It’s been destined and in the works for a long time –and there is always that chance all those ‘dreams’ were proof this kind of traveling has already long-since begun.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Phase 1
  3. Phase 2
  4. Phase 3
  5. Some of the Current Worlds of Interest
  6. Details by World
  7. Conceptual Images



We are not the first country to achieve Space travel and footsteps on the Moon; we are merely one of the most recent.  Additionally, other countries got some of their best people to the Moon and other worlds in our solar system as early as the 1940s, if not sooner.  By the 70s, we’d made it to Mars.  Today, we are well beyond the borders of our solar system.  In the decades ahead, I will be joining those who ventured out there.  SpaceX intends to jumpstart the public colonization of Mars within the next 15-20 years, but I have something more in mind.


Phase 1:

In Phase 1, I was limited to just this one world –at least in my physical, waking form.  I remember, very clearly, hundreds of life-like ‘dreams’ (or were they memories?) of being in various teams and training environments on distinctly different worlds.  Some say this is evidence of participation in this world’s current Secret Space Program.  Whether or not that happens to be true, what I know is that at least my mind (or point of view) was able to, and did, go to numerous other worlds, perhaps even other dimensions of the same worlds.


Phase 2:

As Phase 2 progresses, I continue to be given more and more information about thousands of other worlds in our galaxy and beyond (which you can confirm the majority of, via services such as the Kepler Tally).  Are they the now-declassified ones I, in Phase 1, somehow helped travel to, investigate, and stabilize –or conquer?  Liberate, even?


Phase 3:

If not in that phase, by Phase 3 I shall surely have started visiting a great many of those and other worlds.  I know they will be full of good compatible things by that point in the near future.  Nothing less, nothing more.  To go now might spare me some frustration, but would ultimately prove lackluster, so I am content to wait ’til the time is right.  When that happens, I’ll post a few findings here.


Some of the Current Worlds of Interest:

  • Freyja‘s homeworld
  • Kara‘s homeworld
  • Karolina‘s homeworld
  • Kendra‘s homeworld
  • Kory‘s homeworld
  • Liara‘s homeworld (and neighboring Asari-inhabited worlds)
  • Maya‘s homeworld (and neighboring Pleiadian-inhabited worlds)
  • Qiturah‘s homeworld
  • Scarlette‘s homeworld
  • Shelwe‘s homeworld


Details by World

[planet name]

Best Hotels:

  • TBA

Nicest Neighborhoods:

  • TBA

Vegan Restaurants & Shops:

  • TBA

Ancient Ruins:

  • TBA

Other Sites:

  • TBA

[planet name]

Best Hotels:

  • TBA

Nicest Neighborhoods:

  • TBA

Vegan Restaurants & Shops:

  • TBA

Ancient Ruins:

  • TBA

Other Sites:

  • TBA


Also see: