Lorna has assisted Auz in building some of the largest of his designs, including the pocket-dimension and custom-worlds of his private star-system.


Table of Contents:

  1. General Information / Spec’s
  2. History
  3. Powers
  4. More History
  5. Lorna & Auz
  6. 2022 Update
  7. Comics (Images Begin)
  8. Live
  9. Effect
  10. 2023 Update:  Trying Inisfree’s Smart-vines
  11. She Loves Being Forced to Ride a Sybian While Also Being Forced to Guzzle Cum


General Information:

  • PLACE OF BIRTH: California
  • LANGUAGES: English, Hindi
  • TITLE: Daddy’s Princess
  • OCCUPATION: Swimsuit Model and Geophysicist
  • ACCORDS STATUS: Did Not Sign
  • FORMER AFFILIATIONS: X-Men, Xavier’s Faculty
  • FAMILY: Suzanna Dane (mother, deceased), Arnold Dane (step-father, deceased), Erik Lehnsherr (father), Jen Dane (aunt / foster mother) and Borish Dane (uncle / foster father)
  • KNOWN ASSOCIATES: various modeling agencies, a number of photographers, the social elite, X-men and their students
  • IDENTIFIABLE MARKINGS: constant golden tan with no tan lines
  • PLAY-BY: Bar Refaeli

  • Aliases:  Pestilence, formerly Malice, Polarity, Magnetrix, M-2, Magneto the Second, Magneta, Mistress of Magnetism
  • Identity:  Secret
  • Citizenship:  U.S.A. (presumed)
  • Place of Birth:  Unrevealed



Lorna Dane was orphaned only weeks after her birth when her parents supposedly died in a plane crash. She was adopted by the Danes, a couple who claimed to be her mother’s sister and brother-in-law, and did not learn of her adoption or the fate of her birth parents until she was nearly twenty years old.

Lorna had been born with green hair, which she always kept dyed brown so that she would not be seen as different. Lorna’s hair color was the only outward sign of her latent genetic potential for magnetic powers, but certain genetic factors were absent which would have allowed her to exercise those powers. In the normal course of events, she would never have been able to use those powers. However, the intervention of Samuel “Starr” Saxon, the master roboticist whose brain patterns were later preserved in the Machinesmith, altered the normal course of events. Saxon had constructed an android duplicate of Magneto, the self-styled mutant master of magnetism who was believed dead at the time, and a small army of androids with strange powers called the Demi-Men. Saxon’s plans were to use these androids as his means of accumulating vast wealth and power, while deceiving the world into believing them to be examples of evil mutants, who had become objects of widespread fear.

Saxon sought mutants to help lead his army while he gave directions through the Magneto robot. First, Saxon had the robot Magneto recruit the hypnotic mutant Mesmero to serve as second in command. Then, Saxon decided that a mutant who was a natural source of vast magnetic power would be useful in dealing with his metal robot army. Saxon acquired a “psyche-generator” which Mesmero used to summon mutants in North America with latent powers to San Francisco, and the nearest such mutant was Lorna. Mesmero and his androids captured her and placed her inside a genetic stimulator, which altered her genetic structure so as to allow her to exercise her latent powers. Mesmero then used his hypnosis on Lorna to alter her personality so that she would sympathize with the faux Magneto and believe him to be her father.

Shortly afterwards, however, Mesmero dropped his control over Lorna, overconfidently assuming that she would obey her supposed father unquestioningly. Contrarily, after it was revealed to her that Magneto was not her father, Lorna assisted the teenage mutant heroes known as the X-Men in defeating the villains. Lorna subsequently joined the X-Men, and for a time she was romantically inclined towards her teammate Iceman. Eventually, Lorna fell in love with Alex Summers, the X-Man known as Havok. Neither Lorna nor Alex wished to lead lives as costumed adventurers, and after discovering a mutual interest in geophysics the pair left the team and began doctoral research in the Diablo mountain range.

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Lorna and Alex settled in New Mexico, completed their degrees, and occasionally – and reluctantly – aided their former teammates. The pair’s idyllic lifestyle was interrupted when they found themselves hunted by the team of superhuman assassins known as the Marauders. Lorna was possessed by the psionic entity known as Malice, who forced Lorna to attack Alex and the X-Men as the Marauders’ leader. Malice later discovered that she and Lorna were permanently bonded due to interference from their individual energy matrices.

Eventually, Malice’s hold on Lorna weakened and she was able to contact the X-Men for help. However, they arrived too late to save Lorna from being kidnapped by Zaladane, a priestess from the hidden Antarctic jungle known as the Savage Land. Zaladane claimed to be Lorna’s sister, and used a device to transfer Lorna’s powers to herself, purging her of Malice’s presence in the process. Strangely, as a result, Lorna developed alternate powers, including superhuman strength and nigh-invulnerability, and also grew considerably in height and mass.

Lorna headed for the mutant research station on Muir Island off the coast of Scotland. En route, Lorna discovered that she drew her newfound strength from negative energy after the crew of the freighter she was travelling on began acting strangely. Lorna’s new powers drew the attention of the psionic being known as the Shadow King, who used Lorna as a gateway to allow him access to Earth from the astral plane. The X-Men defeated the Shadow King and, after Zaladane was killed by Magneto, Lorna’s magnetic powers were restored.

Lorna was subsequently recruited into the new government-sponsored X-Factor where she was at long last reunited with Alex. She became a mainstay of the team, and also became the government’s secret weapon against a possible attack by Magneto. Malice returned to plague Lorna once more, but she and Alex attempted to absorb her, preventing the other from being possessed. In the end, Malice perished at the hands of her master, the evil geneticist Mister Sinister.

Later, X-Factor was forced by the government to employ the renowned mutant criminals Mystique and Sabretooth, and Alex seemingly went rogue. As a result, Lorna began to question her place on the team, and her fears were eventually justified after Sabretooth broke free and ran amok. Alex eventually revealed his true plan to stop the sinister machinations of the alternate reality counterpart of the X-Men’s Beast, and Lorna forgave him for his actions. However, she could no longer trust him and so called off their relationship. Lorna subsequently rejoined X-Factor only to watch as Alex was seemingly killed in an aircraft explosion.

Weeks later, Lorna encountered the X-Man known as Nightcrawler in a church. She confided in him that she was sure Alex was still alive and that she felt as if she were being followed. A group of shape-shifting alien Skrulls, who were working with the ageless mutant despot Apocalypse, had been following her, and they broke into her apartment to retrieve the headgear from Alex’s original costume. Lorna subsequently learned that she was one of the fabled Twelve, destined to usher in a new golden age for mutantkind. Alongside the X-Men, she travelled to Egypt to battle Apocalypse. During the encounter, Magneto, another member of the Twelve, found that he could use Lorna to tap into the Earth’s magnetic field with incredible force, effectively hiding his current reduced-power state.

After Apocalypse was defeated, Lorna travelled with Magneto to the island nation of Genosha to keep him empowered in order to help maintain his rule and to learn more about the nature of her powers from him. Ultimately, Magneto launched a full-scale assault on Carrion Cove, the last city opposing his rule, in order to gain access to technology that would restore his full abilities. Lorna attempted to stop him, but was defeated and left the country only to later return covertly to help oppose Magneto’s tyrannical rule.

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Genosha’s population was later massacred by the giant mutant-hunting robot Sentinels. Upon investigating, the X-Men found Lorna alive in the ruins, naked and apparently insane. Lorna had been possessed by the ghosts of those who died residing in magnetic fields, and using their memories and her powers she finished building a monument dedicated to Magneto and played his last recorded message to the world.

Lorna returned to the Xavier Institute where she learned that Alex had been discovered alive, albeit comatose. Lorna met Annie Ghazikhanian, the nurse who had cared for Alex in a convalescent home, and callously attacked her. Only Charles Xavier’s intervention prevented Lorna from seriously injuring Annie. Reunited with Alex, Lorna proposed marriage to him, however on the day of their wedding Alex stopped the ceremony and broke off his relationship with her. Incensed, Lorna sought to kill Alex and his new love Annie, but was stopped by Alex’s teammate the Juggernaut.

Lorna subsequently sought Xavier’s help in discovering the cause of her violent tendencies. Exploring her thoughts, it was revealed that Lorna had learned she was actually Magneto’s biological daughter shortly before Genosha had been destroyed. The full repercussions of this revelation have yet to be explored.

