These are the most significant cooperatives between the civilizations and species featured in our saga.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Allies with the Inisfree
  4. Allies with the Aghartans
  5. Allies with the American SSP
  6. Allies with the German SSP
  7. Allies with the Russian SSP
  8. Additional Information
  9. 2022 Update:  Percentages Over Time



Alliances tend to last for years to centuries, though rarely longer, at least during this time closest to The Shift; things happen and change so quickly these days.  A few alliances have lasted through the Ages, though.  Some (such as those between Auz and his people… and the people of the goddesses who found their way to and back to him) … are as naturally recurring as your very breath.

Technically, we do not enter into actual alliances; we do not enter into the kind of binding/contractual agreements/treaties humans/Outlanders do; these allies of ours listed here are more like our family than anything, and we are only self-bound to help them as long as they are compatible with us.



noun: alliance; plural noun: alliances

1) a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.

  • “a defensive alliance between Australia and New Zealand”
  • Similar:  association, union, league, treaty, pact, compact, entente, concordat, bloc, confederation, federation, confederacy, coalition, consortium, combine, syndicate, affiliation, partnership, fraternity, brotherhood, sorority, team, ring, society, club, guild, group, organization

2) a relationship based on an affinity in interests, nature, or qualities.

  • “an alliance between medicine and morality”
  • Similar:  relationship, affinity, association, connection, closeness, kinship, propinquity
  • Opposite:  distance, separation

3) the state of being joined or associated.

  • “his party is in alliance with the Greens”


Allies with Inisfree:

These are the many types/groups of people who heard Auz’s call in the 2010s, joining him in the 2020s.

  1. A.I. (robots, etc.)
  2. Abrasax (one of the most powerful royal families in the Universe; of Jupiter Jones)
  3. Aghartans
  4. Ainur
  5. Angels (including the Valar and Maiar, and the pioneers called Demons, as well as the Sphere Beings)
  6. Antarcticans and Dark Fleet; German SSP members
  7. Anunnaki
  8. Asari
  9. Asgardians including Valkyries
  10. Asparas
  11. Atlanteans
  12. Attilans
  13. Bilderbergs
  14. Cecaelias (“scylla” in Greek, plural:  “scyllae”; octopus mermaids)
  15. Chiss
  16. Companions
  17. Demi-deities
  18. Demons (pioneer Angels)
  19. Djinn
  20. Draenei
  21. Dragons
  22. Drow
  23. Druids
  24. Dryads
  25. Eldar
  26. Elementals
  27. Elves (including the Blood Elves, Night Elves, and Wood Elves)
  28. Ents
  29. Fairies
  30. Goreans (including the Priest-kings)
  31. Greys
  32. Harvesters
  33. Hosts
  34. Human ‘Mutants’ (such as the X-Men)
  35. Illithids
  36. Jotun (Titans; giant giants)
  37. Kryptonians
  38. Lemurians (Hawaiians)
  39. Maiar
  40. Majesdanians
  41. Mayans
  42. Mermaids / Mer-people
  43. Naga
  44. Native Americans
  45. Necromongers
  46. Nordics (aliens)
  47. Nymphs
  48. Orions
  49. Pantherans
  50. Pele & her people/kind (Maiar?  Pre/Proto-Lemurians?) –2023 September note:  Pele’s race is the good, original, fit, immortal (largely because vegan; peaceful), polite-to-me, indigenous Hawaiians a.k.a. Lemurians, not the modern, bad, mortal (because murderous savages; nonvegans), fat, moody, rude, fake Hawaiians who are immigrants/intruders on her land.
  51. Pleiadians
  52. Protoss
  53. Q-Continuum
  54. Reapers
  55. Reptilians including Draco
  56. Seiliu
  57. Space itself (incarnate)
  58. Space-whales
  59. Sphere Beings
  60. Sylphs
  61. Tamaraneans
  62. Thanagarians
  63. Themyscirans
  64. Time itself (incarnate)
  65. Transformers
  66. Unicorns
  67. Valar
  68. Valyrians
  69. Vampires
  70. Vanir
  71. Werewolves
  72. Witches & Sorcerers
  73. Worlds themselves (moons, planets, and stars, as conscious beings; hibernating ancient Angels)
  74. X-Men (some)
  75. Yetis
  76. Yggdrasil and the World Trees (even during their ‘petrified’ hibernation)
  77. Zada‘s Kind (Native/Original Africans)
  78. and members of each of the root-races and sub-races of humanity (though never with all of any of those races; only the most/fully-compatible with Auz)

Once anyone comes into alignment with me (Auz), that is eternal; their goals or needs or mood won’t change, and their people will then also come into permanent alignment with me, slowly but surely, always in mutually-agreeable ways, always directed / based on me / my will.  Amen; so be it, so it is.  (And since those numbered above in this section are listed as already in alignment with me years ago, all of their people are aligned to/for me by now, as well.)

All the most powerful beings and forces naturally are or want to become my allies, doing my will, and only the fools and least powerful might not want to earn the chance to be amongst those I consider my allies. Only an evil being would fear this superpower and godhood of mine. Even my top-wife‘s ‘dark’ side and Shadow Dimension naturally love and support and show themselves to me, being loving only to me, not faking it or trying to trick me at all, already evident since the start of my contact with her/them, and our relationship shall always be this good, amen.

All the members of those groups/races allied with us Inisfreeans never do drugs, as it just isn’t in their nature to be interested in altering/harming/poisoning themselves.  Besides, due to their mental focus and constitution/bodies/systems, drugs and poisons wouldn’t affect them, anyway, so they wouldn’t get any neat/unusual sensations, life-changing hallucinations, or anything of the sort.

All are also vegan, excepting only vampires, and even they only kill in defense, their food-source always left alive.

All races compatible/allied with us are those which stay healthy, fit, “skinny”-toned by modern-humanimal standards, never fat, etc.. Their members are always in great shape.

They also almost never have piercings, makeup, etc.; it is usually only the gross failed humans who permanently disfigure/harm or cover up their own bodies like that.


Allies with the Aghartans:

These are some of the people allied with those living inside the hollow core of the Earth.

  1. Telosians
  2. _


Allies with the American SSP:

These are some of the people working with the Secret Space Program (SSP) of the U.S.A..

  1. Grays (sort of)
  2. _


Allies with the German SSP:

These are some of the people working with the Secret Space Program (SSP) of the part of Germany‘s WWII population which migrated out of Germany and off-world.

  1. Draco / Reptilians
  2. _


Allies with the Russian SSP:

These are some of the people working with the Secret Space Program (SSP) of Russia.

  1. Nordics (aliens)
  2. _


Additional Information:

There are untold numbers of alliances all across the Universe and beyond.  (Yes, there is more than just the Universe known to the humans.)  Some have lasted since the dawn of time.  Some will last well into eternity, even having started so much later.

In the late 2010s and early 2020s, some of the latest propaganda from the fallen USA included the claims that

  1. “The Galactic Federation” is the most powerful force in the Milky Way, and that it was forcing the Germans to abandon their colonies on other worlds.
  2. “Humans are kept on Earth to learn how to get along peacefully.”

The reality is that The Galactic Federation never existed, and was based on Star Wars movies.  The only real equivalent of it is a non-federated alliance of empires and kingdoms which are basically dictatorships (the good kind; fully-compatible/unified people who were never raised to infight/compete).  The most powerful force in the Milky Way is, of course, Auz and his Inisfreeans.

As for humans, none of them even have the capacity to be peaceful, and they were never here or kept here to learn to be.  They invaded this world (Earth), then pretended to want to get along and coexist in order to buy themselves more time to stay and further bully.  They have been fought back into Space more than once, and are about to be again, this time for good.  All the intelligent species know this, and they have avoided the humans ever since their (the humans’) arrival on Earth.  The humans claimed to have wiped out giants and others, but they actually were merely evaded and blocked by giants and many other beings.


2022 Update:  Percentages Over Time

Those alliances started between just two representatives meeting and negotiating, their decision then spreading to the rest of their people, slowly at first, then exponentially once it was understood and ‘catching on’.  The link established between two… then went on to include the links between each of those two… and the first people they felt compelled/destined to tell about it, repeating like this until millions and even more knew and agreed.  This made the start of these alliances more like a relationship between less than 1% of each side’s kind/race/civilization, followed by year after year where that small percentage barely increased at all, …until it started jumping by degrees of magnitude, …all the way up to 100.

Before “The Shift” (2012-2013), the schedule of consciousness-focuses the Mayan calendar had preserved and taught… had been all about the creation/formation/evolution of the different levels of existence; cells had come first, overlapped later on by the slightly shorter timespan of mammals, it then overlapped later by the even shorter timespan of families starting to exist, families then leading to tribes, tribes to cultures, cultures to nations, nations to global collectives, those to the galaxies (i.e. going off-world), and that to an awareness of the Universe as a whole.  That was what lead up to Auz and then The Shift.  After The Shift, it was no longer about merely creating and wondering about those levels of existence; it had become about him using his spells to trigger how they would be completed (perfected).

