This is one of the only places in our realm where firearms and shooting are allowed.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Location
  3. Range Safety
  4. Pre-shooting Drills
  5. Scheduling a Shoot
  6. Access
  7. Drawing Weapons
  8. Protective Gear
  9. Cleaning Up After
  10. Who Else Comes
  11. Special Features
  12. Relevant Holidays
  13. Specific Meetups
  14. Location & Layout (Images Begin)
  15. Shooters
  16. Concepts & Memes
  17. The King at an Iraq Range Years Before Inisfree
  18. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft
  19. 2023 September:  Alison Showing How It’s Done



We have…

  • short ranges (~1/4-mile; 1,320′; 440 yds.; 402.336 meters) for pistols and shotguns (and grenades),
  • medium-distance ranges (~1/3, ~1/2, and ~3/4-mile) for assault rifles and rockets,
  • and long ranges (just under 1-mile; 5,280′; ~1,640 yds.; ~1,500 meters) for sniper rifles and guided vehicle-launched missiles.

This is where the students of the 19th grade come to master their marksmanship with dozens of different Outlander weapons, including several which are crew-served.  With the artillery firing over their heads, and ODST conducting practice-landings down-range right in front of them, it is a very life-like training-exercise environment where aim and shots really count.



Our shooting ranges are all in the region of our city reserved for military / search-&-rescue training.  More specifically, they are between 1) the area where our 19th-grade students live, study, and train, and 2) the Impact Ranges, which is where our heavier projectiles come down, temporarily leaving a field/desert of craters.


Range Safety:

Members of Inisfree’s military are always on duty at our city’s shooting ranges.  All of them are perfectly fluent in range/shooting safety/etiquette.  They will teach and refresh anyone who comes to their ranges, and this is part of every range/shooting experience.

  1. Treat every weapon as if it was loaded.
  2. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
  3. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
  4. Keep your weapon on safe until you intend to fire.
  5. Know your target and what lies beyond it.  (Example:  Know if your bullet can punch through the wall behind your target, and if any innocent people are behind that wall.)

Additional rules everyone here is required to follow include:

  • “Brass to the grass, away from your ass”; store your ammunition with its tips facing down and away from you, whether just holding the magazines that way, or storing the magazines in your flak jacket or other carrying pouches.
  • Left-lateral-limit and right-lateral-limit must be clearly defined, acknowledged by each shooter, and never fired at/through/over/beyond.
  • Obey the Range Master/s; if an Inisfreean tells you to stop firing and exit the shooting area, do so promptly.

More rules can be added, as needed, such as for ‘dynamic’ shoots; firing weapons while on the move (which is common; being trained to run toward a target, drop down behind cover, then open fire while breathing more heavily from running, etc.), around other people, at moving targets, in low/changing lighting, etc.


Pre-shooting Drills:

Everyone should practice the basic firing, drawing, and holstering positions/techniques for several minutes prior to any event/day of shooting.  How you pull out, aim, fire, and put away your weapon, and where you place your feet when turning to engage targets from another direction/angle, should be muscle-memory by the time you are loading live rounds and intending to open fire.  Inisfreeans can coach you through any drill, even if it is considered complex, risky, or typically only for special military unit members.


Scheduling a Shoot:

Inisfreeans don’t actually have to practice anything; they are a collective-consciousness of finely-tuned machines made perfect from creation, so you can take over their shooting range/s at any time, and it won’t interfere with their development or duty-rotation.  To schedule a time to reserve a range, or at least a shooting ‘lane’ on a range, all to yourself, just ask any Inisfreean girl, and she’ll get you ‘penciled in’.  Cancellations can be made at any time.



Because our shooting ranges are within our military region of the city, anyone intended to use these ranges must be accompanied by a member of our military.  This means they have to have graduated all 20 grades of our school system, though they don’t have to be on active-duty in our job-rotation.  You can request just about any Inisfreean to take you here, excepting those who are on shift (working) in one of our attractions, such as the restaurants or night clubs.

You can access our shooting ranges any time, day or night, including on holidays.


Drawing Weapons:

Everyone from outside Inisfree is required to come without weapons.  Everyone in Inisfree remains weapons-free at all times not on one of these ranges.  Making weapons in Inisfree is also not possible.

Weapons in Inisfree are kept in the following places:

  1. attached to the suits of our military personnel
  2. built into our ships and other vehicles
  3. in the armories of our military / search-&-rescue training region
  4. in the private armory-range facility beneath the Governor’s Mansion (requiring special permission to access)

Request the weapons you are authorized to practice here with by speaking with any Inisfreean on-duty in our military in this region of our city.  These girls will also be the ones you should hand your drawn weapon/s back to at the end of your shooting time.


Protective Gear:

Since people become invincible once approved for entry into Inisfree, they don’t need ear- or eye-protection.  They are welcome to wear the gear they will be required to wear when outside our city, though.  This typically includes ballistic glasses or goggles, electronic ear-pros, flak jackets or other body armor, and some type of hat or helmet, if not also boots and gloves.

Why won’t/don’t you need hearing protection?  All of our weapons come with suppressors / ‘silencers’, for one.  The most you will hear out of any of them is the ‘report’ (sound) of their ‘actions’ ‘sliding home’, or their ejection-port covers swinging open to tap the outsides of the upper receivers they are hinged to.

For those who intend to go down-range, especially if during shooting practice on any of our  ranges, a helmet and flak jacket, at the bare minimum, are required for all our guests who are not of races such as the Kryptonians.  This is because, while nothing can hurt them while they are in our realm, and while we have ways of instantly healing anyone and even entire environments and worlds, the impacts from nearly all of the bullets and other projectiles used on our shooting ranges are enough to send them falling or even flying backward.  That is very frightening for the unaccustomed, and having the basic protective-gear on helps.


Cleaning Up After:

Our weapons come with shell-catchers and other features which prevent litter on our shooting ranges.  Trash, such as water containers and food wrappers, are each shooter’s responsibility.  Blood and other body matter don’t get on our ranges –because people lose the ability to get hurt once they are in Inisfree.  Targets are down-range, and self-repairing/healing, so they don’t need to be taped up or replaced.  Any shrapnel down-range or elsewhere is collected by the Inisfreeans on duty and taken to our recycling facility.

As for the weapons you use, you may help clean them prior to turning them back in if you want to.  The Inisfreeans on duty can always take care of this for you, however.  If you already know how to clean the weapons you used, and if you need to depart for scheduled activities elsewhere, just hand your weapon over to an Inisfreean; they automatically inspect and clean them as much as each needs.


Who Else Comes:

Anyone who wants or needs practice shooting any of the weapons we keep in our city, available for public use on these ranges, is welcome.  Law-enforcement from the realms beyond Inisfree which have allied with us, and some of the Black Operations operatives, are among those who frequent these ranges when they are visiting our city.  You’ll regularly see some of the top women in Inisfree keeping their skills fresh out here.

Our police do not train here, though; once they have graduated our 19th grade, they are perfect shooters for life.  Even though they don’t have ranges in their police stations across our city, they have no need to repeat shooting or any other training.  They are machines whose skills are not perishable.


Special Features:

‘Friendly fire’ is disabled in Inisfree.  This is possible in a real-life environment because all of the weapons we have here are ‘smart’ weapons; they are able to prevent themselves from firing at any of our residents or guests.  They are also linked to our city’s main supercomputer, which monitors their aims and structural integrity, among other things, and can make split-second adjustments to the weapons and the trajectories of their projectiles.

Additionally, all our weapons can be made to launch projectiles which move like bullets, grenades, or rockets, but which heal or arouse instead of harm or kill.  We are a pleasure-based community, civilization, and superpower, after all.  The fastest way for us to change the mind of an adversary, repair damage to a body or vehicle, or plant another tree, is to use this special technology of ours, shooting the things out which do all that.


Relevant Holidays:

  1. 25 February (28 Februus on our calendar): Pistols
  2. 5 November (1 Odin on our calendar): Gunpowder


Specific Meetups:

Friday 30 December 2022:  Alexa Torres and Lana Baumgartner met here for a ranges-date; to the Impact Range after here, then down into the Governor’s Mansion’s Armory-range.  This would be one of their standard threesome-dates;  with their shared-husband, High King Auz, today.  Showing up giddy eager to reunite with each other because they are sister-wives and goddesses/deified now, they enjoyed a lot of different types of banging.


Location & Layout:


the finest elven Ambi-like skin-tight camo-yoga pants assault-rifle backside photo, heavenly thigh-gap and all:

Concepts & Memes:

The King at an Iraq Range Years Before Inisfree:

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

2023 September:  Alison Showing How It’s Done

Video Player

Also see:

Rammstein - Feuer Frei - for Ranges y Industrial club y ICGM Armory
Audio Player