Several Russians have stepped forth since 2013 to assist the Inisfreeans, and Laynia is one of their finest.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. History
  3. Powers and Abilities
  4. 2nd Profile
  5. 3rd Profile
  6. Laynia & Auz
  7. 2022 Update
  8. Comics and Other Art (Images Begin)
  9. Live
  10. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  11. 2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates



Alter ego Laynia Sergeievna Petrovna Krylova
Species Human Mutant
Team affiliations X-Corporation
Soviet Super-Soldiers
Winter Guard
Champions of Los Angeles
Exiles (Earth-616)
Partnerships Titanium Man
Crimson Dynamo
Notable aliases Tyomni Zvyozda (Russian translation of codename); formerly “Great Beast” (with Vanguard & Ursa Major)
Abilities Darkforce manipulation
Concussive blasts
Ability to create solid constructs composed of Darkforce energy

She stands 5’6″, is 125 lbs., and has perky B-cup breasts.


Publication History

Darkstar first appeared in Champions #7 (August 1976), and was created by Tony Isabella and George Tuska.  She became a regular character in Champions for the remainder of the series’ brief run, though she never actually joins the titular supergroup. A memo from series writer Bill Mantlo reveals that he intended her to be a “floating” member who would come and go from the book as the occasion called for.[1]

Fictional character biography

Laynia Petrovna and her twin brother Nikolai Krylenko were born in Minsk. When she grew up, she became a special operative of the Soviet government.


Darkstar joins a Soviet super-team recruited to bring Natasha Romanoff (the Black Widow) back to the USSR.[2] She turns sides,[3] and then fights alongside the Champions.[4] Champion Iceman is smitten with her, but Laynia does not reciprocate his feelings.[1] She helps the Champions on a few more missions before returning to Russia, leaving behind a devastated Iceman.[5]

In Russia’s employ

Darkstar becomes a member of the Soviet Super-Soldiers with her brother Nikolai (alias Vanguard) and the Crimson Dynamo. The Soviet Super-Soldiers battle Iron Man and Jack of Hearts on the moon, but wind up helping them against renegade Rigellians led by Commander Arcturus.[6] Helping the very people they were sent to stop became a habit for the group.

Later, Darkstar and Vanguard are sent along with new Soviet Super-Soldier Ursa Major by the KGB to defeat Sergei the Presence. Darkstar and Vanguard learn that Sergei is their father, and that Professor Phobos had exploited the Super-Soldiers. Darkstar aids in freeing Sergei and Starlight, and defeating Phobos.[7]

The Soviet Super-Soldiers are then sent by the Soviet government to Khystym to battle the Gremlin. They fight the Spaceknights Rom and Starshine, but later ally with them against the Dire Wraiths. The Super-Soldiers wind up befriending the Gremlin instead of fighting him.[8]

Later, the Soviet Super-Soldiers agree to help bring Magneto to justice. They fight the Avengers, but turned against the Crimson Dynamo when it turns out that he had been manipulating events.[9]

The Soviet Super-Soldiers Darkstar, Vanguard, and Ursa Major defect to the United States seeking political asylum. They arrive at Avengers Island, asking for Captain America‘s help. They are beaten nearly to death by the Supreme Soviets, who had disguised themselves as members of the Avengers. The comatose subconscious minds of the Super-Soldiers form a “Great Beast” that follows the Supreme Soviets back to the USSR and tries to kill them. Captain America persuades the “Great Beast” to stand down, and the three Super-Soldiers later regain consciousness and recover from their injuries.[10]

The Soviet Super-Soldiers are captured and returned to the Soviet Union. They are rescued by Blind Faith and the Exiles (not to be confused with the reality-hopping team the Exiles), whom she joins.[11]

When the Supreme Soviets (who had changed their name to People’s Protectorate) are rechristened the Winter Guard, Darkstar is recruited back into the team.  After that team also disbands, Darkstar and Vanguard team with a Russian mutant team, and later join forces with their father, the Presence.

After Vanguard dies on the Starbrand mission led by Quasar, Darkstar and her father Sergei decide to kill Quasar, who allows them to believe that they have succeeded while he has in fact left earth.[12]


Darkstar joins the Paris branch of X-Corporation,[13] in which she is possessed by Weapon XII, a creation of the Weapon Plus Project, and subsequently killed by Fantomex. A funeral is held at Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, where she is buried.

Darkstar is temporarily resurrected by means of the Transmode Virus to serve in Selene‘s army of deceased mutants during their assault on the mutant nation of Utopia.[14]

New Darkstars

A new, red-haired Darkstar first appeared as a member of the Winter Guard in Hulk #1. Her name is Sasha Roerich.[15] She was genetically modeled to resemble the previous Darkstar. After being again altered by The Presence, her body betrays itself, and she is transformed into a multi-tentacled Darkforce beast. She is killed by Red Guardian.[15]

With Sasha’s death, Reena Stanicoff takes over the role.[15] Reena is killed during an attack on Winter Guard headquarters by a Dire Wraith, who then begins to assume her form.[16] Although the Winter Guard fights off the attack, Reena’s death is subsequently covered up by the government.

Laynia Reborn

The Dire Wraith who assumed Reena’s form is suddenly overwhelmed and taken over by darkforce energy. The original Darkstar (Laynia Petrovna) seizes control of the creature and resurrects herself.[16] She reunites with her brother Vanguard and returns to active duty alongside her brother and Ursa Major.  She fights Hyperion.[17]

Laynia, along with the other members of the Winter Guard, is blasted into space by the Intelligencia, yet survives.[18]

Darkstar is present when the Winter Guard is brought back together.[19]


Powers and Abilities

Darkstar is a mutant who can psionically access the extra-dimensional energy of the Darkforce dimension, which grants her a number of superhuman abilities. She is connected to the Darkforce dimension by means of her consciousness being split between her physical body and a Darkforce representation of same, both symbiotically linked. Darkstar can thus utilize the Darkforce for various purposes. She can cause Darkforce to behave like either matter or energy. She may project Darkforce as simple, mentally-controlled solid objects, possessing the density of steel, such as pincers, rings, columns, and spheres, or as a beam of concussive force. If Darkstar is rendered unconscious any Darkforce constructs of her making immediately dissipate. Darkstar can teleport herself and up to three others by opening a portal into the Darkforce dimension and travelling through it. The maximum distance she can teleport has never been revealed. Because crossing the Darkforce dimension disorients her sense of direction, and the light of Earth blinds her for several seconds upon reemergence, traveling in this manner is risky.

Darkstar can levitate herself and fly at subsonic speeds by generating a virtually invisible portal into the Darkforce dimension along the contours of her body without passing through it, then balancing the attractive force of the dimension against that of the Earth’s gravity. The upper limits of her powers are still unknown.

Darkstar is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained by the KGB, and by the Black Widow. She is fluent in both Russian and English.

While the original Darkstar’s costume was designed by the Soviet government and was made of a synthetic stretch fabric insulated against the cold, the other two Darkstars had costumes composed of Darkforce material.[15]


Details here.



Information-silk Real Name

Laynia Sergeievna Petrovna (Krylova)

Information-silk Current Alias


Information-silk Aliases

Tyomnaya Zvezda (Russian translation of codename); formerly “Great Beast” (with Vanguard & Ursa Major)

Information-silk Relatives

Sergei Krylov (father);
Marya Krylova (mother, deceased);
Nikolai Krylenko (brother);
Sasha Roerich (“sister”, via DNA transfer);[1]

Information-silk Base Of Operations

Russia; formerly Paris, France; Moscow, Russia, former USSR; Los Angeles, California


Information-silk Identity

Information-silk Citizenship

Information-silk Marital Status

Information-silk Occupation

Government agent; Adventurer


Information-silk Gender

Information-silk Height

Information-silk Weight

Information-silk Eyes

Information-silk Hair


Information-silk Origin

Information-silk Universe

Information-silk Place of Birth

Information-silk Place of Death

First Appearance


Laynia Petrovna (Russian: Ланья Сергеевна Петровна (Крылова)), known as Darkstar (Russian: Тёмная Звезда), was part of a Soviet super team recruited to bring the Black Widow back to the USSR[2]. Instead, she switched sides and joined the Black Widow’s then-current team, the Champions of Los Angeles, remaining with the team until its disbanding.[3]

While a member of the Champions, she and Bobby Drake, the former X-Man known as Iceman, came close to entering into a romantic relationship, but Laynia liked Iceman as a friend, and not as a love interest.[4] Darkstar quit the Champions and returned to Russia, leaving behind a devastated Iceman.[5]

Darkstar joined the Soviet Super-Soldiers alongside her over-protective brother, Vanguard.[6]

The former Soviet Super-Soldiers eventually defected to the United States but were captured and returned to the Soviet Union, beaten into a coma by their replacements, the Supreme Soviets.[7]

They were rescued and revived by a man known as Blind Faith and his team called the Siberforce whom she joined.[8]

Later, when the People’s Protectorate was rechristened the Winter Guard, Darkstar was recruited into the team.[9]

Darkstar eventually joined the X-Corporation office in Paris, France. She perished while fighting creations of the Weapon Plus program in the Channel Tunnel between France and England. She was possessed by Weapon XII, and Fantomex was forced to kill her.[10] A funeral was held in her honor at Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, where she was buried.[11]


Darkstar, along with many other deceased mutants, has been resurrected by Selene and Eli Bard with the Transmode Virus, but was later returned to rest with Selene’s defeat.

Legacy and Rebirth

Following her death, a gem capable of reproducing her powers and imbued with a measure of her essence was used by the Russian government to imbue specially selected agents with the powers and alias of Darkstar. First among them was Sasha Roerich, who served briefly with the Winter Guard against the Lady Liberators[12], Skrulls[13], and the chaos waves created by Chthon[14] before sacrificing herself to destroy a mutated Igor Drenkov.[1] Her successor, Reena Stancioff, was the first to experience flashes of Laynia’s personality, and served with the Winter Guard against the Remont 6[1], King Hyperion[15], and invading Atlanteans led by Krang[16], before dying in battle with Fantasma and her Dire Wraith brood.

After being killed by one of the Wraiths, the entity took the form of Laynia and took possession of the gem, allowing it to possess her powers. Attempting to unleash the Darkforce powers on the Winter Guard and their allies the Protectorate, the Wraith was overwhelmed by Laynia’s personality, resulting in a seemingly reborn Laynia, allowing the Guard and Protectorate to rally and defeat Fantasma and her ally, the Presence; she proceeded to join the remaining members of the teams as they escaped the exploding base that had served as a Dire Wraith hive.[17]

When she and the Winter Guard tried to capture the Intelligencia, the group used the Zero Cannon on them, sending the team to Space, but they still survived.[18]

Power Grid [20]
Energy Projection
Fighting Skills
* Teleporter


Darkforce Manipulation: Darkstar had the ability to tap into and manipulate an intense black form of extra-dimensional energy called the Darkforce. This energy, which appears to be related to the extra-dimensional black gas-like substance manipulated by Shroud and Cloak, possesses mass and form (whereas Cloak’s and Shroud’s does not). It may be that it is the same substance and that Darkstar simply knows how to manipulate it to greater effect than the other two. Her power seems analogous to that of Blackout.

