All our military (land) vehicles are produced here (if they aren’t ‘grown’ (3D-printed) in one of our ships).


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions
  3. Vehicles Produced in This Factory
  4. Capacity
  5. Duration
  6. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



This facility produces all of Inisfree’s military vehicles, such as the Desolator’ Tanks (Inisfree’s MBT; Main Battle Tank), the White Rhinos’ (Inisfree’s combination of anti-air, artillery, crowd control, demolitions, mobile command & control, mortars, prisoner transport, road block clearing, and more), and our ‘Owls’ (a hover/flying-motorcycle).



This facility’s foundation measures 990’x990′; floor-space of just over 980,000 square feet per story. Like the Distribution Port on the opposite side of the city, this facility is 90% underground, its roof being half covered in landscaping. Its top story is 10′ tall and has the vehicle ports and other access points (such as the Inisfreean-style pull-down L-hallway doors) which allow its products to be transported out by automated vehicles or picked up in person. Nine stories are below ground level, starting with the factory floor where raw materials are subatomically sung into existence from slush matter vats. As these creations are moved to higher and higher successive floors in this facility, they become more and more recognizable as the finished product; the rugged military vehicles signature to Inisfree.


Vehicles Produced in This Factory:

  1. ‘Desolator’ Tanks
  2. ‘Owl’ Hover-saddles
  3. ‘White Rhino’ APCs

* These are just the ones used for training in Inisfree.  Inisfreean Spaceships, such as our DropShips, ‘grow’ (song-based 3D-printing in a vat of gels) their own military vehicles, including their own fighter-jets.

All tires in Inisfree are made of white rubber.  That way, even when “peeling out” / “burning rubber”, they don’t leave unsightly marks on our white highway system.  This means that our APC tires are white, matching the rest of its un/decloaked exterior.



Hundreds of those above-listed vehicles can be printed here at the same time.



Since it only takes a few minutes to get an ICV printed/ready, and less than a day to print a house ready to be moved into, these vehicles, somewhere in between those sizes and levels of complexity, only take hours.  In an hour or so, whichever one is being printed will become apparent.  After several hours, every 3D-printer in this facility, if it had started such a vehicle, will be putting the finishing touches on them, those then able to self-drive themselves out of the printing bay/s and into service.


Conceptual Images:

2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft

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“08 Forest Green” Total Annihilation Soundtrack Jeremy Soule
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