These are the most spacious and luxurious residences and public-events structures in our realm.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction:  Inisfreean Mosques and Palaces
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Mosques Directory
  4. Palaces Directory
  5. Population Over Time
  6. Location & Overall (Images Begin)
  7. Exteriors
  8. Interiors
  9. Furnishings
  10. From WoW
  11. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model of Neighborhood in Minecraft


Inisfreean Mosques and Palaces

​Holistic group sex is the only religion of Inisfree, so all of the mosques in this city are architectural clones of their Outlands form-sakes only for the ‘look and feel’ they create; no Islamic worship of any kind takes place in or around them, and no females will ever be forced to hide their beauty or segregate themselves while approaching or spending time within them.


Dimensions & Layout:

This neighborhood spans roughly 2.5 square miles, and is predominantly spread out across the lowest foot-hills and flat-lands of its side of Inisfree’s central mountain.  The largest mosques (due to their courtyards and gardens) are located farther out from that mountain, while the smaller mosques usually located much closer to it; this is due to the room available between the Auz’dome and the Cliff-dwellings base.  Some of the palaces of this neighborhood, such as our copy of the Winter Palace, have as many as 1,500 rooms; they can house thousands of people a piece.


Mosques Directory:

  1. ​​Al Azhar – in Cairo, Egypt
  2. Al Fateh – in Bahrain
  3. al-Nabawi – in Medina, Saudi Arabia
  4. al-Rahman – at Aleppo, Syria
  5. al-Rahman – at Baghdad, Iraq
  6. Alexandria – in Egypt
  7. Aya Sofiya – at Hagia Sofia, Istanbul, Turkey
  8. Badshahi – in Lahore, Pakistan
  9. Baiturrahman Mosque – at Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  10. Bibi Heybat – in Baku, Azerbaijan
  11. Blue Mosque – at Mazar e Sharif, in Herat, north Afghanistan
  12. Delhi – in India
  13. Grand Mosque – in Dubai
  14. Haram Sharif Grand Mosque – at Mecca, Saudi Arabia
  15. Hassan II – in Casablanca, Morocco
  16. Hooghly Imambara – in India
  17. Hulhumalé – in the Maldives
  18. Imam (Jame Abbasi) – at Isfahan, Iran
  19. Islamic Center of America – at Dearborn, Michigan
  20. Jama Masjid – in Maghrib (north Africa region)
  21. Jibla – in Sana’a, Yemen
  22. Jumeirah – in Dubai
  23. King Khalid – at Kumasi, Ghana
  24. Koutobia – in Marrakech, Morocco
  25. Kuala Lumpur – in Malaysia
  26. Masjid al-Qiblatain – in Medina, Saudi Arabia
  27. Moschee Camii – in Paris, France
  28. Mosque of Kazan, Tatarstan
  29. Muhammad Ali – in Cairo, Egypt
  30. Nasir ol Molk – in Shiraz, Iran
  31. Nur-Astana – in Kazakhstan
  32. Oman Muscat
  33. Omayyed – in Damascus, Syria
  34. Penzberg – in Munich, Germany
  35. Putra – at Putrajaya, Malaysia
  36. Qolsharif (a.k.a. Kul-sharif) Mosque – in Kazan, Russia
  37. Romanized (from concept art of Charles Church, Vienna, Austria)
  38. Sayyida Nafeesa – in Cairo, Egypt
  39. Semerkand – in Uzbekistan
  40. Shad-u-Shamshera Mosque, Kabul, Afghanistan
  41. Shah Faisal Masjid – at Islamabad, Pakistan
  42. Sharjah – in the United Arab Emirates
  43. Sheikh Lotfollah – at Isfahan, Iran
  44. Sheikh Zayed Cami – at Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates
  45. Sultan Abu Bakar – in Thailand
  46. Sultan Ahmet (a.k.a. Blue Mosque) – at Hagia Sofia, Istanbul, Turkey
  47. Sultan Ali Saifuddin – in Brunei
  48. Sultan Hassan – in Cairo, Egypt
  49. Sultan Hazret – in Astana, Kazakhstan
  50. Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque – in Oman
  51. Taj Mahal – at Agra, India
  52. Ubudiah – at Kuala Kangsar – Malaysia


Palaces Directory:

  1. Catherine Palace of Russia
  2. Emirates Palace – at Abu Dhabi
  3. Kremlin of Russia
  4. Palais du Trocadéro
  5. Sultan’s Palace (of Princess Jasmine from/in Aladdin)​​
  6. Winter Palace of Russia


Population Over Time:

(52 mosques x ~1,000 people per mosque) + (6 palaces x ~2,000 people per palace) = ~64,000 people here (not including those during standing-room events; that number can easily double)

Roughly 3 more people made this neighborhood their home (or at least their 2nd/vacation home) every year from 2013 to 23000 A.D..

  1. 2013:  the first ~3 guests or residents here
  2. 2022:  ~30 living in this neighborhood this year
  3. ~23000 A.D. and beyond:  ~64,000 at capacity


Location & Overall:




From WoW:

2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model of Neighborhood in Minecraft


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