  • Darkforce Constructs: Darkstar could project the Darkforce into simple mentally controlled forms such as pincers, rings, columns, spheres, and so on. She could form objects with a maximum density of 175 pounds per cubic inch and resistance to concussive forces of up to 320 pounds per square inch (500 pounds of TNT at 20 feet). She can form objects with a maximum volume of approximately 750 cubic feet, sufficient to encompass ten human beings comfortably. These objects are solid and well defined while she consciously wills them to be. If she rendered unconscious, they dissipate. Darkstar can also project a beam of solid force, capable of impacting an object with sufficient power to rupture 3-inch solid hard carbon steel or tip over an average, loaded railroad boxcar (15 tons).
  • Darkforce Teleportation: Darkstar could also employ the Darkforce to teleport herself and up to three others. She did this in a manner similar to that of Cloak by entering into the Darkforce’s dimension of origin, traversing a distance (which may or may not be the linear correspondent distance in this dimension), and reemerging in Earth’s space. She has so far been able to travel a maximum distance of about .85 miles (4,480 feet) in this way. Because journeys through the darkforce dimension are so disorienting (crossing through the inter-dimensional portal disorients her sense of direction, and the light of the Earth dimension blinds her for several seconds upon reemergence) teleportation is a rather risky proposition. It also takes her several seconds to create a portal into the Darkforce dimension, preventing Darkstar from teleporting out of the way of such high-velocity danger as a bullet.
  • Darkforce Flight: Darkstar could utilize the attractive force of the Darkforce dimension to fly. By generating an invisible, intangible portal into the dimension in the contour of her body, she balanced its attractive force upon her against that of Earth’s gravity without passing through the portal. In order to increase its counterbalance with gravity and wind resistance, she had to angle the portal more steeply as she accelerates so that the attractive force did not leave her center of gravity (and her moment of inertia) behind as it draws her along. She could fly at speeds up to 120 miles per hour, the maximum velocity at which she is still able to breath. She could not support the weight of anyone other than herself while in flight.


Darkstar was a fair hand-to-hand combatant (she was trained by the KGB), and was also fluent in both Russian and English.

Strength level

Darkstar possessed the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height, and build who engaged in intensive regular exercise


Details here.

Spec’s at Another Source:

  • HEIGHT:  5’6”
  • WEIGHT:  125 lbs.
  • EYES:  Brown
  • HAIR:  Blonde
  • UNIVERSE:  Marvel Universe
  • EDUCATION:  Military training; KGB intelligence training
  • PLACE OF ORIGIN:  Minsk, Byelorussia
  • IDENTITY:  Known to Russian government officials
  • KNOWN RELATIVES:  Nicolai Krylenko (Vanguard, brother); Sergei Krylov (Presence, father), Marya Karlova (mother, deceased)


              Laynia Petrovna was born to Russian nuclear physicist Sergei Krylov and his wife, who were accidentally irradiated during an experiment. When her mother died during childbirth, Laynia’s father was told that she and her twin brother had died as well. The mutant infants were taken into custody by the state and, when their superhuman abilities first manifested in adolescence, they were turned over to Professor Piotr Phobos, head of a government-run school for training Russian mutants. Given the code-name Darkstar because of her mutant ability to manipulate the ebony extra-dimensional energy known as the Darkforce, Petrovna studied at the academy alongside her brother Nikolai, code-named Vanguard, and trained to become a government agent.

              After Phobos’s plan to drain the mutants’ powers to grant himself artificial mental abilities was discovered by the Red Guardian (Tania Belinsky), Darkstar was dispatched to the United States alongside her lover the Crimson Dynamo (Yuri Petrovich), the Titanium Man and the Griffin, assigned to capture perceived defectors the Black Widow, the Commissar and Yuri’s father Ivan. Opposed by the Widow’s teammates in the Champions, Darkstar ultimately turned on the Dynamo after the truth about his father was revealed. She later deserted to the United States with the aid of the Widow’s friend Nick Fury, joining the Champions. Alongside them, Darkstar faced such threats as the alien Warlord Kaa, the Stilt-Man, the Stranger, the Possessor, Swarm, M.O.D.O.K., Magneto, Sentinels and the Vanisher. Laynia’s teammate Iceman fell passionately in love with her, but it was a largely one-sided, unrequited relationship; as Darkstar told a bitterly disappointed Drake when the Champions disbanded, she liked him but had no romantic interest in him. After the Champions broke up, Laynia returned home.

              Darkstar partnered with Vanguard and a new Crimson Dynamo (Dmitri Bukharin) to investigate a strange, ovoid object on the Moon. There they encountered Iron Man and Jack of Hearts, ultimately teaming with them in opposing an attempted invasion of Earth by the alien Rigellians. Later, the trio was tricked by former Russian military General Nikolai Kutzov into believing that the U.S. was set to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Russia, bringing them into conflict with Spider-Man and the Hulk. They later encountered the Silver Surfer during his worldwide search for the Hulk before being dispatched to investigate the mysterious Forbidden Zone, where they were reunited with Phobos, unaware of his earlier deception. Phobos convinced the trio to join him in opposing Belinsky and her ally, the Presence. On learning of Phobos’s earlier deception, and discovering that the Presence was their father, Darkstar and Vanguard turned against Phobos and defeated him with the aid of the Hulk. Darkstar next became a pawn in a contest of champions between the alien Grandmaster and Death herself. Selected as a member of the Grandmaster’s champions, Darkstar was teamed with American crimefighter Daredevil and the Australian mystic Talisman in opposing Death’s champions Sunfire, the Invisible Girl and Iron Fist. Later, after twice aiding the Galadorian Spaceknights Rom and Starshine against the alien Dire Wraiths, Darkstar and her partners Vanguard, Ursa Major and Gremlin worked with Crimson Dynamo to bring Magneto to justice for his crimes against Russia. A miscommunication pitted them against the Avengers, who also sought to bring Magneto to trial, and the X-Men, who were harboring Magneto at the time.

              Darkstar later embarked on a diplomatic tour of the U.S., where she and the Black Widow were targeted by Tania Belinsky, now known as Starlight, as potential mates for a mentally-unstable Presence. Belinsky was quickly convinced to abandon this mad scheme. Later, Darkstar, Vanguard and Ursa Major became disillusioned with their government’s policies, and they sought to defect to America. In an effort to reclaim their “lost property”, the Russian government dispatched another team of operatives, the Supreme Soviets, to return the defectors home. Disguised as the Avengers, the Supreme Soviets attacked and nearly killed Darkstar and her allies. The comatose minds of Darkstar, Vanguard, and Ursa Major then subconsciously merged into a giant bear-like Darkforce construct dubbed the “Great Beast” and attempted to kill the Supreme Soviets. After Captain America convinced them to call off their attack, the trio regained consciousness and remained in America to recuperate from their injuries while the U.S. Government sought to obtain political asylum for them. These diplomatic efforts ultimately failed, and the trio was deported back to Russia. Sent to a research facility, Darkstar and her comrades were rescued by the mutant Blind Faith and his team of Exiles, whom they joined in opposing the cyborg assassin Firefox. On a subsequent mission with the Exiles, Darkstar and Blind Faith encountered the immensely powerful psychic Soul Skinner who had taken over the small Russian town of Neftelensk. With the help of the X-Men, the Soul Skinner was defeated. Later, after the Exiles became Siberforce, Darkstar’s team witnessed an attack on Earth’s moon by the intergalactic Starblasters, who were searching for the mysterious power source known as the Starbrand. Investigating, Darkstar and her brother joined the cosmic Avenger Quasar and other space-faring heroes in opposing the Starblasters. During the battle, Vanguard was killed by Threkker, who in turn was killed by a vengeful Darkstar. Returning to Earth, Darkstar was convinced by the Presence to seek retribution against Quasar, and together they attacked and seemingly destroyed him; however, Quasar had merely used his quantum energy powers to fake his own death.

              Soon after, Darkstar was captured by ex-K.G.B. General Tskarov, who sought to use her power in his plot to undermine businesses along America’s east coast. Darkstar was rescued by Tskarov’s other pawns, Ursa Major and a resurrected Vanguard, and the trio teamed with Daredevil and the Black Widow to halt Tskarov’s plan. Subsequently, Darkstar was one of several Russian heroes recruited into the government-sponsored Winter Guard team, who soon found themselves defending their country against an invasion by the army of the Chinese would-be conqueror the Mandarin. After joining Earth’s heroes in opposing the alien Kree’s efforts to transform Earth into a prison planet, Darkstar and the Winter Guard became unwitting pawns in the Presence’s attempt to convert Russia’s citizens into a new, nuclear form of life. Opposed by the Avengers, those converted were ultimately restored by Starlight in exchange for Thor’s sparing the Presence’s life. Later, Darkstar sought the X-Men’s assistance in capturing the renegade Russian mutant scientist the Black Death.