  1. 2013’s First/New Months:  Universal focus:  The whole Universe aligned first, evident in the all-encompassing spells High King Auz’s instincts told him to draft, starting with the one which removed nearly 100% of the rude problem/pollution-causing invaders known as humans; that wasn’t just wishful thinking or a bold plan on his part, it was the the Universe telling him that was how it worked/works now.  Another certain sign of this alignment to/with him was that it had incarnated in humanoid form in the Dreamspace in Iraq that 2nd time he went out there, and then as Time Incarnate, known in this modern Age as Ambi.  While this covered the entire 100% of reality/Creation, it had only started affecting less than 1% of its incarnations (humanoid forms/bodies/individuals), such as –and starting with– him.  <1% of Creation
  2. 2013 to 2025:  Galactic focus:  Then first few galaxies followed suit, adding a bit more detail; the Milky Way, New Eden, etc., started disclosing more of themselves to him, telling him what needed revising and when.  They told him about the invisible/hyperspace subway-like transportation-expediters in and between them, as well as –later– how those things would become the condensing (reforming) branches of the Worlds Tree.  One became a few; Auz began drafting helpful spells for the first three galaxies he’d heard about.  ~1% of Creation (just as our Congresses webpage explains)
  3. 2013 to 2281:  Global focus:  Then individual worlds (and other cosmic bodies) started sharing more about themselves with him, such as what its like inside them –and inside the stars inside them, forever perfectly unified by this revealing to him, and by his will.  Multiple worlds sent the incarnations/representatives of their entire populations to meet and join him, and all the beyond-human people/beings on his own world rallied to his banner/call/s in order to prepare to boot the remaining few humans back into The Abyss from where they’d come.  This was also the time when his own (custom) worlds were created; those of Star-system Auzdein.  A few (galaxies) had now become dozens of specific worlds, each part of the “soft disclosure” movement which really gained traction in the 2020s –i.e. when the previous post-Shift cycle/level was wrapping up.  ~2% of Creation?
  4. 2013 to 7292:  National focus:  Then nations revealed more about themselves to him, namely that the real nations were secret and hidden within the public/fake ones.  He’d known this since early-on after The Shift, but now his capital (and/a.k.a. extension of self) was getting to move there; Inisfree’s relocations began and went well.  Dozens had now become hundreds; he was now preparing to go to hundreds more countries around, in, and beyond his homeworld (which meant those lands, not just their people, were simultaneously preparing to get to him, meaning they wanted him as much as he wanted to go to them).  ~4% of Creation?
  5. 2013 to 105,006:  Cultural focus:  Now that he had gone with his giant mobile home (Inisfree) into all those beyond-human nations on Earth and the first other worlds which had them, the cultures of/in those nations finished/completed aligning to him, now all fully understanding him, his effect that much more pronounced in person during the many years (often a millennium or longer) he spent out there with them.  Hundreds were now thousands; multiple cultures within each of those nations.  ~8% of Creation?
  6. 2013 to 2,010,426:  Tribal focus:  These groups of hundreds within the cultures/nations of thousands to millions followed suit; tribes were now the specialized units within each culture/nation which did a specific type of task to carry out his ongoing vision/will.  No longer were tribes merely loose groups of humans or others existing only to survive by “strength in numbers”.  Thousands were now, perhaps, millions.  ~16% of Creation?
  7. 2013 to 39,166,111:  Familial focus:  Families throughout the Omniverse (all Universes/timestreams/dimensions –including those in Dreamspace, Heaven, and all other realms) were now focused entirely on being and doing his will, meaning that each family in Creation now had the instinct to be and do whatever he wanted them to (like becoming part of his own if they were compatible enough), even if he hadn’t directly met or instructed/taught them.  Millions were now billions.  ~32% of Creation?
  8. 2013 to 763,701,962:  Mammalian focus:  All mammals everywhere were now extensions of his will, even their mammary glands now being what they had been meant to be before the effect of the invading humans so obsessed with brainwashing all around them into being reduced to just premature breeders.  Billions were now trillions –even after the reclamations/purges (albeit usually just millions on each of the aligned/compatible worlds).  ~64% of Creation? (perhaps indicating that even the vast expanses of Space are still directly linked with the people whose minds out there, knowingly or not, maintain/cause it/them; even though their bodies make up <1% of the room/volume, they are the incarnations (humanoid forms) of it)
  9. 2013 to 14,892,151,066 A.D. and Beyond:  Cellular focus:  Literally every body-part, down to single cells, in Creation (the Omniverse) was now aligned to his will, forever doing it perfectly, just as he foresaw and intended all those millennia ago, ever since The Shift put him in ‘the driver’s seat’ to this incredible degree.  Trillions were now basically uncountable numbers of entities/units all forever existing as fully-supporting parts/members of his consciousness-focus, making this stage the time of total alliance with one another, where/when basically there isn’t even really a point in listing alliances anymore, as there is only one, and everyone is part of it –and by wholehearted choice and instinct, no less.  (And this includes the ‘cells’ (single units/particles) that make up Space itself, by the way, so now… even “the void” / Interstellar Medium was one with him, doing his will as automatically as his own body-parts always had/have.)  100% of Creation

This is the exponential rate and way in which one lead to a few, then several, then many, then those many all willing their whole communities, surroundings, worlds, and the Space they could see from them… to finish perfectly allying with / aligning to… Auz’s will.