Some say I was born in a DC hospital as a Taurus, while others say it was out at sea, and that I am certainly a Leo or Sagittarius. Neither explains the visions and dreams I get, the symbols in my head, the people who keep meeting me in silence in the dreaming plane. So many questions…

Sticking car keys and silverware in electrical outlets keeps shocking and back-flipping me away, but it never kills me. A few people have said it would, so apparently they are very weak compared to whatever I am. I have a way with energy. I am drawn to it… maybe somewhat like Tesla was.

The first girls I ever hung out with were the tan blonde down the street from the big colonial house we moved into up in the creek forest neighborhood of northern Virginia, and the blonde in my preschool. ‘Gentlemen prefer blondes’. Too bad I never fucked them. Maybe we’ll meet again when they look much more developed.

Parents asked me what I thought my new baby sister should be named. I suggested ‘Gongk Keith’. Not sure what the fuck that means. I was born original.

First time I offered to end someone. I was barely four and already very clear-headed about this sort of thing. No wonder I would end up becoming a Marine and combat instructor. My natural reaction was being warrantedly pissed off at my offer being refused amidst a grown-up’s retarded tantrum. Typical Earth beasts, as I’ll come to know.

The mother and father keep fighting daily and nightly, and I sit at the top of the stairs alone in the darkness, silently listening, waiting to sneak back in a hurry to my room. They yell so much. It gives me awful feelings. I really hate them. I just want to sleep.

I am rudely awoken one day by the mother creepily covering my face in facepaint prior to Halloween evening, and protest, hating being pseudo-raped with cross-dressing makeup. That’s how I sum it up, at least. Not having in a say in this is madness.

Divorce proceedings are underway and getting messier by the hour. In a few months I’ll be on my way across the continent, being flown a thousand miles southwest to Texas. The father wept a couple times in front of me, but he gave off a lame pussy vibe, so I didn’t care. He crept in my room one night, too, and I could sense the same defect in him. No wonder he is losing control of his family; my parents are both moody losers, and he is the one who pushed for their unstable coupling.

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John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads - for West Virginia pg
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