              Following the establishment of the X-Corporation, a global mutant search and rescue unit, Darkstar joined the organization’s European contingent based in Paris, France. On the team’s first mission opposing the threat of the bacterial consciousness Weapon XII, Darkstar fell under the creature’s sway and, as a result, became an extension of the creature itself. She was shot and apparently killed by the mercenary Fantomex, later revealed to be Weapon XIII, and was subsequently buried in the Pére LaChaise Cemetery in Paris.

              Recently, Darkstar was revived with an alien techno organic virus.


              Details here.

              Laynia & Auz:

              While he was making his way through a park in upstate New York, she happened to be opening and stepping out of a portal within visual range.  An agent of SHIELD at the time, and looking for a suspect in that very park, she was on-guard and a bit on-edge, and he did his best to recognize this and comply, in hopes of calming and helping her.  Good looks plus a superhuman power always captured his attention and heart, but that was all this first encounter of theirs was meant to be.

              Years later, and he was still noticing information about her coming through his various filters and feeds.  Something was bringing her back to him, or at least showing that it was starting or intending to.  He started doing his homework, researching all he could about her, and his unstoppable technology took care of the rest, unlocking all the classified details just for him.

              Once he narrowed down where she was living and working, as well as why; what motivated her in this chapter of life, he, bold as always, reached out to finally properly introduce himself, hoping for the best.  Using a few of his inventions, and pairing them with his love of both learning languages, and Russian in particular, he made a respectable effort at communicating with her from the very start with her native tongue.  There were, of course, a few oddities in his syntax and word choices, which she noticed right away, but when he explained his love for her people and their language, and his nature to attempt to learn and adopt the ways of those he respected and wished to work with most, she completely understood.

              Laynia was amazed that someone who’d grown up in America could ever feel the way Auz did about the Russians.  She was further amazed at how he wasn’t scared of her or the force she wielded at all; he respected it, and was careful in how he allowed himself to be exposed to it, but that was all; intelligent self-restraint while always moving forward, one wise step at a time.  Their mutual and growing fascination in the same energy and its source had them bonding soon, making one another more energetic than they’d ever been before.

              Today, this wielder of the Darkforce lives in one of the palaces of Inisfree.  She practices her ability or craft in the Magics Chambers facility far beneath Auz’s private estate, deep down near Inisfree’s core.  She is especially grateful for, and relieved that, the nature of Auz and Inisfree ensures she will never have to go through the dying and reincarnation process.


              2022 Update:

              Now one of Auz’s many adoring wives, bonded and unified with him and them in every good way, Laynia can sense whenever they need her, and prioritizes their wants and needs, always making her superpower fully available to them all, always with their shared husband’s will coming first, of course.  It is in her nature –and not just after exposure to him– to do his will, even to be an extension of his will, more often than not, almost as perfectly as his Inisfreeans (ICVs) always are.  This is the natural state of good beings in all of Creation; they love and align to Auz, always wholeheartedly serving him, loving receiving any and all direction from him, especially pure-forms such as the “Russian Barbies” like her.

              He has helped her understand that she doesn’t just wield Darkforce or go there; she is it; she is its humanoid incarnation/manifestation.  This has made it much easier for her to tap into it –and to use it in several more ways she hadn’t thought of before.  Thanks to him, her genius and universally-aware husband, what was once not even conceived… is becoming her stable norm.

              Also, teleporting via her Darkforce ability/ies no longer disorients or temporarily blinds her.

              In the years ahead, she and her husband, Auz, will make love in the Darkforce Dimension, ‘christening’ it that way for the very first time; no one else has ever tried that before –or even though to.  This is going to further stabilize and reveal it to both of them.  Such is The Inisfreean Way.


              Comics and Other Art:


              How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

              2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates: