This show will cover the main events of the millennia between the UNSC era… and right before what was featured in the Dune novels/movies, disclosing/explaining how humankind went from heavy use of A.I., to banning and exterminating as many A.I. as they could, to then bringing back A.I. en masse.


  • In the centuries following the galaxy-spanning final return of the Reapers, there was a push to use the SSPs to make and rebuild even more colonies on other worlds.
    Then The Covenant wiped out nearly 1,000 of those colonies/worlds, which motivated the leaders to spread even more, always deciding that “safety in numbers” was the way to beat such multi-planet disasters.
  • Millennia later, and humans had colonized thousands of worlds, as well as recolonized all they had lost during wars. They were even in additional galaxies by this era. In 8061, they lost the ability to use the wormhole to the New Eden galaxy that had served them for a few centuries, so they turned to more and more tech’ to sooner colonize and stabilize their farthest colonies, in case they lost the means to keep traveling to them, too.
  • That meant far more A.I., far more smart robots almost everywhere… until humans got scared, overreacting in insecurity and paranoia like I witnessed so often, …and turned on their own creations. 10500s is the estimated time of this genocide (or technocide); about 6 millennia after leaning heavily on A.I. to spread as far as possible, and establish self-sustaining colonies as quickly as possible, perhaps humans then felt they were spread out enough, and didn’t want their workers spreading any farther.
    It was called the Butlerian Jihad (when all A.I. was rendered extinct), and, following it, The Spacing Guild was founded; only a select few humans were modified via mind-expanding drugs and eugenics to become living starship navigation systems, replacing the supercomputers/A.I. which had before then done all those calculations.
  • Dune is set in ~22,000. From ~10,500 ’til then (11,500 years), A.I. was all but extinct, at least in human civilization, and those who were bred and augmented to do what A.I. used to… became distinct new races of the human species.
  • 23604-24150 (~1,600-2,150 years after Dune) is the era of the Foundation series; when A.I. had once again become so common, and seemingly under reliable control at last.
  • This show of ours about what led to the events disclosed in Dune… explains not only that timeline, but why special fungi was chosen as the go-to for starting the expansion of the minds of those who would start the new starship-navigators race. The Spice of Arrakis is where the spores and “blue juice” of the best mushrooms for that are. Other mushrooms on other worlds may also have worked, but not as well, and/or got wiped out in order to better control this new method of facilitating interstellar travel.
  • the joe rogan vid clip about blue juice
  • Since mutating humans into distinctly not-human forms had been common for millennia, not just generations, Paul Atreides mutating into a Sand Worm was not that strange to people of his time. That mutation gave him constant access to the blue juice, thus godlike awareness far ahead through time, even able to perceive multiple probable timelines at the same time.
    This raises the question:  is that how all regular Sand Worms perceive things? Is that how they survive on such a barren world?
  • This show will also explore the possibility that Paul or one of his successors brought back A.I. to human civilization… for the same reason Paul started a jihad against his own kind; it may have been foreseen by him in Sand Worm form to be the best way to keep humans decentralized and on guard.
  • Did Paul realize that reliance upon the blue juice was also keeping even elites such as him “checked and balanced”?
    Did they realize that being spread to so many worlds was also a way to keep the species from becoming more powerful than it could appropriately be?
    Either way, after Dune… not just thousands, but hundreds of thousands of worlds got colonized by humans, until more than 1,000,000 were colonized before the events of Warhammer 40,000, and the events of Total Annihilation (when those >1M worlds were destroyed during the latest human infighting).
  • Humans kept spreading out, disagreeing, and fighting their own,
    vs. Inisfreeans who did not spread out, but stayed focused on forever fine-tuning their own ‘pocket’ realm/kind, thus never became dependent on things to dramatically boost/change them, and never fell into the chaos of infighting.
  • –why that mushroom part has that effect on that species; what about human anatomy and focus makes it such a necessary pairing for those of them who are chosen to navigate for them
  • –why Auz never needed such to expand his own consciousness; his essence was to figure his own way/s out/around, not get tangled up in that which distracts from such self-mastery/-evolution
  • –and while/though Paul gained the ability to see ahead in time, and probable timelines (not just single future/potential moments), Auz had millennia before gained the ability to manipulate time itself, not just foresee how to steer people so that they ended up causing one timeline or another
  • –interesting that both the protagonist, and the mycologist linked above, are named Paul
  • –Humans were already spreading out across galaxies like a fragile mushrooms’ roots network, but the blue juice certainly helped re-accelerate that spread –by showing the different outcomes/futures of different types of government and space travel, maybe even which worlds would fall and have to be recolonized/reterraformed.
  • –How Paul became able to see his bloodline’s recent past… and probable futures of his entire people… is different than how Heptapods see the past, present, and future of just one timeline as a continuous vision. Heptapods also might not have needed any mushroom derivatives to see things that way.