This surface-side construct is Earth‘s largest ‘kill-house’, scheduling nearly round-the-clock live-fire drills.


Table of Contents:

  1. Jargon
  2. Sequence of Training Evolutions
  3. Dimensions & Layout
  4. History
  5. Location & Layout (Images Begin)
  6. Exterior Concepts
  7. Interior Concepts
  8. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft
  9. An ICV Here



It is important to note several things related to the terminology of this facility; firstly, that no one is actually imprisoned within Inisfree unless it is for a training or voluntary stimulation exercise, and secondly, that ‘kill-house’ means “an indoor firearms range involving natural unit movements between rooms and floors” and ‘live-fire’ means “real ammunition used in the marksmanship drills”.  Thus, this Inisfreean ‘prison’ is actually more of a training environment helping participants to better plan, rehearse, and perfect the customary Inisfreean military operation of exfiltrating high-value persons and other assets from highly-secured Outlander facilities, such as actual prisons.  This is why we call it our faux prison.


Sequence of Training Evolutions:

Inisfreeans progress first from the classroom to the outdoor firing ranges, then to the Training Tower and silos, followed by the F.O.B.s (Forward Operating Bases; military outpost-towns), next to the Sotu (dense urban) training areas, then to the subterranean architectural replicas of the Halo (video game series) combat maps, and finally to this faux-prison; the largest, most claustrophobic, and, thereby, most challenging of hostile operating terrestrial environments.  Once they are fully trained to function fluidly as teammates within such an environment, even cave network warfare comes as easily and naturally as breathing.  And, yes, we use this facility to perfect the art of breaking innocent people out of Outlands prisons.

  1. classrooms
  2. shooting ranges
  3. training tower
  4. underground silos
  5. FOBs / “MOUT towns”
  6. Sotu spots
  7. our Halo maps
  8. this faux-prison


Dimensions & Layout:

Spanning just over one third of a mile (1,782′, to be precise) by just over one quarter of a mile (1,518′), this compound, doubling as Inisfree’s M.O.U.T. town (Military Operations in Urban Terrain), has 2,705,076 square feet of land; just over 62 acres.  A cluster of vertically-oriented cylindrical buildings is here.  Most of them have nearly one dozen floors/stories, all connected by regular staircases and catwalks (not the A.I.O.W.s found throughout our other buildings, because this complex of buildings is designed to help us train for operations into Outlands buildings –which never have A.I.O.W.s).

Near the middle of Inisfree’s highest desert plateau, the surrounding terrain is generally flat, sandy, and windswept, with only light and sparse patches of lawn-like grass.  Sometimes we hide fake landmines in the patches/clumps of grass around this faux-prison.  If you see three dark metallic prongs sticking up from a central point, that would be the trigger of one of those mines (and if you nudged any of them, it would set off a loud firework as part of training).

The closest surface structure is the Firm Base (where personnel out here practice life on, and operations deployed from, the kind of large, reinforced, air-supported facility that F.O.B.s are then made from / connected to –as smaller/’satellite’ installations) about one quarter of a mile away.  The Quarantine Facility, and actual prison close-by on the map to the right of this text block, are actually far underground, not close-by at all.  There may also be temporary field camps/positions set up; parked vehicles or tarps concealing observers/snipers in training out here (such as when they help to set up an outer cordon while assault elements/teams move in).



As of 2021, King Auz has started ‘christening’ every single hallway, catwalk, and cell (room) in this training prison, always with both ICVs and the girls who are troops in the elite military units of his allies.  It will take him many years to christen them all, but he is working on it; whenever he has time to fly over there for a few minutes (i.e. a quickie with at least some of them in training at this structure at the time), he does.  More to come…


Location & Layout:

Exterior Concepts:

Interior Concepts:

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

An ICV Here:

Faux Prison MOUT AAR:

Video Player
“10 Stealth” Total Annihilation Soundtrack Jeremy Soule
Audio Player