This is one of two beaches that are restricted-access; off-limits to newcomers/guests.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions
  3. Schedule
  4. Conceptual Images (Images Begin)
  5. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft
  6. 2024 August 25 Sunday:  Weight Estimates



This is the 3-mile stretch of beach kept clear for the practice landings, troop formations, and takeoffs of Inisfree’s ColonyPods (CPs).  The mile-wide ships float silently to and from the central mountain’s ColonyPod hatches, often staying cloaked so as not to block the sun or moonlight from the main lake and its other bordering beaches.  One Inisfreean DropShip (DS) remains in place on this beach at all times, and serves a variety of functions, from air-traffic control-tower and instructor office, to night club and a constant reminder of the other DropShips ever on watch just outside the city’s Perimeter Wall.



This beach is 3 miles along the lake’s shore, half a mile wide at its narrowest area, and 9/10 of a mile wide across most of the rest of it.  Its sands are about one story deep, giving the landing-gear of the airships and spacecraft that land here plenty to settle down on/into.  At Inisfree’s ground-level, it is also at the surface altitude of the Antarctic ice-terrain outside the perimeter wall.



There is almost always at least one Inisfreean Spacecraft parked/landed on this beach.  Each one is here only as long as it takes to practice hovering, deploying smaller vessels/troops from within it, then making landfall and deploying the rest of its (selected*) on-foot personnel into our standard radial perimeter/border formation/s.  After that, the parent craft summons its subordinates back inside, silently lifts off, hovers if it needs to have a smaller vessel dock in one of its bays, and then it flies back up into our central mountain via one of the ColonyPod Hatches high on the slope near its Avalanche Wall.

  1. 2400/0000-0100:  1 CP launches from the Main Womb, spends 15 minutes flying/hovering toward this beach/LZ, deploys some of its forces for the next 15 minutes, recalls those forces for the 15 minutes after that, and then spends the final 15 minutes of this hour flying back up and over (into the Main Womb to redock where it left from), thus it is at this beach from ~0015 to 0045.
  2. 0100-0200:  same process/route as above; 1 CP is at this beach from ~0115 to 0145
  3. 0200-0300:  1 CP here from 0215 to 0245
  4. 0300-0400:  1 CP here from 0315 to 0345
  5. 0400-0500:  1 CP here from 0415 to 0445
  6. 0500-0600:  1 CP here from 0515 to 0545
  7. 0600-0700:  1 CP here from 0615 to 0645
  8. 0700-0800:  1 CP here from 0715 to 0745
  9. 0800-0900:  1 CP here from 0815 to 0845
  10. 0900-1000:  1 CP here from 0915 to 0945
  11. 1000-1100:  1 CP here from 1015 to 1045
  12. 1100-1200:  1 CP here from 1115 to 1145
  13. 1200-1300:  1 CP here from 1215 to 1245
  14. 1300-1400:  1 CP here from 1315 to 1345
  15. 1400-1500:  1 CP here from 1415 to 1445
  16. 1500-1600:  1 CP here from 1515 to 1545
  17. 1600-1700:  1 CP here from 1615 to 1645
  18. 1700-1800:  1 CP here from 1715 to 1745
  19. 1800-1900:  1 CP here from 1815 to 1845
  20. 1900-2000:  1 CP here from 1915 to 1945
  21. 2000-2100:  1 CP here from 2015 to 2045
  22. 2100-2200:  1 CP here from 2215 to 2245
  23. 2200-2300:  1 CP here from 2215 to 2245
  24. 2300-2400/0000:  1 CP here from 2315 to 2345

*Obviously this beach does not have room for all of the thousands of vehicles and troops each DS and CP carries.  Only a few of each deploy here.  All Inisfreean Craft/Constructs (ICs) instantly share the experience and understanding of everything any ICV does anyway; the moment even just 1 ICV or other IC does something, all other ICVs and their vessels and buildings understand (and can repeat/do) it just as well.


Conceptual Images:

2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft

2024 August 25 Sunday:  Weight Estimates

distribution of total weight per underside (in tons or pounds per sqft) of a DS and of a CP; how to not squish/damage the underground silos beneath this part of Inisfree:

  • DS: ~990,918 tons (not yet revealed if that is loaded or unloaded weight)
    1/4-mile diameter, but 5 landing-gear ‘feet’/pads (1 per major internal section), each ~1/5 of the diameter, = (5x 54,739.1104); 273,695.552 ft^2 of surface area across which the DS’s weight will be distributed
    990,918/273,695.552= ~3.6t/ft^2; ~7,241 lbs. per square-foot
    (so to reduce that, use the entire bottom of the DS, which might be ~1/3-mile across; 2,432,850 ft^2;
    990,918/2,432,850= >.4t/ft^2; ~815 lbs./ft^2 a.k.a. psf)
    …however, the bottom + 5 landing-gear soles would = (2,432,850 ft^2 + 273,695.552 ft^2); 2,706,545.552 ft^2, thus we can distribute its weight down to ~.366t; ~732 lbs./ft^2
  • CP: ~7,729,160.4 tons
    3,960′ diameter, no landing-gear (thus using entire bottom surface); 12,316,300 ft^2
    7,729,160.4/12,316,300= ~.6t/ft^2; ~1,255 lbs. per square-foot (psf)
  • Soils that are a predominantly sand or gravel: 2,000-3,000 psf (lbs./ft^2).
    4,000 psf for sedimentary rock
    (815 psf, and 1,255 psf, are both < 2,000 psf.)
    This means that the sand layer by itself can handle the even slow landing of a CP,
    but not even the rock layer below this side of our main-lake’s beach can handle even the gentlest landing of one of our DSs once it finishes settling, unless it only uses its 5 landing-gears to carefully set itself down the rest of the way onto its hull-bottom, which would greatly spread out its weight (calculated in parentheses in the first bullet-note above; top of this section).
  • The fairly simple solution is that all Inisfreean craft can keep their weight canceled out via electrogravitics, thanks to their built-in repulsine-based tech’/components; they can leave their repulsines “spun up” just enough to keep their weight near zero while landed on this beach.
  • Another thing to consider is that no part of Inisfree can be damaged, anyway, because all of Inisfree (the mesh-like foundation ‘grown’ by / out from The Grid Mind) is based on SRC, which is indestructible, regardless of impact/pressure/temperature/weight, etc..
  • Also, the landing gear on our DSs can be just to help them land more smoothly than our CPs (our CPs being designed specifically to destroy/smash/land on bad-human cities/skyscrapers), and to help them stay upright/level (since they are spherical/spheroid, not frisbee-formed like a CP).
  • If the pilot of a CP landing here, or the CP itself, did not cancel its weight out during the duration of its landing/landfall/parking, everything underneath would still be fine –even if not made of invincible things.
    If the pilot of a DS landing here, or the DS itself, did not cancel its weight out during the duration of its landing/landfall/parking, and stayed on its extended landing gear, everything underneath it which wasn’t very strong bedrock would be cracked, smashed, and pushed out of the way, leaving the massive ‘footprints’ (landing-gear prints, more accurately) of the DS.
  • reference/comparison:  In 2022, the average weight of a car in the United States was 4,329 pounds.
    The part of the tire that touches the ground is called the “contact patch”.
    The average width of a car tire is between 185 and 235 millimeters (avg. = 210 mm).
    If ~5″ along the other axis is making contact with the ground, 5″ = 127mm,
    and 127mm x 210mm = 26,670 mm^2,
    x4 tires = 106,680 mm^2,
    converted to ft^2 = 1.14829396.
    4,329 lbs. distributed evenly to the 4 contact-patches (1 for each of its 4 tires) results in ~3,770 psf.
    Compared to the DS’s 732 psf, the avg. car’s ~3,770 psf is ~5.15x heavier.
    Compared to the CP’s 1,255 psf, the avg. car’s ~3,770 psf is ~3x heavier.



Beach Waves and Sound of Surf
Audio Player