While we can repair and recycling most things in-place, this facility is still very useful.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Science
  3. Recycling Anywhere
  4. The Main Facility
  5. Additional Notes
  6. 2021 Update:  Facility Concentric Sections
  7. Fail-safes
  8. Conceptual Images (Images Begin)
  9. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



Recycling is now routine on the nanometric and subatomic scales.  Building on the concept of ‘the black Sun’, this recycling plant not only makes use of nano-bots to recycle on the molecular and atomic levels, but also black-hole technology to recycle on the subatomic level when needed.  We can recycle anything into anything now –and it all started with King Auz’s idea for this back in 2004… during his first deployment to the heart of Iraq.


The Science:

“Reduce, reuse, recycle,” is a well-known phrase now, and it has evolved into a refined science allowing just about anything to be broken down to its basic elements and then re-made into new, cleaner, often much stronger and far more environmentally friendly products.  The Inisfreeans (ICVs) have taken this Outlander science from its level of molecular rearrangement all the way down to the subatomic; while Outlanders can take used paper and make it into new paper, or used soda cans and make them into new metal items of the same elements, Inisfreeans can take anything at all, rearrange the ratios of electrons, protons, and neutrons in it, and turn it into anything else they want.

There are five ways we recycle in our realm:

  1. Simple waste items, such as biodegradable cardboard and cotton/wool-based fabrics (to include vicuna), are composted similarly to how dried/fallen leaves and other plant-matter are.
  2. Longer-lasting waste items, such as bottles and cans, are compacted, then shredded into metal chips and shavings, and then melted down until they can be reformed and cooled/hardened.
  3. Plastics, which are not always harmful, but which are 1) likely to decompose into micro-plastics that would get into all animal/marine life, and 2) not easily/quickly biodegraded by natural forces, are exposed to Pseudomonas-morganensis/”PETase”, the plastic-‘eating’ enzyme developed in the early 21st century (credit to Morgan Vague), as well as an enzyme often paired with it which speeds up its decomposing process.  Sometimes a certain species of mushroom is also used for this purpose; biodegrading some plastics by growing on them, using them for nutrients.
  4. Potentially-harmful waste items, such as used tires, are shredded down to a pile of fine, granular particles, then applied to surfaces such as those in playgrounds, provided they will not outgas.
  5. Complex waste items, or waste items that can only be recycled on a molecular or below-molecular level, are fed by smooth slope down into a technologically-maintained singularity (a mini black-hole, more or less), which is powerful enough to stretch and separate even the parts of their atoms, not just their molecules, and which feeds (via its “white-hole” exit) into “slush-matter” tanks in a system designed to automatically energetically/magnetically filter and sort all those incoming separated sub-molecular and sub-atomic particles, which are then used for ultra-precise 3D-printing at any of our other factories.


All of those processes are studied as part of the core-curriculum in our city’s school.


Recycling Anywhere:

Anywhere in Inisfree, the Inisfreean constructs can absorb just about anything and convert it on the subatomic level; universal recycling capabilities without need of transport or the technical separation of elements (such as cardboard, glass, metal, plastic, and rubber).  There is no risk of Inisfreeans or their vehicles and buildings being accidentally absorbed; that would be as physically impossible as a man eating his own head.  What this city feature is utilized for is ensuring that no accidental littering becomes an eyesore before being picked up.


The Main Facility:

The actual, dedicated facility for the Inisfreean level of recycling technology is located between the Grocery Store and the Laser-tag Arena, a few dozen feet away from the outer perimeter moat of Sotu, and right on the edge of the tree-line with the greenbelt surrounding the Kathedrom.  It is a circular building roughly 2/5 of a mile in diameter, and several stories tall (though all of it is underground, tastefully hidden by an overhead lawn blending in with the surrounding meadow/foothills).  Access to its five sections (one for each of the methods of recycling we use) is successive, as they are arranged as concentric rings until the innermost chamber where the black-hole is.

It is there in the heart of this facility that a controlled black-hole is kept available for use as a mass recycling dump capable of taking any amount of materials (of any mixture) and rapidly, easily ripping them apart on the subatomic level until their most basic of components are all being raced into the ‘slush-matter’ storage tanks deep beneath the surface of the city (which are our equivalent of untapped mines / ore-veins).  Like all advanced/appropriate technology/devices, should ever there be a potentially-threatening/harmful error or significant damage to a component, the entire system (that maintains the black-hole) is designed to instantly (within a very small fraction of a second) stop functioning, which ends the life of the current black-hole it is causing/maintaining.  This, like all things in our realm, has been tested thoroughly, ensuring it will work every time, automatically.

​​Naturally, there are hundreds of safety measures kept in place and constantly monitored to ensure that no guests fall into this recycling black-hole, to include invisible nets and filters which do not allow such creatures to get anywhere near its event-horizon.​​  ICVs here are also always on patrol, always alert, always aware, always proactive.  To get anywhere near the singularity, a person would have to get through many vault-level doors, invincible security/safety personnel, and have the permission of the Governor of this realm, King Auz, himself.

* Inisfreeans, however, are immune to such environments and effects, and can leap down into this black-hole just for fun, experiencing nothing they do not wish to, and telekinetically willing themselves to fly right back up and out as easily as if they were just breathing.​​  This is possible due to their god-level science and willpower.  You’ll have to see it to believe, though, most likely.


Additional Notes:

Humans said (assumed) it takes tons of energy, heat, and pressure, like in a star, to change atoms, but we found out it doesn’t; it may be humans just didn’t want many people doing it.  Our focused minds were enough.  This facility was just to clearly define an area in which we manifested this process.

We do not use any recycling processes that produce pollution.  (Some Outlander recycling centers/processes burned things to reduce/purify them, which resulted in a lot of pollution.)

Even electric-car batteries and nuclear waste can be recycled here or by any of our deployed ships.  Nuclear waste can be turned into diamonds that function as batteries, for example.

The singularity is too small to see. A black hole with a diameter comparable to a dime could swallow the Earth, it is claimed/calculated, so imagine how microscopic ours here is, needing to only swallow a truckload or two of recyclable materials.

Why we don’t need to recycle/treat our water:  Food decomposes, human bodies decompose, hunted animal carcasses decompose, meat on grocery store shelves decomposes, and harmful bacteria end up in waste water, not because of a process natural even when humans are not around, but because that is their essence energy negatively affecting all around them, all stemming from their brainwashing to assume all is mortal. That belief causes things they study to appear to atrophy/age and eventually perish, if around them long enough. If humans hadn’t stayed focused on fairytales such as Abrahamic/death-cult lies, as well as focused on their work or corporations, more than they held the vision of one another healthy and prospering, proximity to those humans would not keep causing all which harms them and others.
It isn’t so much the shape/form or composition or ley-line placement of the pyramids which resists decay and promotes preservation… as it is the fact they shield things in them from the negative energy fields brainwashed humans emit.
For this reason, we have/need no chemical-based wastewater-treatment facility in our realm, though we have them in our homes and skyscrapers and ships as a backup, activated only if needed, though proximity to us automatically purifies water to be immortal and pure again.

Sewage in our realm can be handled by tech’ at every residence and other building/facility.  The rest (any not handled at those places) can get piped here.  Part of recycling human/oid waste involves sterilizing it, but we go beyond that; we de-atomize and subatomically transmute it, it ending up being used as faraway as our private solar-system or deployed fleet/ships.


2021 Update:  Facility Concentric Sections

Starting with the outermost ring/section of this facility, we do the simplest, easiest, safest recycling.  As you move toward the center of this facility, you find successive rings, each isolating a different and more complex/risky type of recycling.  Nanobots are contained near the heart/core, and the singularity is just past them.

  1. normal recycling; glass back to glass,
    metal scraps to metal cans and beams,
    paper to paper,
    plastic micro-particles to plastic molds,
    old tires shredded to make playground rubber chips, etc.
  2. mushrooms to break down plastics
  3. acids to break other things down
  4. nanobots-based recycling
  5. singularity in the center of all those concentric areas / security checkpoints

The point is to free up our 3D-printers so they don’t have to make everything, this then allowing them to focus more on making specialty parts that are difficult or impossible to make with traditional (non 3D-printing) methods.



Like any well-designed nuclear reactor, the singularity in this facility is in a chamber designed to automatically shut off what allows the singularity to exist… anytime there is a major safety issue.  If the singularity threatens to expand/grow, sensors automatically shut off the power that maintains it.  If something not meant to be recycled starts to get attracted/pulled (gravitationally) in/toward it, again… this will cause it to be automatically instantly shut off.

The system/singularity is designed to be just powerful enough to keep compressing a small conveyor-fed ‘stream’ of to-be-recycled materials into itself, eventually causing that singularity to “fill up”, at which point the detected potential growth/expansion of the man-made blackhole temporarily automatically shuts the thing off, causing the compressed matter to drop from its containment field/point, at which time it is taken away on another conveyor belt and added to slush-matter tanks for general/any 3D-printing.  No matter how much material you intend to recycle, if you feed too much in too soon, it will shut off this singularity be refilling it to capacity.  Anytime the singularity is shut off, the conveyor belt feeding it detects this and stops, the conveyor belt below it then starting –and only long enough to get whatever is dropped onto it (which is usually a very small pebble-like product/object) into the slush-tank/s.

If any of the sensors/fail-safes in this facility are damaged or malfunctioning, the structure is designed to shut off the singularity.  All the ICVs can sense such things, too, as can the city’s main supercomputer.  All of them have the ability to instantly shut off the singularity.

In an extreme emergency (such as if every sensor/fail-safe was about to stop functioning properly), all ICVs would be recalled (teleported) out of this facility, while either 1) the facility itself was ejected/teleported out of Inisfree, or 2) Inisfree teleported away while leaving this facility in place –to then fall to the bottom of the miles-deep crater that Inisfree used to occupy.  The odds of this needing to happen are virtually zero.  If it ever did need to happen, most likely this facility would just be teleported into Deep Space where it could do little/no harm.


Conceptual Images:

2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft

Video Player

Also see:

  • 432 Hz and 528 Hz EXPLAINED: The Most Powerful Frequencies in The Universe
    (pardon the retarded title; they have not been to the whole universe, so they have no clue if these frequencies have any power at all out there)
    (and:  minus the relig’tard attempted-corruption love-lie; respect for all the emotions is the way, not polarization to one just because it sounds good/nice to the incompetent/lazy/imbalanced)

mus_palette_tundra_day_c_01 - Recycling Fac
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