This is where all Inisfreeans come for the dirtiest and most strenuous parts of their military/S&R training.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Disclaimer
  3. Obstacles Sources
  4. Core Curriculum
  5. Sequence/Circuit
  6. Overall
  7. Individual Obstacles – Concepts
  8. The Governor Enjoying an Obstacle Course
  9. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft
  10. Sequence Map



Built in our swamp where the humidity is worst, just like the sludge, quicksand, and bugs, this obstacle course will kill you if you have not trained for it since birth, as all Inisfreeans do.  First timers are strongly advised to only attempt portions of the entire course based on how they are feeling at any given point. 

(More accurately, of course, ours being an eternal/immortal realm, you’ll just get really winded if you are not used to exerting yourself like the obstacles here require.)



The name “Alpha Warrior” (one of the races / obstacle courses we drew some inspiration from) is complete false-advertising; there is nothing ‘alpha’ or ‘warrior’ about it, but it does have some good obstacles.  Its name is only listed here for citation.

This obstacle course of ours is not designed to teach people warrior/combat skills; it is only for dexterity, strength, endurance/grit, physical teamwork, etc..


Obstacles Sources:

All of the obstacles from the following obstacle-course races and other events are included:

  • Alpha Warrior
  • ​A​merican Gladiators
  • ​​American Ninja Warrior
  • CrossFit Games
  • Marine Corps Boot Camp O-course (~a few miles, but then >40 miles for the Crucible Week)
  • ​Savage Race​​ (6 miles; ~9.7 kilometers)
  • Spartan Stadion (600′ by definition, but through a famous sports stadium in Outlands adaptation)
  • Spartan Sprint (3 miles; ~4.8 kilometers)
  • Spartan Super (~6.2 miles; 10 kilometers)
  • Spartan Beast (13 miles; ~21 kilometers)
  • Spartan Ultra Beast​​ (30 miles; ~48 kilometers)
  • Spartan Death Race​​​​​​​​ (50 miles; ~80.5 kilometers)
  • T​ough Mudder (8-10 miles; ~12.9-16.1 kilometers)

Information about all the Spartan Race types/levels is here.

Information about the Tough Mudder is here.


Core Curriculum:

This obstacle course is part of the mandatory coursework all Inisfreeans must complete in order to earn their P.E./P.T. (Physical Education / Physical Training) credit-hours for graduation from Inisfree’s school system.



The obstacles are arranged one after the other, alternating based on which muscle groups or body half/region is required; if one obstacle uses more leg muscles, the obstacle following it will either use more arm muscles or, at least, make use of the full body (such as in swimming).  The most difficult obstacles are closer to the start, giving people more of a chance to have enough energy left to complete/try most/all obstacles.

Alpha Warrior

  1. sideways net traverse
  2. hang under slosh pipe to get to its other end
  3. jump from a bungee-style plank onto a series of far-apart two-ropes platforms (pad held mostly-steady by parallel ropes)
  4. rope swing over to a negative-incline net-wall
  5. grip vertical hanging bars instead of horizontal monkey-bars

​A​merican Gladiators

  1. “Gauntlet”; run through a half-pipe, getting past people with padded pugil sticks
  2. “​​Earthquake”; a moving surface on a platform/pillar 12′ tall/up

​​American Ninja Warrior

  1. jump from alternating diagonal panels
  2. hold onto turning/rolling log
  3. hanging-spheres jump
  4. curtains hold swing
  5. curve jump
  6. pull-up bar moving up several notches with you
  7. “Spider Climb”; spread-eagle movement up between two wall-towers

CrossFit Games

  1. move up a pegboard, keeping the pegs in your grips, moving each peg from hole to hole
  2. slosh-pit squats or lunges
  3. muscle-ups

Marine Corps Boot Camp O-course

  1. jump/roll over low logs
  2. walk on parallel bars slope
  3. tubes crawl
  4. two-man / jump wall
  5. cargo net climb
  6. rope climb
  7. legs up over head to next platform up; tower
  8. ranger-slide down zipline-style rope/cable
  9. carry ammo cans filled with concrete
  10. trench jog/clearing
  11. barbed-wire crawl
  12. ruck march
  13. dummy medevac drag/carry
  14. hoses jog

