This elf from the time of Pangaea has been around now longer than even some gods.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Details/History
  3. Quests
  5. Valeera in Inisfree
  6. 2022 Update
  7. Her (Images Begin)
  8. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  9. 2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates
  10. 2023 September/+



Valeera Sanguinar
Image of Valeera Sanguinar
Title Champion of the Crimson Ring, 
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Class Rogue, Gladiator(formerly)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Armies of Legionfall, Uncrowned, House Wrynn, New Council of Tirisfal
Former affiliation(s) Stormwind, Crimson Ring, Quel’Thalas(ostensibly)
Occupation Anduin Wrynn‘s personal spy,[1]
Champion and Shadow of the Uncrowned,
Enforcer of New Council of Tirisfal,[2] Thief, Assassin
Former occupation(s) Varian Wrynn‘s advisor and bodyguard,[3][4]Rehgar Earthfury‘s gladiator slave and Champion of the Crimson Ring
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Mandrel Nightsbane, T’rel Moonblade, Cesta Stargazer,[5] Relfthra(distant ancestors),[6]
deceased parents
Mentor(s) Rehgar Earthfury
Companion(s) Varian Wrynn, Broll Bearmantle


She stands 5’7″, is 121 lbs., and has perky B-cup breasts.



Valeera Sanguinar, along with Broll Bearmantle, was a companion of Varian Wrynn. She eventually became an enforcer for the New Council of Tirisfal,[2] and accepted the position of an advisor and bodyguard to Varian in Stormwind, with the caveat that she retain her independence.[3]

She culturally identifies as a blood elf, taking pride in her people’s traditions and defending their tribulations and loyalties.[7]However, she herself acts independently of the Thalassian government, and has formally joined neither the Horde nor the Alliance since her introduction but is fiercely loyal to Varian and his son.

Valeera herself maintains that her loyalties are personal, to her friends and her ideals.


World of Warcraft: The Comic

Comics title.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

Valeera as a child

Valeera fighting Broll

Valeera afflicted by the Mark of Kathra’natir.

Kathra’natir possessing Valeera

When Valeera was young, her family was killed by bandits. She survived both the bandits and the Scourge, eking out a living by stealing what she needed. One time, she has stolen a scroll, only to find it contained information on her own family: her ancestor Relfthra was a high elf mage and member of the secret Order of Tirisfal. However, one day when trying to steal a shaman’s talisman, she was caught and jailed. Showing her fighting prowess by injuring several of the guards in the process, it’s possible that is how she attracted the attention of the Arena promoter. The day before she was to implement her escape plan, Valeera was sold to Rehgar Earthfury so she could join Bloodeye Redfist and Broll Bearmantle in team combat in the Crimson Ring. Soon after, Bloodeye was killed and Broll told Valeera the stories of both Rehgar and Bloodeye.[8]

After Bloodeye’s funeral pyre, Valeera and Broll were being transported in a caged wagon to Orgrimmar to be trained as gladiators. On their way, they were joined by a human who had washed up on the seashore with no memory. When they reached Orgrimmar, they were caged once again; with the human who did nothing but brood while the two elves argued.[9]

That evening in the cages, Broll offered the human a meditation remedy, and the man had a brief flash of memory. The meditation was interrupted by Valeera, which nearly sparked her and Broll coming to blows. Valeera, Broll, and the amnesiac human trained in the ways of the gladiator in the Ring of Valor and learned to look out for one another since rival gladiators would test their mettle against the novice team in fights to the death while their trainers would gamble on the outcomes.[10] Eventually the three traveled to Dire Maul in Feralas where the gladiatorial contests took place. After many bloody battles, they emerged the victors of the Crimson Ring tournament. Impressed by Varian’s skill at arms, the crowd gave him the orcish moniker Lo’Gosh; which means “Ghost Wolf”.[11]

After winning the Dire Maul gladiatorial contests, Rehgar sold Valeera to Helka Grimtotem, a gladiator mistress, for 2000 gold. Helka wanted Valeera to lead an all-female gladiator team consisting of an orc and a troll. However soon after they set out for an exhibition game on the Merchant Coast, Valeera escaped with the wyvern Bristlefur. Valeera then went searching for Broll Bearmantle and Lo’Gosh who have escaped from Rehgar Earthfury.[12] As she followed them she discovered that an assassin was also trailing them.[13] She eventually caught up with the assassin and, after catching him off guard, killed him (with the help of some local beasts). Worn out from the fight, she was rescued by Aegwynn who saw great things in her.[14]

Aegwynn reunited her with Broll and Lo’Gosh who is revealed to be the lost king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn. All three were determined to stay together and set out to leave for Stormwind City to return Varian to his rightful throne. During the trip across the Great Sea, Valeera helped Varian and Broll defend the ship against attacking naga, but during the fight she absorbed the arcane energies of a Naga sea witch‘s trident; this act was what started her addiction to mana.[15]

