This club is an actual replica of one of our civilization’s standard police stations.


Table of Contents:

  1. Theme
  2. Music Genre
  3. Dance Genre
  4. Dimensions
  5. Layout
  6. Gogos
  7. Special Features
  8. Menu
  9. Design (Images Begin)
  10. Interior Concepts
  11. Police-girl & Heroine Outfits
  12. 2023 Update:  Creativerse Model


Theme:  Police Station

Music Genre:  Alternative, Grunge, Punk, & Ska (goes great with cop/detective/fed suits)

Dance Genre:  Ska, etc.

Dimensions:  a giant high-rise police station with built-in jail and surrounding parking garages

Layout:  This club is where all of your policewoman sex fantasies will come true, and is designed to look like a police station, but with love-seats instead of waiting room chairs, a DJ control console at the front desk, and VIP booths (such as for birthday parties) instead of regular jail cells.  There are even squad cars (the old-fashioned Outlander kind, as opposed to the police cars of Inisfree, which are blue-and-white painted Tumblers from the Batman Begins film) in a parking-lot-like section indoors, and, yes, you are welcome to have sex in and on them, though their lights and sirens are synchronized to the music playing.

Gogos:  The professional dancers in this club wear costumes which make them resemble police officers in couture, snug, skimpy patrol uniforms.  They start many of their dances in the squad cars, making graceful, sexy, feminine exits up into proud female posture and voguing.  For the female guests of this club, if you are curious and interested, these policewoman gogos will use their night-sticks (batons) on you like dildos –also to the beat of the music.

Special Features:  indoor parking lot of police cars whose lights are sync’ed to the music

Menu:  American & Specialty Doughnuts  *All 51 clubs in Inisfree serve the same drinks; water, smart-water, flavored water, fruit juices, and teas.




Interior Concepts:

Police-girl & Heroine Outfits:

2023 Update:  Model in Creativerse


Video Player

Classic Punk:

“Burnout” Dookie Green Day
Audio Player

Themed Hits:

“Anybody Seen the PoPo's?!” XXX: State of the Union [Original Soundtrack] Ice Cube
Audio Player