Most humans have no idea how the stars in their sky really formed.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Spec’s
  3. Details
  4. Etymology & Other Names
  5. Varda in Inisfree
  6. Additional Notes
  7. 2022 Updates
  8. Concepts (Images Begin)
  9. How She Enjoys Massages in Inisfree



It is she who put up the first stars.  They were not merely mindless coalescing clouds that ignited for no apparent reason; such are the foolish conclusions of the extremely young and foolish whose science is hardly science at all.  This elf goddess is credited with the creation of so many of those conscious glowing orbs.



  • height:  her kind (the Valar) can almost do whatever they want/imagine; they could be an inch tall, or a hundred miles tall, effortlessly instantly changing to anything beyond or in between (thus you can see how they can make descendants, such as the leggy Elves and Tinkerbell-like Fay, as well as the living-stars themselves)
  • weight:  they don’t technically have any weight, as they are omni-dimensional, ethereal, energy-based proto-Elementals
  • hair color:  typically whatever their natural frequency/desire is for that portion of their beings/bodies
  • eye color:  typically matching their hair color, and always bioluminescent, glowy, iridescent, mesmerizing, deep, etc.
  • she/they can teleport/appear anywhere, even to the point of infusing herself with an entire world, becoming one of its underlying forces/effects (think:  living, conscious, Law-of-Physics, as if each of the Laws of Physics was a person/god)
  • when she is around Auz, she sticks to being 5’5″ or 5’4″, with blue-black long-straight hair let free to flow down her back, and matching eyes (which look like the night sky just before the first faint rays of dawn)
  • she is too beautiful for words, and has perky C-cup breasts (when choosing to exist/appear as a healthy Elven woman size)



Varda (QuenyaIPA[ˈvarda] – “Sublime” or “Lofty”) is an Ainu, and one of the Aratar and a Vala who was responsible for the outlining of the stars in the heavens above Arda. She was also known as Elbereth (SindarinIPA: “Queen of the Stars”) or Gilthoniel and is the spouse of Manwë, with whom she lives in Ilmarin on the summit of Taniquetil in Aman.

Varda was the most beautiful of all the Valar, and her beauty was said to be beyond the description of Men and Elves, for her face radiates the light of Eru Ilúvatar. Unsurprisingly, the province over which she ruled was light, to the extent where it was said that “in light is her power and her joy”.[1]

Even before Melkor first began to create his discord, Varda knew his mind well, and rejected him because of it, and was always his enemy from that moment on. As a result of this, Melkor also hated Varda the most out of the Valar, and feared her more than all others whom Eru had created.

Varda came to Arda with her husband, Manwë, and the other Valar in the beginning of days. She aided Manwë in the rule of Arda and the watching of Middle-earth. She made the stars, filled the Lamps of the Valar with light, collected the dew of the Two Trees in her Wells, fashioned the newer stars and constellations in preparation for the Awakening of the Elves, hallowed the Silmarils, established the courses of the Moon and Sun, and set the Star of Eärendil in the sky.

Because of her creation of the stars, the Elves of Middle-earth revere and love her the most out of the Valar. They even gave her the name of “Elbereth”, invoke her in times where they require aid, and sing her praises whenever the stars rise. It was also said that when Manwë sits beside her upon their throne on Taniquetil, she was able to hear more clearly than any other ears, the prayers and laments of those in need from the furthest east even unto the west.

At times, she would answer the prayers of not only Elves, but also those of other races. For example, during the War of the Ring, she aided Sam through the Phial of Galadriel (which contained the Light of Eärendil) during his struggle against Shelob.


Etymology & Other Names:

Varda is also known as:  Elbereth, Star-Kindler, Lady of the Stars, Tintalle, Gilthoniel, Elentári, and Fanuilos.

  • Varda means sublime or lofty in Quenya.
  • Elentári means queen of the stars in Quenya.
  • Gilthoniel means kindler of the stars in Sindarin.
  • She is probably best known by her Sindarin name, Elbereth Gilthoniel, as Frodo uttered that name at Weathertop to drive away the Ringwraiths.

Aryan, the Maiar, by the way, in Quenya means “maiden of sunlight”.  Consider its roots; “ary” (like “airy”, Fairy, and Aesir) and “an” (like “ann” / “anne”).  From this, we can also see how one of those languages borrowed from the other –or how parts of it have lived on through other languages to this day.


Varda in Inisfree:

She visits the new city at the center of all Creation often, holding hands with its maker and king, Auz.  Coordinating with him, while he works the aurora via his city’s HAARP facility, she uses her magic to make certain stars twinkle and shoot overhead.  She also puts on shows with “Dazzler”, thrilling crowds from Inisfree’s amphitheater out to the Temple of Auz.  In time, she’ll help the Inisfreeans with helioforming, and always with the dialogue between all the living stars.

Varda has started sleeping with High Queen Ambrosia whenever they are in town together.  The two enjoy each other’s similar/familiar forms/appearances/color-schemes.  They’ve also started enjoying showing off their love-sessions to King Auz, inviting him to sit on a fancy armchair facing them nearby.


Additional Notes:

She knows where all the stars are at all times, making (which makes) Sigils to recall or access them unnecessary.  Even the Angels must think and search for stars at times, but not Varda; to her, they are as easy to pinpoint as freckles would be on the same human born with them.  That is how profound her connection to them is.


2022 Updates:

This is her 2nd year in Inisfree.  She has foreseen she will marry High King Auz in another three Earth-years.  Together, she has also foreseen, they will start making even more stars –and she will very soon start helping him perfect those in his private solar-system / dimension, the SSA.

Thursday 25 August:  She and Auz went on a date to Cloud City II‘s observatory.



(because no matter how great the art in her honor, no image can ever capture her infinite beauty)

How She Enjoys Massages in Inisfree:

Era-orientation Video:  Before the Ages