This is the most successful/lucrative science fiction story/series of the Outlander humans on ETW, as of 2024.
(>5,000 novels in the series since 1961, and ~2B copies sold worldwide)


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Concepts
  3. Standard Repeated Human Errors
  4. Etymology
  5. List of Worlds
  6. Additional Notes
  7. Conceptual Images



From Reddit:  “In this comparison, the German pulp booklet science fiction series Perry Rhodan surely takes the cake.
Forget the Maggot-Home-world-system or even Larry Niven’s Ringworld.
Forget all the super structures built in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

In the Perry Rhodan series, named after the titular hero Perry Rhodan, and which is written by a team of authors starting in 1961, there are the “Swarms”. The authors came up with that idea between March 1971 and July 1972 when the cycle “The Swarm” had bee written.

These spaceships consisting of whole star systems measure at least almost ten light-years” “long” (deep). “These swarms are contained by a special forcefield which protects the star systems inside the Swarm from the gravitational force of a nearby natural galaxy, as well as the natural galaxy from the gravitational force of the Swarm.

The Swarms are controlled by a central control-star, mostly hollow, and with a diameter of up to several light-years itself.  These Swarms move forward by hyper-translation maneuvers.

A “small” Swarm” (hundreds or thousands of star systems) “can move at once.  A big Swarm” (millions or billions of star systems) “needs to be moved in several phases.

Here are some of the swarms:

  1. The Spectral Island States:  This is the smallest of these swarms. It has a length of 7.5 light-years, a width of 4.8 light-years and a height of 3.1 light-years and contains 69 stars and their planetary systems.
  2. The primordial swarm Litrakduurn (Place of the Litrak) has a length” (depth) “of 7,000 light-years,
    a width of at least several hundreds of light-years,
    and such a height.
    It was formed from a dwarf galaxy.
    It consisted of several billion stars inside its containment force field.
    This swarm brought Biophore (Oon- and Noon-Quantums) into a destination galaxy to increase the intelligence of the life inside it. It was constructed by the Kosmokraten, the highest-ups in the Perry Rhodan series.
  3. The “Local Swarm” which arrived in the 35th century not far from the Milky Way galaxy had these dimensions:
    10,896 light-years in length” (depth),
    “a width of 1,885 light-years,
    and a max-height of 1,932 light-years.
    It had around 380,000 and later 800,000 stars, star-systems, and other objects onboard –which was a low density for such a hyper-giant space-craft.”



  • mobile (steered) stars
  • mobile (steered) solar systems
  • mobile (steered) dwarf galaxies


Standard Repeated Human Errors:

These are the worn-out tropes so common in the ongoing lame false-humans’ attempt to brainwash/downgrade the masses/all.

  • Humans first reached the Moon in the 70s.  (It was more like the 40s for the current civilization, and earlier for previous ones.)
  • Technology is required to cross cosmic distances.  (technology as a ‘crutch’ / dependency)
  • We depend on finding higher technology from aliens/outsiders.
  • The natural brain isn’t enough; a positronic version/upgrade of/to the human brain is necessary for Space work.
  • Earth wasn’t already (at least secretly) unified.
  • Some aliens are just hostile and there’s nothing we can do about it.  (submissive/powerlessness to bullies/evil)
  • There are things far greater than the individual.
  • Life evolved from lifeless/bacteria, not the other way around.
  • The answer to a big question the protagonist was tasked with finding would destroy his mind. / He knew that hearing/learning it would destroy his mind.  (default-negativity / death-obsession/-assumption)
  • overcomplication/drama just for the sake of itself, as if that somehow drives an interesting plot (only for beings/humans descended/made from Chaos Incarnate; those who gravitate to / long to cause pointless and endless/perpetual additional levels/complexity)
  • polarization / bipolar aspect; two sides, at odds with one another, one wanting the extreme of total order (however they define that) while the other wants total disorder (a hallmark/telltale/sign of the Age of Pisces; the duality; internal conflict)
  • Characters struggle to understand things, rather than realizing there is no point seeking wisdom/ascension from others; they can be good enough as they are, and it is other things, no matter how ancient or complex or wise they may seem / claim to be, which might just as well seek ascension/guidance from them (the characters/humans).
  • Everyone goes into The Abyss (Outer Space), assuming they know little and will discover much, thus inadvertently manifesting endless more Space and oddities and challenges, etc..  (submission-start/-based; making humans diminutive, all due to primitive thinking/misperception)
  • No one bothers to consider/mention/realize that things which seem difficult to understand… might not be wise at all, as underlying truths/forces tend to be extremely simple, not abstract.
  • Forces beyond human control/understanding permeate everything –when the reality is much more likely that those things only exist in the immediate proximity/vicinity of those who assume/believe in them, thus causing/maintaining/’feeding’ them.
  • etc.

No matter how well-selling a story/series is, or how unique the ideas in it, when it boils down to just the latest/modern version of the essence/scam/brainwashing of the made-up weakness-causing/-promoting religions, it is little more than a sloppy and rambling (i.e. “runaway project”) rewording of them.




  • Origin: British. Other Origin(s): Roman. Meaning: one who dwells by the pear tree; traveler, pilgrim. Perry is a masculine name with unusual roots that combine to paint a picture of an explorative soul.


  • means “dweller by the clearing(s)”, from the Old English word “rod(u)”.
    As to confirm this meaning of the name, another source notes “a topographic name for someone who lived by a clearing in the woodland”.

Rodhan (different spelling, unrelated to the spelling in the series)

  • From the Persian “roshan”, meaning “light” or “splendid”. This is a suggested Hindu name for those born under the birth star Swathi.

Possibly not a coincidence that Rh (a blood type apparently sought-after by some SSPs) is the start of the protagonist’s surname.


List of Worlds:



Additional Notes:

It may be another “no coincidence” that I (Auz) finally learned of this science fiction mega-series, which tells of steerable solar systems and galaxies, after I had the idea to do precisely that as part of reforming Yggdrasil; this ‘next step’ came to me once I was ready for it.


See these orientation images.

Animations and computer models made for this series are here.

Sample this music inspired by the series.