Note from the Editor:
After surviving the Grand Canyon, and finding that only two of the veterans there were cunts, I returned to my latest outpost of a living situation, backed up all the photos, videos, and notes I’d amassed from that trip, and was soon contacted for another. Some people wanted me back in Missouri already, and, having oriented to several of its cities, suburbs, and rural areas during my trip out to participate in the Focus Marines Foundation, I readily agreed. I was on a plane and right back in that same airport in no time.
The organization they wanted to launch as a nonprofit startup was called MOVE-UP, which stood for Missouri (the state’s abbreviation being MO) Veterans and Entrepreneurs United Project. Its goal was the help service members who were about to transition out of the military, specifically by teaching them how to start businesses of their own, especially if they were interested in farming –or even if they just wanted to grow a few things at home. There were several people already involved, and a LOT of great ideas.
This was the first time (at least that I can recall, and have been made aware of) that I got to work with one of the operators from Blackwater; he was the guy spearheading the whole startup attempt. It was so cool for me to be ending up right where such a seasoned war-fighter and fellow-contractor was, with the same values and passions, trying to help another several thousand veterans just like us. It was so cool that I was getting to go on this mission with him –in peacetime, no less! Not many people even get to work with the Blackwater guys in war, let alone peace!
We made a valiant effort with MOVE-UP, meeting with hundreds of people about it, including at technical colleges, big and small farms, and other points of interest we planned to tie together, making all of them available to our future program candidates and clients. If only we’d had a little more time and funding from investors, it would have taken off. I guess it’s another ‘meant to be’ moment and lesson, and I cannot deny it worked out just the way it needed to, for I would have been way too busy with MOVE-UP… to ever complete any of what you’re reading here.
Somehow, someway, someday… in the years ahead… I’ll get to help thousands more people by teaching them all the farming, homesteading, and other stuff I’ve learned and figured out. Maybe it will be as a consultant with MOVE-UP, that new Blackwater friend finally having had the right opportunity to start it. Maybe some of them… will also get to learn from me in Inisfree, or at least via the University of Inisfree Online.
Actual Advertisements:
Vocab of the Day:
- Webway: a.k.a. Yggdrasil; ‘the worlds tree’, synonym for the branch- or web-like network that connects many worlds and other realms across the Milky Way as well as the rest of Space
Advertisement Parodies:
2015-2016 articles are here.
Comic Strips:
News Stories:
Cruiser Tablemount Study: Atlantean ruins in a giant perfect grid on the ocean floor
Face App:
Poking Fun at Fake News:
With the unbelievable amount of news that is fake, you can assume you will always have people incorrectly gossiping and reporting on things you do, no matter how well you do them, or who you are friends with, or how much the people talking about you like you or what you are doing. There will be fake news about you.
It is worth keeping in mind that the “justice” system factors it all in, as if it was factual, believable, even logical. Thus, there are no legitimate trials, rulings, or sentences. Thus, there is no justice or justice system.
Meme Faves:
Mat Best’s: