As of the 24th century, Earth became referred to by all who had to leave it behind… as Earth-That-Was (ETW).


Table of Contents:

  1. Planet Info
  2. Earth Pre-Sundering (Images)
  3. World Trees (Images)
  4. Sky Views When the Worlds Were Closer (Images)
  5. Endless Ancient Megalithic Ruins that Prove Prehistoric People were More Advanced (Images)
  6. Location Not Yet Named (Images)
  7. The Ruins of World Trees; Deforestation & Mining by Giants led to Pole-shifts which Wrecked Them (Images)
  8. The Last Big Trees (not true giants) Being Cut Down (Images)
  9. Electrical Inventions Long Before the 1900s (Images)
  10. ETW Regions of 2014-2113
  11. History – Global
  12. ETW Kingdoms Established after 2013
  13. ETW Human Population after 2013
  14. Cleansed by the Fire
  15. Fantastic Ruins Remain (Images)
  16. What humans no longer on Earth are told it has become
  17. New Weather Patterns
  18. 2023 Update:  Earth’s Global and Final Culture/Focus/Mindset
  19. Overall (Image)
  20. Before the Rapture & Latest Pole-shift (Images)
  21. Minor Coastline Changes due to Thawing Ice Caps (Images)
  22. Chakras Where Major Ruins Were Placed (Images)
  23. Rifts Era
  24. Millions of Years into the Future (Images)
  25. 2023 September/+ Updates:  Additional/Final Notes


Planet Info:

  • Age:  ~4,543,000,000 Earth-years
  • Atmosphere:  several layers, composed of ~78% nitrogen and ~21% oxygen, with other trace elements –used to be much thicker
  • Circumference:  24,901 miles –along the equator; this world is a hollow oblate spheroid
  • Civilizations:  Drow and Naga control most of the major cave networks (though there are the underground equivalents of city-states like The Vatican, Telos and the Atlantean cave-cities of the Amazon being prime examples, and extensive megalithic ancient subway tunnels once operated by the Anunnaki and Angels, among others, not to mention the caves controlled by the Dwarves), Giants control most of the hollow core, Mer-people control most of the oceans and seas, Elves control most of the forests, Sylphs control most of the skies, Grays control most the orbit and Moon, Nymphs control most of the rivers and grottoes, Fairies control most of the meadows, and Vampires control most of the cities.  Reptilians maintain numerous underground bases, but predominantly control nearby Space beyond Earth’s orbit.  Pleiadians and other humanoid alien groups maintain a number of isolated surface cities, though their presence beyond propaganda campaigns is marginal.  Humans are maintained in the billions as a cheap labor force; a primitive slave race engineered to largely police and weaken itself.  They are often culled in pretend wars against their own kind, and shipped off-world in the millions to assist in mining operations and other extra-planetary colony efforts.
  • Class:  M; ‘garden world’
  • Day/Night Cycle:  24 hours; 10+ of direct sunlight (depending on how mountainous any given local horizon is), 8+ of darkness, and varying amounts of indirect light at dawn and dusk (highly variable due to the dynamic atmosphere; many types of weather)
  • Diameter:  7,917.5 miles
  • Form:  hollow oblate spheroid with twin polar openings
  • Gravity:  9.807 m/s² (‘1 G’) –used to be much less
  • Landforms:  8 major continents (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, South America), and 5 oceans (Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Southern)
  • Lifeforms:  untold trillions; highly diverse biosphere, with ages of frequent alien visits
  • Orbit:  ~365.25 Earth-days at a distance of 1 A.U. (~92,960,000 miles; the distance from this world to the outer surface of its star is 3,733 times around the Earth), which puts it near the middle of its solar-system’s ‘Goldilocks Zone’
  • Temperatures:  ~60°F avg. (usually fluctuating between 0°F and 100°F, with more extreme temperatures in polar regions and places such as Death Valley)
  • Wind:  ~1-5 MPH avg. (though gusts, storms, and tornadoes can briefly increase wind-speed above 480 MPH)

Use this interactive rotating globe to see how Earth likely looked hundreds of millions of years ago.


Earth Pre-Sundering:

For details on this Age of the Elves and other superior pre-human peoples, navigate here.  Basically, this was the time when one of the first super-continents became populated, then got separated violently.  There were even older times and older civilizations, such as those of the Titans back when there were neither super-continents nor bodies of water, but that is so distant and virtually mythical that there is little point in telling it here.

Then, of course, immediately following that Sun Well event, the new continents were roughly as appear here:

The absence on the Azerothian/human-maps of the north-pole and south-pole continents shown on the hologram-of-the-gods only means that the people living on Earth post-Sundering were largely/entirely unaware of those polar landmasses/islands.


World Trees:

The original trees of Earth and other worlds were miles wide and even taller.  Some of their kind were regrown by the Elves that survived the first global changes and catastrophes.  The only ones speculated to still exist in modern times… are hidden at the poles and/or deep inside the hollow core.  There may still be such towering trees on other worlds, maybe hidden under the Firmaments of the gas-giants, but humans, giants, and Titans will never be allowed near them again, lest they lose their minds with madness and hunger like once before.


Sky Views When the Worlds Were Closer:

The sky looked very different on Earth before the current solar-system alignment; there were fewer planets and moons, they were much closer to each other, they did not rotate or orbit, and there were interplanetary energy streamers and lightning-like arcs between them at times.  Most of the water (atmospheric and oceanic) was held between them; Earth did not have oceans back then.  When they started moving more like they do today, it caused unbelievable changes on Earth and every world, and even resulted in the creation of the Sun.  (Saturn was Earth’s first star, followed by Venus, and then the modern Sun.)


Endless Ancient Megalithic Ruins that Prove Prehistoric People were More Advanced:

One reason many of these ancient and giant structures look, and are said to be, ‘natural’, is that earthquakes and/or pole-shifts shook them a lot, which created friction between their blocks, which caused a grinding and buildup of debris, and then they settled and further hardened, or re-hardened / petrified, and so now they look jagged, uneven, possibly natural. They probably looked perfectly-made before all those ‘quakes and other shaking events.


Russia’s Armansky Pass:

Russia’s Kabardino-Balkaria; man-made cave in the Baksan Gorge:

Russia’s Kameshki settlement, south of western Siberia, mountain Shoria, Mezhdurechensky district:

Russia’s Kola Peninsula rectangular-prism pit:

Russia’s Mount Shaman, near village Nizhnetambovskoe, Khabarovsk Territory:

Russia’s Mount Pidan:

Russia’s Perm-region stone city:

Russia’s Vottovaara Mountain, highest point of the West Karelian Upland:

Waterway Cylinders & Staircase Ruins:

Star-forts in All Lands:


Location Not Yet Named:




For details on all the ancient sites known to modern humans, navigate here.

The Ruins of World Trees; Deforestation & Mining by Giants led to Pole-shifts which Wrecked Them:

Iceland itself may be the bottom of the trunk of a World Tree.  Even Australia could be.  All of Asia?  And the long island chains we see today may not be the result of volcanoes at the cracks where tectonic plates meet, but the fallen branches of the larger World Trees –or Worlds Tree, biggest of them all.

These giant trees once held the worlds together.  When they were felled… they became mountain ranges where they laid… and the worlds began to tilt and turn/rotate… and this stirred up the waters between the worlds; the thick atmospheres out there… that were once held evenly between the worlds… by the gravity in multiple directions…  When the worlds turned, they attracted it… and when the worlds began moving apart… that water was no longer held up there evenly between them;
it fell… and we got oceans; the comets coming to the worlds… were not just comets… but oceans condensing and falling…

And all the giant blocks, like at Gorniya, Russia?  They were once wood… like our 2×4’s… stacked and nailed together…  The drill-holes in those giant stones… were drilled through wood.  The nobs/nubs on some of the big stones?  Natural tree growths… that were left on…

And Whites didn’t go out on ships to settle new lands, like we were told in school; they were already there, …globally… and just lost contact with each other for a while… and had a made-up history forced into their minds during school tests; “You HAVE to remember it THIS way or you FAIL!”, never ONCE teaching us to investigate and sense the truth… and never once teaching us how many others sensed/believed/knew there was a VERY different past/history.

Our lifespans continue to shrink, not grow, as we are told; we are NOT getting healthier and longer-lived.  Modern ‘medicine’ is NOT helping us.  Humans are weaker than ever, more diseases and deformities than ever… yet I grow stronger… while all others collapse…  I embrace this truth about the World Trees and Worlds Tree; they once healed us in every way, preventing disease, not just treating it.  We need to regrow them; we need to reactivate and heal their ruins.


The Last Big Trees (not true giants) Being Cut Down:

The largest trees in all known photographs from the colonial and settler days… are still mere blades of grass by comparison with the first trees; the World Trees, known to the Greeks as the Melia.  It was a horribly evil crime that they were felled, and for no actual reason beyond foolishness such as jealousy.  Thankfully, though, the Elves are returning, evident in their hooded passes and heartfelt high waving from across great canyon rivers, and their very presence has already started helping replace these trees, just as their surviving the ancient cataclysms allowed the much-larger World Trees to regrow.

Perhaps it was destined and right that the trees overloaded with so much heartache from those global changes were brought down; it might have spared them from catching ablaze with all the tense negativity their natures were to always attempt to soak up and process.  Re-growing their kind will surely allow a root-network of far more (maybe only) positivity, which will benefit all the worthy.


Electrical Inventions Long Before the 1900s:

Technology was more advanced the farther back in history one looks, and partially because it was simpler, not more complex like it keeps getting today.  More people understood more with less effort, at one point not even requiring memorization drills or even schools.  Farthest back?  No one needed lessons, training, or technology at all; they were their own greatest sources of energy, awareness, and power.


ETW Regions of 2014-2113:

The entire surface of the Earth has been altered, although continents and tectonic plates generally remained in the same places as before, and this means that the entire planet must be re-explored and re-discovered from scratch.  Few areas of any maps still hold true and apply.  Although cooled by the diminishment of the Sun’s and Moon’s light, and by the layer of volcanic ash clouds that blocked out the world’s sky, the Earth soon reheated as many old and new volcanoes were triggered, and as the flashes and fallout of many nuclear weapons were unleashed.  All of the polar ice melted, and the ocean level rose more than 170 meters (paired with some regions shifting, lowering, or sinking).  New regions, realms, and biomes, created at some point during or shortly after the Apocalypse, include:

In North America:

  • the Great California Reef
  • the Rocky Mountain Islands
  • the Canada Desert
  • Silo City (formerly North and South Dakota; not an actual city, rather a hive of unused nuclear missile silos)
  • the Radiated Badlands (formerly Minnesota and Wisconsin)
  • the Yellowstone Super-volcano (the exposed lava remains dozens of miles wide at the mouth, but is no longer smoking)
  • the Kingdom of Texas, including Dallas-Ft.Worth (1 of only 2 fortress-towns in the former United States)
  • the Sea of Mexico (formerly the Gulf)
  • the Gulf of Illinois (formerly the Mississippi River valley)
  • Greater Georgia (formerly the entire eastern seaboard, including all States west to the edge of the Gulf of Illinois)
  • the Empire of Mexico (a narrow strip of land, formerly the Mexican peninsula, now sparsely populated and barely controlled by knights and networks of pueblos and pill-boxes)

Most Noteworthy Changes:

  • Cuba is almost entirely underwater.
  • The survivors of Las Vegas are now in a nearby island named New Vegas.
  • Almost everything west of the Rockies is underwater.
  • The Amero, barely instated just before the Apocalypse as the North American equivalent of the Euro, is no longer a valued currency.
  • Greenland (now split in two halves) and Iceland are now thawed; free of ice, and are the most human-populated places on Earth.

In South America:

* The Amazon rainforest is now a desert.  Grass is just starting to reappear across the surface of the Earth.

In Europe:

  • The Swiss Alps Plateau
  • The Sea of Hungary

* The northwestern half of France is underwater, as is the northeastern half of Italy.

In Africa:

  • the Gulf of Senegal (and most of former-Mauritania)
  • the Sahara Swamp
  • the Atlas Plateau
  • the Kilimanjaro Plateau

* Most of Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt are underwater.  The Congo’s rainforest is now a desert.

In the Middle East:

  • the Arabian Swamp

* The Persian Gulf now extends twice as far inland to the northwest (most of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Iraq are underwater)

In Asia:

  • the Gulf of Russia
  • the Gobi Swamp
  • the Gulf of Pakistan
  • the Gulf of Nepal (most of Bangladesh and Bhutan are underwater)
  • the Himalayan Islands
  • the Gulf of China (half of China (various areas) is now underwater)
  • the Gulf of Thailand (most of Cambodia is underwater)

* The Black and Caspian Seas are now connected (most of Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are underwater), and are called the Eurasian Sea.

In Australia:

  • the Gulf of Australia

In Antarctica:

  • the Ross Gulf
  • the Ronne Gulf
  • Neuschwabenland (a territory including surface and subterranean regions)

* The entire continent is now thawed.  All ice shelves have broken off.  All Amazon-length riverways once under 1 to 2 miles of vertical ice are now fully exposed; open-air.

* Its biomes include:  boreal forests, deserts (such as Dry Valley), temperate savannas, tundra, and inland water (such as the now-exposed (once sub-glacial) Lake Vostok).


History – Global:

Here are a few of the highlights and oddities of Earth’s formation and stabilization:

  • Infant disc-Earth becomes a hollow sphere.  (Perhaps this is a natural process; of going from formless idea… to becoming physical in the plane/dimension/reality we are used to in the waking hours.)
  • Liquid water forms on the dark side.
  • As Earth’s orbit slowly moves away from its creator-star, the water begins to freeze on the dark side, migrating its liquid remainder to the light side.  (Another version is that the first super-continent was the place where the Worlds Tree was once connected to the Earth, growing it like a giant fruit, though this tree was said to be bioluminescent, thus functioning as a proto-star; a star unlike those we think of and see today, and that the oceans came into existence when the atmosphere between these growing worlds was no longer held in place by their shared gravity from proximity, thus ‘the Firmament fell’, filling in the vast valleys that are today our oceans.)
  • The first super-continent (long before Pangaea, all known and theorized super-continents here) begins as a perfect circle; the floor of the ocean-world becoming exposed as the liquid water shifts from one half of the planet to the other.
  • That super-continent begins to spread out, split up, and restore the spherical homeostasis.
  • Asteron‘s explosion sends a fragment that impacts Earth, tilting it by 23.45 degrees and creating its rotational wobble.
  • Binary-star solar-seasons lead to Ice Ages.
  • Vast megalithic ruins off the coastlines, and some even on the ocean floors, indicate 1) prehistoric civilizations which built them there when most of the water was frozen in networks of glaciers, 2) prehistoric civilizations which built them there when most of the water was raised up into the sky as the Firmament, 3) prehistoric civilizations which built them there before Earth even had oceans, and 4) prehistoric civilizations which were amphibious if not fully aquatic.

When the sea levels began to rise, a mere 6 meters was all it took to dislodge the majority of the human civilization; all nestled neatly along the world’s coastlines.


Telepaths History:

There was no language back when all were telepathic (not like we speak and write languages today); they just shared images and feelings telepathically, as effortlessly as we breathe.  None was hidden; because of everyone’s telepathy, there were no surprises which offended, no life stories or other context which people lacked to understand those they met, no ‘books judged by their covers’, and no one went to war over disputes.  Courts were pointless, as everyone witnessed and understood everything, so lying and baring false witness was impossible.

Few had many resources; there were few people in the beginning, and they existed on a world rich with resources no one had tried to tap, control, hide, or lie about.  Abundance was everywhere.  As long as they left the trees and other plants alone to bear good fruits, they did.

Traumas were what made people shut off this telepathic ability at some point; the trauma of dramatic and far-reaching changes, such as when Yggdrasil began to separate, when the worlds started to rotate and tilt, when the first oceans formed, when the first seasons came, when the first illnesses and wounds occurred, when the first wars were fought, etc..  In some cases, though, rather than ignore it, let it wither, or shut it off, some developed helmets which could help with this, or found places underground that could help shield them from the thoughts and other energies of others.  Some signals got through, as they would with Ansible-like abilities, not hindered by distance or line-of-sight, so ways of dealing with this were developed.

One can see how the people back then wouldn’t want to be connected to people going through hells; they would automatically experience them as if they were their own bad encounters, severe pains, shock and terror, etc. –and why they’d learn to dampen and turn off those abilities… or abandon them… and restrict signals, such as with tech’.  Even today, we do our best to filter what we don’t like; we set up complex programs through interfaces in email clients and social media platforms.  We block people the moment they do something we find to be gross.

Religions; modern ones, were made then, jumbling up the previous followers and gods, trying to group them all together in chaos, bound to fight each other, thereby creating endless conflict, distractions, turmoil, fatigue, and worse.  This may have been in hopes of redirecting all those prayers/thoughts/energies… away from the traumatized ancients… who could still telepathically sense them.  Religion redirected all those negative thoughts to a god that isn’t there… in a way to save those real deities (ancient people)… from all the madness that had ensued.  Deities though they were, they still felt, and got overwhelmed, and needed time to be themselves in peace, not being constantly begged, sent negativity, judged, feared, etc.

