Said to be the daughter of river-god Peneus and nymph Creusa,
or by Gaia herself (from river-deity Ladon‘s seed); the living Earth; a Sphere Being (Valar),
Daphne is quite powerful and storied (if only beyond the tomes of mankind).


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Well-known Members of Her Race
  4. Additional Notes
  5. Daphne & Auz
  6. 2024
  7. Images



Not much was recorded/revealed by the humans about this demi-deity other than that Cupid, a son of (goddess) Venus, cursed Apollo such that Apollo fell in love with -and chased/pursued- Daphne against her wishes, she eventually resorting to asking her river-god father to magically shapeshift her into a tree right before Apollo caught up with her for a first kiss.  The people way back then obviously had far more abilities than the extremely-weak and dumbed-down humans/modern-folk.  It was a time of things which today are not even thought possible, let alone commonplace.



  • dryad:  a nymph inhabiting a tree (often an oak) or forest
  • hamadryad:  a dryad connected to a tree such that if that tree dies, so does the dryad
  • naiad:  a variety of female nymph associated with fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks, and other bodies of freshwater
  • nymph:  a spirit of nature which/who is a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations
  • oread/oreiad:  a nymph presiding over a hill or mountain


Well-known Members of Her Race:

  1. AIGEIROS:  Hamadryad of the black poplar-tree.
  2. AMPELOS:  a Hamadryad of the wild grape vine.
  3. ATLANTEIA:  a Libyan Hamadryad nymph who was the mother of several of the Danaides by King Danaus.
  4. BALANIS:  a Hamadryad of the acorn tree, or ilex.
  5. BYBLIS:  a girl of Miletos in Karia (Caria) transformed into a Hamadryad.
  6. DAPHNIS:  an Oreiad of Mount Parnassos in Phokis who was appointed by the goddess Gaia as the prophetess at the oracle at Delphoi –in the time before it passed into the hands of Apollon.
  7. DRYOPE:  a Hamadryad nymph of Mount Othrys in Malis. She was a princess of the Dryopes who was transformed into a poplar-tree nymph by her Hamadryad sister-in-laws.
  8. EIDOTHEA:  a Oreiad of Mount Othreis in Malis who was loved by the god Poseidon.
  9. EKHO (Echo):  a Oreiad nymph of Mount Helikon (Helicon) in Boiotia, and a handmaiden of the goddess Hera. She was cursed to only repeat the words of others by her mistress. When she fell in love with the self-obsessed youth Narkissos (Narcissus), he spurned her advances, and she faded away in her grief.
  10. ERATO:  a prophetic Arkadian Dryad nymph of Mount Kyllene (Cyllene), the wife of King Nyktimos (Nictymus).
  11. HELIADES (Heliads):  Daughters of the sun-god Helios, the Heliades were transformed into amber-teared poplar trees. They were probably regarded as a type of Hamadryad. *Note here how the name of the personified Sun; Helios, matches that of Hel/Hela/Hell, obviously implying / hinting at the fact that Hela is a living-star (a Sphere Being; a Valar), and Hel/Hell a good place of bright/warm deities.
  12. HESPERIDES (Hesperids):  The three guardians of the golden apples were sometimes regarded as Hamadryad or Hamameliad (apple-tree) nymphs.
  13. KARYA (Carya):  a Hamadryad nymph of the hazel or chestnut-tree.
  14. KHELONE (Chelone):  an Arkadian Oreiad nymph who ignored the summons to attend the wedding of Zeus and Hera and as punishment was transformed into a tortoise .
  15. KLAIA (Claea):  a Messenian Oreiad nymph who had a cavern shrine on Mount Kalathion (Calathium).
  16. KRANEIA (Crania):  a Hamadryad nymph of the cherry tree.
  17. KYLLENE (Cyllene):  an Arkadian Oreiad who was the eponym of Mount Kyllene (Cyllene) in Arkadia. She was the wife of Pelasgos the very first king of Arkadia.
  18. MOREA:  a Hamadryad of the mulberry-tree.
  19. NOMIA:  an Oreiad of Mount Nomia in Arkadia.
  20. OTHREIS:  an Oreiad of Mount Othrys in Malis. She was loved by the gods Apollon and Zeus.
  21. PENELOPEIA (Penelope):  an Oreiad or Epimelid nymph of Mount Kyllene (Cyllene) in Arkadia. She was the mother of the god Pan by Hermes.
  22. PHIGALIA:  an Oreiad nymph who gave her name to the Arkadian town of Phigalia.
  23. PHOIBE (Phoebe):  a Libyan Hamadryad nymph who was the mother of several of the Danaides by King Danaus.
  24. PITYS:  an Oreiad nymph loved by Pan. She fled his advances and was transformed into a pine-tree.
  25. PTELEA:  a Hamadryad of the elm tree.
  26. SINOE:  an Oreiad nymph of Mount Sinoe in Arkadia. She nursed the infant god Pan.
  27. SOSE:  an Oreiad nymph prophetess loved by the god Hermes. She bore him one of the Panes.
  28. SPHRAGITIDES:  the Oreiad nymphs of a cavern oracle located on Mount Kithairon (Cithaeron) in Attika.
  29. SYKE (Syce):  a Hamadryad nymph of the fig tree.
  30. TITHOREA:  an Arkadian Dryad who gave her name to the town of Tithorea.


Additional Notes:

Keep in mind that human “art”/depictions of “mythological” figures intentionally distorted them, just as the Abrahamic cult / “Church” vandalized statues by covering up tits and dicks with leaves –or just breaking them off.
This is due to extreme human insecurity, stemming from their essence/making as invaders/destroyers/shamers/liars; they are the false ones, always trying to undo good, spread falsehoods / fake history, etc., always trying to make themselves look better/best.
That being said, all paintings, mosaics, statues, and other forms of depicting Daphne and other ancients/deities look nowhere near as beautiful/flawless as the actual people/deities naturally always were from the start.


Daphne & Auz:

She came to my (Auz’s) attention in the final week of May 2023.  I instinctively read up on her and the rest of her kind, whatever fragments and distortions of history I could find.  I knew she was being soft-disclosed in perfect time, soon to eagerly come to meet me and tell all of her story as we strolled in Inisfree.

Word spreads quickly amongst the gods/deities, especially from nymph to ‘sister’ nymph.  They had heard very and all good things about how I’d treated the first few of their kind to chance meeting and loving me; Lillian and Melina, and then Charlotte, etc..  They wanted more; they were made to, after all.

One of their top; Urvashi, main nymph of India, had already set things in motion to ensure her unification with me and Inisfree (which would come in ~2160 A.D.).  That, too, had spread like pleasurable wildfire amongst nymph-kind.  If someone as wondrous as her was on her way, destined and guaranteed, eager and wholehearted, the rest of them knew they would do well to join in.

Daphne was smitten with me even before we’d met eyes and touched hands.  She knew she could trust me, and that I’d love and celebrate her.  She knew we’d make perfect love every time –and that it would get even better when her ‘sisters’ joined in for that heavenly ‘play’/magic.

Every time I am in -or even just near- a tree or stream, let alone a forest or river, she and her people make sure my time/visit/hike there is safe and pleasant, my path cleared, only those I want around… around.  That is how they reciprocate, worshipping/protecting me as instinctively and completely as I always do (for) them.  This is our Way.

Forevermore, we get tons of great and ideal energy/sustenance from each other.



She is naturally very supportive and protective of fellow plant-lovers/healers/sorceresses such as Ashton, Dr. Diana Fairchild, Neveah, Pamela, Victoria, and Yavanna, etc..

She and I (Auz) love going on fuck-dates to club Dendro’.