These are the concentric moat-like pits which encircle Inisfree just outside its Perimeter Wall.


Table of Contents:

  1. Dimensions & Features
  2. Cleanup
  3. Location (Images Begin)
  4. Appearance
  5. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft


Dimensions & Features:

Each trench encircles Inisfree away from the base of its perimeter wall.  Successive trenches out away from that construct are circles with a longer circumference.  The depth of the trenches varies, but is always several stories at least.

Some are water, covered in thatch-&-snow panels designed to cave in under the weight of troops and vehicles, while others are filled with heuristic landmines and other army-demoralizing features, such as the proximity-activated, flak-jacket sensitive, junkyard-style, electromagnet shafts capable of sucking in entire platoons and crushing them against one another as they hit the bottom.

The ‘tank traps’ (pits shaped to very effectively immobile military tanks and similar vehicles at odd angles in sticky terrain), which were originally part of the much-smaller first-draft perimeter-wall design (back when Inisfree was just a much-smaller and normal-sized F.O.B. concept), are now also located within these rings.  Every tank and artillery piece ever created by man (humans), as well as all those created by humanoids from Earth and other worlds, do not have the ability to cross any of these trenches/rings preventing land-based traffic toward our wall.  For those tanks and other vehicles that do fall into these deep crevasse-based traps, imagine trying to get a 65-ton armored vehicle up out of an icy crack in the Earth’s surface where it has fallen a dozen stories and become wedged between city-sized blocks of ice.



The Inisfreeans stationed in the Sentry Towers just outside the area of these moats/rings/trenches will fly over in their S.T. suits anytime an unwelcome vehicle or person falls down in there, but not to help; they approach only to use their vambrace-cannons to melt or de-atomize them.  This prevents vehicles from piling up down there, which theoretically could one day result in a debris-based bridge / crossable ‘path’.  Deleting such ‘victims’ (intruders / would-be murderers) also helps to decrease the chances of anyone else attempting to cross without invitation… from noticing the imminent and historic demise.



The perfectly circular pit around Inisfree was marked by the wall’s Rainbow Cannons and then completed/deepened by the activation of the sky-dome.  As you can see in these images/maps, these rings/trenches align perfectly with the horizon-level base of the sky-dome forcefield.  It took some time for the supercomputer-brained Inisfreeans (ICVs) and the main supercomputer of this/their city to calibrate that sky-dome so that it was only a selective black-hole membrane of sorts, not disintegrating everything that touched it, and leaving the cracked/melted ice from the terrain surrounding the wall, thus these remaining pits/rings partially-filled with freezing water today.


2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

These screenshots show how in the scale-model the defensive-rings/crevasses were marked, then dug/formed.

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Also see:

Howling polar wind SOUND EFFECTS - antarctic or cold air - for Perim Rings y Sentry Towers pgs
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