This is everything outside our city’s perimeter buffer zone.


Table of Contents:

  1. Defining this Zone
  2. Ruling Powers
  3. Flying & Sailing to Antarctica (Images Begin)
  4. The Ross Ice Shelf
  5. Arrival at the Stations
  6. Maps
  7. Darkness
  8. Aurora Australis; ‘The Southern Lights’
  9. More Terrain
  10. Ruins so old they look natural
  11. Going Green
  12. Possible Antarctic Futures
  13. 2024 July 4 Wednesday/+


Defining this Zone:

‘Outside the Orb’ refers to that which is immediately outside the final, outer shell (or layer or orb) surrounding Inisfree, the Perimeter Orb, and includes everything extending out to that which is considered the Extreme Exterior; everything beyond the reaches of Antarktis and its Antarctic Circle.  ‘Outside the Orb’ = all of Antarktis except the area that contains the Sentry Towers right outside the defensive moat- and trench-rings right outside Inisfree’s Perimeter Wall.

The following charts will help explain the changes in these 3 distinct zones:

Zone Ancient-2013 2013-2313 2313-Present
Perimeter Orb Frozen, dry, and white. Cold, light snow, and the onset of meadows. Boreal forest under the Aurora Australis.
Outside the Orb Frozen, dry, and white. Cool, light rain, and the onset of forests. Rainforest under the Aurora Australis.
Extreme Exterior Earth, as you know it. Dim light from sporadic sky holes, cooling volcanoes, and lightning, no mountains or grass, and no human cities. Global triple-canopy glowing rainforests.
Zone Constructs Inhabitants Banned
Perimeter Orb Sentry Towers Inisfreean military personnel on rotation Non-Inisfreeans (allowed:  our guests and allies)
Outside the Orb Base 211 NAZIs of the 3rd Reich (all who are not either of Inisfree or of Base 211)
Extreme Exterior (various) (all other species) (99% of the human species until 2313 A.D.)


You know you’re ‘outside the orb’ when you can no longer see the Perimeter Wall or Sentry Towers outside of Inisfree.  That is because there is an invisible, ethereal border and veil that separates the rest of Antarctica from the defensive ring of Sentry Towers, and it remains in ‘white-out’ mode; it creates the optical illusion of an impermeable snow-mist-like haze, masking all within it from viewing from the outside.


Ruling Powers:

Antarctica has been governed by the Germans of Neuschwabenland since the 1930s.  Their largest city is New Berlin, formerly/originally called Base 211.  From there, their fleets of submarines and squadrons of Spacecraft have kept a close watch on this whole continent and much of the Southern Ocean which surrounds it.

During the end of 1946, Operation Highjump was the USA’s attempt to continue militarily harassing these people –all the way out here, thousands of miles away from the sacred land they’d chosen to fake-surrender in order to turn the tide of WWII and finally win it.  The forces the Americans sent to Antarctica during this military campaign blatantly pretending to be a scientific expedition were soundly defeated, allowed by Base 211 to limp back to tell the tale.  In response a few years later, the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) was established, and a squadron of practically-invincible German flying saucers was sent to hover over Washington D.C. to make sure everyone in that annoying primitive 3rd-world country got the point –and signed the only treaty the Germans would allow.

There will never be another ruling power over this land or its adjacent body of water.  The Inisfreeans are focused on stabilizing the whole of Creation, and would never seek to take away what their German allies worked so hard and heroically for.  The Aghartans are only concerned with protecting the interior of their world, and leave the exterior up to Neuschwabenland and the Inisfreeans.


Flying & Sailing to Antarctica:


The Ross Ice Shelf:

Arrival at the Stations:



Aurora Australis; ‘The Southern Lights’:

More Terrain:

Ruins so old they look natural:

Going Green:

Possible Antarctic Futures:

2024 July 4 Wednesday/+:



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