This is the first pyramid ever added to the Inisfree city design.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Capacity
  4. Special Features
  5. Overall (Images Begin)
  6. Exterior
  7. Lobby
  8. Ceiling
  9. Rooms
  10. More Views from 2019
  11. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



Inspired by the pyramid-shaped hotel-and-casino from Las Vegas, Nevada, this variation of that construct has a base side length of 1,320′ (compared to the original’s base side length of 556), stands over 100 stories tall (compared to the original’s 30 stories), and contains more than 35,000 guest suites (compared to the original’s 4,407).  Unlike the pyramids of Egypt, this one matches the design of its form-sake; its interior is almost entirely hollow; an open-air courtyard showing the overlapping balcony walkways connecting the inner sides of each of its tens of thousands of suites.


Dimensions & Layout:

With foundation sides measuring 1,320′, that gives this hotel a ground-level floor-space of 1,742,400 square feet.  Suites have floor-space of about 33 square feet, narrowing to about 22 feet on their outer sides (which is one wall for most suites, and two walls for the corner suites).  Suites on all floors up to, and including, the 4th floor from the top have balconies (with jacuzzis) on both their inner (inside the hotel, overlooking its courtyard) and outer sides (on the outside of the building, overlooking the landscapes and other attractions of Inisfree).  The 3rd floor from the top has four suites with only outer balconies.  The 2nd floor from the top, and the top floor, are a single, two-story suite with outer balconies (again, with jacuzzis) on both of its levels.


The number of suites (making up the triangular outer walls of this hotel) per floor are as follows:

  1. 384 (ground level)
  2. 380
  3. 376
  4. 372
  5. 368
  6. 364
  7. 360
  8. 356
  9. 352
  10. 348
  11. 344
  12. 340
  13. 336
  14. 332
  15. 328
  16. 324
  17. 320
  18. 316
  19. 312
  20. 308
  21. 304
  22. 300
  23. 296
  24. 292
  25. 288
  26. 284
  27. 280
  28. 276
  29. 272
  30. 268
  31. 264
  32. 260
  33. 256
  34. 252
  35. 248
  36. 244
  37. 240
  38. 236
  39. 232
  40. 228
  41. 224
  42. 220
  43. 216
  44. 212
  45. 208
  46. 204
  47. 200
  48. 196
  49. 192
  50. 188
  51. 184
  52. 180
  53. 176
  54. 172
  55. 168
  56. 164
  57. 160
  58. 156
  59. 152
  60. 148
  61. 144
  62. 140
  63. 136
  64. 132
  65. 128
  66. 124
  67. 120
  68. 116
  69. 112
  70. 108
  71. 104
  72. 100
  73. 96
  74. 92
  75. 88
  76. 84
  77. 80
  78. 76
  79. 72
  80. 68
  81. 64
  82. 60
  83. 56
  84. 52
  85. 48
  86. 44
  87. 40
  88. 36
  89. 32
  90. 28
  91. 24
  92. 20
  93. 16
  94. 12
  95. 8
  96. 4
  97. 4 (highest floor with inside balconies; balconies overlooking the courtyard below)
  98. 4 (first floor with only outside balconies; balconies overlooking the rest of Inisfree)
  99. (bottom floor of 1)
  100. (top floor of 1)

That’s a total of 18,561 suites, meaning that in the buildings standing up from the courtyard of this hotel, there are an additional 16,440 suites; about 1,370 suites in each of the dozen or so buildings in this part of the Luxor II, which comes out to about 45 suites per floor if each of those courtyard buildings has 30 floors.

Suites are 33′ wide at the top of the Luxor II hotel, and decrease down to about 13′ wide on the ground level. In the buildings standing up from the courtyard, however, all suites are the same size; 33′ wide and ‘deep’ (and the standard 10′ tall); 33 square feet.



This pyramid hotel can house hundreds of thousands of guests; more than 35,000 suites/’rooms’ times 3/+ beds/people per room = easily 105,000 to even as many as ~350,000 with space to spare (during big parties, etc.).  If you add in the standing-room on the inside ground-floor, that becomes ~half a million guests.  Now add to those numbers the 2/+ kajirae and ICVs always available for/in each room, and you get a capacity/population total here closer to 490,000 human-sized people (again, without factoring in how many can walk/stand on the ground-floor that is mostly wide-open).


Special Features:

Immediately adjacent this great pyramid are two even more signature Inisfreean structures; the city’s food processing facility (where all processed and packaged goods are put together before arriving on the shelves of the aisles of Inisfree’s grocery store), and Auzdein’s Esslokal; the eclectic fine dining establishment whose decor, menu, and recipes were all arranged by the Governor of this city, himself.







More Views from 2019:

2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft

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