After she arrived at Menethil Harbor, she along with Varian, Broll, and a dwarf called Thargas Anvilmar, started their journey towards Ironforge.[16] On their way they were stopped by Vendellin Soulfire, a blood elf warlock sent to assassinate Varian. He placed the mark of Kathra’natir upon Valeera and by doing so caused the demon Kathra’natir to possess her.[17]

Because she was inflicted with the fel energies of a demon, her addiction was exacerbated. During Valeera’s lapses of self control, the demon would occasionally gain influence and take control of her body. When the group got to Ironforge, Lo’Gosh and Magni started to converse and they were secretly being followed by a bearded man. Valeera sensed arcane energy being manipulated and witnessed the man creating a dagger with the intent to kill Lo’Gosh. Valeera quickly subdued the man, but he transformed into a black dragon and fled. She was left behind in Ironforge to adjust from her withdrawal from magic while the rest of her companions embarked on a mission to rescue Marshal Windsor. Secluded in her room, the demon tried to take control of her body by feeding her feelings of abandonment, using visions of her deceased parents to verbally abuse her. But she regained control of her senses when a vision of Aegwynn told her she was not alone and that she had people like Broll and Varian who loved her. She later rendezvoused with Varian and Broll after their mission, informing them that she’s better and in control of herself again.[18]

When the group got to Stormwind City, she helped reveal Onyxia‘s treachery and traveled with King Varian back across the sea to finally kill Onyxia.[19] After the death of Onyxia, Varian offered both Broll and Valeera a permanent place in Stormwind, in which they could act as Varian’s bodyguards and advisers.[20] Valeera and Anduin convinced Varian that he should create peace between the Horde and the Alliance, but when the peace summit was about to happen, Broll was summoned to Darnassus which saddened Valeera. Aegwynn cheered her up telling her that she has talents but also burdens and responsibilities.[21] During the summit, Theramore was attacked by the Twilight’s Hammer cult. Although the Twilight Hammer’s attack was repelled; the peace summit was ruined and both the Horde and Alliance were left in distrust of one another.[22]

When the Scourge attacked Stormwind, Valeera stayed in Theramore to investigate the perpetrators of the ambush. Valeera made a deal with Garona to rescue her son Med’an in exchange for her cooperation in revealing the identities of her masters. She later partnered with Meryl Winterstorm and traveled with him to Ahn’Qiraj to save Med’an. They found Med’an, hanging on the dead body of the old god C’Thun and rescued him. But before they could get away from the ruins of Ahn’Qiraj, they were intercepted by Cho’gall who fell Meryl with one strike. Valeera absorbed some magic from Meryl and Med’an in order to grow strong enough to fend off Cho’gall, giving Med’an who just regained consciousness enough time to heal Meryl. Cho’gall was still too powerful to defeat and becoming desperate to stay alive, Valeera offered herself willingly to the demon inside her in order to use the demon’s power to fend off Cho’gall. When Meryl regained consciousness, he teleported them all away from Cho’gall. When they reached a secure location, Valeera who was possessed by Kathra’natir, lusted over Med’an’s power and tried to possess him but Med’an was able to reject Kathra’natir’s advances. Meryl who along with the Council of Tirisfal, had banished the demon Kathra’natir thousands of years ago. In order to lure the demon away from Valeera’s body, Meryl challenged the demon to possess his powerful magical body instead since he was unable to possess Med’an. As the demon tried to possess him, Meryl proved himself the stronger of the two wills and repressed the demon within his body. Meryl then asked Med’an and Valeera to never tell anyone about what happened between him and the demon.

She later aided the New Council of Tirisfal with recruiting new members, defending Theramore and aiding Med’an and Garona in battling Cho’gall. She was last seen at the funeral of Aegwynn.[23] She returned to Stormwind City[24] and remained there until around the time of the Lich King’s death.

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath of the Lich King This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

In the pre-launch World Event, at Stormwind Harbor, Valeera appeared underneath a statue complaining about the hospitality of the Alliance and urging the Alliance and Horde to remain focused on the threat of the Lich King.

Her appearance in Stormwind during the Scourge attack would later be contradicted by the events of the comic, where she helped Meryl Felstorm to save Med’an during that time.

Valeera also appeared in Tirisfal Glades next to Broll Bearmantle as part of the Wrath of the Lich King quest The Battle For The Undercity.


WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

It is implied by Broll Bearmantle during the War Against the Nightmare that her recent use of fel magic in her fight against Cho’gall may lead to a resurgence of her magical addiction.[25] When Broll visited Stormwind, he asked Varian about Valeera. Varian responded that the young blood elf left Stormwind a few weeks ago and no one knows where she is.[26]

Valeera pledged herself to House Wrynn, serving King Varian as his personal spy. Over the years, Anduin also used her to send messages without Varian knowing.[27]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Valeera in Hall of Shadows.

