These are the Earth-islands of note in our story.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Directory
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Salvation of Necker
  5. Example Images
  6. 2024 June/+



Many islands in the oceans of the Outlands have been raised and otherwise preserved during the major climate-change events, such as sea-level changes.  Wherever possible, the entire original island is maintained.  These are then used as preserves, resorts, and more.





noun: archipelago; plural noun: archipelagoes; plural noun: archipelagos
  1. a group of islands.
    • a sea or stretch of water containing many islands.


Salvation of Necker:

During the events of 2012 and 2013 on the Xian’s Julian calendar of Earth-That-Was, Inisfree’s technology saved the then-abandoned resort, Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island, from being swallowed up just like the legend of Atlantis.  Moving in as swiftly as their forces did during the Rapture Campaign, Necker Island was quickly and effortlessly annexed, adding it to the Antarctican capitol city and flagship’s impressive property portfolio.  Today, this insular isle of Inisfree, like the homecity-proper, is invisible to all forms of detection, be they common or deemed supernatural.  For all intents and purposes, it no longer even exists in this plane or reality called Earth.  The only way to get there, is through the Pearly Gates of Inisfree itself.  Good luck.


Necker’s Dimensions & Layout:

Still the shape and size it has been for millennia, this island is 74 acres (300,000 square meters) and has two small mountains near its center, both reaching about 13,700 feet above sea level. It is covered in tropical vegetation, and has mint condition facilities as were originally envisioned and built by Sir Richard Branson’s corporation back during the late 20th century.


Special Features:

For those wishing to meet with an Inisfreean representative, but not willing or able to make the trip to one of the science bases of Antarctica where such meetings are typically held (neutral ground on the edges of the Inisfreean land territory; the coastline of Antarctica), this island (Necker) now serves as the newly terraformed Earth’s Camp David; a presidential retreat and vacation community for relaxed diplomatic relations.


2024 June/+:

All islands are now being scanned/studied as easy access-points to otherwise-submerged megastructures/networks.


2024 October 24 Thursday possible addition:  AitutakiFB vid


Video Player
Pia music PERFECT for upbeat chill sexy Inisfree - VLOG - WE WENT TO FIJI - for Bora y Yachts y Islands y Beach Strip
Audio Player

