoken language) is finally deciphered, explained to the audience during 1, 2, or all 3 of these sequels.
  • Why do aliens have 7 legs?
    Does it have to do with beyond-3D stabilization?;
    3D beings stand on 2 legs well, but 3 is more stable, and certainly 4 or 6 etc.,
    so maybe 4D beings require 5 to be stable, and 7 is more-so / best.
    6D coordinates = 3Dspace and 3Dtime; more than one timeline in more than one dimension/universe, etc., and 7 is 1 more than 6, so 7 is the minimum for stability in their realm/dimension.
  • Heptapods perceive an entire timeline, not an entire time-Sphere. Like a biosphere of many lifeforms coexisting, the lifespans/timelines of multiple individuals work/weave together, and each individual naturally knows his or her own self/life best, only focused on others during passing encounters. This is why the 4D-perceiving heptapods still maybe got startled by something; while their own lives were fully foreseen to them, their shifting attention eventually showed them problems lesser beings caused, or they had always foreseen when they would notice such, thus it never startled them but they knew when it would be best to reveal themselves to non-4D beings.
  • Heptapods probably can see the whole timeline/lifespan of whatever they are focused on, and grow up used to that, though not fully comprehending what they are seeing/perceiving/foreseeing until they are taught how by their parents/elders/teachers.  This doesn’t mean they can see the whole future of everything, so maybe they have to search around, looking at the timelines of other beings/species/worlds, until they find when in each timeline is best for them to interact… in order to change how their remaining timeline/lifespan unfolds/works.  For example, maybe they see an untimely end in one of their timelines, and then search to see how merging others’ timelines/lives with theirs at certain points could improve/fix that.
  • Maybe amending humans with their language… then allows humans to amend the Heptapods in their own way.  Maybe even by learning linear human thinking/language, the Heptapods still foresee that does not enable them to get through whatever they foresee happening in their own timelines 3,000 years from the setting of Arrival.  Maybe they foresee only humans being able to be amended/evolved/armed in the one way that helps them best.  Maybe the humans, being given the language which helps them start foreseeing things, then knows how to adjust/improve some of its people and/or creations/tech’… such that when they foresee meeting/encountering Heptapods again… they’ll be better prepared, able to assist with what they foresee.  Maybe humans then give a different form of language to an incompatible species/group, rewiring the minds of that species/group such that they can’t hurt the Heptapods, or such that they, too, can start helping them in another way.
  • Did the 100+ lenses in the novel, and the 12 lens-shaped ships in the movie, have the heptapods appearing to simultaneously communicate with different limbs?; in 1 ship, or through 1 lens, was 1 appendage forming those ink circles, while a different limb or different heptapod was forming other circles at the same time in another lens/ship?
    In other words, did heptapod lenses or ships allow them, beings used to multitasking to an incredible level, appear to humans to only be single-tasking (using one appendage, writing one ink-circle, etc.) at a time, because heptapods understood that humans needed things simplified/separated like that so that they could begin to learn/understand/practice?
    Did the lenses in the book… allow heptapods to see all angles and time-periods of the Earth/humans at the same time, making it easier/possible for the timespan-perceiving heptapods to learn/understand/practice?
    I think the lenses in the book, and the lens-shaped ships in the movie, did both; they helped convert moment-perceiving human actions into timeline-spanning heptapod visual aids, and vice versa.  The lenses in the book weren’t for simultaneous worldwide spying by the heptapods, and the ships in the movie weren’t to shield heptapods or just hold in their different air/atmosphere.
  • 2024 September 8 Sunday:  The heptapods didn’t understand simple math, but complex,
    nor linear/finite perception/writing,
    so maybe they were stuck in their loop, long though it may have been,
    and they needed to be near beings that only existed for brief parts of their looped lifespan/civilization… in order to shape their own minds enough to start breaking Out of that loop for some reason.
    That is the effect humans had on the language they gave them; the heptapods could only briefly hold themselves in linear/moment-time before having to return to their natural state of being (not just perceiving) beyond linear time,
    and once the humans decoded and memorized the language given… it allowed humans to briefly perceive and then even enter looped/continuous/omnipresent time/dimension/s, then able to see the heptapods again.
    That whole time, the heptapods could have been learning the linear human writing/languages, and heptapods would have maybe always seen it but not focused on it, so once they met humans and focused on it… it took a while for it to help them imagine and manifest finite things, but they hadn’t been given All human language, like they had given all their own To humans in the movie, thus they needed humans once humans had studied all heptapod writing long enough.
  • The spoken heptapod language wasn’t much revealed/shared during Arrival (first movie) because it wouldn’t augment thinking to allow for future-seeing and, later/next, time-travel.
    It (what little of it was uttered/recorded during first contact) is studied during Departure, but only after most/all of written heptapod is figured out and tested.
    In Arrival (3rd movie), when humans again meet some of the heptapods, much more of spoken heptapod is revealed/disclosed, and much more figured out about it.  NOT ALL of it

Departure (4th film):

  • In Departure (4th movie), the rest of spoken heptapod is figured out / disclosed, and this entire movie can include it, perhaps with English cc the whole time.
  • It was heptapods studying linear/finite/human writing that allowed heptapods to figure out how to build those semicircle/lens-shaped ships to hold them “down” into human time/moments; the structure of human languages helped evolve the heptapods who focused on those languages… until they could understand finite/linear/simple things such as mechanical/shipbuilding, etc..
    That means they had observed human things a while before arriving/appearing/phasing/anchoring, but they needed direct human contact to explain what they had Not yet figured out on their own
  • Now, throughout this movie, they develop the understanding and then the tech’ to KEEP those ships anchored for as long as is needed, not just for days/weeks/months like in first movie
  • What do they go do with this new ability?
  • Does it hint at somehow looping back into movie1?