There are numerous places to learn and practice skating tricks in our city.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Locations
  4. Special Features
  5. Layouts (Images Begin)
  6. Lays
  7. 2023 August Additions
  8. 2023 Update 2:  Relevant Holiday
  9. 2023 September/+



Whether roller-skating, roller-blading, skate-boarding, long-boarding, trike-ing, or BMX-ing (Bicycle/Bike Motocross), Inisfree’s skater parks have everything you need to pull the greatest tricks, from grinders and 720s to gainers and triple-axles.


Dimensions & Layout:

Inisfreean skater parks range in size from just one standard backyard… to the size of a warehouse.  Each one has a different arrangement of ramps, rails, and related constructs, with all of them including at least one half-pipe and at least one full-pipe.  All of them have dozens, if not a couple hundred, interesting structures designed for users/guests to skate and bike on.

Each skater park is surrounded by bleacher-style stadium-seating for spectators and anyone taking a breather.



Originally, there were just a few of these ‘parks’, all of them near/along the sides/borders of the Apartments Array.  Today, ten years later (2021), we also have a skater park in the following areas:


Special Features:

These parks and pits include all the greatest and signature features of the finest skateboarding video games, such as those of Anthony Frank “Tony” Hawk, allowing skaters to build up their skills to the level of the world famous X Games.




2023 August Additions:

Some new obstacles are being added to these “terrain parks” of ours.

2023 Update 2:  Relevant Holiday

  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Jun. 24:  Roller-skating/blading


2023 September/+


  • Only people intending to skate or trick-bicycle are allowed in these parks; spectators must be outside the fence/s.
  • You don’t have to wear protective gear if you are invincible.
  • You don’t have to wear clothes if you are female.
  • Maintain professional/polite dispersion based on skill-level; give newcomers/novices extra space so they can get used to balancing and simple moves without distractions.
  • If you start a trick in one of these parks, the trick must end there; no jumping the fence/border/s.
  • There is no skating (or bicycle tricks, or anything else involving skates, skateboards, or related equipment) outside these parks; the rest of our realm is for walking, jogging, picnicking, etc., and is intended as a place of quiet, peace, and safety.  This means don’t start a trick outside one of these parks, even if your trajectory will take you into the park; wait until you are inside the property-line of one of these parks before getting on your bicycle or skateboard.
  • If someone falls down, all skating/tricks should immediately stop until that person gets back up or is helped up, able to resume.
  • No motorized vehicles; no powered scooters, etc.
  • There is no closing-time; these parks are open 24/7/365, excepting for any needed cleaning/maintenance.
  • Inisfreeans (ICVs) will inspect the entire skating-surface/-area for debris/hazards before there are any skaters, and will maintain a watch/patrol just in case anything is dropped or blown onto that surface while there are skaters/users present.
  • No fighting or bullying here; that is something that is only allowed in dojos and gladiator arenas in our realm.
  • No food or drinks
  • No graffiti/tagging
  • No littering –or leaving any liquid/residue/anything on any surface where people walk, skateboard, or bicycle here
  • No sex
  • Music is allowed only if everyone present agrees on the band/song/s, and even then it must be kept at a low volume (only audible to those on the skating surface and right next to the fence of the given skatepark.
  • Longboarding is fine, and only on longboards can there be 1 or 2 people; all normal skateboards must be limited to 1 person/rider/user.
  • No throwing skateboards or anything else that could harm someone
  • No modifying the park/obstacles/surfaces
  • No contests or other events unless approved of by the High King
  • No climbing the fence/s
  • Let the Inisfreean Police handle any troubling matters.

2024 July 28 Sunday:  It finally occurred to me (High King Auz) to have my “2nd go” at these sports / pass-times; I had ridden bicycles in my youth and briefly later (such as in Montana), and I had tried skateboarding and long-boarding once (shortly after completing my enlistment), but I had never had a professional teacher for any of those things, and now felt like the right time.  I’m chuckling at myself a bit here… because I’ve envisioned including multiple bicycling-/skate-parks in my realm for a long time, but haven’t until now even thought of using/enjoying them myself.  Now I shall.  …Be patient with me as I learn the basics for a while.


Video Player

Also see:

Blink 182 - The Rock Show - for amphi or skater pits
Audio Player


  • “You Eclipsed Me” by Atreyu
