Note from the Editor:
I never thought we would take it this far.
When MKM started, it was just this loose idea we had on a deployment to Iraq; several art-inclined Marines in my platoon at the time drew some hilariously offensive and gritty-realism comics for each other, thinking it would be cool to combine them in one publication. The missions stacked up, the years went by, and we parted ways, losing just about all contact and common ground. All our artwork seemed lost, buried somewhere in my latest storage unit.
At some point, I found my way to our edgy creations again. I started reading through them, getting a kick out of how they cheered me up and helped me remember various times, and saw the successes of other comic artists rising out of their military starts. I committed to putting as much of it online for others to enjoy as I could, and a few years back… this resulted in the basic skeletons of webpages being built, and a few dozen memes making it to about half of their albums; it was a very piecemeal start.
Fast-forward to today, and what was once just a dozen poorly-drawn comics on torn-out notebook paper with no way of being put online or published at all… is now more than 90 jam-packed magazine issues spanning over 6 seasons, and we even have a massive production facility designed and ready for construction. The content keeps coming. The issues keep going live. MKM has a momentum and lore all its own.
* We’ve jam-packed this issue as if it was a full season by itself; it is going to be a ‘good minute’ before we make any more, so enjoy. MKM will return.
Actual Advertisements:
Vocab of the Day:
- thaumaturgy: the capability of a magician or a saint to work magic or miracles. Isaac Bonewits defined thaumaturgy as “the use of magic for non-religious purposes; the art and science of ‘wonder-working;’ using magic to actually change things in the physical world”. Details here. “The magic of thaumaturgy is miraculous. The word, from a Greek word meaning “miracle working,” is applicable to any performance of miracles, especially by incantation. It can also be used of things that merely seem miraculous and unexplainable, like the thaumaturgy of a motion picture’s illusions (aka “movie magic”), or the thaumaturgy at work in an athletic team’s “miracle” comeback. In addition to thaumaturgy, we also have thaumaturge and thaumaturgist, both of which mean “a performer of miracles” or “a magician,” and the adjective thaumaturgic, meaning “performing miracles” or “of, relating to, or dependent on thaumaturgy”.” Details here. “Thaumaturgy is the closely guarded form of blood magic practiced by the vampiric clan Tremere.” “Thaumaturgy has a large number of paths; though it is not the oldest tradition of blood magic, the Tremere were magical scholars long before they were vampires and toil ceaselessly to push their studies ever further. Many paths were once known by names which reflected the Tremere’s previous magical heritage.” Details here.
Advertisement Parodies:
2017-2018 articles are here.
Terminal Lance:
Untied Status Marin Crops:
News Stories:
130 NORADs: hundreds of underground bases have been added to the global network
If you haven’t tried an electric vehicle (EV) yet, you probably don’t know it takes them about 12 hours to charge. This isn’t due to a lack of technology, but to rich corporations and teams of lawyers buying up and preventing patents, and from patents of useful technology being classified and buried, resulting in the normal technology never reaching the public sector or private markets. You actually wouldn’t need batteries at all if they released all the tech’ there is ‘out there’. For now, though, I am more or less content with them admitting an EV doesn’t take all night and then some to recharge for normal driving; it takes minutes –if you’re using primitive technology like batteries.
Poking Fun at Fake News:
Climate-change is very real, but there are a few issues both sides presented in the fake debate over it are not addressing. The first issue is that most of climate-change is still being caused natural processes. The second is that we don’t have anywhere near as much time to prepare or reverse the latest trend in weather change increases as anyone has predicted or said. Third, there is no ‘tipping point’; no matter what, anything that is done can be undone, provided you throw enough focus and resources at it, such as terraforming devices, HAARP or SBX-1 arrays, and so on.
Meme Faves:
Mat Best’s:
That’s all for MKM for now. I hope you’ve enjoyed some of the same humor I have over all those years, I hope you now see why I committed to putting it all together here for you, and I hope you have a better understanding of what I’ve come to appreciate and look for. If you’d like to work with me on future issues of this magazine, you can find me Inisfree, either in my offices downtown… or in our WMKM Studios on the other side of the mountain. If you are worthy, I will see you there. “To paradise and beyond.”