​Savage Race​

  1. monkey-bars vertical zig-zag over pond
  2. carry two big cuts of wood/slab through a wading swamp creek; balance while walking on underwater mud/sludge
  3. “Pole Cat”; “on all fours” movement over non-parallel bars in a vertical zig-zag sequence
  4. throw a medicine ball up into a hole on a diagonal roof slope

Spartan Stadion

  1. box jumps
  2. “Atlas Carry”; walk along sand while holding a stone ball
  3. chain carry (up bleacher-style stairs)

Spartan Sprint

  1. carry bucket
  2. balance-beam walk/jog
  3. tire flip
  4. dunk wall (swim under)
  5. “A-frame”; logs ‘pyramid’
  6. concrete pulley
  7. “Helix”; sequence of connected panels which alternate between being fixed diagonally one way and another, i.e. one leans over your, the next leaning away like a normal positive slope
  8. fire jump

Spartan Super

  1. “Ape Hanger”; move along a narrow suspension bridge but under it, hanging on bars whose ends are on shared cables
  2. swinging-logs ladder
  3. “Beater”; like monkey-bars, but each bar is four bars together that roll/rotate a bit whenever you put your weight on one
  4. “Cliff Climb”; cargo-net up a mud slope (not a sheer/vertical cliff)
  5. drag sled/palette

Spartan Beast

  1. wall notches scramble
  2. tire drag
  3. “Multi-rig”; swing to each Olympic ring
  4. memory test
  5. “Adductor”; move from chain-hung punching-bag to punching-bag
  6. “Rolling Mud”; jog/crawl through slick surface mud/sludge
  7. spear throw
  8. swim; water crossing

Spartan Ultra Beast​

  1. Tarzan swing (from one platform to another)
  2. hurdles
  3. dips with big chain hung around neck

Spartan Death Race​​​​

  1. several miles of burpees; ~a couple thousand over the course of several hours
  2. more distance/rounds of barbed-wire crawls, sandbag carries, rope-climbs, etc.
  3. technically there is no end; the greatest obstacle is enduring longer than all the other racers –so the most advanced athletes usually go once through each of these obstacles, then follow our Reaper Trail out of the swamp, to the canyon, up that side of our central mountain, and all the way back (and we allow them to camp/sleep overnight along the way if they want/need to)

T​ough Mudder

  1. “Castaway”; two-person hand-over-hand on either of two overhead/side ropes while straddling a floating punching-bag
  2. swim under logs –in water full of ice cubes
  3. rings slide along overhead pole tracks with 90° bends
  4. “Cage Crawl”; slowly move laterally under a metal fence kept horizontal just inches above the mud-water surface
  5. “Hero Carry”; carry a person (piggyback, chair-carry, fireman-carry, whatever works)
  6. “Hold ‘Em”; two-person squat-traverse over a wedge, meaning you have to hold hands/wrists and move as one, sideways, with one of you on one diagonal slope, and the other on the opposite diagonal slope


Additional Notes:

As always, Inisfreeans celebrate togetherness more than they compete; they don’t really race others here, instead preferring to come up with fun ways to team up together at whichever obstacles each person wishes to try.

The only requirement is that everyone moves in the same direction along the circuit/sequence of this obstacles, preventing chaos/congestion; you can still skip however many you want/need to skip, and try however many you want to and in whatever order you want, just as long as you don’t try to go backward along this course.



Individual Obstacles – Concepts:





Monkey Bars





Hold ‘Em


Ropes to End

The Governor Enjoying an Obstacle Course:

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

This just shows the square swamp-region of our city; what the terrain looks like where these obstacles are.

Sequence Map:

This shows how all 71 obstacles are arranged in order, the route connecting them covering ~12 miles, with “72” being the start of the trail called “The Reaper”.

Video Player
The Lost World - Jurassic Park - Main Theme - for obstacle course
Audio Player