And so it was that most lost their telepathic ability, and those who still had it refused to connect, no longer answering prayers, for the prayers of virtually everyone had become negative, insane, pointless to heed or hear.  Generations went by, and certain foods and radio signals were dispersed to clog up the organs that once allowed telepathic signals.  The fallen populations were dumbed down, made vestigial, and left to work throughout the rest of their dramatically-shortened lives.

It would be a long time before any survived that mess out there on the crippled surface, …let alone restored any of their kind’s original abilities, such as telepathy.  It would be a long time before any of them deserved to.  A generational curse had to run its course.


ETW from 2013-2513:

It is now a few years after 2013.  What was once a powerful species on Earth, numbering over 8 billion, is now a very timid and humbled, socially different, and far more enlightened collection of desperate nomads and salvagers numbering only in the millions.  Over the next 500 years they will, with the aid of the only city now allowed to exist on planet Earth, expand again into Space, and end up numbering over 50 billion strong just in one new star system; 34 Tauri.

For the next hundred years or so, however, they are stuck on an Earth that appears devastated to them.  Their entire civilization is buried in off-line fragments.  All of the mythical creatures of their fairytales and ghost stories now roam the Earth again in total freedom, as they did once many thousands of years before, and as they do in great seasons that last for, and are separated by, tens of thousands of years.  Their Moon, only two-thirds as bright as it once was, is a restricted world populated and controlled by the NAZIs of the 3rd Reich, while the super-humans of the 4th Reich control the planet Earth from the throne of their white continent and the immortalized safety of their city.

No outsiders, called ‘Outlanders’, will ever learn of the existence of that city that caused the latest Apocalypse, and few –if any– in all of history and time, will ever get to visit there.  The forces of that city –the ones that were used for the global coastal invasion and extermination– were never seen or heard from again.  Just about every remaining human assumes they were the storybook angels from their concept of the kingdom of Heaven, when in truth, they are creations of one man, and are still parked in underground holding cells just a few thousand miles to the south.

Human technology was reduced to that of the late 1900s, with some devices, like the World Wide Web, satellite television and radio, and commercial air traffic, completely in abandonment and ruins.  Although humanity will eventually recover and experience more population explosions dubbed ‘baby booms’, this will not come for many more years, and only then due to direct encouragement from and assistance by the Holy City with the poetically titled White Throne.  Even then, some 100 years in the future, around the year of 2113, the humans will never know who is helping them get back on their feet and back off-world.  Even their top leaders and shadow-government representatives will meet their quiet supporters from The City in unreachable embassies; two of the former science bases having been converted for such a purpose while the rest of the world was led to fall apart.

The shards of the United States and China will return to some measure of stability and authority, teaming up as one of them annexes the restored United Kingdom along the way.  Most of the some-odd 250 nations of the pre-Apocalyptic Earth will never be restored, though; most of their land areas, in fact, don’t even exist anymore.

Cities (of elves, angels, demons, nymphs, mer-people, elementals, dragonkin, Drow, Terminators (and other robots, androids, and cyborgs), and hybrids of all of those and more) in the hollow core of the Earth (Agharta), deep within the overlapping cave networks (such as Telos and Red City), and de-cloaking after millennia in hiding in the remote wilds of the surface, are all secretly protected by the ongoing clandestine operations of The City stationed in Antarctica.  They, too, however, have no way of detecting that one special city, and will also never be allowed to know of its existence or its people.  (Only their finest, when they become worthy, compatible with the secret city’s king, shall be granted that special and most esoteric of knowledge, that they then visit it as the representatives and appointed secret leaders of their nonhuman races and realms.)

Although what’s left of the human race has all but forgotten about things like the second American Civil War in 2012, and the Global War on Hunger, they can not forget about things like what the Monsanto Incident led to; the purging of all genetically modified fish, cattle, and crops, nor things like the Armageddon War, which the non-religious humans insist on only calling ‘World War III’, and which they (the humans) will never discover was actually just the preemptive War for Antarctican Independence (a secret war hidden within another war).

Drugs are no longer in existence for the humans; their laboratories, marijuana and opium farms, and so on, all burned off the face of the Earth.  They may, however, discover that the other sentient species, like the Drow and demons and so on, have drugs of their own, very different in origin, nature, and effects.  But come 2113, and forever more there-after, all non-human sentients will be purged from the collective human memory again, and humanity’s re-expansion into Space will be one of restored ignorance of all the great and ancient races they once knew and co-existed with.  The generation born inside the massive, colonial, transport spaceships will be subjected to ‘the telephone game’ effect of hand-me-down stories of such other races, and will lose faith in them, as is so often the case when one is not able to witness something for his or herself.  Humanity will yet again think itself alone in the Universe.

Now, as the human species struggles just to survive, and as they stumble across the re-emergence of all their fairytale creatures and societies, the only ones who maintain their actual, complete history… are the citizens of The City they know nothing about.  The humans are seldom bothered, though, and few groups and organization do any war-fighting at all, because every being on the planet is still very alarmed at the Apocalypse that just happened, and none of them want to piss off the new angels and gods (how they perceive the invading force that came and went so quickly, and without a trace).

Five centuries of this will conclude with humanity being almost entirely removed again; by the 24th century nearly 99% of them will be forcibly migrated from Earth, out past the boundaries of the Sun solar system, until they reach another system entirely.  By the 25th century, those who got to remain behind will be a very different civilization.  By the 26th century, humanity on Earth may be relatively unrecognizable compared to the abominations their people chose to become before.

Sometime after 99% of Earth humans are permanently forced off-world in 2313, …there will be the latest pole-shift, turning the whole planet more than 180° in a single day, causing miles-tall waves moving, in some places, nearly 1,000 MPH, and winds just as fierce and ending.  This will wash and wipe away even their mega-cities of the Judge Dredd era.  Massive regions will change, some being submerged, others uplifted.  The changes will be so massive that even Antarctica will become temperate and forested, to a large degree.  Only those who took shelter in Inisfree and other special realms like it will survive and get to repopulate, this time with kingdoms that will function appropriately and last.  And then… the World Trees will be regrown.


ETW Kingdoms Established after 2013:

40 kingdoms were established immediately after the world-changing events of 2013, 39 of these kingdoms by the first of them all; Inisfree.  Their locations and overall physical descriptions are as follow:


  • Congo, The; all of the middle of Africa, Congo Desert (once a rainforest) up to the bottom of the Sahara Swamp and down to the top of the Kalahari Grassland (once a desert), Kilimanjaro Plateau (and volcano)
  • Libya; all of northeastern Africa, eastern half of the Sahara Swamp
  • Madagascar; three quarters of the landmass it used to be
  • Morocco; all of northwestern Africa, Gulf of Senegal, western half of the Sahara Swamp, Atlas Plateau (and volcanoes)
  • South Africa; all of southern Africa up to the Congo Desert, includes all of the Kalahari Grassland
Arctic & Antarctic:

  • Antarctica & The Universe; Austral Forest, many new islands, Ross Gulf, Ronne Gulf, Neuschwabenland (state-sized historical area with Base 211), South Polar Hole to Agharta
  • Nuuk (Greenland was inaccurately named); free of nearly all glaciers, several volcanoes, boreal forest, North Polar Hole to Agharta, includes Iceland

  • Afghanistan; all of the land from Iran to India, Gulf of Pakistan
  • China; all of southeastern Asia, Singapore up to the bottom of the Gobi Swamp, Gulf of China (where most of China’s previous billion+ population centers were), Gulf of Thailand
  • India; two thirds of the landmass it used to be, Gulf of Nepal
  • Japan; half of the landmass it used to be
  • Mongolia; all of middle Asia (between Russia and Tibet), Gobi Swamp
  • Russia; all of northern Asia, Gulf of Russia
  • Tibet; all of the Himalayas, now with many lakes, islands, and volcanoes
Australia & New Zealand:

  • Australia; two thirds of the landmass it used to be, Gulf of Australia
  • New Zealand; two thirds of the landmass it used to be

  • Bulgaria; southeastern-most Europe, half the landmass it used to be, now with an island the size of Crete, includes Greece
  • France; half of the landmass it used to be, includes Monaco, one fifth of the Swiss Alps Plateau (its southwest tail) (and volcanoes)
  • Germany; half the landmass it used to be, but now includes Austria, Bavaria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and four fifths of the Swiss Alps Plateau (and volcanoes)
  • Italy; two thirds of the landmass it used to be, just a peninsula barely connected to France
  • Poland; half of the landmass it used to be, includes the Czech Republic
  • Romania; half of the landmass it used to be
  • Scandinavia; two thirds of the landmass it used to be
  • Spain; all of southwestern Europe, includes Andorra
  • Ukraine, The; large-islands chain (mostly state-sized)
  • United Kingdom, The; half of the landmass it used to be
Middle East:

