These are the real ones.

  • Alice Richards: bi angel, killer (PB Emilia)
  • Angelike: slave given as payment to her when a job could not be completed
  • Aya: a gift from god/Iluvatar himself; to appease/placate/respect me after I (Auz) launched The Rapture
  • Azrael Sigfred: angel with access to realms beyond the ‘Heaven’ dimension
  • Divinity Gottschalk: an Angel who woke on Earth during The Shift
  • Eleanor Nemeseia: redhead angel cast out for loving all sides
  • Zerachiel: an ancient, queen of the Angels

That is not a complete list; those are the ones featured on this website / in this saga/spell.

They have always been ruled over only by the Ainur; Arch Angels; the stars themselves (though, technically, all non-artificial stars (i.e. not a world man-made via helioforming to become a proto-star), their (these Angels’) unchanging instinct always being to lovingly help carry out the will/vision/plans/commands of their immediate-superior Ainur, and they (Angels) rarely ever wear clothes, except when showing respect to insecure youths born into primitive hyper-controlling societies.

They are always distinctly male or female, and forever -and happily and wisely- remain what they started as.
The males are always heterosexual and preferring bisexual females, and the females are always bisexual and preferring heterosexual males (i.e. not tolerating any deviation from that).

They can choose to become a number of different forms, i.e. shapeshift, typically into either winged or un-winged supermodel-level attractive humans, and they can fairly effortlessly choose to be a range of sizes that are easily perceivable to / interactable with planet-bound people such as humans; midget-sized up to giant/Titan size (as tall as skyscrapers).

They are neither Valar (remaining off-world) nor Maiar (remaining on- or in-world); Angels travel between those two, somewhat like patrolling between realms/dimensions (though some Angels tend to stay off-world more often than not, and some others vice versa).
All their children/creations (and, yes, some Angels were willed by their makers/Ainur to produce creations/offspring of their own –and that is where ancient Germans and Russians came from) have their essence; all the original Atlanteans, Austrians, Germans, Lemurians, Russians, etc., and the creations of those sub-species/-races (so long as those later-generations of theirs didn’t get fooled/corrupted/altered by anything), are also permanently happily, wisely, proudly, of only the male or female gender, distinct since birth, and never corrupted by the bizarre mutated beings/beasts who are instead based on pointless change/deviancy.

While it might look unnatural to have their wings not attached on the center of their backs, but up around/upon their shoulder blades, as Earth-birds are balanced by having their own wings centered on their own backs, Angels were not made to fly horizontally like those birds, but upright like somewhat-floating humans.

Angels are immortal, mostly invincible (though they can be emotionally fatigued / disgusted at times), telepathic, telekinetic, and always in multiple forms of mutually-agreeable contact with some of their fellows.  The only way they can be compromised is if traded willingly by their superior (Ainur) for a wise/divine reason (thus how Auzdein was once given an Angel; Aya, and how Ambrosia likewise ended up in possession of one; Angelike).

They perceive not just 3D, but 4D and more; they can easily see any lifespan or time-stream (though rarely, if ever, an entire alternate reality/universe, as their focus is on protecting and barely guiding people in their own/assigned realm/dimension/reality/universe/world) much like how a human can change whether he/she is focusing on an object up close or far away.

No magic can block an Angel’s vision/senses; whatever he/she chooses to think about and focus on… will become perfectly in focus and known to him/her.  Some magic, however, if powerful enough, can temporarily summon and put Angels to work, as was mentioned in the legend about King Solomon; he used Angels to help build one of his temples, as the task would have been too strenuous -if not impossible- for the humans of his time.

It is part of their nature to always understand, love, support, and protect me, High King Auzdein von Himmler.

The current number of Angels is the number there have always been and shall always be; they never multiply/reproduce, never needing or wanting to, as that is not their way/purpose/calling/destiny.
No one becomes an Angel when he/she dies; death is how failed people get recycled to learn/reattempt a normal (i.e. immortal/eternal) life.
Babies and pets are not Angels.  Only humans exaggerate that retardedly.
If it didn’t get created directly by an Ainur, and wasn’t always fully-grown (looking like an adult in his/her prime), and doesn’t have wings and the ability to effortlessly move around in Space/void indefinitely, it isn’t an Angel.
The closest stretch one might be logically permitted is to call something angelic, but that would have to mean the described person had strength on par with Superman, and direct communication with the actual gods/goddesses, and the will and means to nuke -without radiation/fallout- entire cities in an instant –as casually as a normal modern weak human might get road-rage.

Angels are always mentally and physically exactly what Auz instinctively knew was the only correct way to look and be; their bodies are always perfect, the tits of their females never sagging, the clitoral hoods of their females’ pussies never apparent/stretched, their skin never sunburned or otherwise discolored, and so on.

Angels are naturally bioluminescent, and can shine almost as brightly as stars (thus their ability to non-radioactively ‘nuke’ (their race’s equivalent of nuking, anyway) an entire city at once, their brightness instantly blasting away any bad-‘darkness’), though they always respectfully dim themselves so as not to blind or even disorient/startle those who were born of later generations who knew only the much-dimmer/-milder light upon worlds.
Yes, this means all Angels are White; Caucasian-looking.  They are glowy energy-based beings, not beings with skin that can become pigmented or tanned.
There has never been a non-white angel.
Non-White people who were good-ish in life but still died, like all humans who died, do not and cannot become Angels –and, even if they somehow could or did, it would render them into angelic energy-bodies, thus making them white and bright as can be; zero tan, zero brown, zero black.

Almost everyone living in the hollow core of the Earth, and the hollow cores of similar worlds also made by the Ainur (or of the Ainur, as some Ainur shapeshift into -and hibernate in the form of- a hollow planet or moon), are either actual Angels, or at least direct (first-generation) descendants of Angels (Aryana being the prime example of that latter group).

As creations of the Ainur, they are literally made of the substance of Heaven itself, thus wherever they show up becomes more -if only temporarily (during their presence)- heavenly (thus ‘darkened’/corrupted/fallen cities/humans getting flashed out of existence as if a no-radiation nuclear-weapon detonated).

They have a range of emotions, though jealousy is not something they are capable of experiencing/feeling.  They also do not feel sadness or loss, in part because of how perceptive and timeless and informed they always are.  When an Angel gets angry/enraged/mad, he/she will glow more brightly, often causing one of their kind’s signature no-radiation purification blasts.
Only a complete fool or liar ever assumes, let alone claims, that it is not angelic if a person ever gets angry; Angels get angry every single time they encounter disgusting evils, and go ballistic as per their nature and upbringing, thus anger -at least their own- does solve problems –perfectly; angelically (though, of course, this is not always needed, and not only anger solves problems).

The halo their kind is known for is one of the surest signs you are in the presence of an actual one.  Anyone who claims to be an angel or “lightworker” but who does not have a legitimate halo… is full of shit.  (Also, of course, since “you will know them by their works”, lightworkers / actual Angels don’t ever feel the need to self-identify verbally like that; they just do good things, never bragging.)  While there are some good people who are not Angels, the only real Angels have halos, and the only literal lightworkers are those who wield light –and that is the Light Elementals known as, …you guessed it, Angels.

Angels are always fit, unable to gain too much weight, or lose so much that they look emaciated, angels (including demons) not needing to eat at all.

Angels who came to Earth long ago were known as Hyperboreans.
Angels have 3 races, each with 3 subtypes;

  1. Highest race (always with God (the conscious shared-core of stars), 3 subtypes: Seraphim (caretakers/singers of the 1 Throne), Cherubim (supporting the 1 Throne, not angel-subtype thrones), Thrones (a.k.a. ophanim/offanim and galgallin; living chariots of God)),
  2. Middle race (between Heaven and Earth, 3 subtypes: Dominions (cosmic bodies), Virtues (over Elements), Powers (over individual forces)),
  3. Lowest race (visiting worlds/individuals, 3 debated subtypes, 1 agreed on: Principalities; guides of nations)

“Lowest” does not mean weakest or worst; it is in reference to their home-realm being considered by some, such as the Inisfreeans, to be central or up/top/start, thus everything that moves/explores out of/from it can be said to be moving down/lower.

They only smell of the best things, and always subtly, never overwhelming the senses, as their nature is to bring peace, stability, contentment, etc., everywhere they go.

Their skin is always healthy, featureless (no freckles, etc.), and as smooth as can be.

Voices: All females sound feminine sexy, and all males sound masculine powerful, as only modern humans sound frail or nasal or anything else off-putting.

Territory:  interplanetary Space; near stars, not out in the Interstellar Medium –though they are capable of going out there (They just have little reason to.)

“Sex with giants (angels) got them pregnant with giant babies, the births of which killed them”?
That could only be a lie (told by lowly insecure humans) trying to use terrorism to keep the women for themselves, making the agony of births (of human offspring) seem mild by comparison, when the reality is that willing women to birth (any babies at all)… is what was killing them, and giants/angels were less petrified (i.e. more energetic/shapeshifting), thus had pleasant/easy births, if any at all, as they were immortal, thus not needing to reproduce.
If anything, women who got with them (angels) loved how they could change to any size, guaranteeing perfect sex, and decide whether their sperm/sex caused impregnation.
The humans almost certainly just wanted to keep their females from discovering that paradise of vastly-superior compatibility and comfort.
Sex with those angelic descendants probably cured all ails, too, and 100% of the time caused perfect babies –something the bad/degenerate/chaotic/panicking/overreacting humans never could and were violently envious of.