Now one of the Uncrowned, Valeera is within the sewers of Dalaran in the secret Hall of Shadows. She aids in the defeat of Akaari Shadowgore and the retrieval of the Fangs of the Devourer.

When the Uncrowned begins looking into the suspicious activities of SI:7 and Mathias Shaw, Valeera works on deciphering an encrypted letter that had been clutched in the hands of the dead Amber Kearnen and asks that the rest of the Uncrowned work to throw SI:7 off her trail.[28] Eventually, Valeera discovers the location of the Raven’s Eye, a gem created by Havi long ago for his pet ravens Huginn and Muninn and then taken by Kur’talos Ravencrest. With the Raven’s Eye, she could decipher the message that Amber Kearnen had held.[29] A fellow Shadow of the Uncrowned retrieves it for her from Black Rook Hold.[30] After deciphering Kearnen’s message, Valeera and the Uncrowned learn that Shaw has been replaced by the dreadlord Detheroc.[31]

When Magni called upon the champions of the Armies of Legionfall to draw the corruption out of the Sword of Sargeras, Valeera carried The Kingslayers,  [Anguish] and  [Sorrow], if the player was not a rogue, representing the Uncrowned.[32]

Before the Storm

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Having remained close to the Wrynns and now serving as Anduin‘s personal spy and deliverer of secret messages that even Mathias Shaw didn’t know about, Valeera was tasked by Anduin to send a letter to Baine Bloodhoof about initiating a meeting between Forsaken and their living relatives. Although Valeera admired Anduin’s optimistic efforts to make the Horde and Alliance true allies, she cautioned him to be careful as it is likely that many would not support it.[33]

Valeera later reported back to Anduin that Perith Stormhoof had refused to accept Anduin’s letter out of fear it would endanger his chieftain. However, she also noted that there is a chance that he may still tell Baine Bloodhoof the contents of the message. She also gave Anduin a letter from Baine which told Anduin he was pressured by Sylvanas Windrunner to cut off all contact with him, as well as a small piece of Baine’s horn to serve as a memento of their friendship. As Anduin lamented that his pool of trusted comrades was growing smaller, Valeera reassured Anduin that he can always count on her friendship but warned him as king, he cannot afford to trust unwisely.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Continuing to serve as a messenger between Baine and the Alliance, Valeera informed Jaina Proudmoore that Baine wanted to meet her outside the ruins of Theramore to right a wrong that the Horde had inflicted on the Proudmoore family. Jaina initially didn’t trust Valeera, until Mathias Shaw reminded her that Valeera had been a trusted friend of Varian.[34]


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Battle for the Undercity ?? 801,300
Hall of Shadows 99 – 110 5,047,846
Val’sharah 110 15,589,005
B [110] The Speaker’s Call 113 17,258,805


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.


World of Warcraft: Comic

  • “As a babe, I drank in magic with my mother’s milk. I didn’t ask to be dependent on it. And it helped me to survive! What right does Broll have to blame me for the choices of my people or the circumstance of my birth?
  • “And yet…I can hear little else over the demon’s cries and promises! Can it truly stop the ogre? Do I dare let it try? I’m no Warlock! Once it’s loosed, I can’t hope to control it! Broll would say better to die than free it.”
  • “I’m not! Well, okay… I am young for an elf, but our kind age differently than you humans do.” (Clearing Lo’gosh’s confusion)
  • “I am neither Horde nor Alliance. What has either faction ever done for me?”
  • “My loyalties are personal– To King Varian and to his son!”
  • We can be trusted Broll. To fight as we choose with all our powers with mind and body. To know our friends from our enemies. And to avenge all slights against us. You can place your trust in that!”
  • “Nothing is worse than betraying those you love!”
  • “I take my anger out on our enemies! Unlike some grouches…”[35]
  • “My whole race was nearly exterminated by the Scourge. Those who survived and fought in partnership with the Alliance were betrayed. Was it so wrong, then, to ally with Illidan and the naga… to save the few who remained?”[7]

World of Warcraft

Valeera at Stormwind Harbor.

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath of the Lich King This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

I heard the Horde is amassing its own army to head to Northrend. HOPEFULLY your Alliance and the Horde can focus their aggression on the real threat. You know, instead of each other?
Somehow I think that’s unlikely to happen, if my experience here is any indication. Your people have been SO welcoming to me.
<Valeera mutters angrily to herself.>


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Main article: The Final Shadow#Notes
Main article: A Worthy Blade#Notes
Main article: The Shadows Reveal#Notes
Main article: A Matter of Finesse#Notes
Main article: Closing In#Notes
Main article: Traitor!#Notes
Main article: Return to the Chamber of Shadows#Notes
Main article: Throwing SI:7 Off the Trail#Notes
Main article: Maw of Souls: Ancient Vrykul Legends#Notes
Main article: The Raven’s Eye (quest)#Notes
Main article: Off to Court#Notes
Main article: In Search of the Eye#Notes
Main article: Black Rook Hold: Into Black Rook Hold#Notes
Main article: Deciphering the Letter#Notes
  • Of course I will serve as your champion. In for a copper in for a gold as they say. We work well together. I bring out the best in you.[36]
  • My loyalties are my own.
  • The pleasure is mine.
  • I wouldn’t cross me if I were you.
  • Let’s talk.
  • Do you prefer your entrails cut julienne, or brun mars?
  • I will be your death!
  • You seriously do NOT want to cross me!
  • They’ll never see me coming.
  • Farewell.
  • Without a trace.
  • Al diel shala.

Details here.


Official Overview

Valeera Sanguinar

Orphan. Thief. Gladiator. Assassin. Rogue.

Orphaned at a young age, the blood elf Valeera Sanguinar spent her youth stealing to survive. After being imprisoned for a failed theft, she was sold to Rehgar Earthfury, a trainer of fierce gladiators, who saw great fighting potential in Valeera. Rehgar grouped Valeera with the night elf druid Broll Bearmantle and a mysterious but fierce human male, who had no memory of who he was or how he arrived in orc territory.

After arriving in Orgrimmar, Valeera, Broll, and the human fought together out of necessity; otherwise they wouldn’t survive the gladiatorial contests in the ancient Dire Maul arena. They quickly warmed up to each other. With Valeera’s speed, Broll’s shape-shifting prowess, and the human’s skill, the trio would conquer any gladiators they faced. The human even earned a name for himself: “Ghost Wolf,” or Lo’Gosh in the Tauren tongue.

Eventually, the three unlikely allies escaped from their life of slavery. With help from Jaina Proudmoore and her advisor Aegwynn, they were able to dispel some of the dark magics blocking Lo’Gosh’s memories. Lo’Gosh was able to remember that he was in fact Varian Wrynn – the lost King of Stormwind! Together, the group journeyed to Stormwind to reclaim Varian’s rightful place on the throne.

When they journeyed to Stormwind, they discovered that a doppelganger was acting as king in Varian’s place. The doppelganger king was being controlled and manipulated by one of his own advisors: Lady Katrana Prestor—the black dragon Onyxia in human form. Seeing her dark magic blocking Varian’s true memories had been pierced, Onyxia revealed her true form and attempted to destroy the heroes. After a fierce battle, Valeera, Varian, Broll, and others vanquished Onyxia and freed Varian’s son Anduin from the dragon’s clutches.

With Stormwind’s rightful king on the throne, Varian offered Valeera and Broll honored places in Stormwind as his trusted advisors and bodyguards. Valeera accepted, but later made her intentions clear: She would serve neither the Horde nor the Alliance, and her loyalties would lie only with Varian and Anduin. In Stormwind, Valeera finally had a place she could call home, alongside the friends she had grown to love.

Valeera’s skills as a Rogue are nigh unmatched; her grace and dexterity allow her to easily flow from one opponent to the next in the heat of battle. Her Hero Power allows her to summon her favored weapons: A pair of wicked daggers.

If you leave her an opening, Valeera can Eviscerate her opponent—or any minion that may stand in her way. Valeera’s fighting style capitalizes on her speed, commonly striking an opponent with a flurry of successive blows to bring them down. When she creates a card Combo, her class-specific Rogue attacks often strike for additional damage, or produce some other useful effect. Don’t take your eyes off this Rogue for a moment![1]


  • “I am neither Horde nor Alliance. What has either faction ever done for me?”

Details here.


Valeera in Inisfree:

After meeting Auz and learning of his city’s views, she asked if she might see it for herself.  It was there, not weeks later, that she met and befriended other well-aged elves, such as Naurhin, Tauriel, and the Windrunner triplets.  They hang out in Inisfree’s greenbelts, tree-house mansions, and the forest temple nearby.

She prefers the palaces neighborhood when visiting our city, as it reminds her of the architecture and decor of her Blood Elves homeland.


2022 Update:

She is a an eight-year veteran (guest) of Auz and Inisfree, and one of his adoring wives since 2015.  The two have made passionate love together many times in the palaces she frequents in his city.  She uses her sneaking and thieving talents on his behalf, always in the Outlands, never even considering trying them inside Inisfree or against any of its allies; she loves him and them that much –just like they love her.

If you want to see her impressive moves in person, you can sometimes find her practicing them in the Parkour Playground.



How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates:

2023 September/+: