We love going off-road as much as we’ve gone off-grid.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. History & Dimensions
  3. When and Why
  4. Images



In addition to Inisfree’s jamborees (off-roading festivals held in our city’s civilian desert), and the vehicle-supported off-road paintball events of Uluru 2, we also have rugged-terrain racing.  Named for the peninsular region of northwestern Mexico where much of this pass-time gained its fame, Baja racing is just what it sounds like; driving at high speeds over challenging terrain far from any paved track or roads.  This rapid off-roading, just like in the Baja 500 of the Outlands, is perfect for military rural-patrol training.


History & Dimensions:

The original Baja race covers 500 miles in a big loop over its namesake peninsula.  The Baja racing here in Inisfree is across our civilian desert, which spans two-and-a-half square-miles.  That might not sound like a lot, but the many and tall dunes make the terrain a technical challenge that takes plenty of time; a single lap around the edge of this desert (which is seven miles long) can take a quarter of an hour when averaging 45 MPH.


When and Why:

Because this part of our territory includes neighborhoods, and is meant to be one of the quieter deserts, we only host annual Baja-like racing events here.  With just one per year, it is important to sign up and prepare well in advance.  We also don’t compete the way outsiders do; participants make as many or as few laps as they please, provided they complete their final lap within the cutoff time that wraps up each of these events.  Thus, they are traveling at off-road racing speeds, and not challenging fellow off-roaders here to race them.

As you might suspect, Jamborees and these Baja-inspired events help us not only teach all our citizens and guests how to drive beyond the highways, streets, roads, and trails of their own lands/realms, but also how to quickly respond off-road to maydays or other emergencies.  The Jamborees give you the basics, and then you can come here to learn how to use those skills at higher speeds.  Once you’ve done both a few times, you’ll be a reliable expert at performing the same feats beyond, such as on some of our expeditions.


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“FUEL with lyrics” Metallica Metallica
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