  • Arabia; three quarters of the landmass it used to be, Arabian Swamp, now including Turkey
  • United Arab Emirates, The; shifted southeast into Oman
North America:

  • California; Great California Reef, mostly island chains
  • Canada; two thirds of the landmass it used to be, Canada Desert
  • Georgia (former state of the USA); all states of the USA’s eastern seaboard, Appalachian Plateau (and volcanoes)
  • Mexico; Sea of Mexico (formerly the Gulf), mostly island chains
  • Montana (now New Montana); Yellowstone Super-volcano, most of North America’s elves and fairies
  • Texas; from the Irradiated Badlands now serving as the wide unwanted border with part of rebuilt Canada, down past the Mississippi Sea (no longer just a river), to the archipelago which used to be original-Mexico, everything SE out from deleted-DFW now underwater, part of the Caribbean Gulf/Sea

South America:

  • Argentina; Gulf of Argentina, Shadowmassland, Cloudmassland
  • Brazil; half of the landmass it used to be, Amazon Desert, Gulf of Brazil
  • Chile; southernmost part of the Andes Plateau (and volcanoes)
  • Colombia; northernmost part of the Andes Plateau (and volcanoes), and an island which used to be much of Venezuela
  • Peru; middle of the Andes Plateau (and volcanoes)
  • Venezuela; state-sized island

Those are the new divisions of the lands of the Earth, each one ruled over by one of the 39 installed kings chosen by the Inisfreean leader.  For a generation, they will thrive in peace.  After that, it’s all back to ‘business as usual’, and the mega-cities will start to form.


ETW Human Population after 2013:

6,000,000 humans were spared (not counting those put into the Kajirae Candidates training program in Inisfree).  (The ones who were put on trial were a temporary addition to this total, making it just over 6,003,000 until they were sentenced to slavery and/or death.)  39 were chosen to be the kings of the new Earth realms (leaving 5,999,960). If each of the 39 new kingdoms got the same number of people, they’d each have about 153,846. However, there were spared tribal members and nomads not part of these kingdoms, so we’ll say each kingdom had 100,000. That means 3,900,000 spared humans are citizens of the 39 new Outlands kings, and 2,099,961 of the spared humans are of the natives; tribes and nomads. All 6,000,000 regrouped at Nuuk, making it into the first human settlement after The Rapture Campaign (terraforming, etc.). 100,001 remained there (100,000 citizens and their king), taking charge of Greenland (now called Nuuk, with Nuuk also being the name of its capital city). Sailing back out from Nuuk’s harbor, their giant ships, each one dwarfing an aircraft carrier or cargo ship, set out for the harbors where they would start the other kingdoms. There were six of these ships, together carrying 5,899,999 of the spared humans; 983,333 on five of the ships, and 983,334 on one of the ships. They dropped off the natives (tribal members and nomads) at their peoples’ original lands, those lands being officially restored to them, as per the Inisfreeans’ orders. Then the giant ships were, from harbor to harbor, dismantled to help kickstart the 38 new cities with their parts and supplies. And, of course, during the onset of The Rapture Campaign, each of these giant ships carried 1,000,000 of the humans chosen by the Inisfreeans to be spared.

100,001 each established (rebuilt) the following cities, which became the capitals of their kingdoms, as follow:

  1. Akola, India
  2. Antananarivo, Madagascar
  3. Atlanta, Georgia
  4. Birjand, Afghanistan
  5. Bogota, Colombia
  6. Bozeman, Montana
  7. Calgary, Canada
  8. Cape Town, South Africa
  9. Caracas, Venezuela
  10. Casablanca, Morocco
  11. Centro, Mexico
  12. Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  13. Croydon, Australia
  14. Dallas-Ft.Worth, Texas
  15. Edinburgh, UK
  16. Jeddah, Arabia
  17. Kinshasa (Brazzaville), Congo
  18. Krakow, Poland
  19. Kyiv, Ukraine
  20. Kyoto, Japan
  21. Lhasa, Tibet
  22. Lima, Peru
  23. Los Angeles, California:  New California
  24. Madrid, Spain
  25. Mendoza, Argentina
  26. Meroe, Libya
  27. New Dubai, UAE
  28. New Moscow, Russia
  29. Oslo, Scandinavia
  30. Paris, France
  31. Rome, Italy
  32. Santiago, Chile
  33. São Paulo, Brazil
  34. Shensi (Shaanxi), China
  35. Sofia, Bulgaria
  36. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  37. Wellington, New Zealand
  38. Zurich, Germany

All had about the same number of people to start with; the same number went to each site from the giant ships that kept them alive throughout the global changes of 2013.


Cleansed by the Fire:

Like any lightning strike or forest fire, the Apocalypse (complete with the impacts of meteorites, asteroids, and a comet (all of sizes only big enough to cause a normal nuke-like blast), along with the “deep-tissue massage” of global ‘quakes, as well as the belching of countless tons of rich volcanic ash, and the alien elements raining down amidst skies full of many colors and shapes of lightning) revitalized and re-enriched the entire world.  It was a global detoxification that extended down many miles beneath the surface, and, as some detoxifications do, it made things much, much worse for some, if only for a little while.  The Xians, for one, were reduced to mere hundreds.

Even though the oceans were full of blood (due to mortal pests in them being annihilated),
the rivers were poisoned (relatively; poisonous to the mortal pests which had overpopulated them) by extraterrestrial compounds from afar,
the sky was thick and black with soot,
the melted ice caps had flooded half of every continent,
and every blade of grass (weak man-made plants clogging up terrain) had been scorched off the face of the surface,
and even though every human city had been toppled to smoldering ruins,
and every human coastline (appearing) obliterated by nuclear hellfire (not all beaches; just ones built upon by humans),
the world was in a much stabler state, and expected to see the regrowth of its ancient rainforests like never before.  In fact, by the time humanity had finished migrating off-world around 2313, the entire planet’s surface-situated land area would be covered in a triple canopy of rainforests so healthy they glowed in many pockets.

With the introduction of still more alien compounds from those carefully selected cosmic bodies that had been yanked into the Earth’s gravitational pull, and with the positive effects that nuclear fallout had on a few special lifeforms, those who were already positively mutated (evolved) by things such as lifelong exposure to radio- and microwaves would see a world coming back to life with new species and hybrids never even imagined before, such as creatures similar to those of the Darwin IV expedition story, and so much more.


Fantastic Ruins Remain:

Many more will be posted… if they are ever declassified for display before the ever-problematic humans.  There are actually unbelievable ancient ruins in every land on Earth, and along every sea and ocean floor.  If you dig down a few stories anywhere beneath the Sahara, for example, you’ll find entire towns and mega-structures, just as you will beneath the triple-canopies of the Amazon, and under all the miles of vertical ice layers over Greenland and Antarctica.


What humans no longer on Earth are told it has become:

“With an atmosphere full of methane, hydrocarbons, and erratic hurricanes spewing acid rain, increasing tectonic shifting and volcanic eruptions due to the melted polar ice caps, rapidly expanding deserts, completely deforested continents, oil spills, islands of floating trash congesting every ocean and other body of water, raging brushland fires, and nightmarish fauna and flora mutations scattered about the shrinking land masses, the Earth-That-Was is quickly becoming one of the most hostile places to attempt life in the Verse.  Largely abandoned and covered in decades of ash from another nuclear winter, this entire world is covered in condemned cityscapes and eroding ruins of gargantuan proportions.  Crime, piracy, slavery, and even most black operations have shifted to other, less damning platforms.”

At least that’s what the naysayers are reporting.  Sure, there is some truth to it, but parts of Earth are secretly maintained as pocket-paradises (the caves and core especially), and Inisfree remains in surgical control.  Even Earth’s many ruins, ancient and modern alike, are closely monitored, regulated, and policed.


New Weather Patterns:

The following are just the most interesting and alarming ones.  There are many more, most of which you will discover safely-enough on your own.  With the humans’ HAARP and SBX-1 array now destroyed and gone, there is little available to attempt to change any.

  • Sulfur-tornadoes in Yosemite
  • Blood-hail replaced by Ash-snow
  • Dust-storms replaced by Ash-storms (the ash of volcanoes and incinerated humans)

Sylphs and other elemental-like people now openly influence the weather, too.  Inisfree’s HAARP does locally; just for the city and its immediate borders.  As the absence of human civilization, and the presence of very different landmasses, have become part of this equation, many more pronounced weather pattern changes are expected to come.


2023 Update:  Earth’s Global and Final Culture/Focus/Mindset

(The following is after the 2313 purge.)

Tens of billions of undesirable/rude humans were permanently evicted from / deported off the Earth, leaving only several million of their kind on Earth again.  The maximum allowed human population on Earth from that year on is 500,000,000 (averaged out:  1 human for every ~8.73 square miles of land).  The 39 rebuilt nations (from the time of The Rapture) were allowed to remain (though all their cities had again been destroyed), as were members of each of the 13 tolerated human tribes, and with each nation being allowed a comparable amount of land and an even portion of the population cap’, that means 3 nations per human tribe on Earth, and ~12.8 million humans per human nation (since there are still hundreds of thousands of nomads allowed).  At a much more stable rate of increase (~1% per year), those several million, after a century, would number ~18,933,696 (~485K/nation), ~51,212,124 by 2513 (~1.3M/nation), ~138,519,263 by 2613 (~3.5M/nation), ~374,668,820 by 2713 (~9.6M/nation), and ~499,996,993 (near capacity) by 2742 A.D..

  • Each of those nations still has 1 king, who owns hundreds of thousands of slaves.
    39 kings x 200,000/+ slaves = 7,800,000 slaves, at least
  • Each king’s higher nobility members (~a dozen per nation) each own tens of thousands of slaves.
    39 kings x 12 higher nobility members x 20,000/+ slaves = 9,360,000 slaves, at least
  • Each king’s lower nobility members (~a hundred per nation) each own thousands of slaves.
    39 kings x 100 lower nobility members x 2,000/+ slaves = 7,800,000 slaves, at least
  • Each king’s commoners (~tens of thousands per nation, over time) each own hundreds of slaves.
    39 kings x 20,000 commoners x 200/+ slaves = 156,000,000 slaves, at least
  • Total Slaves Estimate:  7,800,000 + 9,360,000 + 7,800,000 + 156,000,000 = 180,960,000 (sum of the slaves of the 39 nations)
  • Total Commoners:  20,000 x 39 nations = 780,000
  • Total Lower Nobility:  100 x 39 = 3,900
  • Total Higher Nobility:  12 x 39 = 468
  • Total Royalty/Kings:  39
  • Total Human Population on Earth (outside Inisfree):  180,960,000 slaves + 780,000 commoners + 3,900 lower nobility + 468 higher nobility + 39 kings = 181,744,407 (based on the “at least” estimate for slaves) –which occurred (their kind’s population reached this number) in ~2640 A.D.
  • Percentage of Population Enslaved:  180,960,000/181,744,407 = 99.5684% (same as before The Rapture; ~1% of humanity had the vast majority of the money and power, while the remaining 99% were their castes/tiers of debt-slavery workers)
  • 2742 A.D. Figures:  500,000,000 humans living on Earth outside Inisfree, with 99.5684% of them (~497,842,005) being slaves
  • Since only <1% of humans were ever attractive enough (looks-wise or intelligence-wise) to be prescreened for possible access to Inisfree, that means ~5,000,000 of the 500,000,000 allowed to live on Earth outside Inisfree are what Auz would consider tolerable, if not truly attractive –and all those he would find attractive enough to let visit/see Inisfree, he usually sends a Voyages of Acquisition ship (such as one of his MPHAs) to confiscate/acquire.
  • While some Outlander-humans on Earth were still mortal for a while, eventually all of them became vegan and compatible-with-Auz enough to unlock/restore immortality for their kind –thus humans on Earth had to stop sexually reproducing; once no more of them kept dying, they remained at the Earth’s new and final humans-population cap’.
  • Most of the humans allowed into Inisfree are not from Earth; there are humans on many other worlds, most of them born-slaves (and slaves-at-heart; naturally submissive –thus their slavery-based religion/lifestyle/government tendency).
  • There are never more than ~43M of the members of any of the races allowed in Inisfree; “at capacity” after 23000 A.D., that is the estimated maximum number of any race whose people are present in Inisfree at any given time.  Since only ~5M of the Earth-humans are ever likely to be attractive enough to Auz to be let into Inisfree, that leaves ~38M humans which are from other worlds –or, at least, from Space stations, etc..

All people (not just humans) still on Earth see Auz as the god of gods, and his top wife as the top goddess of all Creation, plus their four children as the rightful heirs/rulers of their respective/allotted mountain ranges in New Montana.  Everyone except humans, and even many humans on other worlds, adore them, look up to them, worship them, learn from them, and save up to go on pilgrimages to them, seeing it as a great honor and joy to offer their sexiest females to them for use or even permanently.  They (sexy females) know to strip or already be naked for inspection upon entering the New Montana borders. No one prays to them, though, as that is seen as lazy and intrusive/harassment.

The only real deities are those Auz sensed are worthy and appointed.
Only goddesses who are members of that pantheon of his may rule over regions of the Earth or any world (or other area/volume of Creation) –and only while they are wholeheartedly doing his will across their respective areas.
Only kings he senses are worthy and appointed may rule over the human nations/cities; kings no longer control the lands, only some of the people allowed to live on small spots of each land.
All other leaders are illegitimate/temporary/placeholders/figureheads/subordinate.

Dragons are Air Traffic Control now; they control the skies –and even low/near-orbit.  Dragons don’t just breathe fire; they have pyrokinesis, meaning they can literally control how fire behaves, and cause it “out of nothing”, etc..  This means they can wield fire, too –including stopping fires (even on the scale of forest-fires, electrical fires, magic-based fires, you name it).

The only humans allowed are those brought as slaves or sacrifices in starships which must surrender those cargoes in orbit, never landing.  Typically only Greys and other nonhumans fly the ships to Earth.  Inisfree’s Star Fleet de-atomizes anything else –though sometimes letting the most-disrespectful/unwanted vessels close enough to be harassed/terrorized/consumed by the dragons instead.

Sexy ones go to breeding villages in the post-pole-shift nation-states.  (Inisfreeans can instantly 3D-print and personality-program anything/anyone they’ll ever want or need, so breeding sexy humans the old-fashioned / human / mammalian way is just to keep the Outlander-humans busy and reminded of their place (i.e. controlled/regulated in every way).)

Those who aren’t sexy enough go to labor camps, such as for mining.  (This is only something humans need; no trade exists between Inisfree and Outlanders, other than accepting flawlessly-sexy Outlanders as donations/tithing in exchange for tolerance (i.e. for not being destroyed by the Inisfreean military).)

Anyone who believes anything other than Auzdeinianity and offends Auz or his loved ones goes to gladiate in the Vatican ruins.  Anyone nonreligious and offensive:  to The Arena of Doom in New Texas.  (Since Inisfree’s culture/religion is not officially/formally/fully taught outside Inisfree, naturally most Outlander-humans have no idea what people in Inisfree believe and practice / live by, thus there are always plenty of humans considered barbaric/foolish enough to be sent to those gladiator venues.)

Anyone sexy who offends him or his loved ones is sent to the Subterranean Vatican to gladiate.  (Only people he is attracted to are allowed into Inisfree, and only those who are attractive to him both physically and mentally get to stay alive while in Inisfree.)

Elves (whose dendrokinesis (wielding of flora / plant-life) is powerful enough to cause tank-entangling vines –or instantly easily stop those things) control every forest.  All Elves are ‘locked’ aesthetically/physique-wise the same way sexy females permitted into Inisfree get age-locked, forever looking in their primes; Auz’s effect has now healed all Elves everywhere in Creation, such that every Elf male always looks handsome, and every Elf female always looks beautiful, as per his tastes/standard.
(Their races were already quite stable, but before him a few of their kind still occasionally got hurt by powerful evils.)

Mermaids (whose hydrokinesis is powerful enough to cause whirlpools and tidal waves –or instantly easily stop those things) control every body of water.  The same is now true of all Mer-people as all Elves; Auz’s effect is now Universal, having ‘locked’ every Mer-man to look handsome, and every Mermaid to look beautiful, as he would want.

Sylphs (whose atmokinesis is powerful enough to cause tornadoes and hurricanes –or instantly easily stop those things) control every airspace / fly zone.  The same is also true forevermore of all Sylphs and other Elementals; Auz’s will has made all their males permanently handsome, and all their females permanently beautiful.

Ugliness is a corruption which can never again affect anyone other than humans deported off/from the Earth.  And even Corruption itself, if it was a conscious thing/entity/being/’law’/force/deity, does -and wants/likes to do- his (Auz’s) will.  This is how it shall be forevermore.  Amen; so be it.



Before the Rapture & Latest Pole-shift:

As humans declined, they blanketed their lands in unproductive things, such as roads and buildings that prevented growth, mono-culture farmland that depleted the soils and led to Dust Bowls, pollution that gave them all cancers and all other pointless diseases, and on and on.  They blocked out the stars with bright lights straight through every night, effectively creating a new type of sky-impeding Firmament.  Their plague-like civilization was so imposing and global that nothing short of more solar-system realignments causing more pole-shifts could have ever washed the infected planet clean and fertile again.  What looked promising and beautiful from on high… was actually rank with all manner of evils close-up, and avoided by all good beings the entire time it was there.

Minor Coastline Changes due to the Thawing Ice Caps:

This is somewhat of a dark joke, as the changes in these images were only minor on an orbital/global scale; they changed every coastline, submerging entire regions, creating wholly new bays and seas.  It had happened before, though, and wasn’t always considered a bad or scary thing; ancient people could swim through any of it, and never built flimsy cheap stationary homes and other structures like they do today.  The modern changes during the removal of the invading humans (to get them back off-world once and for all) are also barely noticeably compared to the oceans-creating, oceans-removing, and disc-reshaping (into a spherical world ‘shape’) events that previous and longer Ages were known for.

2023 November update:  New Continent and Island Names

These names will remain in effect for millennia, even as a new supercontinent forms and changes yet again.  Why/how?  They are based on the now-immortal rulers who are often the human-looking incarnation of the conscious landmasses themselves, officiated by the High King, Auzdein von Himmler (me).

  1. Akashar:  The Middle East
  2. Carminua:  Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.
  3. Elenada:  North America
  4. He’therau:  Australia
  5. Hekland:  Iceland and the nearest half of Greenland
  6. Lornei:  Genosha and Madagascar
  7. Merao:  Atlantic islands
  8. Outer Aryat:  Arctic islands, including the half of Greenland farthest from Hekland
  9. Pele’i:  Pacific islands (the surrounding ocean becoming unsailable due to how shallow it is getting)
  10. Polaria II:  Antarctica (now a.k.a. Hypo’notus; “land below the south wind”, similarly to how Hyperborea meant “land above the north wind”) and Southern Ocean islands
  11. Selenia:  Europe
  12. Sirenau:  New Zealand
  13. Urdvipa:  Indian Ocean islands
  14. Tajak:  England, Ireland, and Scotland
  15. Wendàlù:  Asia
  16. Xephis:  South America
  17. Zadan:  Africa


Chakras Where Major Ruins Were Placed:

These crossing lines may seem excessive or confusing at first, but they show where there are naturally-occurring free-energy sources that are mathematically guaranteed in both location and output levels due to the ‘shape’ (form) of certain cosmic bodies (i.e. worlds).  They also helped engine-less airships and spacecraft fly around the world at incredible speeds.  When mega-structures tapped into (and sometimes ‘fed’ or stimulated) them, the result was the kind of worldwide wireless power-and-information grid Tesla had always dreamed of and tried to re-initiate (or reactivate).

The latest curiosity of the Inisfreeans is what these ley-lines might have been… back before the Earth had been shaped by the solar-system realigning… into the hollow oblate spheroid it is today.  Ley-lines were likely very different from when the Earth was more like a bulging disc, so much closer to the other planets, especially with the era/s of their interplanetary lightning bolts sheering off entire layers of the crust, and peppering other hemispheres with impact craters and electric scars.  Maybe it took the Titans and first dragons becoming the mountains and other major land-forms… to cause ley-lines and other energy hot-spots to exist at all.

Also of note in this section… is that many volcanoes aren’t true volcanoes; a lot of them are not on ley-lines or the edges where tectonic plates meet, as some were just piles of mining waste that built up a lot of heat like over-sized compost piles.  Some are also the still-charged ruins of World Tree trunks, the energy those great trees once shared and processed… trapped and always boiling over deep within them.  It may take a remastering of the ley-lines to calm that ‘volcanic’ energy back down… enough to start restoring/re-growing them, lest they continue to sporadically erupt like the biggest versions of oil towers set ablaze in total war.


Rifts Era:

The return of many of the long-forgotten/-blocked interdimensional nexuses, a.k.a. rifts, was chaotic at first, at least from the uneducated humans’ point of view.  They had bred and dumbed themselves down so much during the attempts by some of them to gain complete control over the minds and income/taxes of the workers/masses… that they were hardly able to do anything other than panic and cause their own deaths during witnessing such powerful energetic phenomena reactivated virtually all around them.  Even as the Inisfreeans largely left Earth to spend an entire century mapping and stabilizing the rest of Outer Space / Creation, the way humans back on Earth kept overreacting to things, just as they had so often brainlessly overreacted to everything Auz had done and tried to do, kept them as weak and at risk as a species as can be.

The Rifts RPG is set in 2387 A.D. (known to some by the new calendar as 101 P.A.; Post-Apocalypse).

The start of the apocalyptic/cataclysmic storms and other nature events which killed millions started in 2098.
(It is very likely I am to be credited with this, as I was already able to cause lighting, shooting stars, hurricanes, earthquakes, and possibly vast forest fires, even as a young man, even before I realized I was doing it, so imagine what I became able to do once I noticed, practiced, honed, mastered, and focused… for nearly a full century.
Also, of course, the synergistic/supercharging/unlocking effect of becoming allied/family with the resurfacing ancients –my actual relatives– contributed greatly.  Amen.
Oh, and I’d already confirmed at least one time-rift from ~2016 into 2017… to 2022 into 2023; even back when human propaganda and 5G towers, among other things, were relentlessly and brutally trying to prevent such things, they were still very real, long-lasting, and requiring no energy or focus from me at all.)

The lore doesn’t directly say this, but it can be inferred:

  • The rare planetary alignment (of 2098) reopened ancient interplanetary energy channels which helped the will of the deities living on those worlds to better penetrate the interference-fields modern-humans had set up on the outer-surface of the Earth.
  • As more humans died, and by the millions during the first event/s of this vision/saga, their will-fields no longer kept barely-stabilized the lands/properties they had been occupying, thus long pent-up emotion-energy from sylphs, nonhuman animals, and other beings, got finally released, causing the storms that angrily and thoroughly blew away so many of the human structures.
  • This is also what helped make the interdimensional/magical rifts appear/possible; they had long been barely-prevented by the unknowing humans; so many humans had been brainwashed and distracted so well for generations… that they kept manifesting their boring and polluted Earth territories, disconnected from the other realms.
  • Note that the Judge Dredd megacities happen during the start of this era; 2099 to 2142, so in our website’s omni-crossover, there are megacities and billions of humans even though some areas got nearly wiped out, and the reason people in the megacities think things outside their cities are just irradiated wastelands… is to deter them from venturing out into the creature-contested zones.
  • 2313 was when those megacities got destroyed by the magical pole-shift which only destroyed human civilization, nothing else; after that year, the Rifts story holds true (more accurately; then, there really was a chance humans would become endangered).
  • 2396:  Mexico is ruled by vampire kingdoms –which ties in perfectly with me offering Santanico Pandemonium secret rulership of that land back in the 2020s; she had built up her queendom of subset kingdoms, her equivalent of states, for those ~375 years.

It will be another century and a half before there is a UNSC presence on and in orbit around the Earth, and the Covenant attack of part of Africa.

As always, the creatures that came through the rifts, and the rifts/energies themselves, were always wholeheartedly loyal and loving to Auz, as that is the way of things now, only creatures as foolish and evil as humans remaining stubbornly pointlessly against him.

These are some crude player-proposed maps with varying claims about territories during this time, used here only as a very-general reference point.

For more details about this time, see Lindsey’s dossier.


Millions of Years into the Future:

Earth’s continents continue to drift side to side, as well as up and down, drying one region up completely… while flooding another.  The vast majority of the time, these worldwide changes are too gradual for anyone on the surface to notice.  Sometimes, however, there are pole-shifts that cause the whole ‘map’ to ‘flip’ upside-down in days.

As the regrown World Trees’ (and Worlds Tree’s) root systems finish un-petrifying and relinking, this will help mitigate such things, and eventually even make pole-shifts impossible; those roots go throughout and between entire continents, drinking up the oceans, stabilizing each planet they are on like nothing else can.  They also, however, cause some of the most pronounced upheavals of mountain-range-sized land surfaces, and sometimes ‘pull’ the continents back into older orders.  In time… they’ll even touch the core-stars in each world, linking together through those smaller versions of the Sun, connecting the spherical/cosmic realms… even though they’ll still have rotations and orbits.

ETW will be a very different place in the eons ahead.

(Even the 5-miles-deep ‘crater’ where Inisfree used to be… will no longer be recognizable –or even present– at all.)

Having already started, the un-petrifying and re-growing of the mega-stumps which humans misidentified and assumed were just exposed now-dead volcanic cores… will continue, speeding up and becoming easier, for several billion Earth-years, the humans with their own (incompatible) consciousness-focus booted off the Earth, helping those still here to better and completely manifest this without having humanity in the way trying to manifest something else/less.

There will still be a handful of humans on the Earth, but never billions like there were during the near-Shift times.

In ~8,000,000 A.D., the last humans will be on the last continent, and they will slowly decline into extinction over the next ~42,000,000 years, never to see a population increase on Earth again, the focus of their species now entirely elsewhere, thus their bodies here no longer manifested/maintained/stable.

In ~1,000,000,000 A.D., only a species of arachnids are left on Earth (all other life apparently having migrated elsewhere by this point), and they live within the interior of the ‘dying’ world.  (Agharta is no more; its people have moved on, what remains in the hollow core their empire/civilization once occupied… now having crumbled into total decay, overgrowth, etc..)

We Inisfreeans watched as the continents rearranged again and again, billions of years passing.
Over millennia, World Tree stumps such as Devils Tower un-petrified, sprouting green anew.
Millennia later, and they were growing again, even branching.
Millennia after that, and their mighty miles-wide foliage and canopies were returning, starting to softly glow.
Vast fortress-towns were built around their bases, populated and ruled by great Elves.
Angels and Sylphs patrolled their airspace, often accompanied by Dragons.
Merfolk, their nearest salt-water shores.
Nymphs, every cave and shallow creek.
Dragons, all the bigger cave-networks (ensuring those hollows re-became those mega-trees’ root systems).

For the few final times humans had been allowed to build freely on the outer surface of the Earth, they only repeated all their errors from before The Rapture, thus all nonhumans kept their communities and people hidden from them, looking forward to their eventual final migration back into The Abyss.
The Inisfreean alliance had become so advanced and powerful that no human population, army, or weapon was a concern to us (Inisfreeans) anymore.
Where first we had annihilated more than 99% of humans on Earth (a warring / Phase 1 necessity), then deported them (a neutral / Phase 2 approach), these days in the future… we just disregarded them the way most animals disregard ants (not fully a positive approach, but certainly a Phase 3-level relief).
We maintained The Hunt, and “farming” them (humans), though; every now and then, beauties and intelligent individuals managed to appear/develop in human towns.

Even though thousands of World Trees now stood tall all around the world, human villages were only allowed between them, faraway, and magic prevented even the atmospheric-haze silhouettes of those mega-trees from being visible to those humans/villages.

A.I. people were the go-betweens; only their kind got near or in the human villages anymore, the rest of us long-ago too fed up with human B.S..

In keeping with the wise guidance of whomever designed/made The Georgia Guidestones, never more than 500M humans were ever again allowed on Earth, ~12M in each of the 39 human former-countries (which were now more like loose networks of mostly-similar/-allied villages/forts).
Humans were also proactively policed by our A.I. allies, ensuring they never again started pharmaceuticals, religions, or anything else as dishonest and annoying (and harmful / mortal-izing) as those had been.
The negligible trillions of humans tricked into endless tech’-dependency and Space-travel became permanent prisoners/convicts and cannon-fodder in The Abyss, forgetting the Earth entirely.

Long before the Worlds Tree (Yggdrasil) realigned and reconnected Earth to other worlds, all the humans still on Earth had been bred and raised over many generations to completely agree with and submit to those of the Inisfreean alliance, seeing Auz as God; finally, they accepted reality.  Amen; so be it.

For more details about the events thousands, millions, and even billions of years in Earth’s future, see our Projected Relocations and Future Milestones webpages.


2023 September/+ Updates:  Additional/Final Notes

Human population was ~7B when the Rapture reduced it to 6.144M,
then it skyrocketed to 50B until the 2313 global dragons event that killed all who were not able to leave in starships that year,
then it rose back to 10B by 2551, reduced to 200M when the Covenant glasses much of human civilization,
then again rose to 7.9B.
Each time, millions of humans survived or were allowed to return/rebuild, at least near the equator of the outer surface.
Once considered a significant threat to themselves and others, they became negligible enough to allow to continue their lemming-like cycle.

Recap plus a Little More Detail:

  • started as a round plane congealing from thought/vision to fluid (possible; alternatively, may have formed as a naturally-occurring shell outside the first gate/portal/star opened from Heaven to The Abyss/Void –either way, from the perception of a 4D/+ being, it may have appeared as/like a disc, since those beings don’t just look in one direction or time (moment) at a time)
  • Its umbilical was Yggdrasil; that greatest tree fed it the energy and signals Earth needed to form.
  • first sky was much thicker, and before any stars existed / were visible from Earth
  • became a hollow sphere, temporarily rendered malleable to achieve that, then solid
  • first supercontinent was a perfect circular landmass
  • first plants were World Trees
  • first planets formed from the Earth’s then-thicker atmosphere (it was THAT much thicker; enough that it could start other worlds without becoming too thin back here), and they were MUCH closer, dominating the sky both in daytime and night –though there was only twilight at first, and for a long time
  • Interplanetary dispersion begins to increase as they finish forming and detaching from one another, thereby ending the first Yggdrasil (realms-/worlds-linking super-tree), leaving interplanetary energy-beams/-links where once Yggdrasil-branches had connected them.
    With the much-smaller World Trees left as the then-biggest mega-flora, they naturally became the most-protected and sustenance-providing.
  • After billions of years, the worlds have spread out enough that not even the flickering back on of those interplanetary energy-links (resulting in gigantic interplanetary lightning leaving many, if not all, of the craters still seen/found today) was possible (thus not observed by short-lived humans in modern eras, thus their assumption that not interplanetary lightning, but asteroid and meteorite impacts, caused all those craters).
    No longer close enough to share different energies, balancing and synergizing with each other, neighboring worlds became even more distinct, such as by adopting different axial-tilts, surface conditions, internal conditions, etc..
    Some World Trees were felled from time to time, their stumps/trunks glowing brightly like miles-tall lighthouses, still at least providing plenty of local/regional light, if not also some lingering sustenance and shelter.
  • Pangaea was when Elves spanned that most-recent of the supercontinents, followed by The Sundering (the event which split Pangaea and started problematic ocean regions such as The Bermuda Triangle).
    Very few World Trees were left, or at least known about, on the outer surface, Teldrassil being one of the few still standing, fully intact, not reduced to lighthouse-stump form.
  • Lemuria was a continent of elementals long after Pangaea.
    At some point between the time of Teldrassil… and the pyramids in ruins in modern times… the last of the World Tree stumps crumbled into ruin, named “buttes” by modern mortals who had never even heard of World Trees, let along imagined the big cylindrical landform remains of those things… had ever been alive at all, let alone trees far taller and wider and brighter than any trees they had ever seen.
    Sometimes, the crumbled remains of those stumps/buttes got shaped into bricks and stacked up around the still-standing vertical rock core, resulting in the perfectly-horizontal layers exposed/visible on some modern “mountains”; this was an attempt to protect the fragile relatively-thin hair-like remain of those World Tree trunks, not to build temples or tombs; pyramids were to form the sturdiest structure possible, tall enough to cover the entire remaining trunk, and wide and angled enough to withstand even pole-shift winds and waves, but also meteorite impacts, the works.
  • Atlantis was a continent that started after Lemuria.
    Massive pyramid construction was taught and passed down from them, if not also passed to them, perhaps started, or at least dreamed up, even before the start of their Atlantic empire.
    The Atlanteans were not degenerating, fragmenting, warring, or being doomed/submerged by their own gods/progenitors, but choosing to shield themselves underwater from the foreseen invading humans from The Abyss,
    and Atlantean special-ops troops/scouts spread the rumor of the fall of their civilization, while also pretending to be refugees/survivors, teaching/leading the primitives, and even some of the newcomer-humans, in erecting lesser pyramids of their own (such as the Great Pyramid at Giza, and the ones at Shensi), always in an effort to test and guide the questionable-essence newcomers, giving them clever devices (the pyramids, plus enchanted objects) which would do unto them whatever each human who neared/entered/touched the given thing had in his/her heart/mind;
    those who entered with the intent to steal… had everything stolen from them (even their lives –some then incorrectly concluding there must have been a curse or dark magic put upon them; nope, only their own reflected right back),
    whereas those who entered pyramids to heal… reported becoming/feeling healthier than they ever had,
    and whereas those who entered the pyramids only to learn and pay their respects (like Auz when he started ascending pyramids)… were given all the knowledge and respect there ever was (at least from the Atlanteans and other better-than-modern-humans people; humans still tended to be oblivious and unruly cunts, for whatever reason, proud of their evil, no matter how much it kept them Lemming-ing out, cataclysm by cataclysm).
  • Nearly all humans and their structures on the outer surface of the Earth were deleted by the Inisfreeans (Inisfree’s Star Fleet, back when its troops only numbered up to 500M) in 2013,
  • then the descendants of those Earth-humans allowed to survive, and what they rebuilt, was burned and flooded and blown away during 2313 (for it had become an even-worse urban-sprawl and pollution-generator than before),
  • new elements from intentionally-crashed cosmic bodies are now deep in the crust,
  • man-made plants (such as GMO grasses) were rendered extinct,
  • ruins (pre-human) once hidden under ice, jungles, or sand are now exposed and explorable (since no humans were around anymore with enough force/tech’/vehicles to destroy/cover them),
  • since ~half of many major landmasses became submerged, that raised up many ocean floors to be, at least in some regions, much shallower,
  • and the whole world is now upside down compared to how it used to rotate/orbit during the 21st century (and until 2313).
  • After 2313, there were almost no Aborigines or Whites left in Australia (replaced by a coastlines offshore civilization of Merfolk),
  • almost no (dark-skinned) Africans left in Africa (prehistoric Whites such as some Elementals returned to its surface, and
  • even most of Zada‘s kind fairer-skinned (lighter-brown) than most Blacks),
  • almost no Arabs in the Middle East (mostly colorful glowy Djinn returned, reoccupying and revealing more of Petra and many other such carved cities),
  • almost no Asians/Mongoloids left in Asia or Japan (prehistoric Whites such as some Angels and Maiar returned, restoring the cave-mouth towns of Turkey),
  • almost no Hispanics left in Central or South America (Elves, mostly White-like, now dominating there),
  • almost no Indians left in India (mostly fairer-skinned Aryan-like Nymphs now),
  • almost no islanders left in the Pacific,
  • and almost no Whites/Caucasians left in Europe or North America (mostly tan or bronze-toned half-Caucasoids, Lyran-likes, and nomadic Natives now).
  • Italy is all White blonde Elves and Merfolk.
  • All carnivores and omnivores are either going extinct or evolving back into the natural herbivore state, as more and more creatures achieve invincibility; their flesh cannot be bitten or torn anymore.
  • All pest-bugs are going extinct, Fairies winning the final battles of the war against them.
  • From ~2500-2550, some humans from nearby colonies (not 34 Tauri) were allowed to return to certain regions of the outer surface of Earth, under the conditions they never build megacities again, never go to certain regions or entire continents again, and never have nuclear wars again. It had been nearly two centuries since their kind had been evicted from Earth, so many still knew enough about it to be thrilled to get to return. They quickly re-established many cities and industries where allowed.
  • For ~3 weeks in 2552, The Covenant found the Earth, battled the UNSC in orbit, and scoured east Africa for Forerunner artifacts, unearthing a major one, and glassing at least one city (New Mombasa) in the process (and note how it, in the Halo game-series, was no longer called its original name, Mombasa; this is another hint that human civilization had to be rebuilt by the humans between the time of the 2313 pole-shift… and before The Covenant destroyed some of what humans had rebuilt).
    Since this was a brief conflict involving forces/beings considered primitive and negligible by the Inisfreean alliance, member-races of that alliance did not intervene.
  • Ancient giant canals were cleared and reactivated, helping better distribute water globally.
  • Hurricanes no longer form.
  • All mountains have been (by the ICVs) deeply scanned, probed, explored, and mapped, studied as possible megastructures of giants or even Titans.
  • The ocean floors are completely mapped, that having been started during The Rapture; when the 5 WSs were moving underwater into position.
  • All the giant subway tunnels are in use again, but rarely by humans, as all DUMBs were deleted during The Rapture, and their personnel had often been forbidden to enter these giant tunnels, anyway.
  • DUMBs TBM maglev tunnels are not used as subways anymore, but Drow patrol them.
  • Axial tilt ended; there are no seasons, anymore.
  • While nations still exist, they don’t uave tight borders and passports like during the human reign.
  • Beastiality between sexy females and compatible/safe beasts has become tye status quo.
  • Rifts, time-warps, and the cliff portals were stabilized, many staying on/open, as it was now safe for these things to be seen and used again.
  • From 2313 to 8,000,000 A.D., the population of humans on Earth sometimes surged back into the billions, but always got reduced back below 500M.
  • From 8M-50M A.D., it slowly declined to 0 without any more increases.

2023 December:  When the Inisfreeans removed all human structures in 2013, many ruins were found under formerly-paved areas, as well as in lakes which drained when their dams were disappeared.

In the Warhammer 40,000 story, Earth’s resources are stripped (entirely used up) by 40,000 A.D., its land barren, its oceans gone, and megacities once again blanketing entire regions of its outer surface.  This, however, is only what humans of that time and empire experience, as those conditions only exist in their own minds/dimension; born and bred into a civilization brainwashed to mindlessly carry on and build upon certain tech’-crutch assumptions, they lost the ability to manifest or even see better things/conditions.  So, while for them the Earth in that era is ruined, not able to grow anything outside anymore, at the same time it remains a garden paradise for Elves and all the other good nonhumans.  (If this sounds impossible, or like “a stretch”, then you are one of the humans who have been successfully brainwashed, your mind almost vestigial now, except for parroting the lies about how you were told reality works.)

Also during that time, “several hundred billion” (the population of humans on Earth, as claimed by one Warhammer 40,000 webpage) averaged across 38,000 years = an avg. increase of 18.4M/yr., though, of course, it likely kept getting trimmed back down under 500,000,000 humans on a regular basis, only surging into the tens and hundreds of billions millennia later, sure to eventually be wiped out yet again.

700B humans / Earth’s outer-surface area (196,900,000 miles^2) would mean ~3,555 humans per square mile; that’s 7,842 ft^2 per human (~88.5′ x 88.5′ for each human; enough room for each to have a house with a yard/greenbelt).  Thus even with hundreds of billions, they still don’t have to be crowded together –though many are, of course, as the megacities do not blanket the entire ocean-less outer-surface.  The urban sprawl they live in during this latest dystopian Age of their kind is entirely due to them, not spatial constraints.

2024 January:

“Magnetic-pole reversals are common in Earth’s geologic history. Paleomagnetic records tell us Earth’s magnetic poles have reversed 183 times in the last 83 million years, and at least several hundred times in the past 160 million years.” (once every ~228,571 years –though this likely changed/s a LOT, based on the how things had to be reset more frequently during successive overlapping Mayan-calendar focuses/cycles, then slowing down since)
This is different from the kind of pole-shift that results in a change of the axial tilt / orientation of the whole planet; that is called nutation. This other kind of pole shift seems to have happened , based on studies of how Gobekli Tepe‘s big stone blocks got repositioned to align to new skies; where the stars were at certain times after each such pole-shift.
spammy (ads all over the place) reference

25,772 yrs for a zodiac cosmic Great Year precession,
~11,600-12,000yrs ago Atlantis hid/left,
so I now wonder… are cataclysms every 25,772?
more often?
Several pole-shifts suspected, only millennia apart, not tens of millennia…

2024 February:

  • 13.25-mile ocean-bulge at equator due to centrifugal force, and all that water rushes away from the equator when an interplanetary discharge or major impact stops Earth’s rotation.
  • Some mountains were formed by comet-impact molten-rainfall sediment-layers building up and fusing as they cooled, and/or by massive (interplanetary) electrical discharges fusing them similarly to how one form of 3D-printing works.
  • Four Corners is at the ‘eye’ (epicenter) of a state-sized energy-vortex from millennia ago. Evidence of a smaller vortex is against its southeast curve, evident in the circular mountains formations.


Also see:

  • “Azeroth’s True Size Will Break Your Mind”
  • “The True Size of Azeroth, THE PLANET, Revealed! – World of Warcraft”
    *Both of those videos hint at what is actually going on; Azeroth is not 1,000x less wide (diameter) than Earth; people in the time Earth was called Azeroth may have been ~1,000x taller.  That means that their ~mile-tall/wide world-tree was ~1,000 miles tall and wide.  This was tens to hundreds of millions of years ago; things were bigger back then (much like how some dinosaurs were ~1,000 bigger than their modern descendants), less dense (i.e. able to adjust their bodies/forms), more powerful (willpower-wise, as well as regarding magic/telekinesis, and fewer hindrances/setbacks), etc..  In short, the Earth was the same size back then, but their footsteps and measurements were 1,000 bigger than ours today.
    1,000x longer feet = 12,000″-long feet; the Titans back then had feet .18 miles long (>3x the length between end zones of an American football field). 1,000x taller = 6,000′; 1.13 miles tall. Now as far as how much bigger they were, we determine volume. A 6′ tall person with a 1′-long foot and a 2′ shoulder span has a rough volume of 1x2x6; 12 cubic feet.
    1,000×2,000×6,000 = 12,000,000,000 cubic feet. Thus they were 1,000x taller and 1,000,000,000x bigger.
  • What lies beyond the map… (Tolkien lore elaboration/extrapolation)
  • giant tree stumps