This webpage is a directory where the many superpowers or general special abilities of our people/races will be listed and briefly defined/explained.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Alphabetical List with Description
  3. Example/Conceptual Images



All of the following are actually normal abilities entire populations on healthy worlds / in healthy civilizations have.  Yes, that means most places in the omni-verse that have humanoids are telepathically and morally unified, their people able to shield (forcefield) themselves, never getting sick, they almost instantly heal from any wounds, they have foresight and other ESP, and they can do things like wield the elements and will themselves to fly without wings or jetpacks, and on and on.  “Health” and “normal” are defined VERY differently on worlds not plagued by fools as lowly as modern Earth humans.

The following abilities just seem superhuman (to some modern humans; the brainwashed/sabotaged demographics) because humanity corrupted/degenerated itself so long that they are now a completely vestigial failed species.  For a long time, it had to be this way; humans were mostly invaders from off-world who were as evil as can be; there was no goodness such as honor in them, so they had to be kept weak.  Many times, they were also only bred as a work force; though the names of their caste/s changed (in order to better deceive/manipulate/pacify/stupefy them), workers like them have almost always been slaves –even to the point of being so mentally-downgraded that they viciously harass and try to shame anyone not being an unhealthy, self-weakened, completely-cowed-down slave just like them.

Also, some illegitimate human “authorities” have been on an abilities-demonizing/-slandering propaganda campaign, lying about everyone who has these abilities, claiming they are making it up / are frauds, etc..  This is because anyone with normal health/abilities/powers is regarded by the insecure losers pretending to be authorities/protectors as a threat, when it is obviously the other way around.  That being said, be prepared to deal with retarded bullies and scammers who tend to spy and show up whenever anyone is attempting to be healthy or make anyone else feel good/well.

A specific prime example of that campaign, by the way:  The X-Men comics and movies; they claimed that such abilities were rare (when in reality they are the norm/baseline), entirely up to genetics (when genetics are entirely up to one’s own mind/focus/faith-in-self), dangerous (more like balancing and liberating, dangerous only to scum trying to trick people into feeling worry or shame for having/using such normal abilities/skills), and a “new thing”; a recent “leap forward in evolution” (even though all the following abilities and far more have been systematically targeted, reduced, controlled, and bred out of the current Earth-humans population… for millennia, all to better-keep the workers working, unable to do –or even imagine– anything else).

More examples of subsets of that campaign to breed-/shame-out the following normal powers:

  • alcohol; when ingested, it is an obvious poison, depressant, and emasculator
  • any/all distractions
  • clothes that encourage bloating/gluttony/obesity
  • brutalizing masculine males via the sexist fake legal system
  • even soap and other pretend-hygiene products; they mostly just burn the skin and clog its pores, if not much worse
  • fake food; the poison/ed food/ingredients legalized because the human-powers know it keeps the masses/consumers clogged up, inflamed, etc., thus their bodies/systems too busy futily repairing themselves until they finally die prematurely at a mere century or less old
  • feminist movement
  • homosexuality condoning/promoting; the two sexes have/unlock the most of their natural abilities when paired up naturally (heterosexually, with a dominant heterosexual male and a submissive bi/pansexual female, because that stabilizes the equation with a stable leader focused in a single direction, and a supportive follower or followers eager to work with everyone involved)
  • injecting anything; all vaccinations are scams and poison –and if a vaccination did not make you feel ill, you got the placebo/fake one
  • normalizing being out of shape, and pretending it is genetic
  • offering sex-change surgical operations; one of the unhealthiest things anyone can do to himself/herself, short of committing suicide
  • pretending there are more than two genders/sexes
  • sensationalism-/lies-based “news” (the modern circus and brainwashing a.k.a. programming)
  • smoking; no worse way to ruin your system/health than to reduce/restrict your own airway/breathing
  • the fake “disclosure” (of Secret Space Programs, UFOs, aliens, etc.) campaign; just the latest tactic/method of the distract-/overburden-everyone campaign
  • turning schools/colleges/universities into media-flooding arenas that don’t actually teach anything correct/sane/useful
  • video games or anything based on violence instead of love; while not causing people to become violent, and while sometimes being a source of art, inspiration, and winding down after a long day, and while a handful of games are construction-based “sandbox” types, the more you get used to showing yourself visions/visuals/scenes of harming others, the more you will default to that, like the mind-/socializing-version of muscle-memory
  • and so on

It doesn’t look like the vast majority of the species known as humans/humanity/humankind will ever recover from what it did to itself (and to so many others), but that’s why the Inisfreeans are now here; we’ll keep (forcing) that invasive species back into The Abyss (Outer Space) where it belongs, and from world to world out/down there, keeping it too busy to every bully or harm anyone else (other than its own) ever again.  Amen.

Finally for this intro’, while super-human is technically accurate, it might be more-logical to call the following sets of abilities normal-for-many-nonhumans, or originally-normal-for-everyone, or something to that effect.  It is a truly sorry state the humans have degenerated themselves into; that the following abilities are regarded as being far beyond even what their best/finest/strongest could ever hope to do/have.  Some (if not most, if not all) humans, long ago, once had more than one of the following now-“super” abilities.


Alphabetical List with Description:

* = a kinesis term I coined in 2023 October/+

  • Acanthokinesis
  • Aerokinesis: control/manipulate wind (Ororo)
  • *Afrikanés-gynaíkes-kinesis: regarding African females
  • *Afikinesis: control/manipulate touch
  • *Afstralía-gorgones-kinesis: regarding merfolk around/near Australia
  • Agro/Botano/Flora/Phytokinesis: control/manipulate plants (Ashton, Elves, Neveah, Oona, Pamela)
  • Allomokinesis: control/manipulate allomones; a type of semiochemical produced and released by an individual of one species that affects the behavior of a member of another species to the benefit of the originator but not the receiver.
  • Amokinesis: control/manipulate attraction/desire/love (Aphrodite and Amora, somewhat for both of them, and not Nymphs; Nymphs sustain themselves with such, and seduce others, but do not manually/magically trigger attraction)
  • Anakinesis
  • *Ankartánes-kinesis: regarding Aghartans
  • Anthokinesis
  • Anthracokinesis
  • *Anthro/Homosapienkinesis: regarding humans (Auz II)
  • Antikinesis
  • Aphrokinesis
  • Argyrokinesis
  • *Arseniká-tis-Afrikís-kinesis: regarding African males
  • Arthrokinesis
  • Asterokinesis
  • Astrakinesis
  • *Atlanteskinesis: regarding Atlanteans
  • *Atlantikós-kinesis: regarding the Atlantic
  • Atmidokinesis
  • Atmokinesis: control/manipulate weather (Ambrosia, Ororo)
  • Audiokinesis: control/manipulate hearing/sounds
  • Autokinesis
  • Ballistic Telekinesis
  • Biokinesis: control/manipulate bodies/lifeforms, usu. only, or at least starting with, one’s own; basic shapeshifting (Heather, Katherine, Raven)
  • Blepharokinesis
  • Bryokinesis
  • Butyrokinesis
  • Cacaokinesis: control/manipulate chocolate
  • Caelestikinesis: control/manipulate celestial bodies (not just stars) (Ainur)
  • Caelumkinesis: control/manipulate the sky (not weather or wind, just the sky itself; brightness, color, composition, depth, etc.)
  • Cardiokinesis: control/manipulate hearts
  • Carpokinesis
  • Caryokinesis
  • Catakinesis
  • Cerokinesis
  • Chaetokinesis
  • Chalcokinesis
  • Chalicokinesis
  • Chiliokinesis
  • Chlorokinesis
  • Chrimatakinesis: control/manipulate money
  • Chromokinesis
  • Chronokinesis: control/manipulate time (Adaline, not True Brujah; they just travel Through time; they don’t manipulate Actual time)
  • Chrysokinesis: control/manipulate gold (Golnesa)
  • Cirrhokinesis
  • Clauditiskinesis: control/manipulate locks
  • Cryokinesis: control/manipulate cold/ice (Tess)
  • Crystallokinesis: control/manipulate crystals/minerals
  • Cthonikinesis: control/manipulate Nether
  • Cyamokinesis
  • Cyanokinesis
  • Dacryokinesis
  • Decakinesis
  • Dermokinesis
  • Dikinesis
  • Dodecakinesis
  • *Donisikinesis: regarding vibration, such as tectonic activty/energy
  • Dontokinesis
  • *Diamantikinesis: control/manipulate diamond (Emma, though for a long time she thought she could only temporarily shapeshift herself into a living-diamond form/material; around me, she eventually discovered/realized she is all-diamonds-incarnate; she is the humanoid form/manifestation of the collective of that material, and has become able to sense where all diamonds are in Creation, both across Space and time and even other dimensions, and will later become able to effortlessly portal to and back from any of them)
  • Dynamokinesis: control/manipulate energy (even potential)
  • Elaiokinesis
  • Electrokinesis: control/manipulate electricity (even lightning) (Noriko)
  • Enneakinesis
  • Epochíkinesis: control/manipulate the seasons
  • Ergokinesis: control/manipulate energy
  • *Ermiskinesis: control/manipulate mercury (Cessily)
  • Erponkinesis: control/manipulate reptiles (Tempest)
  • Erythrokinesis: control/manipulate the color red (?)
  • Ferrokinesis: control/manipulate iron
  • *Flaoutokinesis: regarding flutes and the sounds/songs they make
  • Fraxikinesis: control/manipulate burnt matter
  • Frigokinesis: control/manipulate snow
  • Gastrokinesis: control/manipulate the gastrointestinal tract / digestion
  • *Gefsikinesis: control/manipulate taste; one’s gustatory perception/receptors or how a thing actually tastes, whether it is being tasted or not
  • Geo/terrakinesis: control/manipulate earth/terrain (Daisy sort of, Ethan)
  • Geothermokinesis: control/manipulate the heat within terrain, especially magma/volcanoes, as well as lava (Pele)
  • Glossokinesis
  • Glucokinesis
  • Gonokinesis
  • *Gorgoneskinesis: regarding Merfolk
  • *Granitikinesis: control/manipulate granite (Ceara)
  • Granokinesis: control/manipulate grains and grain-bearing plants
  • Gyrokinesis
  • Haemokinesis: control/manipulate blood
  • Halokinesis: control/manipulate salt
  • Hallucikinesis: control/manipulate illusions (Alison, Ariel, Jessamine)
  • Hebekinesis: control/manipulate youth
  • Hecakinesis
  • Heliokinesis: control/manipulate stars (Varda)
  • Hemokinesis
  • Hendecakinesis
  • Heptakinesis
  • Hexakinesis
  • Hidrokinesis
  • Hormokinesis
  • Hyalokinesis: control/manipulate glass
  • Hydrokinesis: control/manipulate water (water Elementals)
  • Hypnokinesis: control/manipulate hypnotic states and dreams (Jacqueline)
  • Icosakinesis
  • *kajiraekinesis: control/manipulate pleasure-slave-girls –and always spelled lowercase (Grace)
  • Koniokinesis: control/manipulate dust
  • Lachanicokinesis
  • Lactokinesis
  • Lavýrinthoskinesis: control/manipulate labyrinths
  • Leptokinesis
  • Leukokinesis
  • Lipokinesis
  • Loulacokinesis
  • *Lyseis-kinesis: regarding solutions
  • Macrokinesis
  • *Mageiakinesis: regarding magic
  • Magmakinesis: control/manipulate magma (Pele)
  • Magnetokines: control/manipulate magnetic material and magnetism in general; whether things are magnetic (Erik)
  • Melanokinesis
  • Menekinesis
  • *Metafrastís-gia-anthrópous-kinesis: regarding ensuring translation for humans makes sense to them
  • *Metatopistés-schímatos-kinesis: regarding shapeshifters
  • Metallokinesis
  • Microkinesis
  • Mnemokinesis: control/manipulate memories
  • Molybdokinesis
  • Monokinesis
  • Mycokinesis
  • Myokinesis
  • Mystiokinesis: control/manipulate magic
  • Necrokinesis: control/manipulate the dead (corpses, skeletons, and ghosts)
  • Nemakinesis
  • Nephokinesis: control/manipulate mist
  • Neurokinesis
  • Nosokinesis
  • Nychterdiakinesis: control/manipulate bats (the animal)
  • Octokinesis
  • Odikinesis: control/manipulate feelings and emotions of war
  • *Omnikinesis: control/manipulate any/everything (Auz; I have omni-kinesis, thanks to my destiny, my god-level blood, alliances with (submissions to me of) other deities/superheroes, and the omni-interface ability of my race; whatever I want, it wills them to make it so, their own energies/focuses overriding all within range.)
  • Oneirokinesis
  • Onychokinesis
  • Optokinesis
  • *Orio-/metavasi-kinesis: regarding boundaries, such as the trips/transitions through them
  • Osteokinesis: control/manipulate bones
  • *Ouranio-stroma-kinesis: regarding realms above earth/land/worlds; “the heavens”; Outer Space regions
  • *Ousiakinesis: control/manipulate essence (main/root drive/motivation) (Caine in VtM was said in a legend to have eventually figured out this ability, gaining it, at least over his own essence, though it is unspecified if he ever dared try it)
  • *Oxykinesis: regarding acids
  • Pacemiakinesis: control/manipulate peace
  • Palynokinesis
  • Papyrokinesis
  • Pathokinesis: control/manipulate feelings (emotions; not touch –and not just one, such as desire/love)
  • Pelokinesis
  • Pentakinesis
  • Peptokinesis
  • Pharmacokinesis
  • Pherokinesis
  • Phobikinesis: control/manipulate fears (Danielle)
  • Phonokinesis
  • Photokinesis: control/manipulate light (Angels, Tandy)
  • Phycokinesis
  • Phyllokinesis
  • Plassikinesis: control/manipulate glass
  • *Pleiadeioikinesis: regarding Pleiadians
  • Pneumakinesis
  • *Polemistikinesis: regarding warriors, usu. of one’s own species
  • Poliokinesis
  • Porphyrokinesis
  • *Pragmatikotitakinesis: control/manipulate reality (not just illusions), at least local volumes of it (Ainur, Jean)
  • Psammokinesis: control/manipulate sand (Isabella)
  • *Psiloí-Lefkoí-kinesis: regarding Tall Whites (humanoid aliens)
  • Pylikinesis: control/manipulate portals (Clarice)
  • Pyrokinesis: control/manipulate fire (Alexa, Bloom, Lana, Pele, Tabitha, etc.)
  • Ptyalokinesis
  • Quantakinesis
  • Rheokinesis
  • Saprokinesis
  • *Seiríneskinesis: regarding Sirens
  • Seismokinesis
  • *Skandinavoí-kinesis: regarding Nordics (alien humanoids)
  • *Skepseisikinesis: control/manipulate thoughts (Djinnifer, ICVs)
  • Sonokinesis
  • *Spilaio-vasileio-kinesis: regarding cave realms/layers/networks
  • *Stoicheiaká-/Tzin-kinesis: regarding Elementals and/a.k.a. Djinn
  • Stoichokinesis: regarding the elements (not types of atoms, but phases of matter) (Ethan)
  • Tactile Telekinesis
  • Taphokinesis: control/manipulate the decomposition process of living things
  • Technokinesis: control/manipulate technology/computers (Ana, Djinnifer, ICVs)
  • Tectonokinesis
  • Telekinesis: control/manipulate objects in general (all of the forms of kinesis listed here are subsets of this ‘parent type’/ability)
  • Telumkinesis: control/manipulate weaponry
  • Tephrakinesis
  • Tetrakinesis
  • Thermokinesis: control/manipulate temperature
  • To-exoterikó-diástima-xotiká-kinesis: regarding Eldar
  • Toxi/Dilitiriokinesis: control/manipulate poisons (Carmilla within her own body)
  • Tribokinesis
  • Trikinesis
  • Triskaidecakinesis
  • Tychokinesis: control/manipulate luck/probability
  • Typhokinesis: control/manipulate smoke
  • Tyrokinesis
  • Umbrakinesis: control/manipulate darkness/shadows (Ambrosia, Demons)
  • Vector Telekinesis
  • Vitakinesis: control/manipulate the healing/regeneration process (Amelia)
  • *Xanthiés-gynaíkes-sta-mystiká-prográmmata-to-exoterikó-diástima-kinesis: regarding blonde women in the SSPs
  • Xanthokinesis
  • Xerokinesis
  • *Xotiká-kinesis: regarding Elves
  • Xylokinesis
  • *Yperdynameisikinesis: control/manipulate superpowers (Alanna by boosting them when in physical contact with the owner/possessor)
  • Zeokinesis
  • Zymokinesis

Reference this and this.