This is one of the most famous first-person shooter (FPS) games ever released.
Table of Contents:
- Fusion
- Our Improvements
- Artist Renderings: Sexualization of the Protagonist
In this one game, all the levels (including all chapters/episodes, and all maps and secret areas within each chapter/episode) from all the different Doom games released over the years, are sequenced as a single playthrough campaign. You can find information about all of these levels here.
Our Improvements:
- Now it is high-res; best game graphics available.
- All the demons/monsters from the original game… have been replaced with lifelike (and way hotter than normal/average life) “demon-ettes”, succubae (and red-skinned Meru (from animated hentai’s greatest hits) is one of them), dominatrix, etc.
- no more guns; you shoot only jizz
–2024 October 20 Sunday correction: you don’t just shoot jizz, but each weapon has 2 settings: shoot jizz in its way, or shoot regular orgasm energy in its way
–The jizz will essentially daze/immobilize the enemies, partially satisfying them while you walk by, whereas the orgasm-energy will drop them to their knees, at which point you can have them suck/fuck you. - and have to fuck all enemies into submission
- instead of bigger guns/explosions, you gain seduction powers –and jizz more per orgasm
- The BFG is now an orgasm the sprays and splashes the whole room in a massive jizz release like a firehose or truckload of water balloons breaking.
- You can’t push buttons to open doors anymore; the enemies will push those buttons only when you make them cum.
- Instead of dodging enemies, you just make sure you are reverse-gangbanging no more than 3 of them at a time; if more than 3 are near you, they’ll start pulling each other away from you, wrestling each other to be next in line to be fucked by you, and that means you won’t have enough time fucking one of them nonstop to make them push the button to open the next room/level.
- All the posters and looped TV/screen content is something you can pick per-game (even after starting a game; well-into the gameplay) by going to the Settings and pasting in web-page links to your favorite pornos.
- Multiplayer maps include 1) every map in every Doom game, and 2) every Halo multiplayer and single-player map from every Halo game.
2024 October 20 Sunday:
- no longer just a mod, but a full separate game
- if play as male, face all sexy female demons/creatures/humanoids,
and if female, face all male demons/creatures,
either way they won’t hurt you, but each can seduce and satisfy you to the point of taking naps, which makes it take longer to complete the levels - Start with just a pillow; no weapon, which does the least amount of turn-on (this game’s equivalent of damage), so even the easiest ~enemies take a direct up-close hit to get them ready for a blowjob, or multiple grazing / in-passing hits.
- wpns: dildo-v of a chainsaw (have to get close),
orgasm pistol,
orgasm pink-shotgun,
orgasm minigun,
orgasm/sex laser,
orgasm rocket-launcher,
orgasm nuke-cannon “BFG” (‘kills’ the entire room, except for you, of course) - can toggle NVGs in lightless rooms –and if on in a lit room then all your screen will show is blank/white
- some light-switches/buttons cannot be merely pressed; they require you to orgasm-shoot them, or ‘fell’ a demon/creature and let it blowjob/fuck you within range of it/them
- radiation green gas from original is now aphrodisiac mist that doesn’t hurt you but makes you horny-slow-blur etc.
- fire/lava pits don’t hurt anymore, either, but are warming-lubricant ooze/slime
- interrupted monsters/demons in masturbation-closets don’t attack you, but invite you to join them
- difficulty-levels same as in HDoom (hentai Doom); easy = “I’m too limp to try.” (wpns do extra damage and are always accurate, enemy HPs are one-half normal, and enemies almost always miss –though higher-level NPCs have more-powerful projectile-impact-areas),
moderate = “Hey, not too rough.” (wpns perform normally, enemy HPs normal, enemies only aim okay if higher-level NPCs),
difficult = “Fuck me plenty.” (wpns perform (aim and damage) avg./decently, enemy HPs 2x normal, enemies sometimes aim okay but not very well),
extra difficult = “Ultra-virile” (wpns perform (aim and damage) below-avg, enemy HPs are 3x normal, enemies usu. aim well), and
nearly-impossible = “All-night Rape-marathon” (wpns do little (low damage + inaccurate), enemy HPs are highest (4x), and enemies aim perfectly) - health is restored not by picking up health icons/objects, but by sex
- You don’t actually get hurt when the ~enemies shoot or touch you; you can horniness-overloaded, immobilizing you until each ~enemy is satisfied with contact, which takes longer times for bigger/tougher enemy-NPCs (and if you get swarmed/surrounded by them, it is basically game-over, as by the time one is satisfied… another or more than one will sexually use you again)
- Every time you make it to the final room/button of a level, you get a pause/loading screen which tallies your Fucks, Items (discovered/acquired new wpns, etc.), and Secret (a #/#, indicating how many hidden/difficult-to-find rooms you opened/entered –which tends to be where sooner-than-usual better-weapons are, which otherwise are many levels later).
- You don’t need to pick up ammo icons/objects to restore ammo, but during sex the vril will recharge your weapons, vril always split, as needed, to refill both your health and ammo.
- Barrels don’t explode when you shoot them; they leak jizz which attracts/distracts the enemies –who typically bend over while standing to lick/slurp/snort it up.
- Enemies you use your jizz-setting (wpns setting) on will also pull agro, attracting nearby enemies to them, who lick the cum off them, then swap with them, but this does not pull agro as faraway as shooting the barrels.
- If you just walk up to a barrel, it reloads your weapons’ jizz, but you will still need sex to recharge your weapons’ normal-setting (sex-beam/bullets).
- Every enemy you hit with a weapon projectile/beam enough… will drop to her knees, or bend over and stand bold-legged, and won’t die/fade, always there when you walk back, thus always usable for endless sex/vril, as needed, but less each time, until it only gives 1 vril-point (like hp, but now vp).
- green = aphrodisiac fumes/gas, red/orange = warming-lube (which is slick, thus you slide around), and blue pit/floor = focus-restoration (removing any horniness-blur an enemy may have caused by touching or shooting you)
More to… “come”.
Artist Renderings: Sexualization of the Protagonist