Following the advent of “M-Day,” Lorna was among the world’s mutants who had lost their powers. Though she attempted to keep her depowered state a secret from her teammates, eventually the truth was revealed and she left the team.

Accompanied by Alex, Lorna found herself drawn to the being known as Daap but was captured by Apocalypse shortly after encountering it and transformed into his new Horseman Pestilence. She appears to have been given the ability to ingest and synthesize new plagues, controlling the virulence and particular genetic markers. Pestilence was a critical part of Apocalypse’s plan, which was to infect all humanity with a deadly disease and only offer a cure to 10% of them, to bring the numbers of humans and mutants back into balance. When the X-Men crashed Apocalypse’s plans, he moved things forward and ordered Pestilence to leave the fight to spread her plague. However, Iceman knocked her out before she could escape. Upon realizing her identity, the X-Men took her into custody after Havok gave her emergency CPR. Polaris was brought back to the Mansion for treatment, where it appears that Beast and Emma Frost were able to clean out all the diseases, and reverse the brainwashing. Lorna left the Mansion to clear her head and figure things out. However, she was attacked by anti-Apocalypse cult soldiers in the desert. But, she did not use her powers for fear that she may lose control. The X-Men came to her aid in defeating the cult members and she was reunited with Havok. Lorna decided to rejoin the team to help Professor Xavier in stopping Vulcan from destroying the Shi’ar Empire.

Personality Assessment:

She hates confrontation, arguments, and fighting, and avoids them because they cause her to loose control of her abilities. Lorna was not even in her teens when her powers manifested and caused her to lose a few of her friends, a defining point and why she prefers to avoid confrontation now. If there is an argument in her presence and she feels like she is losing control, those around her will find themselves subjected to a ULF that comes from an alteration in the geomagnetic spectrum.

She suffers from mood swings that can become very violent, and because of that she tends to avoid most attachments of any kind. Lorna believes most women are catty, and as a swimsuit model she is quite used to those around her being backstabbing more than supportive, like they were in the seventies. She does not really have any female friends because of this.  Couple this with her fiance leaving her at the altar for another model who was also her maid of honor, and you can see where the anger comes from. They were lucky she managed to hold her temper when she was in their presence. Their cars were not; she increased the force of gravity upon one part of them, causing both vehicles to fold in on themselves.

Lorna is not a stickler for the rules, and she does not quite like ‘humanity’ as a whole, as four times now people have tried to control or contain her. She views most humans as being an outdated lot of scared sheep, and believes anyone who hates mutants is a potential threat which should be dealt with on a level befitting a rabid dog. She attempts to be the caring shepherd toward humans, but she knows that even the shepherd must cull the flock every now and again. Generally, she tries to be good; she tries to be the better person, but this does not always work out. Lorna is not into giving second chances, unless the person is a mutant, inhuman, or mutate. Even then, Lorna is never happy.

She has learned that her father is the mutant who she was often compared to. She is Magneto’s Little Princess and she will never stop being who she is.  She was born far more powerful than most, and meant to use that level of power.



  • Geophysical Manipulation:  Lorna has the ability to manipulate electromagnetic, geomagnetic, and gravitational fields in and around objects such as people. It is unknown if she has the potential to exercise the powers that Magneto has, as she has only used powers involving the manipulation of magnetic, electrical, and gravitational fields; while they appear to be similar to Magneto’s powers, they are in essence different, as they are not locked into metals. When drawing on too much energy, she tends to loose consciousness. There is no middle ground with her; it is either minor expressions of these powers or over exertion. Her personal polarity is opposite that of Magneto’s, and use of her power will likely attract his attention. This power does not work on plastics.
  • Geophysical Field Manipulation: Polaris can protect herself from most physical harm by creating an electromagnetic or geomagnetic force field around her.  She can stretch this field to protect a moderate-sized group around her, but holding this for any length of time starts to wear on her. Using the same manipulation, Polaris can suspend herself in flight by altering the geomagnetic field around her so that she can ride the Earth’s magnetic field. Using a minor alteration to this on others, she can suspend people, and both metallic and non-metallic objects, in the air by altering the magnetic field of the Earth in and around them. Unconsciously, when she is meditating she hovers up to six feet off the ground.
  • Electromagnetic Pulse: This is the ability to focus her magnetic energy into powerful concussive blasts.  Small continuous uses of this at an Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) can make most living creatures ill, while at a higher frequency it can incite panic. She can also overload or short-circuit electrical systems with small expressions of the same pulse.
  • Electromagnetic Sight: By concentrating, usually only when she is calm or meditating, Polaris can perceive the world around her solely as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. She can perceive the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings, as well. Over time, she has learned how to read this, seeing the differences between people due to the natural field or aura that surrounds them.
  • Geomagnetic Link:  She is closely tied to the earth’s electromagnetic field, so whenever it is affected, so is she. This link has slowed the effects of aging, but she is not immortal.  She can be hurt, and she does not heal any faster than a human. Earth lends her strength by its very existence and powerful field nature. She draws on this strength and energy unconsciously, and because of this link she knows when there are changes, even slight vibrations that offset the polar magnetic pull; if a compass needle would flicker, she would detect the cause.
  • Geomagnetic Absorption: Through her force field she can absorb some forms of energy; the same ones the Earth can absorb, due to her connection to it. Electricity, electromagnetic energy, and plain old magnetic energy, she can absorb, but that energy can only be temporary stored in her, and must be expelled.

Abilities / Skills:

  • PhD in Geophysics: In an attempt to understand her powers and abilities, she focused on the applied science that seemed to surround her natural sense and abilities. This interest began shortly after her powers manifested and continued on well into her adult life.  Her natural skill with this particular field quickly made her an expert.
  • Professional Model: After her parents died, Lorna’s foster parents decided that the girl would be their ticket to fortune. They could not risk her becoming an actress and her powers coming to light, so they got her into modeling instead.
  • Yoga and Meditation: During her time in India, she fully immersed herself in their lifestyle, from the morning rituals all the way up to specialized yoga before bed. Now back in the USA, she can often be found in a park doing either yoga or meditation.
  • Aura Reading: During a sabbatical in India after she threw a ‘tantrum’, she learned through meditation that she could see the energy that surrounded others. Charged red energy meant anger to her, and so on.  She could even see her own aura, making her able to isolate which parts of her body were indicating which emotional energies.  This greatly helped her determine how to isolate and treat her mood swings and energy surges which sometimes manifested as damaging tantrums.
  • Mood Swings and Depression: Most of her life she has been battling severe depression; not knowing her real family, risking and ending lives due to her nature, having to hide her powers and true self all the time, and working alongside very shallow and morally void people for years and years will do that to a person. Her foster parents sent her to every possible psychologist just to ensure that their paycheck (her paychecks) wouldn’t suddenly disappear. It was not an easy road, but she managed to gain control of her life after they attempted to deem her legally incompetent and even legally dead the age of twenty five, all stemming from the state’s interpretation of her ‘disorder’. She still has mood swings and depression these days, but they are less frequent and on the verge of becoming managed.



  • Birth & Manifestation:  Lorna was the product of an affair between her mother and Erik, a result of her mother being a lover of mutants and a wealthy supporter of Erik’s causes. Lorna was raised believing that Arnold, not Erik, was her father. She was raised in the way the social elite were during the ‘flower power’ years due to her mother’s inheritance; high wealth. That was until one vacation; while Lorna fell asleep on the transatlantic flight, an argument broke out which woke the nine year old Lorna who begged the arguing people to stop.  When they turned to her and raised their voices, especially when one loudly shouted about mutants and whores, Lorna’s powers manifested in an electromagnetic pulse that blew apart the plane’s engines before the second concussive force tore the plane itself to shreds, scattering the pieces far. Lorna hovered in the place where the plane once was, watching the pieces of it fall into the ocean below. Authorities claimed it was an engine malfunction.
  • Fostering:  Her foster parents; the Danes, immediately set to covering her tracks and their own; her green hair was dyed brown, and that was just the first of many significant alternations. The Danes also used the money that was supposed to be for Lorna’s education and therapy; an allowance that came from her inheritance, instead splurging it on anything they could think of, her foster father gambling much of it away every month. To obtain more of it, they had her evaluated and deemed mentally unstable. She was pushed into modeling the beginning of her teen years; another attempt of theirs to take advantage the moment her body matured, even though she was not comfortable with it. When pushed by them into less and less of what she deserved, and more and more of what they demanded, she had another event that tore apart the whole room she was in.
  • Tantrum:  She wanted to attend school like a normal girl, and she wanted access to her money so that she could attend a good university, or at least save for one.  She also wanted to reduce the modeling and focus more on her studies.  None of these requests were honored, though, and when she found out how much of her rightful inheritance had been squandered, as well as the fact that the people in charge of her had been petitioning the authorities for her to be deemed mentally unstable, and the rest of her decimated wealth handed over to only them, she finally fully lost her cool.  The breakdown was catastrophic, and nearly destroyed their entire house.  It very well could have driven everyone in the neighborhood insane; her effect on the magnetic fields which so heavily influence their brains was that profound when so rudely pushed to this level.
  • Abduction:  She ran out of that large and broken home (now broken in multiple ways), with no plan in mind other than to escape once and for all.  Unfortunately, an unknown group kidnapped her, using her for powers, and left only vague memories with her of endless pain and suffering; she was tortured and made to live in a dark cell where she could barely move, and where, somehow, she felt powerless.  To make matters worse, her foster parents reported her as a runaway and then a thief.  They had been locked out of her inheritance with her absence, and were continuing to do anything underhanded they thought might restore that steady and undeserved pay.  When she finally escaped from her abductors, her foster parents had been under investigation, classified as suspects regarding her disappearance and even assumed death.
  • Rehabilitation in India:  Decades later she awoke on the beaches of Mumbai, with very little memory of the years before; just bits and pieces of her life which barely helped.  For the first time in her life she was free, at least; entirely free, though haunted and tormented by the events that took place throughout those earlier years. She fell in love, not with a person but a place; with India.  She remained in India, finding the people she was around there to be far less judgmental and controlling, and completed her studies there, then applying and being accepted for university.
  • New Control:  With the memory of her life before her abduction returned to her, she decided she had a duty to herself to master self-control; the steps of meditation and self discovery she’d been taught called for her to confront her foster parents.  She had to stop fearing the possible loss of control like before. Daringly going to meet them, she endured their predictable attempt to pretend she had been stealing money from them, and that she planned her disappearance, planned to make it look like they had killed her. She decided to do everything the human way, which was to prove that she was legally competent, and that she had been used and abused by them; that they had leached off of her for years.  It was a ruthless legal battle, but the courts of California ruled in her favor. Borish Dane attempted to stab her while she was talking with reporters after the very public court case was over, and in that moment… her powers flared up, but with great precision; the blade was launched free and clear of his hand and her, never striking a thing.  It became known publicly that Lorna had powers; that Lorna Dane was a mutant. Many tabloids held headlines such as ‘New Magneto is on fire,’ ‘Magnetrix’s new Tricks’, ‘Magneta shakes the court’, and one of her favorites would be ‘Mistress of Magnetism’. Shortly after news broke that she was a mutant, she was left at the altar by her long-standing boyfriend from the university –who said that he could not be with a freak.  After making it through all that recent bullshit, without having leveled any more buildings or ripped apart any planes, she considered herself much more in control.
  • Team Trouble:  She joined a team of other public mutants as a distraction from the all the stresses of her fading past life, but quickly became very disinterested with that team’s disorganized way of handling events. She left them to pursue other avenues and ventures which had opened up to her as a public mutant, model, and geophysicist. Many times she has spoken at environmental seminars on the effects that the Earth’s electromagnetic field has on the climate, on the animals, and even the humans.  She has considered looking for similar teams; resuming efforts beyond just presentations, but remains concerned that if she gets stuck working with people who ever behave as those of her past did, it will only compromise her newfound self-control.
  • X-men:  Charles Xavier reached out to Polaris, seeing the uncanny similarities between her and his old friend, Magneto. It took almost no convincing on his part; Lorna accepted the invitation to visit the mansion and speak with him in person, getting a much better vibe from the man and his exceptionally reputable establishment. She even agreed to live in the mansion and really belong somewhere.  After a few weeks, she had settled in, but that was when everything went wrong, though through no wrongdoing of her own; Xavier’s was attacked.
  • She returned to Xavier’s when it was rebuilt, this time as a teacher, but did not remain there the same way some did; she came and went, using distance and isolation to maintain her balance and the safety of others. In this time, she also allowed Professor Xavier to walk with her through her mind, an experience that she would never forget; the two of them determined that Magneto was in fact her father, and that he had been her mother’s friend from when she was just a young child. Her memories restored and reinforced by these revelations, she went with Professor Xavier’s blessing to learn about the man that was her real father.
  • Though pleased with her interactions in India and at Xavier’s, and though she has learned a lot from connecting with her long-lost biological father, Lorna holds a new anger for the government and humanity at large; she has witnessed how the majority of them all, and that organizations such as The Avengers and The Watch cannot protect them.  This has contributed to her choices to work with her real father, and she has even served on his private nation’s governing board.  It turns out the proverbial apple in this case did not fall far from the tree.


Lorna & Auz:

Heiress, model, PhD, adventurer, busybody, anti-catty, superhuman?  Lorna was destined for greatness, as well as her place amongst the other greats of Inisfree.  In 2017, she came to know Auz.

Lorna was introduced to Auz by none other than Magneto himself; Auz’s technopathy talents had become known to the legendary mutant, and so he was invited to a casual café interview of sorts.  Auz found Magneto’s reasoning to be much like his own, and the two began working together.  After several major milestones and successes were achieved, Magneto confided in Auz that he had a secret family.

Connecting Magneto with Dr. Diana Fairchild, the three were able to restore Magneto’s youth.  In thanks, Magneto then showed Auz where he could find the man’s estranged daughter.  “She and I don’t see eye to eye any longer, but I think you two will,” the weary, yet restored and hopeful, founder of Genosha had told Auz.

Going through the proper channels of her agent, Auz requested a meeting with the stunning woman.  Lorna quickly noticed that his presence automatically helped stabilize her mood.  At first, their relationship was a purely logical and functional one, but his subtle influence on her libido, not just her calmness, led to much more.

Months later, she was invited to his secret city, Inisfree, where she eventually completed its tour and ceremonies.  Finding her to be making a focused effort to be the opposite of the catty human women she had grown up dealing with, he realized she would always do her best and be trustworthy, especially with how relieved she clearly was to have met such a man who could fully balance and complement her.

Taking her through the hidden route into the private dimension his people had been making, he showed her its first worlds, letting her try her hand at fine-tuning their magnetic natures.  His cites, ships, and people there were all invincible, after all, so why not?  Lorna deeply appreciated the utterly amazing opportunity to flex her powers on the grandest of scales.  She spent a full week worshiping Auz like a god with her goddess model body, her gratitude, amazement, and devotion to him all endless from that point.

Practicing with Auz, the two discovered that when he stands behind her, with his arms along hers, his and her fingers interlaced, she can control her powers and mood in any situation, and when she has flareups, she can call on him, and his arrival –or her extraction– will always save the day.  Lorna & Auz make a great pair.


2022 Update:

Now on their 3rd wedding anniversary, the two having eagerly hooked up the moment she was shown Inisfree, they are celebrating in true ‘mutant’/superhuman (normal, as Auz sees it) style; they’ll be going to her favorite modeling locations around the world, flown by MPHA, of course, never having to stop at a single human airport or other checkpoint.  To treat her husband, she’ll be letting him pick out the outfits she’ll now model for him.  She’ll also be doing whatever he wants on this trip of theirs, i.e. being one of his adoring hot-wives, etc. –and that will be part of their anniversary-long photoshoot fun.

They’ve noticed that when she makes love, it stirs up the aurora overhead –and within the local/lower atmosphere, not as high up or difficult to spot as the regular one always is.

Thanks to their happy marriage, not to mention all the amazing gods-level riches she now gets to enjoy whenever she visits his realm, she no longer cares at all about the comparatively puny inheritance she once might have had (the one her Outlander fosters/’relatives’ had kept from her).  Lorna is a very happy and content woman now.  Whether in Inisfree or back in Genosha, she is treated like the princess and goddess she is.





2023 Update:  Trying Inisfree’s Smart-vines

She Loves Being Forced to Ride a Sybian While Also Being Forced to Guzzle Cum:

especially when it is the cum of her husband; me (Auz)

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Lights - Magnetic Field - maybe for Magneto daughter Polaris - y VR2
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